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Internet censorship in China

1. What is your age?

What is your age? 18 to 24
Less than 18
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 to 64
65 to 74
75 or older

2. Do you know about censorship in China?

Do you know about censorship in China? Yes, a lot
Yes, a little bit or I'm not sure
Nothing at all

3. Do you think, is there too much control of Internet censorship in

Do you think, is there too much control of Internet censorship in China? Yes
I don't know

4. Is it okay that there is a censorship in China?

Is it okay that there is a censorship in China? Yes, but not so much
Yes, and it should be even stronger
No, they should have freedom of speech

5. Would you like to live in China?

Would you like to live in China? Yes


6. Do you think that people in China are "suffering" because of that

Do you think that people in China are "suffering" because of that censorship? Yes
Most of them even don't know about the limits

7. If you were Chinese government, what would you do with Internet


If you were Chinese government, what would you do with Internet censorship? Don't change
Make it stronger, make it better
Remove it at all
Reduce it
Your own answer:

8. Do you care about censorship in China?

Do you care about censorship in China? Yes
Not so much

9. Do you ever participate in discussions about censorship in China?

Do you ever participate in discussions about censorship in China? Yes, often
Only few times

10. Rank the level of censorship in the following countries:

North Korea

Post USSR countries
European countries
African countries


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