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The difficulty is between False/No and Not Given.

Heres the difference:

NO: If the statement clearly CONTRADICTS (is the OPPOSITE of) the claims of the writer.
NOT GIVEN: If it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this. You may find some information
in the passage around the ideas of the statement but there are no specific words that either clearly
reflect or contradict the writers views on this idea in the passage.
FALSE: If the statement clearly CONTRADICTS (is the OPPOSITE of) the information
NOT GIVEN: If there is no CLEAR specific information about the statement that neither agrees nor
contradicts the information in the statement.
So here are the Techniques for answering T/F/NG and Y/N/NG:
Read each statement carefully and look for key words in each statement that you can scan for in the
passage. Prepare to look for similar words or expressions to those key words (they most likely wont be
the exact same words).
Take note of comparisons ( is like, more than, less than, bigger, etc) or qualifying expressions (a lot,
many, little, not, most, some, much, slightly, never, sometimes, often, etc.) Once you have located the
right sentences about the statement READ CAREFULLY and compare it to the statement.
If you can clearly see the statement reflects whats written in the passage, choose TRUE.
If youre unsure check to see if it says the opposite. If its not clear to be the opposite, you can guess
Not Given.

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