WT Assignment

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United College of Engineering & Research

Web Technology based Software Engineering Lab (ECS-652)

6th Semester
Lab Assignment

Write a program in HTML to display your CV on web browser.

Write a program in HTML to design your class time table.
Write a program in HTML to create an image as hyperlink.
Write a program in HTML to design different web pages which are connected using
hyperlinks. User can navigate to any webpage using these hyperlinks.
5. Create a web page by using Frame tag including internal and external linking with in
a page.
6. Create the registration form for online registration of a student with an
Institute/University by using Form Tag and its Components.
7. Write a program in JavaScript to design a calculator.
8. Write a program in JavaScript to validate email id and password.
9. Write a program in JavaScript design animated web pages.
10.Write a program in JavaScript to design an objective question paper which will be
automatically submitted after one minute.
11.Create an XML document for a vehicle, where a vehicle can be classified as twowheeler, four-wheeler and six-wheeler. Necessary attributes are to be included in the
12.Perform client-side validations for the registration form for online registration of a
student with an Institute/University that was designed in Assignment 2. Flash a
message Form Validated on the screen as soon as all the fields/controls on the
form get validated.
The following validations for different fields/controls are to be done:
a. Name (First, Middle, Last Name) must not be blank, must contain only
alphabets, length of the
Field must not exceed 50 characters.
b. Fathers Name (same as above)
c. Sex/Gender one of the options must be selected
d. Category one of the options must be selected
e. Address (Multiple Lines-separate/combined)
i. Line 1(House No.) - must not be blank
ii. Line 2 (Street)
iii. Line 3 (Locality) - must not be blank
iv. Line 4 (Milestone) - optional
f. City - one of the options must be selected/ must not be blank, must contain
only Alphabets
g. State - one of the options must be selected/ must not be blank, must contain
only Alphabets
h. Country - one of the options must be selected/ must not be blank, must
contain only alphabets
i. Pin Code - must contain only numeric characters, size must not exceed 6
j. E-mail format must be validated

k. Date-of-birth - format must be validated, must be a valid date (a date prior

to a specific date)
l. Telephone No - must contain only numeric characters, a hyphen or a +
sign, size must not exceed 15
m. Educational Qualifications (Multiple Controls)
i. Certificate/Degree - must not be blank
ii. Board/University - must not be blank
iii. College/Institute - optional
iv. Year of Passing - must not be blank, only numeric & size not greater
than 4
v. Subjects/Discipline - optional
vi. Percentage/Grade/Percentile Index - must not be blank, only
numeric or a (.)Character
Submit & Reset Buttons
Check all validations and set focus to the topmost field not validated after
flashing an
Appropriate error message.
13.Create a style Sheet in CSS/XSL and display the document on web browser.
14.Perform CASE STUDY on any of the following topics:
Payroll System.
(ii) Banking System.
(iii) Purchase Order System
(iv) Library Management System.
(v) Railway Reservation System
(vi) Bill Tracking System
(vii) College Admission System
(viii) School Management system.
(ix) Office Automation System.
(x) Hotel Management System
CASE STUDY includes: Feasibility Study, SRS, DFD, ER- Diagram, Test cases and
Test plans.
15.Develop a mini web project on your Choice.

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