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Serves & Preserves : Indigenous Gir Breed Cows where Gaumutra (Cow-Urine) is

Package of Practice at Herbal Hills Gaushala
Organic Certified feed
Ayurvedic treatment & Nutritional good quality food e.g. Maize, Turuchuni, Sarkee seeds, Dry
grass, Jwara kadba, Sugarcane, etc, & Ayurvedic Supplement on regular basis.
Free space for cows to wander along the forests near the farms in the morning for 6 hrs, which
helps in proper digestion & thereby gives quality milk & residue.
Daily fumigation in the form of Agnihotra etc.

Products :
Ghee (Clarified Butter, Ghrut) prepared by conventional method so CLA conjugated linolic acid is
more which helps to boost immunity. The entire ghee produced in Gaushala is used in Herbal Hills
Medicated Ghee formulation.

As per Ancient knowledge :

Cow urine has a unique place in Ayurveda and has been described in 'Sushrut Samhita' and 'Ashtanga
Sangraha' to be the most effective substance/secretion of animal origin with innumerable
therapeutic values.

Cow Urine Approved by Modern Science :

C.U.D. Cow Urine distillate which is :1.

Bio Enhancer [ US Patent No. 6896907 ]


Availability Facilitator [ US Patent No. 6896907 ]


Re-distilled Cow Urine Protects & / or Repairs DNA from oxidative damages [ Chinese
Patent No. 100475221 ]

Benefits :


Cancer & HIV

Heart Disease


Destroys harmful germs

Joint pains


All troubles of Liver

Blood purifier

Effective for Fertility

Women's problem

* [ Source of collections Particular Articles & Data with images : Section Articles from herbal hills ]

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