Satisfaction Survey

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Answer the questions:

1. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being exceeded my expectations and 5 being

was far below my expectations, please indicate the number this course
ranked. If you wrote a 3-5, please provide input as to where the
training fell short of your expectations.
2. During the course, I found the most informative and beneficial topic
a) Pinterest in my class
b) Why Pinterest
c) Action plan
d) Other: (Please fill in your own response)
3. I would like to learn more about? (Please fill in the types of
trainings and other learning opportunities you would like to see in the
4. If you could change a part of this course, what would it be and what
would you do differently?

5. Comparing your previous perception of your prior expectations to

this course to now having had the course, please circle the answer that
best matches your opinion.
a) I felt the course helped tremendously and I have a better
understanding of social media resources to engage into the class.
b) I felt the course was helpful, but I already knew some helpful social
media resources to use in the class.
c) I felt the course was not helpful.
d) Other: (Please fill in your own response)

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