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Institutional Research

Channel 4

Channel 4
Channel 4 is a British public service telivision broadcaster which began in 1982.
It was owned originally owned by the Independent Broadcasting Authority
(IBA)however is now owned by Channel 4 Television Company.
The channel was established to provide a fourth television service to the United
Kingdom in addition to the TV licence-funded BBC's two services and the single
commercial broadcasting network, ITV.
Channel 4 works across television, film and digital media to deliver our public
service remit, as outlined in the 2003 Communications Act and most recently
the 2010 Digital Economy Act.
Channel 4 is not shareholder owned. Channel 4 is a statutory corporation,
independent of Government, and governed by a unitary board made up of
executive and non-executive directors, who are responsible for ensuring that
Channel 4 fulfils its remit and delivers its financial responsibilities. Nonexecutive directors are appointed by OFCOM in agreement with the Secretary
of State for Culture, Media and Sport.

Existing programmes

Channel 4s other Channels

These channels could be used as other platforms to advertise my soap which would
attracts wide audience as these channels cover a wide range of television. As the
channel has so many different sub channels this creates brand identity and therefore
having my soap on the channel would already attract potential viewer as they may be
loyal audiences to this channel.

My Soap Channel 4
As I have discovered fro my research channel 4 produces
a lot of documentaries. This therefore means there is a
niche gap in their production for a soap like mine. This
would widen the channels target audience as although
they already produce Hollyoaks I feel like the sub
genres of mine and Hollyoaks differ and would attract
different audiences.
As channel 4 is a modern company I believe they would
be able to use there additional platforms such as
twitter/4OD to synergise with my product and effectively
advertise it.

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