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1) Product Demo Animations followed by Testing

a. 1 Animation
b. CD
c. Online Testing overview
d. Lecture Videos
2) Customer Reviews (Problems faced by students or the demand and
how we fulfilled it)
3) Team Iitians, ex-IT consultants
4) Mentors
5) Vision to build supplemental
6) Market Opportunity (Target segment, competitors, 2x 2 matrix)
7) Products
8) IT consulting mainly for intervention and cash flows
9) Animations and assessments differentiators
a. What are the advantages which are helping us achieve the vision of
the company?
Revenue model white-labeled B2B
for B2b2C (schools, coaching institutes)
For B2C
Progress till date: Milestone chart
B2C as a potential opportunity B2B2C, acquisition channels
Unit Economics acquisition cost/customer for different business
- Revenue vs acquisition cost
- Direct Cost (cost of channel partners)
Net Margin = Revenue Direct Cost > acquisition cost
a. Revenue will increase because of these reasons
b. Acquisition Cost will decrease
Financial Predictions:
a. B2B services & products, B2C services & services
Channel partners: schools, institutes, publishers etc. will become more flexible
How has it grown till now?
And how will it grow going forward (in 5 years)?

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