The Burning Summary CH 11

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Felipe Bento Oliveira

The Burning summary Ch 11

After Maeve had talked with Rob and they combined to drink one coffee. Maeve, Kate
and Sam went sent to local where the first murder occurred. Rob accompanied they for help in
investigation. After wait one time in car, Kate resolved out of the car and walk a little. Rob went
check a stranger approaching cart. He verified and discovered what the car was stolen. While
walking Kate found a man, he was delivery pizza. Maeve remembered that in all local the
murder had one delivery pizza. She went to meet Kate, but someone knocked on her head and
she fainted. Rob asked police reinforcement and the pizza was arrested.
Maeve and Kate foram levadas para o hospital. O entregador de pizza confessou ter
matado quatro pessoas.
Louise put Gil out of the house because she wanted time alone. Gil returns home from
Louise. He hands to Louise one gift, earrings. but he require her to return the Rebecca's earrings .
It's not delivery and Gil rape Louise.

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