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Name: ___________________________________

Date: __________________________

Grade: -___


1. Match a sentence in part A to the

evidence in part B. (15 marks)

a. The lights arent on in Janes house.


b. Houses in prehistoric times didnt have

1) John might have broken it.

2) He cant have revised.

any heating.


c. Sue looks very depressed.


3) She must have gone on holiday.

d. The CD player isnt working.


4) She cant have passed her exam.

e. Hes got a cut on his face.


5) He must have had a fight.

f. Matt got a D in his exam.


6) They must have been very cold

2. Write what each person should and shouldnt have done. (20 marks)
0 He ate five sandwiches and now he feels ill.
He shouldnt have eaten so much.
1 She didnt work very hard and didnt pass her exams.
2 My mum made twenty sandwiches but we cant eat them all.
3 He didnt look for a job and now he has no money.
4 They woke up late and missed the bus.
5 They went to a party but had a terrible time.

3. Match a sentence in part A to a response in

part B. ( 15 marks)

b. Jim made Molly cry.


c. She bought a jacket for 100.


a. My dads car broke down.

d. They went to the party in


strange clothes.


e. My friend had to see his teacher. ...............

2) He should have checked the gasoline.

f. I had to stay at home.

3) He shouldnt have got into trouble at school.



4) My parents should have let me go to the party.

1) They should have looked better.

5) She shouldnt have spent so much money.

6) He should have been nicer to her.

4. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb in Present Perfect Continuous.

(20 marks)


There are a lot of great surfers in Hawaii, but one of the best is a local boy Reeve Hammond. Our magazine Surfing
Weekly caught up with him last weekend while he was competing in a championship.
SW: How long ______________________ (surf) ?
RH: I ________________________ (ride) boards since I was a baby.
SW: What is so exiting about surfing?
RH: I love the ocean. As a child I used to watch the waves rolling in.
SW: How important is competing to you?
RH: Its really important. I ___________________ (compete) for about 6 years.
SW: What do you expect from last years winner John Sheridan?
RH: Well, he is a tough competitor, He ____________________ (win) for the last 3 years. Anyway Ill do my best.
SW: What is next after Hawaii?
RH: I ___________________(practice) for the world tour. I hope I can get there in shape.

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition for or since. ( 15 marks)
1. I have been studying ___________ 3 hours.
2. I have been watching TV __________ 7pm.
3. Tara hasn't been feeling well __________ 2 weeks.
4. Tara hasn't been visiting us __________ March.
5. He has been playing football __________ a long time.
6. He has been living in Bangkok _________ he left school.

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