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Red Cotton Dress

By: Jelena Miti

Crocheted dress from a Russian book of needlework

Cotton thread for hook no. 3, about 600 gr, hook no. 3

Step 1 Front piece Part A (from waist up)

To make the front part of the dress start crocheting the pattern a little below
the waist (part A on the diagram) from bottom to top. For my size (36 / small)

you need to repeat the sequence 5 times. For other sizes you will need to make a
sample to determine the width.

Step 2 Part B cups

After comleting part A, begin crocheting the
cups (B) separately rows of double
crochet stitches with 3 double crochet

finished together in the middle of the cup.

Step 3 Part C skirt

Now you can start the skirt C, attaching
the thread to the lower edge of part A.

Continue in the same pattern as part A and

as the skirt goes longer, widen it

proportionally in the shape of your hips by

adding extra double crochet stitches in the group of five.
In the picture you can see the first 3
rows of part A (top of picture) and

below them (in the shape of an eye) is

the beginning of part C the skirt
which is crocheted downwards.

After finishing the skirt, make the

back piece in the same way but
without parts B.

Sew the front and back together.

Step 4 Straps
For straps attach the thread to one cup peak
and crochet a chain of desirable length, then

crochet one row of single crochet with picots

at every 7th stitch. Crochet another row of

single cr, and picots in the opposite direction.

Make nother strap in the same way. Sew the
straps to the back of the dress.
Step 5 Edging and finishing

To make the lower edge of the skirt do single

crochet stitches with a picot after every 7th
stitch. Do the same on the upper part of the

dress around bust line, under arms and back.

Finally, sew elastic band on the inside of the

upper back side and under arms for a better

fit around your body because cotton gets loose
after some time of wearing it.

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