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a96_ Chapter 6 Using Enony | ea ving he spot ub detsmine e ng ae er ges at yd othe whe gs Ts dg (@) water at p = 020 bar, = 43708 Keg K. Find fy in tin. (o) water at p = 10 bar, thks K | (@ Retigerant 134a at T = ~25°C, x Sing K (@) ammonia at T= 20°C tks 6A Using the appropriate table, determine the change in | “Specie entopybetneen the specified tte, in Bu eR (o) wates,7 | OTR (&) Refrigerant 1340 h, vapor at ps = 40 bin? i (©) vay an ideal 35,7, py tam {iy carbon diode as an ideal gs, 7; = S20, p= 2 at, T= TPE p= 3 am 65 Using IT, determine the pectic entropy of water atthe [| Sombie ated fo appropiate tale “g)_ (© Speci entropy in kg or te ess of Prob lem 6 il, (8) Specific entropy. in Bf -°R, for the cases of Prob- joke “J Ong 1, pat Hi, 64. Compe he eats sin i Using Pith those obtained sing the appropriate abe 31244 kdikg. Find s, in 18, Find 5, in 5.0849 Keg + K. Find 1 in 1000 Ibtlin2, 7; = 800°F, ps = 1000 Ibt/in2, {191 Btu, 7; = —40°F, saturated 40, py = 2 atm, Ts = 420°R, (6.7 Using steam table data, determine the indicated property ‘data for a process in which there is no change in specific tentropy between state I and state 2. In each ease, locate the states on a sketch of the T-s diagram. (0) T; = 40°C, 81 = 100%, py = 150 kPa. Find 7, in °C, and Bh, in Khe. () 7, = 10°C, x = 75%, pp = 1 MPs. Find 7, in °C, and ‘Aw, in IM, 68 Using the appropriate table, determine the indicated property for process in which there is no change in specific entropy between state 1 and state 2 (a) water, py = 147 Ibtfin?, T, = S00'R, pa = 100 tbffin? Find 7, in °F. (b) water, 7; = 10°C, x; = 0.5, saturated vapor at state 2 Find pz in bat (©) air as an ideal gas, 7) = 27°C, py = 15 bar, Th = TC, Find py in bar. i (@) air as an ideal gas, Ty = 100°F, py = 3 atm, p; = 2 atm , Find 7; in "F (@) Refrigerant 134a, 7; = 20°C, p: = 5 bar, py = 1 bar. Find vy in Pkg “9969 Using 17 oan the property data requested in) Problem 167, (b) Problem 68, and compare with data obtained from the appropriate table. {6:10 Propane undergoes a process from state 1, where pi = 1 ‘MPa, T; = 60°C, to state 2, where p; = L0 MPa, during which the change in specific entropy is. ~ s, = —0085 Kiikg « K ‘At state 2, determine the temperature, in °C, and the specific enthalpy, in keg, GAL Air in a piston-cylinder assembly undergoes @ process from state 1, where T; = 300 K, py = 100 kPa, to state 2, where T, = 500 K, p; = 650 KPa. Using the ideal gas mode! for air, determine the change in specific entropy between these states, in kifeg - K, if the process occurs (a) without internal irreversibilties, (b) with internal irreversibilties. 6.42 Water contained in a closed, rigid tank, initially at 100 Ibf/in2, 800°F, is cooled to final state where the pressure js 20 Ibflin? Determine the change in specitic entropy, in [Btullb «°R, and show the process on sketches of the T-v and T-s diagrams ; 6:3 One-quarter Ibmol of nitrogen gas (Nz) undergoes 2 provess from py = 20 Ibfin?, T; = S00*R to pa = 150 Ibi.” For the process W = —$00 Buu and Q = ~1259 Buu. Employing the ideal gas model, determine () Ta inR (b) the change in entropy, in BtuFR. Show the initial and final states on a 7s diagram, 6.4 One Kilogram of water contained in # piston-cylinder assembly, initially at 160°C, 150 kPa, undergoes an isothermal compression process to saturated liquid, For the process, W = “4715 KI. Determine for the process, / een / eee | Show the process on a sketch of the 7-s diagram. 6.43 One-tenth kmot of eatbon monoxide (CO) in a piston cylinder assembly undergoes a process from p = 150 kPa, ‘T, = 300 K to ps = 500 kPa, 7; = 370 K. For the process, |W = —300 kJ. Employing the ideal gas model, determine (@) the heat transfer in Kd. (b) the change in entropy, in KIIK. Show the process on & sketch of the T-s diagram, 6.6 Argon in a piston-cylinder assembly is compressed from state 1, where T; = 300 K, V; = 1m, to state 2, where T, = 200 K. If the change in specific entropy is ~ 51 = 027 kiikg »K, determine the final volume, in m’. Assume the ideal ges model with k = 1.67 647 Steam enters a turbine operating at steady state at 1 MP2, 200°C and exits at 40°C with quality of 83%. Stray heat transfor and kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible ‘Determine (a) the power developed by the turbine, in KI per kg of steam flowing, (b) the change in specific entropy from inlet to exit, in kWK per kg of steam flowing. 6.18 Answer the following true or false. Explain, (2) The change of entropy of a closed system is the same for every process between two specified states. (b) The entropy of a fixed amount of an ideal gas increases in every isothermal compression. ——<$ 338 Chapter 6 Using Entropy 6.30 Figure P630 provides the T-s diagram of a Carnot refrigeration cycle for which the substance is Reftigerant {da. Determine the coefficient of performance. reo) star cosy Fig. P6.30 46331 Figure P6.31 provides the T-s diagram of a Carnot heat ppurnp cjele for which the substance is ammonia, Determine the net work input required, in kJ, for 50 eycles of operation ‘and 0.1 kg, of substance. 20 bar bse Fig. P63 6.32 Air in a piston-cylinder assembly undergoes & Carnot ‘power cycle. The isothermal expansion and compression processes occur at 1400 K and 350 K, respectively. The pressures at the beginning and end of the isothermal Compression are 100 kPa and 500 kPa, respectively, Assuming, the ideal ges model with ¢, = 1.005 kifkg » , determine (@) the pressures atthe beginning and end of the isothermal expansion, each in kPa, (©) the heat transfer and work, in ki?kg, for each process. (6) the thermal efficiency EE 6.33 Water in a piston-cyinder assembly undergoes a Camo ‘power eyee. At the Beginning ofthe isothermal expansion, the Temperature is 250°C and the quality is 80%. The isothermal expansion continues until the pressure is 2 MPa.The adiabatic expansion then occurs to a final temperature of 175°C. (a) Sketch the ejele on T-s coordinates. (b) Determine the heat transfer and work in kifkg, for each (c) Evaluate the thermal efficieney. 6234 A Camot power eyele operates at steady state as shown in Fig, 515 with water as the working fluid. The boiler pressure is 200 Ibfin3, with saturated liquid entering and Exturated vapor exiting The condenser pressure is 20 Ibn.” (@) Sketch the cycle on T-s coordinates, (b) Determine the heat transfer and work for each process, in Btu per Ib of water flowing. (©) Evaluate the thermal efficiency. 6.35 Figure P635 shows a Carnot heat pump cycle operating at ‘steady state with ammonia as the working fluid, The condenser temperature is 120°, with seturated vapor entering, and saturated liquid exiting The evaporator temperature is 10°F, (@) Determine the heat transfer and work for each process, in Bru per Ib of ammonia flowing. (b) Evaluate the coefficient of performance for the heat pump. (6) Evaluate the coefficient of performance for a Carnot refrigeration cycle opersting as shown in the figure. ‘Applying the Entropy Balance: Closed Systems 16.36 A closed system undezgoes a process in whieh work is dong ‘on the system andthe heat transfer Q occurs only at temperature ‘Ty For each case, determine whether the entropy change of the system is postive, negative, ero, or indeterminate. (@) internally reversible process, Q > 0. (b) internally reversible process, Q = 0. {) internally reversible process, O <0. (@) internal irreversibilities present, Q > 0. (6) internal irreversibilities present, O (internal ireversiblities present, Q <0. 6.47 Answer the following true or false, Explain, (@) A process that violates the second law of thermodynamies violates the first law of thermodynamics (6) When a net amount of work is done on a closed system tundergoing an internally reversible process, a net heat transfer of energy from the system also occurs. (©) One corollary of the second Jaw of thermodynamics states that the change in entropy of a closed system must be greater than 2270 oF equal to 2270. {@) A closed system can experience an inerease in entropy only when irreversibilities are present within the system daring the process (©) Entropy is produced in every internally reversible process of & closed system, ( In an adiabatic and internally reversible process of a closed system, the entropy remains constant. (g) The energy of an isolated system must remain constant, but the entropy can only decrease. ys UU 3} Condenser Tubine Compress Problems: Developing Engineering Skills 339 Fig. P6.35 638 One Ib of water contained in a piston-cylinder assembly, initially saturated vapor at 1 atm, is condensed at constant pressure to saturated liquid. Evaluate the heat transfer, in ‘Btu, and the entropy production, in Blur, for (@) the water as the system, (b) an enlarged system consisting of the water and enough of the nearby surroundings that heat transfer occurs only at the ambient temperature, 80°F, ‘Assume the state of the nearby surroundings does not change during the process of the water, and ignore kinetic and potential energy, 639 Five kg of water contained in a piston-ylinder assembly expand from an initial state where 7 = 400°C, p; = 700 kPa to a final state where T; = 200°C, p: = 300 kPa, with n0 significant effects of kinetic and potential energy. The accompanying table provides additional data at the two states. It is claimed that the water undergoes an adiabatic process between these states, while developing work. Evaluate this claim, state yet) akg) _ Mh) 1400 700 0.4397 2960.9 3268.7 2 200 300 oso 2650.7 28655 6.40 Two m? of air in a tigi, insulated container fitted with @ paddle whee! is initially at 293 K, 200 kPa. The air receives ‘710 ki by work from the paddle wheel. Assuming tho ideal gas model with c, = 0.72 kitky + K, determine for the air () the mass, in kg, (b) final temperature, in K, and (6) the ‘amount of entropy produced, in KI/K. G41 Air contained in a rigid, insulated tank fitted with a ade whect, initially at 1 bar, 330 K and a volume of 193 m, receives an energy transfer by work from the paddle wheel in an amount of 400 ki. Assuming the ideal gas model for the air, determine (a) the final temperature, in K, (b) the final pressure, in bar, and (c) the amount of entropy produced, in IeIIK. Ignore kinetic and potential energy. 6A2 Air contained in a rigid, insulated tank fitted with a paddle whee, initially at 4 bar, 40°C and a volume of 0.2 m, is stirred until its temperature is 353°C. Assuming the ideal ‘gas model with = 14 for the air, determine (a) the final pressure, in bar, (b) the work, in kJ, and (¢) the amount of entropy produced, in KI/K. Ignore kinetic and potential energy. 6A3 Air contained in a rigid, insulated tank fitted with a paddle whee, initially at 300 K, 2 bar, and a volume of 2 m, is stirred until its temperature is 500 K. Assuming the ideal ‘88 model for the air, and ignoring kinetic and potential cenérgy, determine (2) the final pressure, in bar, (b) the work, in KJ and (¢) the amount of entropy produced, in ki/K, Solve using (a) data from Table A22, (6) constant c, read from Table A-20 at 400 K. ‘Compare the results of parts (a) and (b) 6.44 A rigid, insulated container fitted with « paddle wheel contains 5 Ib of water, initially at 260°F and a quality of 60%, ‘The water is stirred until the temperature is 350°F For the ‘water, determine (a) the work, in Btu, and (b) the amount of entropy produced, in Btu"R. 645 ‘Two kilograms of air contained in a pistom-cylinder assembly are initially at 15 bar and 400 K. Can a final state at 6 bar and 500 K be attained in an adiabatic process? 646 One pound mass of Refrigerant 1342 contained within a piston-cylinder assembly undergoes a process from a state where the temperature is 60°F and the refrigerant is saturated liquid to a state where the pressure is 140 Ibfin.” and quality is 50%. Determine the change in specific entropy of the refrigerant, in Btu/lb - *R. Can this process be accomplished adiabatically? —————— 3au Chapter 6 Using Entropy | gu suamaris tar sre nine atie 687 Apa i ht ea eS SS a aicmy at sendy sat and exis at 15 ba, 604 mls The in TPES? Sonor Oo from entering and exiting pea ee ug of steam flowing i laimed to bo seams of water #9700 OF “114.9 RW. The accompanying {tos eg. ©) 7659 Keg Can either claim be comeee?__teble proves et {or inlet 1 and exits 3 end 4 The pressure Explain. Sintet is {bar Stray heat transfer sd kinetic and potential se nic enters an inglaed turbine operating at steady state STS effessazenepigile, Evaluate the faventors Stim 0 A ae ene a1 bur HEPC: Neglecting kinetic ste Ag) pfin)_ 1CO. og) eee) RUA 2 agar Mmkenergy changes and essing the eal aS", y+ ago Sage Dap, 34 ro ‘model forthe ar, determine 3 £2 ote 26544 38705 75968 (a) the work developed, in KI pr kg of ar owing through * 7 too o773 hh and 7085 the turbine {() whether the expansion sinternally reversible irreversible or impossible. 683 Water at 20 bar, 400°C enters « turbine operating at steady sate and exits at 15 bar. Stray heat transfer and Hinetic and potential energy effects are neglisible. A hard- foread data sheet indicates that the quality at the turbine ‘nits 98%. Can this quality value be correct? IEmo, explain, Eyes, determine the power developed by the turbine, in KT per kg of water flowing, 0 Power out= 11749 EW 6.84 Air enters a compressor operating at steady state at 15 tbl ‘ind, 80°F and exits at 400°F Stray heat transfer and kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible. Assuming the Meat gas model for the sit, determine the maximum 688 Figure POS, provides steady-state operating data for a theoretical pressure at the exit, in Tbfin’ ‘well insulated device having steam entering at one location tad exiting at another. Neglecting Kinetic and potential energy effects, determine (a) the direction of flow and {&) the power output or input, as appropriate, in KT per ke of steam flowing, ig. P6.87 {6388 Propane at 0.1 MPa, 20°C enters an insulated compressor operating at steady state and exits at 04 MPa, 90°C [Nozlecting kinetic and potential energy effects, determine (@) the power required by the compressor, in KI per kg of propane flowing. {b) the rate of entropy production within the compressor, in KdIK per kg of propane flowing. 6.86 By injecting liquid water into superheated steam, the desuperheater shown in Fig, P6.86 has a saturated vapor ‘ee at its exit. Steady-state operating data are provided ! jn the accompanying, table. Stray heat transfer and all kinetic ‘Saturated vapor p= LOMPa and potential energy effects ace neyigible (a) Locate states aup= 100KPs T=320°C 1.2, and 3 on a sketch of the T-s diagram. (b) Determine Fig. P6.88 2, ant 3.093 Se be depts . Wisden ini eo ay gam en bid ae ‘state at 1000°F, 500 Ibffin? and a velocity ‘of 10 ft/s. At the ‘nozzle exit, the pressure is 14.7 Tbflin? and the velocity is 4055 un 0)_vnne)_stih) Na: Determine the at of xbory psn Bar pe Ses iia 99-0874 —_‘Toof team flowing 2 ge gues gam Gent | 3 TE satan, 7398 aga ntens 63575 690 ir at 400 KPa, 970 K enters a turbine operating at steady ‘state and exits at 100 KPa, 670 K. Heat transfer from the Turbine oceurs at an average outer surface temperature of Desupeteater 315 K atthe rate of 30 kl per kg of air flowing. Kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible. For air ax an ideal pas with cp = 11 kilkg *K, determine (a) the rate power is

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