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P2 University of Manchester Lesson Plan

Subject: ICT
Lesson context
Digital literacy

Class: Year 3
Childrens learning from
previous lesson S2b, S6b
Pupils have used application
software such as Microsoft
word and computer software
such as purple mash to create
typed documents This has
helped them to learn and
practise basic ICT skills.

Date: 6/11/14
Provision for inclusion (SEN, EAL, G&T, Beh,
GRT, LAC...) (S5d, S5b)
TA will work with two pupils with SEN to
create a joint piece of work.

Objective: what do I want the pupils to learn and how I will know they have learnt it?
Lesson objective
Success criteria: To be successful pupils
Differentiation (who will do what?)
link each activity to the success
criteria on the left (S5a)
To create a typed
I can access school online resources
TA will work with EJ and EK to create a
document about the I can type a number of sentences using
joint piece of work. They will use the
story Pandoras
the keyboard
Greek myths book by Marcia Williams
I can save my work to my folder on the
to support in remembering the story
network using save as
of Pandoras box. HA group will be
I can insert pictures and photographs
required to insert images from the
book from google images to make
their document even more attractive.
The HA pupils will save their work to
their folder, naming the file
Pandoras box.
Subject knowledge: what do I need to know in order to teach this lesson?
Concepts I will explain: S3a
I will model:
Talk pupils through the steps involved in creating a typed
document about the story Pandoras box.

Vocabulary I will use: S3a

Copy and paste
Purple mash
log ins (and
my laminated
Greek myths
books by

Pedagogy: teaching strategies I will use (S2d): eg talk

partners, investigation, active learning, games,
collaboration, IT.
Pair share what pupils remember about the story
Pandoras box.

Safety S1a
Ensure no pupils swing on
computer chairs
Remind pupils of e-safety


Formative assessment and feedback (S6)

To challenge and extend the

The HA pupils will have more challenging success criteria which

pupils my questions are: S1b,


requires them to insert images from the book from google images to
make their document even more attractive. The HA pupils will save
their work to their folder, naming the file Pandoras box. These pupils
will also be provided with an extension activity which requires them to
use connectives and speech bubbles for speech.

What techniques and

strategies am I using to assess
the learning? (S6b)

I will access pupils understanding of the story of Pandoras box from

the ideas offered from them pair-sharing ideas. I will be able to access
pupils ability to access purple mash, type accurately, save their work
and insert pictures and photographs by circulating between computer
stations during the main activity. The level of mastery in completing
this digital literacy activity will help inform me of pupils ability to
apply ICT skills they have learnt so far (typing correctly and changing
colour and font).

How and when we I give

oral/written feedback to the
pupil against the success
criteria so that they can
respond? (S6d, S2a)

I will provide verbal feedback to pupils responses to the question

what do you remember about the story Pandoras box? I will be able
to spot pupils who are struggling with the task when circulating
between computer stations and I will be able to give them further
explanations/instructions. I will seek opportunitys to praise pupils for
meeting the success criteria and to pinpoint areas for further
development in future digital literacy tasks.

Teaching and learning sequence: How will I teach this lesson? What will I do? The guide to my
lesson (S6a, S4 and S7)
(Think about behaviour management, timings, transitions and assessment leading to feedback)
Behaviour/timing What the teacher is doing
What the pupils are doing
leading to
Starter (2 mins)
Pupils will pair share what they
Pair-share what they remember about the
remember about the story Pandoras
story Pandoras box.
box. We will discuss their responses
and I will recap on the story for pupils
are less sure of the storyline.
Listen to teachers explanation.
Explain to pupils that they will produce
(10 mins)
a typed document about the story
Pandoras box using the skills they

Pair share and

class discussion
(5 mins)

Task instructions
(2 mins)

Main activity (40

Peer assessment
of work (2 mins)

have learned in previous ICT lessons

(e.g. typing accurately, changing size of
text, using spell checker to check work
and correctly using keys to produce
capital letters, full stops etc.) I will
explain that pupils are going to write
about the things they liked and disliked
about the story.
I will ask pupils to pair share some of
the things they liked and disliked about
the story and I will ask some pupils to
share their opinions to help spark ideas
within other class members. I will also
tell the pupils that they are required to
add photographs and pictures, adding a
page boarder and changing the colour
and font of the text.
I will demonstrate how to access the
resource purple mash. I will instruct
pupils to:
Go onto the school website
Log onto purple mash
Click on themes
Click on literacy
Click on myths and legends
Click on Pandoras box- your opinion
Use the word bank
Choose and insert pictures
Write about what you liked/disliked
Save in own folder
HAUse the photographs, insert as
appropriate to make your writing even
Save as Pandoras box, in own folder

Share their opinions on the story of

Pandoras box with their shoulder
partner and offer to share these opinions
with the class if asked.

Listen to instructions.

Complete digital literacy task to create a

typed document about the story
Pandoras box.

Pupils will complete the digital literacy


Pupils will peer access the typed

documents looking for correct key use
(capital letter, full stops etc.) and the
inclusion of a picture/photograph.


Pupils will peer access the typed

documents looking for correct key use
(capital letter, full stops etc.) and the
inclusion of a picture/photograph.

If finished all activities, complete

extension activity.

Plenary (5 mins)

For the extension activity, pupils will

click on Pandoras box- the story and
retell. This time including three
photographs and the word bank
(remembering to include connectives).
Also use the speech bubbles for
Pupils will be encouraged to read out
their work to the rest of the class.

Offer to read their work to the rest of the


Assessment : Identify the progress pupils have made in this lesson (S6)
Identify with a code any children who have exceeded or not achieved the success criteria for this
lesson. In the third column, indicate what you are going to do to meet each identified childs needs as
a result of assessments made.
Success criteria

Evaluation and reflection



What will you do to meet the needs of the

children identified through this

Evaluate the progress pupils made in this

lesson in relation to the success criteria (S6b)

What were the strengths and weaknesses of your

teaching? (4d, S8d)

List three actions you will now take to improve pupil progress through your teaching (4d, S8d)

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