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Subject: English

Class: 2 Baiduri
Language proficiency: Above average and average
No. of pupils:
Date/Day: 6th of July, 2010 / Monday
Time: 05.00ap (1 hour)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 8 The Animal World
Focused Skill: Speaking.
Integrated Skills: Listening

Learning Outcomes
2.2 Ask questions politely to obtain information and
1.5 Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to
main ideas, specific details and sequence.

Curriculum Specifications
2.2.3 Ask Wh questions to find out more information and
about identity, size, shape, colour, location, etc.
1.5.4 Listen to simple descriptions and recall details by
answering simple Wh questions.

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Ask and answer Wh questions correctly based on pictures of animals shown.
Write a riddle about an animal correctly.
Listen to and state the names of animal correctly based on the riddles heard.
Educational Emphases:
Thinking skills Reasoning
Multiple intelligences Interpersonal
Moral values Caring for animals

Language Content:
Grammar Adjective e.g. big, small, thin, fat and running
Sentence patterns : It is a big fat cat
Teaching Aids: Pictures card, PowerPoint
Previous Knowledge: They have learned the names of some animal.
Anticipated Problems:
Classroom management Monitoring students (pair and individual work)
Time management Students may probably exceed the estimated working time
Close monitoring on students while completing tasks.



(5 minutes)

Teaching-Learning Activity
1. Teacher shows the pictures of animals.
2. Teacher asks pupils questions based on the
picture card shown.

Q:What is this?
A: This is a cat.
Q: What colour is its fur?
A: It is white.
Q: What does it eat?
A: It eats fish.

3. Teacher asks pupils to guess the topic of

todays lessons.



To arouse pupils
To introduce the

Picture cards

Q: Can you give me other examples of

four legged animals?
Expected responses:
- Cat, Tiger, Elephant

(10 minutes)

Examples of Wh Questions and


1. Teacher shows pupils a picture of an

2. Teacher asks pupils a question based on
the picture of animal shown and display
the question on the PowerPoint slide.

Q: What is this?
A: This is a monkey
Q: What does it have?
A: It has long tail
Q: What does it eat?
A: It eats banana

To create active
participation and
pupils interest.

3. Pupils respond to teachers question and

teacher confirms the answer by
displaying the expected response to the
question on the PowerPoint slide.
4. Teacher repeats this process of asking
and answering questions with pupils to
demonstrate the use of Wh questions
based on a few picture cards of animals.

Picture cards
PowerPoint slides

To enrich pupils

To increase the
usage of pupils

(10 minutes)

Example of questions and responses

displayed on the board.
Q: What is this?
A: This is an elephant
Q: What does it have?
A: It has two tusks
Q: What does it eat?
A: It eats leaves and fruits

1. Teacher asks pupils to work in pairs.

2. Teacher gives each pair four picture cards
of animals.

To enrich pupils

3. Teacher tells pairs to take turns to ask

and answer Wh questions based on the
pictures cards given.

To stimulate
pupils creative

Picture cards

4. Pupils do the tasks as mentioned.

Q: What is this?
A: This is a tiger
Q: What does it have?
A: It has claws
Q: What does it eat?

A: It eats meat
Step 1
(15 minutes)

It meows
It has fur
It has long tail
It eats fish
What is it?
Answer: Cat
It is big and strong
It has big ears
It has two tusks
It eats leaves and fruits
What is it?

1. Teacher reads out a riddle to the pupils and

asks them to guess the animal based on
the description in the riddle.
2. Teacher pastes an example of the riddle
with the answer on the board.
3. Teacher read out another riddle and pupils
try to guess the name of animal described
in the riddle.

To increase the
pupils listening
To enrich pupils
To stimulate
pupils creative
Picture cards

Answer: Elephant
Step 2
(10 minutes)
Group work

1 Teachers divide the pupils in groups of four

and label them group A, B, C, D and so
2 The groups discuss to create and write the
riddle based on a picture card of an
animal given to the group.
3 Teacher goes around facilitating groups in
creating the riddles.

To develop
reasoning and

1. Teacher tells pupils that each group will

take a turn to read out their riddle for

Step 3
(15 minutes)

( 5 minutes)

Group work

1. Stating ones pet.

2. Moral value: Love animals.

another group to answer. Eg: Group A

reads the riddle and group B answer the
riddle. If the answer is correct, group B
scores 2 points. If not, the chance is
open for other groups to answer. The
group with the highest score is the
2. Groups take turns to read out, listen and
answer the riddles about animals and
teacher records the score on the board
for each turn.
3. Teacher announces the winner based on
the total scores shown on the board.

1. Teacher asks pupils randomly what their

pet is.

To develop
reasoning and

To cultivate the loving

attitudes towards

2. Teacher tells pupils to love animals.

3. Teacher summaries the lesson.

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