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power, poverty and


La Haine
Time code 00.33.5700.36.16
Description- Hubert gets home
to eat diner with his family his
sister and mother. When talking
with his mother, they mention
his brother being in prison and
the riots.
Conflict- when the family is sat
around the table eating dinner, in the
background the news is on TV its
showing the riots that happened a
night previously
This shows conflict within society;
- there are burning buildings
- News reporter is talking about a
missing gun.
Hubert wants to escape this life of
crime, he judges Vincent for becoming
destructive and full of hate, he does
not want to become this person he is
opposed to the life of crime, although
he can escape it. mother overlooks
his want of escape, she doesn'tt
believe it is possible

Power his mother has the

authority over her children.
dont argue with me
hands off the pots
As well as this, when they talk
to her, they have a sense of
respect towards her.
Poverty financial and
materialistic poverty is shown in
this sequence;
When talking about Hubert's
brother being in jail and he
wants to get a diploma, but
the mother is unable to afford
books for him. This clearly
shows that the family does
not have much of an income.
Even for basic necessities.
Hubert gives money to his
mother for electricity this
suggests that although we are
introduced into a loving
home, there is a sense of lack
of money and opportunity, so
Hubert has to help provide
money for the bills.
The fact that his brother has
gone to prison shows the lack
of opportunity and shows
signs of life of crime giving
up on education and turning
to illegal ways of satisfying

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