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MTE322 Winter 2015

Static Load Analysis


1. Problem 3-3 of the Norton Book

2. Problem 3-17 of the Norton Book. (There is one parameter missing in this problem, which is the
vertical distance from the pivot point to the handle. Use 3.5-in for this distance.)
3. Figure 1 shows a stationary shaft and pulley subjected to a 2000-lb static load. Determine all the
force/moment components applied at the shaded 1-in cross-section. Assume these forces/moments are
concentrated at the center of the cross-section.

Figure 1 A shaft and a pulley under loading

4. The bolt cutter shown in Fig. 2 has a link on each side of the jaws at D, so that the pins are in double
shear. The maximum allowable shear stress in the pins and links is 140 Mpa, while the maximum
allowable normal stress is 280 MPa. Determine the minimum pin diameter and suitable link
dimensions for a maximum force P of 250 N.

Figure 2 Bolt cutter pin design

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