PERF: TickCount 226061 Name OBootStrapper::Run Description Begin Function Operating System

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PERF: TickCount=226061 Name=OBootStrapper::Run Description=Begin function

Operating System version: 6.0.6000 . Platform ID: 2

Running on a 32-bit operating system.
Command line: F:\\US\\Office12US\Setup.exe /config
Parsing command line.
Handling command line option: /config
Config XML file specified: F:\US\\Office12delUS\config.xml
Parsing config.xml at: F:\US\\Office12delUS\config.xml
Preferred product specified in config.xml to be: PROHYBRIDR
Parsed setting: OEM with value: 1 in config.xml.
Parsed setting: REFERRAL with value: QW2E3T4B in config.xml.
Logging type verbose specified in config.xml.
Log directory: c:\system.sav specified in config.xml
Log file template: Office2007setup(*).txt specified in config.xml
Invalid value display level specified in config.xml: yes. Leaving display level
at: Full
Suppression of modal dialogs specified in config.xml.
Hide completion notice specified in config.xml.
No auto accept license specified in config.xml.
Log level changed from: Standard to: Verbose
Searching for best setup controller dll to load...
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Updates].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Access.en-us].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Catalog].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Excel.en-us].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Office.en-us].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Office64.en-us].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Outlook.en-us].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\PowerPoint.en-us].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\ProHybridr.WW].
Found setup controller dll at
Version [12.0.4518.1014].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Proofing.en-us].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Publisher.en-us].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Rosebud.en-us].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Updates].
Checking for setup controller dll at [F:\US\\Office12US\Word.en-us].
Verify file signature in "F:\US\\Office12US\Setup.exe"
"F:\US\\Office12US\Setup.exe" is verified to be a valid file
Verify file signature in "F:\US\\Office12US\ProHybridr.WW\OSETUP.DLL"
"F:\US\\Office12US\ProHybridr.WW\OSETUP.DLL" is verified to be a valid
Using setup controller dll at
PERF: TickCount=227246 Name=OBootStrapper::Run Description=Calling RunSetup
Opening log file c:\system.sav\Office2007setup(20091224142643B64).txt.
PERF: TickCount=227262 Name=RunSetup Description=Begin function
Catalyst execution began: 12/24/2009 14:26:43.
Parsing config.xml at: F:\US\\Office12delUS\config.xml
Preferred product specified in config.xml to be: PROHYBRIDR
Parsed setting: OEM with value: 1 in config.xml.
Parsed setting: REFERRAL with value: QW2E3T4B in config.xml.
Logging type verbose specified in config.xml.
Log directory: c:\system.sav specified in config.xml
Log file template: Office2007setup(*).txt specified in config.xml
Invalid value display level specified in config.xml: yes. Leaving display level
at: Full
Suppression of modal dialogs specified in config.xml.
Hide completion notice specified in config.xml.
No auto accept license specified in config.xml.
Setupexe Resiliency Mode is set to [PerformIfApplicable]; thus Resiliency is
[disabled] for the [InstallExecutionMode]
Searching for updated versions of resource files under the 'updates' folder
Found [0] resource files under the update folder.
Searching for default versions of resource files under the folder
Resource File Manager : Found (CultureTag=en-US) resource file at
Found [1] resource files under the default folder.
Resource File Manager : Current user's LCID is [1033].
Resource File Manager : Selecting resource file
(File=F:\US\\Office12US\Office.en-us\OSETUPUI.DLL) for CultureTag [en-US].
Setup temp foler set to [C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\Setup00000b64].
Running in [InstallExecutionMode]. Run from TEMP folder at
Copying setup UI dll from "F:\US\\Office12US\Office.en-us\OSETUPUI.DLL" to
Copying branding xml from "F:\US\\Office12US\Office.en-us\BRANDING.XML" to
Copying setup chm from "F:\US\\Office12US\Office.en-us\SETUP.CHM" to
Loaded resource file [C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\Setup00000b64\OSETUPUI.DLL]
Initializing branding xml at path
Loaded Dll : F:\US\\Office12US\ProHybridr.WW\OSETUP.DLL.
Catalyst version is : 12.0.4518.1014
JobExecutionMode is InstallExecutionMode.
PreReqCheck System Architecture is 0
Catalyst processor architecture check: The system is not IA64
Catalyst admin requirement check passed
Catalyst setup running enviroment check: another instance of setup.exe is running
Not showing message because suppress modal has been set. Title: 'Setup Errors',
Message: 'Only one instance of setup may be run at a time.'
Message returned: 1
Error: Catalyst boot time check failed Type: PreReqCheckFailure.
Catalyst execution finished: 12/24/2009 14:26:44. Return code: 30066. Exception
caught: PreReqCheckFailure.
PERF: TickCount=228494 Name=RunSetup Description=End function
Setup temp foler set to [C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\Setup00000b64].

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