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Stay cool
Past simple and present perfect simple

you yet
film Brad Pitt
the new


1 Use the words in the circles with the verb in

the box to make two sentences, one in the past
simple and one in the present perfect simple.

Icome I

4B you

the new
Brad Pitt
yesterday film

9 ................................. ............................................... ..


.!.~.~Y.~~!!!~.~~!'.~.~l!.~.!!!!l.~.~: .........................................

2 .~~Y:~~ .~~~~.~~~~ .~~~~l!.~ .~~!!!~. ~~~~!!~I!I:...................

............................................................................... ?

10 ................................................................................. .

............................................................................... ?

The definite article and zero article


>Complete the sentences with the

where necessary.

o'clock at

Do you play .... !~~ .... guilar?

Do you play .... ::-..... tennis?

Have you ever been to ........... Caribbean?

3 ............... ...... ....................... ... .................................. ...

2 It was li ght at four ' o'clock in ........... morn in g.

4 ......................................................................... .......... .

3 We spoke ........... English most of the time.


1,000 m



1,500 m

4 Did you go by ........... train?

5 Let's go to ........... Plaza Cinema. It's more

comfortable than ........... Empire.

6 Do you ever watch ........... foreign Al ms?

7 Why di d she leave ........... home?

5 ....................................................................................

6 ................................................................................... .

8 Did you visit ........... Pyramid when you were

in Egypt?

9 00 yo u study ........... music at sch ool?

I not the
school trip on
last year

never I
a school trip

7 ....................................... ............................................ .

10 ........... landslide which followed the stonn did

a lot of damage.

11 We had ........... vegetable curry and ........... rice.

........... curry was good but ........... rice

was cold.

12 ........... North Star was really bright last night.

lt was ........... brightest star in ........... sky.

8 .................................................................................. ..


Go for it )
Past simple and present perfect simple

Marco: Then

Tracey: How

I .......

Marco: Terriblel

(l /never/felt)


10 ..................................................................... .

(you/slow dow n)?

Marco: No,

11 ......................................

(l/not have)

enough time.
Tracey: Erm, Marco, how many lessons

J ..


Marco: Well," ................................................................. .

12............... .

................................... (you/have) so far?

Marco: Ten.

(the lesson/not start) very well. 1 turned left

Tracey: Why don't you try a different instructor?

instead of right and

Marco: I'll have to.


(hit) the


(there/be) a sharp

bend at the bottom.

embarra ed in my

whole lifel
Tracey: Why? Whal

9 .......................................

(you/get on)?

2 . . . . . . .

(1 /go down)

a Sleep hill in top gear. And

3;- Complete the conversation, putting the verbs

into the past simple or present perfect simple.
Marco: .!)'.~.i.I!!.!.~!!!!.. O/just/have) a driving lesson.

8 ......................................

6 ........................................

13 .... ........ ..................................... .

(Dan /just/refuse) to teach me any more.

(you/have) problems

He said it was too stressful!

with your right and left ever since

7......... . ......... ............. . ......... ..

(I/know) you.

Definite, indefinite and zero articles

4/ Complete the newspaper article with the or a/an where necessary.

Mobile phone
saves girl
ATEP.tlAGE DRIVER called 999 on her
m hilt- pbonl' as h lay injured after ... e....
car occident. , ......... cnll saved her Ufe.
On nlesday, eighteen-year-oltl Rachel
Edward.~ went out for 2......... drive in
......... I!arly evening after 4......... row with

I1cr ooy Iriend. She losll'onlTOlllf ' ......... car

un ......... CUtist road at Whitesand Bay in

Suuth C mwal l and wenl uver 7 ......... edge

I ......... diff.


A 'J ......... car r !led do", n 10 ......... cliff,

Rarhlt managed to jump uuL Somehow, she
.till had her handbag with her. and inside
It......... handbag was her mobih: phone. She
,llletll)49 [l[JtI very soon 11 ........ helicopter
II~. no il~ \\ ay to rescue her
1 ......... lirsl llung we aw was 14 .........
\.'llI ut 15......... bOl1um of 1".. _ ..... cliff.
saId 17 ......... helicopter pilot. 'We then saw
Miss Edwards further up IR......... cliff,
unahle 10 move. I') ......... se~ wa~ coming in

fast. We didn't have much time. When we

lifted Rachel to 20......... nfety.21 .........
water w~ about a metre from her car.'
22......... helicopter flew Lo :'J ........ .
Roborough Airport. From there, 24....... ..
ambulance took Rachel to Derriford
Ho.pita!, where she is now recovering.

'We knew nothing untd 25,........ police

contacted us: aid Rachel" father. 'She has

had 26 ......... luckiest escape of anyone

I've ver known.' Mr Edwards wa... full

01'2 7 .. ....... admiration for 28 .........

emergency services.


Stay cool


5 To return to your house: to go ............... (4)

7 .............. all trains stop at Charing Cross? (2)

8 To continue a journey: to go ............... (2)

9 The door was open, but we didn't go ............... (2)

10 The people on a bus. (10)

14 They dOll' t have to change plane. They're flying

.............. to Katmandu. (6)

15 A plane journey. (6)
18 Abbreviation for European Union. (2)
20 Form of transporl found in Nepal. (8)

5> Solve the crossword.

Go for it


Complete the account of this journey in

your notebook using the pictures 1 to 7.
last month, , went to Kosice in Slovakia to see my
friend Gabriel. It was a real adventure because it was
the first time I'd travelled on my own. This is how I got
there. I went to the airport by taxi. , arrived at 7.30.

1 Sorry, there are .............. seats left. (2)
2 Five tickets at two pounds ea h - that's ..............
pounds, please. (3)

3 Does this bus go .............. Piccadilly? (2)

4 1 waited half ...........:... hoUT ror a bu . (2)

6 Why are you so late? Did you ............. the train? (4)

7 We walked .............. the hill to he beach. (4)

8 Could you just go .............. tI e directions

once more? (4)

to You wail on this for a train. (8)
11 The third planet from the SUIl . (5)
12 If you want to travel firc; t class. you'll have La
pay ............... (5)
13 What time do we .............. sail? (3)
14 The person driving a car. (6)
16 An organised long walk. (4)
17 'Did you take the trai n from London to Brussels?'
'No, I .............. .' (4)

19 She's American, so she ha a .............. passport (2)

I 9.30 I

Kosice 22.00


Go for it
7 ) Complete the conversations.
A: .E'!.'!........ you give John a message?

9> Write the conversations. Use a different

expression each time.

B: .Pf.... course.

A: Do ............................... if 1 use your computer?

B: No, ......................... all.

2 A: ..................................... if 1 have the day

off tomorrow?
B: I'd ......................... you didnt. We're very
busy at the moment.

Joe: [I] .. P.C!.!l.c!'~ .'.':!!!!~. if.L~!th.~r.~? ..........................

Usa: IKJ ):!!!.~~r.r;Y.:.M!!.~~~~~.~~~!!!!l.!~.~r.~: ..........

3 A: ......................... 1 close the window?

B: Of course you may.


Ipay phone I



What's wrong?
8 / Correct the mistakes.
W wenl by #te- train .
I n 'ver been there.

Man: [I] ...................................................................


2 I don't like going in his car. lie's a

IKJ .....................................................

terrible conductor.
en Joanna yesterday.

J l'

4 Its just over there.

5 W' went to Adriatic Coast last year.

() Do you mind that 1 leave now?

7 I'd rather drive than be a pasenger.

2 Una: [I] ...................................................................

Marco: [i2J ................................................................

bulary 0):
Predicting situations


pr pare our II' for specific situations by

p d, thlf1 k 'Y vo auulaTY. For example, at the
"1 d
at al1 airport words and phra e
hi h y u may h ar r n ed are passport. hand
baggag aisle/window seat. boarding card, gate
m mb r. boarding time.
Y W nl to btl <I 11 li k ~l from London to
r1mburgh for the WI: k"nd. Write six words or


Ipuncture I


J Tom:

rn ...................................................................


IKJ ...................................................................




An interview with



Liam Neeson was born in Northern Ireland .

He has appeared in many well-known
films. including Sch mo/E'r's List and
Star Wars - The Phantom Menace


Interviewer: Liam Neesm1 jOll

gn'\\< t1p III a h use lull uf women
You had thr"l: dd~r slSLers and
you IV rc I he baby brat her
I b} W~re you very .spoih?


f t I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I " . . . . . . . ..

Liam Neeson: No, T wasn't. My

. IStcrS "('em to think I was, bu t I

Lertainl} WllSll'l! We all hau

chor' It) do. l\1ine were
swel.:plllg the back yard, hringmg
ill th I,;V:1lll1r the fire and geLLing
the groceries.


l .................. ?

Liam Neeson: 1 suppa e its true

III a C llain 'Xlent There was a

gullll my _cllllo1. Elizab th, who

wa the Lar aLlress in our school
piny:; On It: rill, our English
teacher was uoing a play whi h
elizabeth was tn. () 1 wenl all ng
to the .1tIdition and got a part.
Thul'.. where my interest in
acting beg;m.


Uam Neeson: Abso]mely. yes.


And I love doin T it. 1L's the most

Liam Neeson: Very much so.

Absolutely. I'm \ ery C<)ll d O llS of

natural thing m Lhe wo rld . J thitlk

lIS ImportanL to remember that
children grow up so quickly, you
know ! I was reading the other day
about a wnter who was lyping a
story <lnd his kid was outside
saying, 'Dad, ome and play
baseball' He said , 'Yes, I'll be there
in a minute . I have Lo finis h thi.., .'
And of course The hours passed

Interviewer: You're the ralher

ilnd he

no\\ of two young sons. There's

a big ucb:'llc in Britain allhe
moment aboul how lillIe lime
falh r pend wnh lheir children.
I Ihinl It\ an a\ erage of flfLeen
mmutes a day J ..... .............. ?

lime but the kid was in bed. T hats





a moment thai he'll never gel back

again. And that truck a chord
with me, so Ilry to play wiLh my
kids when they ac;k. It doesn't

matter what fm doing.

4 ...................

the problem of \ ioience in m ms

and on television. My fluh r's
generaLion was worned about the
influence of (h(' Rolhng Slones
and the Beatlcs. Nnw il'S violent
nJm . ml awful violent video
games vhere if yotl ill someone
YOLI get 300 points and rhen
move on to the nex i game . IL'S
j l lCITIfying 5 yes, flU very
aware of the image that I m
involve in on Lhe screen.

Co mprehension


1 Read th e text and write the letters of the

interviewer's questions in the correct places.

4 / Use the information in the factfile and the

expressions below it to continue the interview
with Liam Neeson. Write at least five quest ions
and answers.

<I) Arc you trying to be the sort of father who

5pends quite a lot of lime with hi children?


(b) Wcre you very spoilt? )

cJ Does that make you look at a pan maybe

(,ifferently ... thinking about the images and the
i lfluences that children ha e as hey grow up?
ti) Is 11 true that you only got interested in being in
chool productions because you fancied a girl
who was in the play?

2 / Mat ch the words and phrases with thei r

......." ......................... .... .. .....................................................


;~llr~-" ~ " G~i:~~;;;-2r:':if~~'t '


2 chor
J 'weeping

5 udil,on

6 truck a chord
7 'OTI cious




a) age group
b) allowed to do
whatever you want
c) aware

d) very frightening
e) food which is bought
f) household jobs
g) test for a part in a play
h) had personal meaning
i) cleaning with a brush

. . ..... . . . . ..... . ..

(Physics and Computer science)

........................................... .................


Wife: Natasha Richardson (actress)

Children: Michael. Daniel

..........;...-.--.- .... .................................................................... .. .


Schindler'S List (1993), Star Wars

The Phantom Menace (1999) ,
Gun Shy (1999)


7 June 1952 in Ballymena,

Northern Ireland

Real ly? That's interesting.

Did you ? / Were you? / ls she? / Have you?
Liam Neeson:

o for it
3) Correct the statements.

Liam Neeson comes from the USA.

..IJ.~..~~m~fr.~!!!. ~~r:!.~.t;~.~r.t;!~.'!.~:..............................

He was the eldest of four children.

2 His interest in acting began when he left school.

3 His sons are grown up.

H doesn't spend much time with his children.

5 lie worrie about lhe effect which pop music has

on young people.

5 > In your notebook, write a 1SO- word article
about Liam Neeson for a school magazine. Use
t he information in the text and the fa ctfile.

Uam Neeson was born in Ballymena, Northern

Ireland. He has three elder sisters. ...

u y day_


>Complete the article with the correct form of the words in brackets.

I h;n c III say that 1find the idea of two men punching
each uthc:r fOT peoplt s .. ~~~~~~~~m~~L (emertain)
truly I................................ (shock), Wb.1t':\

Don't get me wrong. I like W;ttdling .port. r find it


excite) toee people achieving

new records in am/eties and I'm ruwavs

(amaze) al rhe skill of football

1 . ...............................

(entertain) about il? Wl1ere's dle

, ! ................................

J ................................

(excite) or 4 ............................... .

and rugby player' But boxing is not a port, m

(plc-.....e) in watching twO men fight C'Jtb other unUl one

of them ....................._... (give +preposition) or is

my opinion.

I feel slrongl), abolll this, and I won't

(give +preposition) protesting

lell uncon i()u '? Do people get a 6............................... .

12 ................................


about it. Recently, while 1 ' )........................................ .

find it


of w:uching something like this? If they do, I

\Cr; 7................................



more, if not jUst mrn who are involved. I was

fl . ................ ...............

(shock) when I read recently

(give + preposttiatt) antiboxing /e;U1et..'i in


they were

mr local

centre, a lot of people came up to me LO say

I.' ................................

(plea e) mill I was

about boxing mald) b'twecn two women. How can

doing it. So don l be

the d( It? Surely they've c::en lle 9.............................. ..

if you see me on a streeL comer near you l



(horrif ,) mjurie that male boxers get

stacy Pearsoll, Manchester


Past simple and continuous

Past simple and past perfect simple

2/ Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs in brackets. Then write a
sui able question.

3 From each pair of sentences, make one

sentence containing a verb in the past simple
and a verb in the past perfect simple.


1 was in a state of shock at nine o'clock.

1 read the letter at eight o'clock. (after)

J.~!!~ .~'!..'!..~~!~ .C?bh~~~. #..~r. te!..~~!!~. ~~.~~~r.'..........

My brother borrowed my leather jacket.

1 couldn 't wear it to the party. (so)

2 1 phoned you after dinner.

You went out before dinner. (but)

A: 1 ............................
didn't answer
(not answer) the phone

because 1 ..~f!~.~.'!.'!.t!.~'!9.. (stand) on my head.

B: Why .. ~~r~y.C?l!..~!!.'!.t!.~'!9..'?'.'.~~~r..~~.'!.c!.? ...........

3 She took him to hospital this afternoon.

He fell down the stairs this morning. (because)

A: Because 1 was doing my yoga .

A: We .................................................. (walk) into

town when my brother ....................................

(grnb) my arm.

4 1 saw a programme on first aid last night.

I knew what to do today. (so)

B: Why ................................................................ ?

A: Because he'd just seen Britney Spears drive by.

A: 1 ........................................... (not disturb) you

5 They didn't wan t to see the film on Tuesday.

They sa w it on Monday. (because)

when Pete ........................................... (phone)

because you ......................................... (sleep).

B: Why ................................................................ ?

A: I don 't know. He didn 't say.

A: He ................................................. (shook) with

frigh t when he ......................... ....... ...................

(come) out of the building.

The letter e in verbs

In many past simple endings, the e is SIlent.
1n verb forms ending in -ing. you usually
delete the f' before adding -ing.

B: Why ................................................................ ?

A: Because he thought he'd seen a ghost!

4> Underline the words in which the e is silent.

A: We .................................................. (talk) when


suddenly he ........................................... (get)

really miserable.
B: Why ................................................................ ?

A: Because he'd just split up with his girlfriend.




Write the -ing form of the following verbs.

.................... ...
........... ....... .....
surprise .......................


...................... .


60 for it
Past simple. past continuous and
past perfect simple
5> Complete the story with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.

It wa a C 01 evening in September 1895. John

Markham .. ~!!.c!..~.f!.~ ...... (had) a hard day at work,

and he ..~~~.~f!.f!.~!'.'!!.~~J~.... (look forward to)

gettmg home. uddenly, a woman ... !:':'.~~~~ .. (rush)

out of the oftice next door. Sbe

I .... . ........

(shake) with fTlght because she

(hear) someone screaming in the cellar. She was ure

it was a ghost.

J .

(not believe) in

ghost so he ., ............................... (go) into the

above his head. He

building to investigate. It was very quiet. But just as

the piece of paper arefully. It was the death



(think) Lhat it was all the

woman's imaginaUon, he ii . . .................... ......... (hear)


cerUficale of a fi fteen-year-old girl called Alice Pick.



The next day, John

"Who are you? What do you want?" cried John.
The screaming ,............................... (not stop) so he

(hurry) towards the place

(exami ne)

(die) of tal'vation.

16 ...............................

(tell) his

neighbour about the evening's extraordin ryevents.

Apparently, the building

17 ..... ...................... ..

................., .................. (not alwayslbe) an office. It

where it 'I .... ....................................... .. .. (come from ).

I~ .....................................................


rich woman called Eva Tyndale who had shut Alice,

10 ...............................

the cellar,

(reach) the door leading to

II .............................. .

IJ. .............., ................

Suddenly, the uoor

(take) a candle and

(go) down the cellar stairs.

13 ...............................


behmd him. making a piece of paper fall from a shelf

6> Write the questions or answers.

.~~.Y..~~)~~.~..~f!.f!.~~'.'9.f~~!!r.~.!~.9~rr!~9..~.f!.'!!:~.? ...
Because he'd had a hard day at work.
How did he know the woman was frightened?

(oncelbelong) to a

her servant, in the cellar. One of the oLher servants

told the police. but by the ti me they discovered Alice,
she was dead and Mrs TyndaJe

[<el ................................ ..

................................ (disappear).

3 ................................................................................. ?

To investigate .
4 ................................................................................ ?

Scr ams.

5 Wha t ha ppened when the cellar door slammed?

.~h~.'!'!.l!!..~.~.C!.~.~~9.~ ................................. ..................... .

Why was the woman frightened?

6 ................................................................................. ?

She'd died of starva tion.

2 Did John Markham believe in ghosts?


7 Why did n't the police arrest Mrs Tyndale?

7> Complete the phrases. Then match them with

the categories below.

...... !.~~rL ...... awrul!

I've gol .................... good n w .


cl ........................ done! You ............. ............ be


ally pi ased.

dl I've ......................... heard some bad llews.

rI ......................... terrific!

n What .........................


I'm arraid l've got ...................................... ..

11) ........................ . what!


Announcing good news

2 Responding to good news

1 Announcing bad news

3 Kate:

I don 't know. Tell me !



1 Responding to bad news

Go for it









a / Write the conversations.










j \:1

14th October

4 Neil :

Neil :

[ It ar M r Harris,

have w()n [\ ,OOO! We howe pleasure


Mr Harris: .!):~9.f!.~.~l!.'!!.~.9.'!.C?c!..'!.~.~~:.......................
Really? Tell me!
Mr Harris:

What's wrong?)

9> Correct the mistakes.

Are you



5arat.. P-OS'S'
J"alYlC-S' P-i,./-t.ardS'
.Marl-i." TI/frne-r


What's happened?

W&~ about

your test?

15 it difficult to give in smoking?

2 Imagine my surprisement when she walked in!

3 1 couldn't answer the door because I had
a shower.

2 Sarah:

Oh? What's happened?

When I found out about the concert.

I phoned immediately. Luckily, they didn't
sell all the tickets.

5 I phoned her as soon I heard the news.




~ Stay coo

The fut ure

2 ) Complete the messages with will/won't, may, might,

going to ~r the present continuous. In some cases, there

1 '/ Circle t he correct response,

are two possibilities.

1'm off now.

a) OK. I'm going to see you later.

( b) OK. I'll see you later. )

1 was wondering if you would like to

go out tonight.


MMtut -KkaAeJ. pkol1~ ~jttA~ 1......... . ............................. .

(vou/nng) kim uMe+1 ~

a) l'm afraid 1 can't. l'm meeting Karim.

b) l'm afraid I can't. I'll meet Karim.

~e.t W\'?

2 Have you decided yert

a) Yes. l'm going to have a pizza.

b) Yes. 1 have a pizza.

3 What do you fancy' for de ert?

a) 1 don't have anything, thanks.

b) I won't have anythmg, thanks.

4 There's someone at the door.

a) OK. I go.

b) OK. I'll go.

5 I'm wearing jeans so I might nol get

into the dub.

a) Don't worry. You'll get in.

b) Don 't worry. You 're gelling in.


~:~~l\'.~'" ~~1.~~~H f'5. I'~ Mt SlAre ~ek, but

l ........ . ...............................

to betA W'I~ . 'Dmt't mllke.

"oise ~

r':,.a... ~_:~~!:;::~~Ia"iAil!l'lI!UI {oo ~ch



~ar-tiv\ - V(.H'\ess~ phOl1etA.

.. ......................................... (you/go)

to KkaA~'~ pa(~?

1 toi~ he.<" 4........................................... ..

............................ (you/probably/not go).

'1111A're ObulO1Asly -hlo busy.

P.S. What- time- "....................................

................... (you/be) Pe\ck. tumorfOW?

~~m~alM 1lwr5~

M~I'\ -~e (('\rI~ .

6 Does he know you're going ou t with Joe?

t ..................... . .....................

lyou f ll~

~OU( Y'oUe..-bu..t,(es this el/eI\'I~"

R~ wa.,.ts ib bonaw -tkem.

a) No. l'm going to tell him th is evening.

b) No. I tell him this evenmg.


MMflt1. -


See y~ flm.1orfaw.

(I /m eet)

CO~e t111t,(

f ........... .... .. ... .. .............. ...... ..



II.. .......... .. .. .... .. ................ . ......

to Kka1et('!)



paf~ .


The future
3/ Write what the students are saying.
US!! the correct form of will, may, might or going to.
What are you going to do
when you leave school?


1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1r:-...!

- study to
become a vel
- definitely!

What are you going to do when you leave school?

I don't really know. .!..,!:!~9.~~.!l.'!..~?.~~!!~!J.~! ..............

.. ~r L!!!!9~t~~~~..,!.JI.~~r..~~!; .......................................
2 I'v already decided.................................................

work in Spain
for a few months

- definitely not
get a job

4'/ Write sentences which are true for you, using

the prompts.
(present can tinuous)

After school today .................................................. .

2 (might)

li d like to go to university. The trouble is, .......... .

t1 TIl one thing 1 know is. ........................................

Next weekend .......................................................... .

3 (may)

Next summer ........................................................... .

'i I think ...................................................................... .

4 (will/probably)

When 1 leave school, ...............................................

I'm not sure. .......................................................... ..

5 (going to)
To celebrate my eighteenth birthday, ....................


5;' Match each adjective with one or
more prepositions.


by from


of on

Go for it

7> Use the words in the box to write a profile of the

two sisters and their mother.


angry "~~!?!!~"'~'i!.~ ....................................

different ................................................... .

2 excited ..................................................... .

3 fed up ....................................................... .

4 frightened .................................................

5 interested ..................................................

6 keen ..........................................................

7 proud

....................................................... .

8 rired ......................................................... .

9 worried ............................ " ...................... .


6 Complete each sentence with a

phrase from Exercise 5.
tfe likes classical music but he isn't
...~~~~.~!'! ... opera.

Laura looks pale. She's got an audition

tomorrow and she's really ......................

very good /languages
not interested/sport

...................... it.

2 Hearing a band play live is tOlally

.................................. listening Lo a
3 She's given up learning the piano.

brillia nt/sport
not jealous/Lucy

pleased/Lucy's exa m results
excited /Anna's basketball cup
proud/both of them

She's had lessons for two year, but

J~9J..~.~~.~~~.f!..f!.r:~.~!~.~~!:~!.~~~.!~~~r:~.'f.~rYAifI.e.r:~'),!fr..f!,f!:I. ...........

she 's just 110t .................................. it.


4 The conductor was ................................ .

the singer because she didn ', go to
rehea rsaIs.
5 She got a place at the Royal Academy
of Music! She's really ............................ .
studying lhere.

Co mmunication
~'--_G_o_f_or_i_t_ )
B/ Fill in the gaps. Then put the conversation in
the correct order.

9'; Write the conversation using the prompts.

pizza tonight?
Anton: .} .~~.l!.'!!J.~~.~~..f!!.;!J.~~.9.~ for. .~.P'!~.~~~!9.~~:...




...................................................................... .

pizza fo r lunch )

2 . ................. . ................................. . ................ ..

Roller Cafe?

J ...................................................................... .


4 ...................................................................... .

C!!..;. too expensive)


5 ...................................................................... .

Are you? Well, how .................... meeting

nna and Errol in town?


6 ............ ............. .. . .. ........................................ .

~ ~

o Yes. An evening in sounds great!

o 1m seeing them tomorrow evening. Look,
.................... rather stay in this evening.
I feel a bit tired.


' ....(


8 ..................................................................... ..


What's wrong?

ill I thought we ..!!!!P.~~.... go clubbing

10> Correct the mistakes.



+have an

1 can't come now. I'll leave for

Brussels in an hour's time.

o I'd .................... not, if you .................... mind.

l'm fed .................... with dubbing.


oran ge juice, please.

2 Are you intereste on old cars?

3 'Do you fancy going clubbing?'

o So do 1, actually. Do you .................... getting

video and a takeaway?


'Great! I love to!'


It's a really exiting fi lm.

S I wont be there until eleven.


il s developm nt


Voyage to St Kilda

Some environmentalist groups

believe that drilling for oil off the
coast of Scotland is going to
endanger wildlife. The actress
Julia Sawalha recen1Jy went to
the region by boat wtth one of
these groups to monitor the
wildlife. She kept a diary of
her week.


['m n Ihe Island of Islay ill

Ihe Inner Hebrides. We're
, uing ~ail tomorrow, ~o I'm
going to spend today getting
to know the other crew
members .


1 slept . urprisingly well on

the boat. This morning J
isited II eal anctuary .
After I'd held Ihe eals in my
u.rms, my cloth~~ smelt very
fibhy. Worse sull, I've ot a
whole week on the ship and
not mnny clothe to change
We're setting sail for the
ibland of St J{jld.-l at 10 p.m.


I didn't want lunch because I

felt so eastel<, but my cabin
mates ndvl~ed me to eat, so J
tried 10 [orte om food down.
One of my companions , Kate,
a murine bioI gi t, is going
to take part in the first-ever
St Kilda.


Thi afternoon, omeone

f>potled a minke whale. The
wildlife in tru-: region ili so
rich. Drilling for oi l will
destroy It and will affect the

I woke at nine, later than

<!verybody else. The olher'

had done all the chores. r relt
terribly guilty.
We have reached the
i land of SI KiJda. II' a
hundred miles off the west
coa~t of Scotland, in the
northeast Atlantic Ocean.
Only twemy-eight people live
here. We're gOing to camp on
the island tonight. At last r II
be able to lie on a bed that
doesn't move!


J ~pent most of the afternoon

cleaning. Before I came on
thi!) trip. my last job was
making a fil m w ith Mel
Gib on. If he ould See me

It was difficult to wake up thi

morning so I decided to go for
a swim. As soon as I'd dived
mto the icy water, I felt as if
my head was going to e plode
from the cold . Back on . hip, 1 This morning we arrived in
Glasgow. on the wet coast of
helped clean.
Later on. 1 returned to the
island. sat on a rock 3Lld
watcbed the eat and the
seabirds. Some of the
seabirds have a wingspan
of five met.res!
We set sail again this
morning. The sea was
incredibly calm and J
didn't feel seasick any
more .

, cOllund . T felt a bit sad . I' m

going to miss everyom:
terribly. As the ship was
commg into dock I looked at
the pile' of industrial rubbish .
It's a horrible sight after the
beauty of SI Kilda.

Com prehension


tay cool

4> A member of an environmental group (A) asks

you (B) and your friend (e) to help on a ship for a
week. You are really interested, but your friend isn't
keen. Write the conversation in your notebook .

, >Find the words in the text which mean:

making a hole
1 LO check



people who work on a ship

................................ ..

) a place of saFety


4 feeling ill on a boat

........ ..........................

5 noticed

................................ ..

6 to blow up like a bomb

................................ ..

7 unbelievably
B waste material

2 ) Put the events in order.

aID One of the crew saw a whale.


Writing (1): Planning

It's usually a good idea to plan what you arc
going to wrile and to make notes lor each
paragraph. Look at the notes below about a boat
trip. Put the events in each paragraph in thl:
correct ord r.

She went for a swim.

I D The boat left lslay.

d) D She got back to mainland Scotland.

e) [!] Julia met the other members of the crew.
n D She helped with the cleaning.
g) D Julia stayed on St Kilda.
hJ 0 Julia began to feel unwell.

o for it

3> Answer the questions.

What might endanger wildlif in the area around
5l Kilda?

Paragraph I:

o stayed in a small town on Vancouver lsland

[I] went to Canada with a group of friends
last year

o sun was shining; sea was calm

o took a boat trip to see whales
Paragraph 2:
o coming back, the wind became very strong
[IJ set sail and 30 mi nutes later saw the whales

o one wave li fted the boa t out of the water

..P.r.~~~~f)9.f~!'. .f!.~~"'" .......................................................

o children were cryi ng

o weather changed - had to leave quite quickly

Why did Julia Sawalha and the other crew

members go to 5t l<ilda?

Paragraph 3 :

2 What did Julia do on the first day?



Why did her clothes smell?

4 How many underwater surveys at 5t Kilda had

there been before this one?

5 Why did Julia feel guilty?
6 How did Julia get on with the crew?

o managed to reach Vancouver lsland

[I] difficult to get back

D very frigh teni ng experience

5> Now use the notes and some of the phrases in

the box to write a 150-word account of the trip
to Vancouver Island in your notebook.
soon su ddenly to my horror
then not surprisingly finally

I went to Canada with a group offriends last year.

We stayed ...




1 / look at the map on the left.

Write the names of the places.

4/ Complete Sara's description of Melbray using

the map and your own ideas.

I rgi!.~!lJL .......... s Y!!.~CJ.1). ................ .


2 c ................................................. .

J c ................................................ ..

4 s....................... p. ......................... .


5 h .................................................. ..

6 mu ...................................................

rna .......................................................

8 s ........................ s.......................... .

9 p ................................................... ..

10 p............... ......... 0 .... .. ...... .. ..... ..... . .

11 c ..................................................... .

12 b....................... s .......................... ..

13 I ...................................................... .

14 s..................................................... ..

15 t ..................................................... ..

SpOrts and entertainment

I'm fairly sporty. I playa lot of tennis, so .. !.!l~.~~.~~~......................

..~~!!!!!~.~~~.!!'..~~~.p.~~~.~!.!~~ .~!~~.~.~~~~: ..... I also

I ........... .

................................................................ . Although our sports

fadlitles are quite good, there's not much other entertainment.
At weekends, I usually go to the <.................... I particularly like

2> look at the picture on the left. Label

the clothes.

romantic flIms. There 's also a ................................. but that's all,

really. However, trav elli ng to other places s quite easy because

J / Complete the sentences with the

rect uncountable nouns.

Let's just drop off our 1 .':'99.~9.~..... at the

hotel and go straight out.
l'd like some i... ............................ about
the town .
2 Here's a list of the a.............................. ,
from campsites to Ave-star hotels.

.. Shopping for food and clothes

J go shopping with my mum or my dad on Saturdays. We get
most things at the 5.......................................... but we buy fruit and
vegetable from stalls on the ()... ........... ............................. ............ .
I also buy most of my clothes

7 ........................................ ........ .

You can get some great bargains there. I buy my shoes

8... .. .......... . ..

3 Don't go into town by car. The

t.................... is awful.
4 I ycled to the station and took the train

into town. Thanks for your a.................. .

5 If the w.................... is fine, we'll go for

a walk.

.. Public buildings
One of my A level subjects is History. I'm particularly interested in
local history so I spend a lot of time ............. .................................. .
When I need reference books,

10 ........................................................

6 There are rolling hills and valleys. l'm

sur you'll love the sc .................... .

7 Your kn............................... of the local

area i very good .

S You'll have to get p.................................... .
from the farmer to camp here.

.. Scenery
The countryside near the town is beautiful. In the northeast,
11 .......................... . ..................... .... ....................................................


Stay cool
Clauses and linkers of contrast
5'; Complete the sentences with although,
however or in spite of

Go for it
Clauses and linkers of contrast
6> Rewrite sentences 1 to 7 in Exercise 5 using
the words in brackets.
(although) .T~.e.!l.~!~f!:!..~!~~~.~~I ..~.~~~'!.9~.!~.e.!l:~ ......
..p.r9.'!J.~S;~t!..~~.~9.'!J.t::.................................................... .

2 (despite) .................................................................. ..

3 (although) .................................................................

..~!~~.l!,,!9.~ ......... they're best friends, they're

very competitive.

4 (in spite of) ..............................................................

They didn't visit us, ................................ .

promising to come.
2 ................................ . she's a very talented
pianist. she finds it difficult to play in public.

5 (however) ................................................................. .

J There was nothing suspicious in his behaviour.

.................................. I didn't really trust him.


were only in Chicago for on day.

................................. , we had a great time!

S ................................. he'd told her the

relationship was over, she still thought

they could get back together again.

6 I wanted to play football this morning .

................................., I didn't wake up

till midday.

6 (although) ................................................................ .


7 (although) .................................................................

What's wrong?
7> Correct the mistakes.

7 They recognised him .................................

his disguise.
8 ................................. her strong northern accent,
1 understand everything she say .
9 He's a very gentle person, ................................ .
his appearance.
10 I really liked The Thirty-Nine Steps ...................... .
the story was quite complicated.


1 like living here despite there

isn't much to do in the evening.
I'm afraid the skirt's a bit to tigh t.
2 Dublin's a beautiful city however it's
quite expensive.
3 OUT accommodations were awful.
4 In spite of it is a beautiful place, it' not
really a tourist destination.
S I buy all my books fro m th e local library.


8) Complete the dialogue.


l.:~.~~~~..~,!..~.. this sweatshirt on, please.

Assistant: Here you are.


I ...........................................

Well, it's a bit baggy.

1 ..............................

. 7

........................................................... sIze.

Assistant: Yes, we have. Here's a medium.

1 ............ .

............................................................. on?


H's Ane. 41 ................................................. .

Assistant: How

5 ................ . ..... .. .. . .................. .. ..... ...

By credit card.

9;, Write a conversation in your notebook using the pictures.



ow you gu:

~ Stay cool)
1 '; Label the parts of the car.

1 W~!!~~~r~~.r:t........................ .

2 b ....................................... .

3 s ....................................... .

4 g....................................... .

m ......................................

6 s ....................................... .

7 e ...................................... ..

8 b ...................................... ..

9 h ......................................... .

10 s................... w.................. .

11 f .................... t.................. .

12 b ........~ ..................................... .

13 b ................. 1.................. ..

14 i ................. 1................... ..

15 t ...................................... ..

. Go for it
2) Complete the conversation.
A: You should always wear a .~~~~~~~... ' you know,

even if you're only going a short distance.

B: Yes, 1 know.

A: It's quite foggy. 1 think you should pUl your

I . ............................. on.

8: I was just going to.

A: Now it's started to rain. Perhaps you'd belter

put your


8: Yes.
A: The petTol gauge is low.


B: It's OK. here's enough petrol in the

3 . .. ........................ ............ We'll be fine.

A: The car in front is going very slowly. You could

overtake on the next bit of straight road. Just
change down a 4...................... for more power
and we'll soon be past him.
B: Uh, huh.
A: Look ou t! There's a hairpin ben d coming up.
Don't go so 5..................... .

B: You know, you're really getting on my nerves.

Perhaps you ought to drive.

A: But 1 haven't passed my driving test.



3'/ Give advice using the words in brackets and a

main verb.

5 1'm so thirsty. 1 ..................................... som eth ing

to drink.
6 His behaviour is appall ing! You ............................ .
............................. him lTeat you like that.


He looks very tired. (ought)

He .~~9.~~:~.~~.~~~~. so hard .
I've got a bad headache and 1 fee l sick. (should)
You ............................................ a doctor.
2 Oh no, it's raining and I haven't brought an
umbrella! (had better)
You ............................................. mine.
] I was stopped by the police last night for riding
my bik without lights. (should)

7 He phoned Lo say he's arriv d afely, so you

................................................................. any more.
S l've got a spare pair of sunglasses, so you
................................................................ any.

Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

5 > Complete sentence b} so that it means the
same as sentence a) in each case.

a) Jo hn's far m re serious than Jamie.

You ............................................ without light .

b) Jamie's .f~r..~~.~~r.~~'!.~.. than John.

4 l'm


not sure about going up into the mountains.

TIley say the driving conditions are qui1e
dangerous. (had better)

a) My marks in Biology were better than my

marks in Chemistry.

In that case, we ............................................. .

there today.

b) My marks in Chemistry weren't ................ ..

.................................... my marks in Biology.

Anna seems a bit depressed. (ought)

Perhaps we ............................................. her to
ome to the cinema with us.

Obligation and prohibition with

verbs must, have (got) to and needn't

2 a) Riding a mo torbike is more da ngerous th an

drivin g a car.
b) Driving a ca r isn 't .........;......................... .
.. ................ riding a motorbike.
3 a} Is it true that gi rls are much better at
languages than boys?
b} Is it true that boys are ....................................
at langua ges th an girls?

4/ Complete the sentences with the modal verbs

and the verbs in the box.

a} He drives more carefu lly tha n she does.

heat worry have ~ do

let clean buy take

have to/don 't have to

6> Complete the sentences.

b} Sh e drives ................................ than he does.

Sorry, 1 can't stay. I really ....~~~~.!~.9.~.... now.

It's OK for you. You ................................................

All Blur's albu ms are good, but th ir latest is

.m.*:.k~~.. of all.

It's a very strange book. In fact, it's ............... .

............................. book I've ever read .

...................... your room every Saturday morning.

2 Can we eat this pie cold or ................................... .

....................................................... it first?

have go t to
3 Kate, I don 't understand the homework. What
................................................................................ ?
4 1 can't

come out just yet. 1 ................................... ..

.................................. some shopping round to my


2 The new Harley bike comes in several models.

Thi is the most expensiv , at 15,000. This is

........................................ expenstve, at 8,000.

3 You did wen. In fact you did ....................... tha n

anybody else.

We see all our cousins quite frequ ently. But we

see An ita ..................................................... of all.

should(n't), ought(n't} to and had

better (not)
7> Give advice using the modal verbs.
A: 1 can't see the number.
What is it? (ought)
B: It' a six. You .. ~~g~~ ...

..~~.~~~~.!!.f!..l':Y~.!m: .......

5 A: Stop! The dog's loose! (had better)

B: 1 ...........................................................................

Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

8> Complete the dialogue using the words in
brackets. The shows that you should also use an
intensifier such as much, a lot or far.
A: He's put on weight, hasn't he? (should)
B: You ................................... ...................................

A: Aren't you going thro ugh the Channel Tunnel

to France?

.!JC!.t .'!!.C?r~ P~~!!!.~~t (*pleasant).

but it isn 't I............. ..........................

B: No, the ferry's

A: Maybe,

............. (q uick) the train. And are you taking

the car?

B: Yes.
A: What abou t going on the motorbike? 1t would
2 A: He always seems to have a cold. (should)
B: He ....................................................................... .

be 2............. ......................... . ("'cheap) than

going by car.
B: Do you thi nk so?

A: Of course. A bike i J ................................. ..

.......................... (*econo mical) than a car, and
it's only 10 to take the bike on the
ferry so it isn't

4........... ..

B: Mmm.

3 A: Anna nearly fell off her bike last night. (ough t)

B: She .................................................................... ..

A: And you don't have to wait in traffic jams on a

bike, so travelling is 5............. ..........................
(stressfu l). 1t's 6......... .. .............. . ...................... ..

(*practical) when you get there, too. 1t really

IS ........................................................... ..

(convenient) way to travel. Listen! 1 go to

4 A: The fuel tank is almost empty. (had better)

B: We ..................................................................... ..


france B............. ............. ..........................

(*frequent) tha n you do, and 1 always go on
my bike.
B: Well, that's wha t l'd better do then.

~ Go for it

9/ Write the conversation between you and

10> Give advice for each situation. Then accept or

refuse the advice, giving a reason where possible.


using the prompts.

o == Mark accepts your advice.

IKl = He refuses your advice, with

II: = He questions your advice.

A: l'm fed up taking the bus all the time.

a reason.




00 L~~!!.'~.t!.f!J~~:..Th~:!.~..~~t;I.~/y. .~~'!.~!r.~:.......

~ M!'.!l~~Jl.f?'!.:r~.r.igh.~..~.!!!.C!.~f?rk!~~~.!l~!~~~r.~.

A: 1 keep getting headaches.

s: .............................................................................

A: ~ .. ................................................................... ..

2 A: My dog died last week and 1 really miss him .

s: .............................................................................


00 .......................................................................

3 A: 1 saw my boyfriend with Mandy Tucker on

lhe way home from school.

s: .............................................................................

A: ~ ...................................................................... .

4 A: 1 asked Kelly out for a pizza tomorrow night

but 1 can'l really afford it.

Mark: 1 can't get on with my work at home.

My parent argue a lo t and it's hard to

.r.~~~~P.~.Y.~~ .~~!l~~.~~. work it, the library.


00 . ~.~.~.~.~'!.'.1.:~ . It closes at six oclock.

s: .............................................................................


00 .......................................................................

your teacher that you 're having problems
at home.
Mark: 00 2 .................................................................
l'd feel embarrassed.

You: Well, 3 .............................................................. ..

your parents about it.

Mark: [I]

4 .................................................................. .

You: Well, 1 think you should. Otherwise, they

aren't going to realise there's a problem.
Mark: ~ 'i ...................................................................
Thanks, 111 do that.

Vocabulary (2):
Personalising vocabulary
It is helpful to learn new vocabuJal)' by noting

how it is used in a colltext relevanl to you. This

is especially true of vocabulal)' items like phrasal
verbs, e.g. look forward: I'm looking forward to the
summer holidays.

Write eight entences Wl1ich are true for you

using phra al verbs wiLh get, go, give and look.

IllS aevelopment extra



Hi heroes are ~ton Senna and

Nelson Piquet. He's from Brazil,
he's eighteen, and he already has a
successful career in motor racing.
at the Brand Hatch racetrack in
the south of England. When we
met him, he was smiling and
oking very relaxed, in spite of
tbe fac t that he was about to drive
in the British Formula Renault
Sport Championship.
Although he's from Brazil, Antonio
now lives in Cambridge, in England
He' lived there for two yeal's. lIe
misses his family, but he's got a lot
of friends in England.
H tarted racing at the age of nine
when he won his first karting
championship, the Amazonian
Championship. He won his first
Brazilian Championship III Sao
Paulo at the age of thirteen .


When he was fifteen, Antonio

moved from karting to racing caTS
and spent seven or eight months
in the USA, at the Formula Barber
Dodge Racing School in Florida.
Out of the ten races in which he
competed, he won seven.
lIe's raced in many different
countries, including Spain,
New Zealand, France, Engla d
and Germany. He says the most
important race for him so far
has been the Brazilian Karting
Championship because it gave
him the confidence to become a
r acing <inver.
Danger doesn't worry him. His
father, who was also a racing
driver, has always given him a lot
of encouragement, although his
mother i. n'l so sure about his
choice of career. Ther are times
when he thinks he shouldn't do it.

Wh n he isn't racing, Antonio fi nds

time for other sports, especially
water sports like water-skiing and
jet-skiing. He's from Manaus in th
Amazon region, where ther are a
lot of ri vers a nd lakes, so it was
very easy for him to do water ports
as a young teenager.
Antoni hope to q a Fonnul One
driver e entually. '1 think I can get
lh re in two or three years' time,' he
says, as he g ts into his ear to take
part in the race.
Antonio won the race and test
drove a Formula One car as part of
the prize. He also won a road car
for a year. And although he isn't old
enough to be a Formula One racing
drivel', he won a cake in the shape
of a Formula One car!

Co mprehension


tay cool

4> Write the conversation in your notebook.

1 / Read the text and complete the factfile.

Antonio Pizzonia

Country of birth: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Country he lives in now:
Training: where?
how long? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Favourite leisure activities: ________

Gina wants to be a racing driver. Her father

encourages her, but her mo ther doesn't like the idea.
Father: (gives advice: con tact the British Racing
Federation) 1 thi nk .. .
(accepts his advice)
Mother: (gives advice: go to college)

(ques tions her advice)

Mother: (gives advice: do a secretarial course)

(refuses her advice)

Father: Mum's right, Gina. You should take her

advice and perhaps get a Saturday job at

the racetrack.

2/ Put the events in order.

D He went to live in Cambridge.

b) D lie went to the USA.


5> In your notebook, write a descriptive

comparison of these two racing circuits. Use some
of the words in the box and your own ideas.

cl [I) He won the Amazonian Champion hip.


He test-drove a Formula One car.

eI D He won the British Formula Renault Sport


his first race in Sa Paulo.

D He won

60 for it
3/ Answer the questions.
Where did the interviewer meet Antonio?

..1t.~r:~mM..ff.q.~~~,.l~..~n~.~~H'.~..~f.f.~.9!~r!~: .................
Did the interviewer meet Antonio before or after
th race at Brands Hatch?
'2 How do we know that Antonio wasn ' t nervous

about the race?

3 Which countries has he lived ill, apart from Brazil?

4 What do s he do in his spare time?

I) Why

is Manalls good ror water. port?

6 Why can't Antonio drive a Formula One car yet?

aUra tive beautiful setting city

countryside dangerous forest
mountains narrow streets old
view or the harbour

The Monaco circuit is older than the Monza circuit.

The Monaco circuit ;s in the city. whereas ...


ea y for lift off


Stay cool
1 ;> Categorise the jobs; C for cars, H for health,
and R/TV for Radionv.

4> Use the adjectives from Exercise 2 to describe

the people.

sound engineer c=J
driving instructor [=:J

sales manager [TI

physiolherapisl [=:J
script editor
garage owner CJ

2'/ Complete the adjectives describing personality.

Then write the opposites.
.. .'!.1JP.~t:~~~lJ.t .....................


Ion e t

2 ef _ ecti e

30_g _n ised

'My papers are in such a mess. I can never lind

anything: .. !!.i~?~fI~~.i~~!!...
'I'm in love and it feels great !: ....................... ..



bl e

7d ci iv e

Bh_pp y

9 r l a ed

lOcom i t ed
um Ie
12 s abe

2 'I know l'm right and tha t's that: ..................... ..

3 'I have to tell the truth. 1 can't lie: ...................... .

4 'rve got lots of friends. 1 j ust don't have

time to see them all: ........................ .

5 'Sony 1 fo rgot to post your let er. rve got a

terrible memory.' .........................

6 'I like watchi ng sport on lV, but I hate doing

physical exercise myself.' ........................ .

7 'l'm always at the mon thly meetings of OUT

voluntary wo rk group. They're really

Words with silent letters

Manv words in Engli h have silent letter, e.g.

II lei ter h in honest.

important.' ........................ .
8 '1 usual ly manage to stay calm, whatever

happens.' ........................ .
3) Underline the letters which are silent in

these words.

I cam paign

2 knee

5 climbing

6 hour


3 listen
7 lhumb

8 wrong

9 'I've spent ages tryi ng to choose a colour

for my room . I just can't mak up my
mind.' ........................ .

Stay cool
First conditional: if/unless clause +
'/I (will)/won't

First conditional: clause with

conjunction or

5> Rewrite the sentences in the first condjtional.

Stop fooling around or you'll hurt yourself.

6> Use the prompts to write the advice a father

is giving his son.
you /be/pleasant
you /make friends easily

.!f!l.f!.'!.:~~R.~~.l!~f!.'.".~! .N.'!.I!:!!.!!!.l!.~.~fr..~~.'!.~.~~f!!.Y.: ...........

..If~~.!!.C!.'!:.t'!.l!.~~rJ9..t;J.r9.1!.'!.t!,.y.f?':'.:~~ ...................

you /lose friends quickly

you /be/ unreliable


................................................................................ if

Give him time and he'll change his mind.

If .............................................................................. ..

~ You

must book in advance, otherwise you won't

get a seat.
Unless .......................................................................

2 you/be/ organised
you/not do a good day's work
Un less ...................................................................... .

might/migh t not
3 you /be/too sociabl

people/take advan tage of you

3 If you don't send in your application form today,
they won't consider you for the job .

............................................................................... or

If ............................................................................... .

4 people/not take you seriously

you /be/committed to your work

4 We'd betler not disturb him. He'll get really


If ............................................................................... .
I) You'd

better go now, otherwise you'll miss the

last bus .

............... :........................................................ unless

....... . ............................ ... . ..... 1.................................... .

5 be vain

Don't ........................................................................ .

............................................................................... or
6 get behind with yo ur work
6 Call me if there's a problem, otherwise I'll see

you at eight.

you /get depressed

Never ........................................................................ .

Unless .......................................................................


Time clauses in the future

with when/as soon as
7 ./ Cross out the incorrect sentences.
a) ),6Je'll fl8've a f3a~ wl-1el~ yo 1:1 'II
get yom exam resul ts.

b) We'll have a party when you get

your exa m results.
c) We ha've a ~aft} wi'lefl yeu !'Jet
your exam results.
a) I'll give you the keys as soon as
I'll see you.

b) I give you the keys as soon as I

see you.
c) I'll give you the keys as
1see you.



2 a) I may go away for a few days

when I'll gel my results.

b) I may go away for a few days

when I get my results.

c) 1 may go away ror a few day

when 1 got my results.


a) They'll pick the candidate '

hen all the application forms
are in.
b) They pick the cand idates when

all the application fonTIS will

be in.
c) TIley'lI pick the candidates

when all the application forms

will be in.
4 a) Do you tak a packed lunch

when you'll go on the outing?

b) Will you take a packed lunch
when you go on the outing?
c) Will you take a packed lunch
when you'll go on the outing?
5 a) We make up our minds as oon
as we know all the fact.

b) We'll make up our minds as

Don as we know all the facts.
c) We'll make up our minds as

soon as we'll know all the racts.


Go for it
Time clauses in the future with when/as soon as
First conditional: if/unless clause + will/won't
First conditional: clause with conjunction or
8> Complete the letter with suitable words and phrases.

Communi cation

~, Go for it

Stay cool

9/ Complete the responses to these statements.

A: Drivers should retake their driving test every

two years.

Parents of young
children shouldn't both

B: 1 take your .... R.~!~~.....' but 1 don't think it

would reduce the number of accidents.

A: You have to be twenty-five to drive a car.

B: I don't ................................ thaI's true.
2 A: We have more freedom lhan our
parent had.

Teachers' pay should

be the same as doctors'
an d lawyers'.

B: I agree ................................ you .

1 A: Life's easier now than it was fifty years ago .

B: Oh , I don't ................................ about that.

4 A: Painting is more creative than photography.

B: I'm no t ................................ 1 agree.

S A: To be a successful politician. you have to be


secretaries than men.

B: I'm sorry but 1 think you 're ................ ........... .

6 A: 1 don't Lhink it's right La spend all that

money on going to the moon.

B: You ................................ be right, hut don 't

you think it's exciting to find out more

abou t outer space?

What's wrong?


11 Agree or disagree with the students above,

giving your reasons.

10/ Correct the mistakes.

Agree: .T~~!.'~.~~~~:.~~:~.!?f!~JC!!r..~~.~~~.~~!~~~~~.if........


.~~~ P..~.~~'!.f:s.. ~~~. ~~~~. ~!. ~~p.~: ................................... .

'!.t?~.~~r.~.!.!!9r.~~...1f.!~~~~.'~.~~~~'?~.~.~ ..
.~~t?~ .tff.t.~.~ .!~~.~~!{~~~~~.!!:~fl.~~'..~~~.~~p..~f~!!!!!!~ ......
.~~.~~.!~~.~~~~: ..........................................................

Stop fooling rouAd!


I You have to be comitted to succeed in this job.

"2 I call you as soon as 1 know he result.

J I'll be really happy if I'll get an interview.


He's sociable reliable and efficient.

5 Don'L stay too late or you miss the la t bus.

G My brother works in compu ler.





Stay cool
1 / Replace the words in italics
with the correct form of a phrasal
verb with take.
after back @
on over up

3> First, fill in the blank spaces in 1 to 12 with the endings

of the adjectives. Then match the clues to the numbers.


5 Would you mind removing your

shoes? ........................................ .

6 Who do you resemble?


Complete the words with the

endings in the box.






A M B 1 T I
1 N T E L L

1 G

1 M P 0 R T


R 0 M A N T









C A R T 0 0 N


H 0


R R 0 R

15 M U S

b) 0
c) D
d) 0

f1 0





6 wonder.......... ..

2 fam............

7 dirt........... .


3 creat............

8 expen ........... .


4 pleas............

9 eleg ........... .




10 dramat............

I differ............

5 impress............


5 W 1 T

2 Have you returned the books to the

library? ................................. .

you have to accept more

onsibility in your new job?


Can you start learning the piano at

any age? ................................. .

4 Will

A R 1 S T 0

There was too much information to

absorb all at once. .............................
take in

3 Will his job be safe when the new

company takes control?

1 C A L

A film or play with songs.


Belonging to the upper classes.

It doesn't matter if your T-shirt's a bit dirty. Stop

being so ..................... .
Listen carefully. This is ......................... .
A type of film which can be frightening.
My new dictionary helps me a lot. It's really ..................... ..
So you saw him with ano ther gi rl. There's no
need to get .................... .
This sort of person is good at making jokes.
Very, very good.
You're always writing love letters, you ......................... fool !
You try to do too much. You're too ......................... .
A film which relies on graphics and animation.
Take out this paragraph. It isn't ......................... to
your argument.

tay cool
Defining and non-defining relative clauses
4; Complete the sentences with who{mj, which,
where or whose.

Is this the jumper ..... }!~~!~~...... shrank in

lhe wash?

5 Would you recognise the man .....................

Glasgow, ..................... 1 pent last summer, is a

great place to go clubbing.

6 Our accommodation, ..................... the tourist

2 H

took on a job ..................... was too difficull.

Kale, ..................... you've already met, is coming

with us.
Would the person ..................... ar is blocking
the exit please move it?

sold you the tickets?

office reco mmended, was absolutely terrible.
7 We went to Scotland with my mother, ................. .

family originally came from Edinburgh.

8 My grandmother often goes back to the

village ..................... she was born.

Present perfect simple and continuous

5> Circle the correct forms.

Una: Hi, Sean.Q haven't seeii)! I haven't been seeing

you for ages.
Sean: 1 know.
ina: You look tired. Are you OK.
~ean: I'm fine. 1 I've been working! I've worked
quite hard, that's all.
Una: Oh? 2 What have you done?! What have you
been doing?
Sean: J I've got together ! I've been getting together
some photos for my portfolio. 4 I've taken up !
I've been taking up photography, you see.
Una: Really?
Sean: Yes. l'm quite serious about it. r, I've joined /
I've been joining a photography dub.
Una: 6 How long have you gone? ! How long have
you been going?
Sean: Oh, only a few weeks.
Una: And how many photos 7 have you taken / have
you been taking so far?
Sean: Quite a lot.
Una: Have you got a good camera?
Sean: Yes. It 's not bad. 8 I've just bought / I've just
been buying a new one for 200.

You haven't spent ! You haven't been

spending 200 on a camera, have you? With
a camera like that you can take my photo
if yo u like!
Sean: Sorry! 10 I haven't taken on / Ihaven't been
taking on any professional work yet!


for it
Relative clauses

6/ Write a letter to Penny in your notebook by

joining the sentences together with who(ml. which,
where or whose.

This summer we're going to Spain.

It's my favourite place to spend a holiday.
My American cousins are going
I've never met them.


be there.

Dear Penny.
This summer we're 90;n9 to Spain , which ;s my
favourite place to spend a holiday.
My Amer;ca~ cousins. whom I've never met, are
90in9 to be there.

We're going to a vill age n ar "Pamplona.

My gra ndm ther was born there.

2 We're staying in a farm house.

It belongs to my uncle.
3 My grandmo ther is arriving tomorrow afternoon.

She now lives in Barcelona.

4 We're having a big birthday party for my

grandmother. She's seventy on Saturday.

5 On Sunday we all plan to go to a restaurant

in Pamplona .
My grandmother used to work there.
6 The owner is related to our family.

His name is Felipe.

7 Felipe is a fanta stic chef.

He's just taken over the res taurant.

Present perfect simple and continuous

7 > Write the questions and answers, using the
present perfect simple or continuous as appropriate.

what / he / eat / ? (ice cream)

..w.h!!t~ .~~..~.t;~~.~~.~!l..!l? ............................................ .


e / she / swim / ? (Jake)

3 what / they / play / ? (volleyball)

4 what / he / do / all morning / ? (ride/horse)

5 why / he / fall over backwards / ? Uump over/


6 what / he / do / '! (twist/knee)

Commu nication

S ay cool

9 > Complete the questions and responses.

8'; Put the conversation in the correct order.

What do yo u .................... of Gwyneth PaJtTow?

1 think she's .................... .

I'm not that .................... on her.

J like her a .................... .

I can't .................... her.

Have you seen her .................... film?

No, I haven't.

I've seen it twice.

Did you .................... it?

1 .................... it was wonderful.

I wasn't v ry .................... .

1 though t it was a bit .................... .

PJ 60 for it

10> In your notebook, write a conversation

between you and a friend discussing a film star
about whom you have different opinions.



D l'm not that keen 011 him.

b) D Did you? I thought it was a waste of time.

c) ill Have you seen Ewan McGregor's latest film?

d) D You wish!

eJ 0 Do you? WeI!, I suppose he' quite attractive


in a funny sort of way.


Y u can'l say that! It was really exciting

and Ewan McGregor wa brilliant in it.

D Yes. I thought it was

fantasti .

h) DOh, 1 am. 1 think he's really good-looking.


D Maybe he'll walk in


Correct the mistakes.

'Where have you been all afternoon?'


.s wjfT)fT)jn~

'I've SWl:H'R- in tne river:

Is this the book what you told me about?
2 I've seen already the film.
3 It's an exceJentfilrn .


What's wrong?)

1 though t the film was a loss of time.

5 That's the boy who's moth er teaches at

our school.
6 Her mother who wa a fa mous actTeSS,
wanted her to go to university.

here right now.


1 13 UCYCIUtJ I crl


The hot ticket

The future of fo tbaU is feminine, according to

Sepp Blatter Pre ident of FIFA. the game's
governing body. Tbi afternoon, 90,000 people will
watch the Women' World Cup final in Los AngeJe
between the United State and China, whose team
has been playing so we]] in the tournament.

weeks ago, when

[he women' roumamenr
began, DO one paid much
arreDtlOO ro it. This week,
chc: Presidem 0 the United
tutes changed his schedule
[0 make sure that he could
attend. Even he was lucky
to get in; the gam IS a seU
. When the organisers
covered they had 3,000
extra tickets on Tuesday.
mey w e sold within hours.
Women's fo mbal I is
suddenly the ho ridet.
When the United tares
ream beat Brazil in the
emi6nals, their success

[Ook them to the front

pages throughout the
country and even onto
Everyone loves a winner.
Americ:ms more than most,
but the way in which this
team has taken over the
public imagination has been
remarkable. The whole
country has been following
the tournament. If che US
team wins this afternoon.
the country will go wild.
rournament ould be big,

it' been bigger than I


footuall Scelle
By Dave Allsop

Victory for the USA

It has been a thrilling week in
women's football . [he American
dream bas finally come nue. The
ho I nation beat China 5-4 on
penalti to claim the third Women's
World Cup in fronl of 90,000




esrablished it as a world
class women's event in

sportS,' said Marla Messing,

the President and Chief
Executive Officer of th
Women's World Cup.

The Chinese, who have

league of ten
teams, will start as
favourites this afternoon.
When they took on
Norway, the cup holders,
in the semifinals, they gave


pa sionate fans, including President

Clinton and his daughter, Ch_e lsea.
The three-week tournament
attracted more than 650,000 fans in
total. 'It's the biggest sp0l1ing even t
for us in the last ten years,' said
President Clinton. 'It's not just
soccer. We are lalking about
women's soccer. I think it will have
a far-reaching impact across the

probably th
display of football in the
history of the competition;
and in Sun Wen, their
captain, lhey have the star
of the murnamenc. There
is even a Barbie-do li
ve ion of her availa Ie in
toy shops.

5 the game has international status

6 the

Chinese team i the preferred team to win

he till . headings and any pictures

o h Ip YOLI guess what a te t is going to

be boul.
can til t t to und rstand the principal
poiT1ts. Fo u on number, nam and fact.
( e Exerci > 11
) III lltify th phra \:: which are difficult and
work oul what they mean or look them up m
a dictIOnary. (_ ee ExeTcise 2)
4 fiillally read th
xl again t make SUTe you
understand he d tails and opinions ill the

Go for it

>Answer the questions.

Article A
How long has this year's tournament been
going on?
2 How do we know that th Americans were very

l. (See E 'erei e 3)

interested in the World Cup?

3 Why has the Women's World Cup surprised

Stay cool

Marla Messing?

1; Read the text and answer the questions.

In which country is the cup final? .. !~~.Y.~~: .......
1 Which article was written before the match?

4 How do we know that the Chinese aptain has

2 Which four countries are mentioned?

Article B

become famous?

5 Why has the American dream 'finally come true'?

Who won lhe game betwe n China and Norway?


4 Which teams played in the Anal?

How ma ny Women's World Cup tournaments

have there been?

5 How many people were at the Anal?

6 How many attended the whole tournament?

2> Write the expressions which show that:

there are no tickets left


the final

4> In your notebook. write a letter to an English

friend to confirm arrangements for the
following situation.
You're going to see a football match with your
friend, who is coming to visit you next week.
These are the details:

2 women's football is now very popular

3 the US leam is now headline news

4 everybody in the US will celebrate

Coach leaves 3.30. Arrives at ground 5.30.

Buy tickets. Go for a pizza.

Malch starts 7.30.

Coach leaves 9.45. Arrives home 11.45.

Weather - may rain - bring an umbrella.



Stay cool

Com plete the labels.

5 rad io .......................... .

sound ....Sll~~~..............

6 video ...........................

I ....................... ....


7 video .......................... .

2> Match the phrasal verbs in Column A to the

items in Column B. (Some of the items in Column
B can be used more than once.)
2 ........................... phone

turn up

2 tum down
J tum on
4 tum off

5 tum in
6 turn away

3 personal .......................... .

7 turn over


a) a wanted man
b) a problem in your mind

c) th e volume
d) in time ror lunch

e) an offer of help

f1 people from the door

g) the computer

h) the ligh t

~ . Go for it

3>In your notebook, write four sentences, each

4 CO .......................... .


containing a phrasal verb with turn and an item

of electrical equipment.

Stay cool
Causative have (have something done)
4; What are they having done? Write sentences
with have.

Second conditional: if/unless clause

+ 'd (would)/wouldn't

5> Complete the second conditional sentences

with the correct form of the words in brackets .

... .r.~.'!.J4.~~.~~ ... (Yo u/ have) more money jf .. Y.9.'!. ...

.!!f!!!!.'!..w.!!,r:';t!. (you/not spend) so much on CDs.
What sort of computer .......................................... .

(y u/buy) jf ........................................... (you /have)

[2,000 to spend?

..~~~} .~f!.,!j.~!1..~f!!..~.'!!..~.~~~!!~~: ....................................

2 I'm sure .................................................................... .

(the camera /work) if .............................................. ..

(y u/p ul) new batteries in il.
3 .......................................................... (l /not change)
my Id sou nd system for a new one unless

.......................................................... (it/be broken).

4 ................................................................ (l /not buy)

a sound system unless ............................. (it/have)

a record deck.
S ..... .......................................... (I /not have) a mobile

ph one if ........................................... (you /pay) me!

Verb need + gerund/passive infinitive

6> Complete the sentences with (not) need and
the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

The car's dirty. It ...~~.~!!:SA~~~!~.!l: ... (clean)

Yo ur hair's long. It ........................................... .

3 ..................................................................................


2 The fax is fine. It .................................................. .

3 The volume is low. ................................................ ..

......................... ? (b tteries/replace)

4 ................................................................................... .

These plates are clean. They .. A~~:t!"!~~c!. .........

.JC!..~!..~!!~I:r.~.t!:.. (wash)

The video recorder is sh owing the wrong time.

It ................................................................... (r set)

5 Your aT is making a terrible noise...................... ..

5 ....................................................................................

.............................................................. ? (it/service)

I wish/If only + past tense

7 / Write what they are saying using If only and I wish.

1 1 wish ... !"~~~'~.~~~P.'!.fr.!?~ ..~.~r.t;; ............................. .

2 1f only .. !..~.~~ .!':.r.,?p..t;: .................................................

3 I wish .........................................................................

4 If only ........................................................................

5 I wish .........................................................................

6 If only ...................................................................... ..

7 I wish ....................................................................... ..

Go for it
Causative have (have something done)
8/ C mplete the conversations with have and the
correct form of the verbs in the box.

develop (. colour) look at

lest clean

Second conditional: if/unless clause

+ 'd (would)/wouldn't

9> Rewrite the sentences using the words

in brackets.

I don't have any money so 1 don't go out. (it)

..If.!.h.~.~.~~~~/..~~~.2~.~~r: ........................................

They're leaving the party early. Something must

be wrong. (unless)

.. !.~!!Y. .~!?!!!.t!.~:.~ J'!!!~~ .~~~ p.~r:!Y. .t;~r.1JI. .~~!~...............

..~~~~!!!!!g..~~~!.~~r~.~~!?!!g: .................................... .

I haven't got a mobile phone, ~o you can't ring

me. (if)

not mark

A: Your hair looks different.

B: I've
had it coloured, tha t's why.

2 We can't play a computer game before dinner

because we don't have ti me. (if)

A: You need glasses.

B: No, I don't. I ..................................................... .

last week, and the optician said they were OK.

J I tell you I love you be ause 1 mean it. (unless)

2 A: Is your laptop computer working?

B: No, but I ......................................... tomorrow.

3 A: That jacket's a bit dirty, isn 't it?

B: You're right. I .................................................. ..

when 1 next go into town.
4 A: .................. you .................. your holiday
photos ..................................... yet?
B: No. I haven't finished the film yet.
5 A: Have you handed in your project?

B: Yes, but I ...........................................................


4 1 swim out a long way, but l'm a good swimmer.


5 This personal stereo isn't under guarantee, so I

can't take it back to the shop. (if)

Stay cool
10) Put the conversation in order.



mCan I help you?


Certainly. Have you checked the batteries?


dJ DOh, 1 didn't know that. Do you sell them?



J) 0


11 In your notebook, write conversations for

the following situations.

1 Your

parents have bought you a video camera.

There's a problem: it doesn' t record sound. You
take it back to the shop.

Yes. I bought this cassette recorder here last

week and it doesn' t work.

Yes. It needs batteries.


The microphone. Could you have a look at

it, please?
What doesn't work exactly?

h) 0 Yes, we do. You need a couple. Here you are.


Explain th at the video camera doesn't

work. Show the receipt.
Assistant: Ask what the problem is.
Explain the problem. Ask the assistant
to test it.
Assistant: Agree that there is a problem,
Ask wha t they will do.
Assistant: Offer to rep lace it or to give a refund.
Say what you want.

o Thanks.


60 f or it


My parents bought me this video

camera, but ...

Using a dictionary (1):

Selecting what
look up


Wh '11 you reLJd (J text. try to [ucs' th meaning

of new words and phras . Use a dictionary only
wh n you annot guess tile meaning.
R d the extra L below, underlining the words
r phra e5 which are new. How many words do
you need to 10 up?

The new rich

Over the last five years, the income of
Briti h sixteen- to nineteen-year-old . has
shot up by iXly per enl. And it seems
that they will not be squandering their
new-found wealth becau c the rna t
popular New Year' resolution among
British teenage is to look after their

2 You bough t a sweatshirt yesterday. When y u

got it ho me, you found a hole in the leeve.
Although you've lost the receipt, you go to the
customer services desk in the shop. There's a
sign which says 'No rerllnds or exchanges
withou t a receipt'.


Explain wha t the problem is. Say you

wan t a refund.
Assistant: Ask for the receipt.
Assistant: Apologise, and explain why you cannot
do anything.
Expl ain that the label shows that you
bou ght th e sweatshirt from that shop.
Assistant: Offer to replace it but not to refund
the money.
Ace pt the offer.

What's wrong?
12> Correct the mistakes.
I fliwe my computer repaired yesterday.




1 I wish 1 have a car,


The tape needs to be rewind.

If 1 were seventeen, 1 learn to drive.
1 wouldn t go out in this weather unless I had to.
We've had repaired the car.
You haven't turn ed in their job offer, have you?

9 ts
Stay cool


make a fuss make a mistake (. make an effort) make do

make iL make money make up your mind

1 Replace the words in italics

with the expressions in the box.

3 For goodness' sake, decide!

You could at least try!


4 Most people only get rich if they work hard .

1 don't want to complain. The food isn 't so bad.

5 This isn't a prop r paella pan but we can manage.

2 1 ran for the bus but 1 didn't get there in time.

6 Did you get something wrong in that question?

Go for it


Write what the people are saying using an

expression or a phrasal verb with make.

That's the third time you've

been late this week! r-----'-----------.

4 Oh , no ! 1 ........................................................... .


Stay cool
Verbs should have/ought to have
3/ Comment on each of these situations using
the verbs in the box.
leave ~ go bring
swim ~ eat slap
should have/shouldn't have

4 .................................................................................. .

at the crossroads.

He should have worn warm clothes.

5 ....................................................................................

some water with hem .

............................................................. a larger size.

6 .....................................................................................

where the urren t was strong.

2 ................................................................... so Inuch.

3 ........................................................... into the field.

7 ... ............................................................................... ..
the dog in th e car.

Verbs make, let and be allowed to

4/ Complete the sentences with make, let or
be allowed to.

Please don 't ......'!!.l!.~...... me go to the dentist!

Jake always manages to .................................... .
me laugh when rve got a moulh full of food.

Go for it
Verbs should have/ought to have
6> Advise and criticise these people.

c- /

' . "~~~ ~":

// /0 '..



~ ,~






2 Did they ..................................... you use a

calculator in the maths exam?

3 We ..................................... bring drinks to school.

but we ............................................. drink them in

the classrooms.
4 When my grandmother was a teenager. her

mother wouldn't ..................................... her go

out with boys until she was eighteen.
S You won't ..................................... buy a ticket for

that film because you're too young.

6 Do they ..................................... you wear a

uniform at all schools in Britain?

7 .................................. me see what you've bought!

5) Express the sentences differently using the

correct form of be allowed to.

My parents didn't let me go to the concert .

should have/shouldn't have

A: 1wanted to see him again, but 1 felt a bit shy.

B: ..r~M.!.~~~~~.h~~~.~~~f:l.f~~..~.~~.p.h~!!~.!!M~.~.~r....
B: ..r~M.!.~~~~~!!:r..~.~x~.~~.~!!.~'?..~hy: ........................

A: My brother asked me to help him with his

homework. 1 told him to do it himself. l-le
couldn't. 1 feel bad about it.
B: ............................................................................

B: ............................................................................

.. ,1 .~~~~:!.~!!~~~!!..~l!.,g~.~!l.rh~.fl!.r:r.t;!!:!1........................


lospita l lets you visit patients between two

and five in the afternoon.

You ........................................................................... .
2 They

don't let you smoke in their house.

2 A: I was out late last night. My parents didn't

know where 1 was. They were worried.

B: ...... ......................................................................

s: ............................................................................

You ........................................................................... .

ought to have/oughtn 't to have

3 They don't let children over the age of eleven

play in the minipark.

Children over the age of eleven ............................ .
4 Old your teacher let you go home early?

3 A: I took my broth er's jacket without asking

him. He made a big fuss about it.

s: ............................................................................

B: .......................................................................... ..

.................... you ...................................................... .

................................................................................ ?

5 Why didn't her mum let her stay at Sarah's house?

Why .................... she ............................................. ..

4 A: 1 was thirsty and 1 drank all the milk last

night. There was none left for breakfast.

B: ............................................................................

................................................................................. ?

s: ............................................................................



Communic ation
tay cool

9> Write a conversation for the following situation.

7) Write in the missing words. Then put the

conversations in order.

Conversation 1:
I couldn't r........................ your phone number.

o Why ........................ you phone me? I had my

mobile with me, and it was sw...................... on.

D I'm T.......... .. ............ sorry.

o Never mind. It doesn't m........................ .

mYou're late. You sh .f!.'!.~t!. ... have been here at six.

Conversation 2:
I've s........................ I'm sorry!

o It's OK Don't w........................ about it.

[] You sh.~'!.~~~~L .. have been so rude to me.

01 know it isn't. Look, I've been

feeling a bit
stressed recently. I'll m........................ up for it.

o Sometimes it isn't en ........................ just to

say sony.

You borrow your friend's white jacket to go to a

party. When you get back home, you realise that
someone has spil t a drink down the back. The stain
has dried and won't come out. You go round to
your friend's house to return the jacket.
Friend: ..w..~.~:~.h~p.p.~IJ~cJ.J~.!?l..Yj~~~~l ......................

Go for it
) Write the conversation.


Friend: ......................................................................... ..

Friend: .......................................................................... .

A: Here you are at last! We were supposed to

catch the eight thirty train and it's now nine
thirty. Why are you so late?
B: [ap%gises) ........................................................... ..

o What's wrong?)
10> Correct the mistakes.

A: What happened?
B: (gives an excuse and ap%gises again) ..................


1 know 1 shoul d have-5t-ay;

You made me to drop the glass.

2 You shouldve Ii ened to him.

3 You really must make effort.

A: (accepts the apology) .............................................

4 ls it allowed to drive when you're seventeen?

5 I'm sony. 1 been really busy.

B: There's another train at nine forty-five.

6 Will he make a lot of many?


s dey o ment extra


If you asked Simon Taylor
what had made him a 'bad
boy'. he would probably tell
you that ir all started when
his father was unemployed.
His father was at home all the
time, Simon got on his nerves
and they argued. Simon didn't
feel loved.

Teenage criminal
Schoo ls cou ldn't cope with
'imon, He stole (rom car and
from hop . And then he tole
from hi!'> part"nt . When be wa
twelve, a .. \\fCcks after his
mother had gIven birth to his
, i~ter, he set fire co hi bed and
LliTtc1Uu. and to two cars in the
treer. At that poinr, he parents
louldo 't cope with h1m anymore
and he wa<; take.n into care. He
WCfl[ int chilJren' h mes, then
illto an in tirution for young
offenders and finally to a pecial
school ca.Ucd .noway Place,
which was run by a charity.

Holidays aren't always good

for you
In an attempt to help him , the
staff at Conway Place sent imon
on an incredible serIes of exotic
holidays. He went scuba clivi g in
the Caribbean, cruiseJ thro ugh t he
Florida Everglades, visited
Disneyworld and Sea World, rode
through the Mexican jungle, skied
i.n Scotland and Norway, toured
Italy, went horse riding in
Denmark, camped in Spain and
went on safari in Zimbabwe. The
people who ran Conway Place
thought the rrips would do him
good. According to Simon, th y
Ulad him worse.

A prison education
When he left care at the age of
eighteen, Simon was soon put in
prison for robbery. In tact, he
spent three of the ne t four years
in prison.


'In priso n [ learned everything I

needed to know for a Ilfe of
crime,' he says. He describes
lessons from other prisoners in
how to stca I ca rs and how to
use credit cards illegally.

A new outlook on life

N o w twen ty-two, imon is
going out wit h a girl and say
that he has give n up crime.
'Someone rea lly cares for me for
the first time in In)' life ... I jUt
w a nt to be boring and )rdinlry.
I w ant to be normal,' he 'iay .
He wishes he had some
quali fications. L1 ills opinion,
tht: schoo l Sh Ollldn '( have sent
h im o n expe nsive ho lIdays; they
sho uld have ed ucated him. If he
had some q ua lLfi atlons, he
might be able to ger a job. If he
had a jo b, he'd have some scLf
respect, w hi h is probably what
he needs more tha n anything.


Stay cool
1/ Read the text and put the events in order.

aJ D He met a girl who cared for him.

d D
ill D
e) D

Simon took money from his parents.

He visited several countries.

H went to a school caned Conway Place.

He went to prison.

He went into a children's home.

Go for it
2 / Correct the statements.
Simon's father was never at home when Simon
was young.
Simon's fa ther . ~!!~..I!.'.'.~!!!p'.I.f!!I.~~. f!!'!!!..~f!~ .~.~'!!.l!Y~ ...
at home.
1 Simon's parents had him taken inlO care when

his father became unemployed.

1l1ey had him taken into care when .................... .

3> Imagine that Simon goes back to Conway
Place to talk to the head teacher there. Write
the conversation in your notebook,
Simon: 1 feel an gry when 1 think back to the time
1 spent here. (criticises) .J'.(n!.~~~!!!~~~L .....


Head : (responds) We thought ...

Simon: (questions them) Why di dn't you ...
Head: (adm its they were wrong and says what they
should have done) 1t was a mistake ...
We ought to have ...
Simon: (agrees) Yes, ...
Head: (asks about his life now)
Simon: (responds)



In your notebook, write a summary of Simon's

story. Follow the plan below and use the words
and phrases given.
Say what Simon th inks made him a 'bad boy'.

Simon thought the -programme organised by

Conway House was good for him.

Simon Taylor says he didn't feel loved as a child.

Consequently, he got into troub~e at an early age.

He thought it .......................................................... .

Give two examples of the things he did when he

was young.
what's more

] When he left Conway Place, he gave up crime.

He ............................................................................. .

Say wha t he did at age twelve and what the

consequence was.
as a result

4 He

spent four years in prison.

He ............................................................................. .
5 He learned nothing while he was in prison.

He ............................................................................. .

Say what Conway Pla ce's idea was ; compare it

with what he really needed.

Say what happened and what the effect was.


Say what his plans are now, and what lhe

conditi ons are for success.
6 It will be easy for him to get a job now.

provided that

It would ....................................................................


Guess who?

tay cool

>Complete the words and phrases.





QJ ab ~ ~.!.



medium -I _ _ __ _

0 in his thirt
3 CD middle-a


Height and build

120fr __ 9 _


Special features


t _ 1l

D __ort
60 med __ _

70s1 m

D plu __

ponyt __ _

D sh _ v _ _



sideb __ _ _

D double


_ _ _

T __


D e _ rrings
14 D gl _ sses
15 D freck _ _ _

D Ion
D th
20 D
21 D






D b_9
D sm


D arch __
25 D bush _




D 1__ _
D str ___ _ _
D sn _ b

2'; look at the pictures of Barry, Justine and louise. Write

the correct initials B, J and L by the words in Exercise 1.





{jo f or it

3/ Write the personality adjectives under the

correct headings.

4> Read the description of Barry. Then.

in your notebook. write descriptions of
Justine and Louise.

C aggressive) C amusing) boring

upset warm distant interesting happy
easy-going dull good fun bad-tempered
moody relaxed good-tempered tense cold

Negative qualities

Positive qualities
..................CJ.IJJH~j!!9................. .

.................C!gg.r:~J.'!~ ............... .

_ ~or it )

Stay cool

6> Complete the conversation with the words in

the box.

/ Match the questions to the responses.

1 How do you get on with Bruno?
2 What do you think of Peter?
3 What's Emma like?
4 What's the matter with Jo and Andy?
5 What sort of mood is Nick in today?


up go 1 ud quite
get easy-goin g

A: What .. ~.?'! .. of person is Justin?

B: He's a bit serio us at times, but he's basicany an

a} He seems quite outspoken but actually
he's really shy.
b) Worse than yesterday - bad-tempered
and aggressive.
I(c) Really well. He's outgoing, amusing and
good fun to be with.
d) She's a bit moody sometimes, but she's
never dull.
e) They're a bit quiet today. 1 don't know Why.


C sort)

A: So what's

sort of guy.


moment? He had a

with him at the



Harry and Paul last night.

B: I don' t know. 1 think they


on his nerves because they're

and sometimes

5............................ .




tay cool
Verbs must/can't for drawing conclusions
7) Charlotte and Jamie are playing a quiz game.
Complete the conversation.


In the 1950s1

he hod hits on bolb sides

of the Atlantic.

His glosses were one of his


She's a film slar.
She's gal dark hoir, beautiful
big eyes and awide mouth.
She played the masl fomous
film slar in the world in a
film with Hugh Granl.


He's 0 young

British pop star.

He's gol cropped dark hoir.

He's well-built ond he used

to be overweight.


In 1999,
Ihis bond of five hod
ohuge hit wilh Ihe
Bee Gees song, Tragedy.

Charlotte: ..~~.~~~.~~ ... Elvis Pre ley. He was

really popular in the 1950s.
No, it can't be him . He didn't wear
glas~~~"it"';;;~;t be B~ddy"i:ioiiY.""""

2 Jamie:

...................................................... Liam
Charlotte: No, ............................................... him.
He ............................................... short
hair....................................................... .
Robbie Williams. The description fits
him perfeclly.

Adjective word order

8) Choose three suitable adjectives from the box
to complete each of the descriptions.

beautiful blond Briti h cotton

curly dark duvet (. Fanta tic)
fashion French interesting Italian
large leather (e leisure) long
modem (. n ew) nice old
patterned red riding short silk
straight Swiss tall wavy white
wooden writing young

3 Charlotte : ........................................... Elizabe th


4 Jamie:

Hurley. She's Hugh Grant's partner.

No, ................................................. her.
................................................... a wide
mouth. It ............................................. .
Julia Roberts.

............................................. All Saint .

Charlotte: No, ............................................. them .

.............................................. only four

of them . It ...........................................



A ...t~'!.~~~~....

.......'!.~.'!.............~~!~'!.~~...... centre

1 ............................................................... hair

2 A ............................................................... sofa

3 A .......................................... .............. _..... jacket

4 ...........................................................


5 A ............................................................ designer

6 A ............................................................... desk

7 A ............................................................... cover

Verbs seem, look, sound + adjective

or like/as if

5 You ...................................... worried. Is

anything wrong?

9 / Complete the sentences with the correct form

of seem, look or sound and like/as if where necessary.

6 Although I've only just met him, he

...................................... a really nice guy.

I heard you rehearsing your new sony earlier.

1t ... ~~~!'!~~~ .. . great!

7 They've both got short blond hair and bl ue

The sky's very dark. It ..................................... .

it's going to rain.

eyes. They ...................................... sisters.

8 Did you hear a car oUlside? It ............................ .

2 Listen! 1t ...................................... th und er.

...................... Sarah and Phil ha ve arrived.

3 Hay y u been on holiday? You

9 When 1 think about that time in my life, it just

...................................... tanned.

...................................... a bad dream.

It ...................................... we haven't seen each

other for ages.

Go for it
Adjective word order
Verbs seem, look, sound + adjective
or like/as if
10/ Complete the article. putting the adjectives
in brackets into the correct order, and the verbs in
brackets into the correct form with like or as if
where necessary.

Last summer, I

W nI

on a walking holiday in the

mountain, with a grollp )f friends. Walking through

,... fq~~!!'!~~!.'!g..f!.~~ ...... (


ttl/fas inating) viUagc:.

'Ir I ..............................................

hUlIses under a

l .............................


,Iill filf

hundreds 'If

He had



time had stood


One Ja.y, ",1":0 we



W!re OU[

walking in tbe hills,

me ovcr to look:u omething. He 'eemed


(meral/small) 0 jecl.

(10k) part of a tarue.

It iliUM he really old' ~d Luke::.

II \va" it

8.................................. .

9....... . ...........................

(curly/. hort) hair.

(strong! quare) face and

broatJ shoulder~ .

'I think it', a statue of an Olympic runner,' said lukt:.

'The Olympic G-.une: [Ook

place in Greece.'
We phonetJ the Local JUlI, eum,

l)n the ~round in tr(ml of him was a


(look) an athlete.

'No, it can'l be,' I Said.

rc.-alh xciled.




ky was absolutely wonderful. In some places, il



6.............................................................. ..

(bron7 '/b .. ullfully Ilude.


of a man.

The woman we spoke to



very intere ted, so we look Ihe

larue:: ro the

mll~eum . Luke


right. It was an Olympic r unner.

And it was nearly 2,000 years old.



to the USA.

Stay cool


1 Complete the conversations below and match

them to the pictures. (There are six pictures but
only four conversations.)


A: ..w..~~!~............. you mind ........................ .

your bike?

B: Of ......................... not.


4 A: l'm feeli ng a bit tired. Could .........................

take over?

drM ng strange cars.

2 A: ......................... you help me?

B: l'm afra id .......................... There' a queue

of people here.

3 A: ......................... you think you could

........................ the phone? l'm in the shower.

B: Sure.


B: ......................... , but I'm nervous about



2> In your notebook, write conversations for
the remaining two pictures in Exercise 1.

Stay cool

Clauses of purpose with to, in order

(not) to, so that

3> Complete the sentences with to, in order (not) to or so that.

Where two options are possible. write both.

3 He took his camera ......................................... get

it repaired.
4 I went round to Fay's house ............................... ..

we could work on


project together.

5 We wen t back .........................................................

find Jo 's watch.

6 Put sun cream on every hour .............................. .

you don't get burnt.

7 She hid th e photo of her ex-boyfriend

.................................... cause any embarrassment.

8 He saved 5 e ery week ........................................

He had to climb a tree .......~~(~~.~~!!!:!:.~~ ...... get

away from the bull.
1 used a knife ............................................... . open

the parcel.
2 She came in quietly .............................................. .

disturb her parents.

he could afford to go to the USA.

9 They left early ........................................ they

would be home in time for their fa vourite

soap opera.

10 He decided not to talk about his own problems

........................................ upset her any more.

Verbs used to/be used to/get used to

4> Rewrite these sentences using used to, be used to or get used to.
At one time, we Itved on a farm in Scotland.
W .. M~~!!. y? .~~~~.~!!. ~J'!.~'1!. f!!..~.~~!!~!!!!: ....................
When we were young, we alway went to Spain
for the summer.

4 l've been in Brazil for ten years, so I've become

accustomed to the Brazilia n way of life.

1 ................................................................................ .

W ............................................................................ .

5 My grandparents sti ll have their farm. They've

2 When you were a child, were you often fussy

about your food?

always worked hard.

My grandparents ..................................................... .

................... you ....................................................... .

................................................................................. ?
J Wearing a uniform in England is really strange

for me. In Spain, we don't wear one to school.

6 Did you become accustomed to t'h traffic noise

when you lived in London?

................... you ....................................................... .

I .................................................................................

. ................................................................................ ?


Verbs used to/be used to

5/ Read the text. Then answer the questions
using used to or be used to.

The early cinema

One of tbe most Important clJa7lges to
people's lives at the beginning of the
twentieth Ce7ltury was tbe bltroducti01l
of the clttema.
The early cinema w a place for ordinary people.

They went lO watdl films of many kinds: ~omedia;.

fumasi .~, informati n films and dr'.uruts. In 1927 AI Jolson

surpri ed the audience by peaking in his film

The Jazz Sitlger. Before that. all th films had been silent.

Although tb films w re silent, the LinetIL'l wasn't.

Wh '0 Doe of Lhe actors did somedling particularly good
or bad, people shouted 1-TurrAh! or 'Boa.' 111ere was also
music [0 accompany tbe ftlm . ill those days there WdS a
pmuoat the front in every cinema.
II was truly family entertainment. Children didn't
usually go to places of entertainmelll like the theatre
r the music haIL bur Lheir parents took Lhem to
the cinema.


In India the cinema W:l<; a tent TIlere was sand 011 the
floor where people could it and there were aJso
benches.The films were romantic but the actor didn't

kis .When people in fndia aw films from the USA wim

people kiSSing, mey were shock d .
In the United States, the fir t cinemas sold ticket for
only five cents. TIley were usually in the poor or
immigrant areas, and many of the cinema owners wt:re
immigrants from Europe. When the dn mas became
more luxurious, peopJe bad to pay more ,Lnd they
Today w see .films with funrastic spe ial effects all tht:
timt:. But some of the magic of the early cL'l}'S of dnema
has gone.

Twenl,JeO,Century Cinema

What ort of films were popular in the early days

or Cinema?

4 Why wa a trip to the cinema unusual for children?

Because ....... ............................................................. .

People ....'!.~f!.~..~~ .~~~~h..~~!!!~~!f!~,.f~!!~l!~!f!~~ ............. .

.. .i.lJfo.r:!!!.'!~~9./);fUm~.~m~.~mm.t;I.~: ................................

Why were people StJrprised when they heard AI

Jolon speak in The Jazz Singer?

Because Lhey ... ~~~~.~:.~.~~~~.~!!.~.~~r.~'!fJ..p.~,!p..~~.........

...sP.~.l!.~..~fJ.fU~~:.......................................................... .

5 1n lndia did everybody sit on benches?

No. Some people ..................................................... .

6 Why were people in India shocked by som
American fi lms?
Because they ............................................................ .

Before 1927 were the audience quiet during

No. They .................................................................. .

2 Where did the music for the early films come from?

7 Why did people in the USA co mplain when they

wen t to the new cinemas?
Because they ............................................................ .

TIlere ....................................................................... ..
8 Why has some of t he magic or the early
3 Wa it only adults who went to the cinema?

No Everybody ......................................................... .


inema gone?

Because nowaday people ...................................... .

Stay cool
6/ Write the nouns from these words using the
endings in the box.

I -ing





2 diFfer

3 refer




.......... .i~p..r:!?~~.'!!.~~~..... .. ....

8',; Complete these conversations with words

from Exercise 6, Use a verb, a noun (with the
where necessary) or an adjective.
What's ...~~~.~!II~!~!!~~... between a Scottish and
an English 10 note?
You can'l ...................................... to Australia
unless you've go t a job there.
2 My ather says he used to get a lot of

...................................... fronl simple toys.


3 Why do you th ink someone stole your watch?

5 emigrate

You've just got a ...................................... nature.

6 hunl

7 encourage

8 suspect

4 I tTied but I just cou ldn't .....................................

eating all the chocolate.

9 resist

S They tried to persuade him but he wouldn't

10 enjoy

...................................... to go with them.

II organise

6 Migration is .............................................. of

12 move

people From on pia e to another.

13 live

7 It's an inter ting idea, but I don't see

14 oppre

...................................... of it to this discus ion.

8 He' findin g the work hard, but iF you give him


1 important

2 onvenient


4 sil nt

5 relevant

6 lazy


a bit of ...................................... , 1'm sure he'll

do very wel l.
9 You've done so much better at school this

month . .................................................... in your

work is terrific.
10 It's hard enou gh for children to be quiet, but

ror them to be completely .................................. .

is aim st impossible.

What's wrong?
7 /- Correct the mistakes.
cl.iffeY' r l C.

1 don't understand the dilThranc@.

Would you mind to help me?

2 I'm not used to drive on the left- hand side.
3 Don't spoil his enjoying.
4 Their living ondition's are 0 much better now.
5 I'll never get use to this climate.

6 I got home early that I wouldn't ge t into

trouble again .

Using a dictionary (2):

Small and large dictionaries




A small die .onary is llseful for a quick translation

of a word ut a larger dIctionary - prererably

monolingual - will give you more information.

Look up the word suspect in a very small ,

'pock t' dictionary and thell in a large dIc tionary

For ach dictionary, note:

1 which grammatica l categories (e.g. lIoun,

verb) are listed

2 the way in which the meanin s are hown

( ,g. in whole senlences)

To improve your writing skills, which dictionary

would you prefer to u e?


Ski s deve opment


W at makes a

good mummy?

Seven thousand years ago in

South America, on what is now
the Peruvian- Chllean border, the
indigenous tribe known as the
Chinchorro began mummifying
their dead.
Chindl()rro used LO flJl the bod)' with
a h or earth in order (0 preserve it
The result was a very rigid form of
hich nowadays appe:us
solid under X-mys, rn later ye.Lrs, the
Chinchorro used to cover lhe bodies
with a layer of mud, instead of filling
them with ash or C'.tnh . The mud
wdened to fonn a protective shell.

working 00 the

AI some POlor around 1500 BC,

the Chinchorro gave up making
mununie~. However, bodles were
still presen'ed by nature because
the area where the tribe lived was
one of the driest regions
on earth
Archa:ologistS have so
fur found 282 Chinehorro
mummies. One hundred
and tOfty-nine of them are
':trtifici:ll ' mummies,
reated by the
ChindlOrro themselves;
133 of them are
'natural' mummies,
preserved by natur .
These natural
mummies are a kind of
biological time
cap "uJe.We can find
our from them, for
example, what
people ate, how long
they Lived lI1d what
disea es they had before
the Europeam arrived .

Across the world, in China's XInjiang

province, archa:ologists have found
more than a hundred natural
mummies up to 4,000 years old
wh.ich all appear to originate from
Europe.The dry de crt heat
preserved rbeir CalJcas.ian
features - lJell as I og nose ,
deep- ct eye and
blond hair. Bits of their
clothes look as if Lbey
have come from
Germa ny, Austria and
ScandJnavta. China., it
seems, had C otlel w ith
Europe long before

Left and above:

Natural mummies from X1nJllng


any ne bad imagined.

It i de-dr lhat e can

learn a lot from our

ancestors. it . eems
that dead men, and
WOmen, do telltales.

3 What sort of things can we find out from

studying mummies?

Compre he nsion

tay cool
1 ) Match the words and phrases with
their meanings.
1 ash


a) administra tive region

2 preserve


b) keep in good condition

3 rigid
4 disease

5 province

6 tale

4 How did the archCEologists know that some

of the Xinjiang mummies were not Chinese?

c) story

5 Did Europeans go to China earlier or later tha n

historia ns thought?

d) serious illness
e) stiff, hard
f) a grey substance remaining

a fter wood is burned

2> Complete the summary.


.. types


of mummy are described in this article,

mummies and

the museum and ask to see the mummies. Write

the conversation in your notebook.

The first part of the article gives details of how


on the bodies. Even when they

stopped making mummies. bodies were preserved

by the forces or 7 .
The second part of the article deals with
mummies round in the
in China. Th ese ar


9 ....................... .

preserved by the dry heat or the

Reception ist:
You :

(refuse politely, giving a reason)

(ask to speak to one of the


Of co urse.
(make your request again in a
different way; giving a reason)
Archreologist: (agree to the request)
That's very kind. Th an k you.

of Xinjiang


10......................... .

The surprising thing about some of the Xinjiang

mummies is that they seem to have originated

(make a polite request) Do you

think 1 ...

s..................... . to IiJl the bodies. Later, they simply

6 . .. . . .. . . .....


made mummies. Seven

thousand years ago, they used


4> You are studying archceology. You telephone

11........................ .

, Go for it
J ) Answer the questions.



Imagine that, 4000 years ago, a Chinese man

and a European man see each other for the first
time. In your notebook. write the Chinese man's
description of the European man.
I have just seen someone quite extraordinary as I was
coming home. let me describe him. ...

Where did the Chinchorro live?

.!.~..$.9.~m.~.~.~!.~% ..C!.~..~~~.f!.~!.'!;r.~~.r!::.~~~~~g!!..~.C!.~~~r:.

Why do Chinchorro mummies appear solid?

2 What is special about the region in which the

Chinchorro lived?

Struggle for surv"val


Stay cool! '

Go for it

1 / Solve the crossword.

25 To continue to live in spite of danger. (7)

26 Abbreviation ror chlorofluorocarbon - a type of gas
which is used in fridges and some aerosols. (3)
27 A ramous extraterrestrial. (2)
28 The ................ effect is caused by Lhe pollution of

the atmosphere. ( 10)

1 The opposite o f in crease. (8)
2 We want to preserve the ................ of animal and
plant life. (7)
3 Too many people use their ................ cars to get
Lo work rather than public transport. (3)
5 Global warming is a serious ................ to the
environment. (6)
7 They work as volu nteers for an environmental
................. . (12)


1 The turtles' nesting sites are being destroyed
by the ................ of hotels. (11)

6 CO 2 = ................ dioxide. (6)

8 We went on a ................ of Central America. (4)

11 A measurement of weight equal to 1,000 kilos. (5)

12 The sun and the wind are two sources of
................. (6)
13 Abbreviation for United States. (2)




I've said it once and I'll ................ it again. (3)

There must be ................ more hunting of
elephanls. (2)
Abbreviation for Prime Minister. (2)
The turtles sometimes mistake plastic rubbish
................ food. (3)

Destroy - destruction; 10 e - ._.............. (4)

n1t'~ ................ layer protects life on earth from

harmful radiation. (5)

The quality of the ................ we breathe is

threatened by pollution. (3)



I'm not used ................ livi ng in a city. (2)

The turtle lays her eggs ................ the beach. (2)

Abbreviation for United Nations. (2)

A good sun cream ................ your skin from the sun. (8)

People ought to recycle their rubbish, but you can't

................ them to do it. (5)

A wizard in a Hollywood fil m ca m from this land. (2)

We must try to ................ the level of CO 2 in the air. (6)

CO 2 is a ................. (3)

Each ................ in this forest is home to severa)

animals. (4)
Abbreviation for European Union. (2)

2> Complete the sentences using expressions with do.

You can eat the bones in sardines. They .. ~~~~~.~~ ..
you any ...~.~rm.... In fact, they'll ........................ you
2 I know your marks weren't very good, but

never mind - you ............................................ .

That's all that matt ers.
You got Grade As in all your te t 1 That's fantastic .
You ........................ .
4 When you were at primary <;chool, ........................ you
....................... . all your subjects with lhe sal e teacher?
5 Can you ........................ me ........................ and look after
Ben for five minutes?


Stay cool
The passive: all tenses

3> Rewrite the sentences in the passive,

Present simple
How do you write it?
You write it like this.

..~~w..('(r.~~~~? .......................................................................
.. !.~~~.w.r:!1!.t;!!.J.i.~.~. ~!!#.: ....................................................................

Where do they keep the key?

2 They keep it in the cupboard.
Past simple
3 Did they chao e you for the parL

after an audition?
4 No. The drama teacher asked me to

be in the play.
Past continuous
5 Was someone following you?
6 1 don't think anyone wa following me,
but l'm sure someone was watchmg me.

Present perfect simple

'1 Have they repaired the phone yet?

8 Yes, but we haven't paid the bill.

Past perfect simple
9 Had they told him abouL the party?
10 Yes, but they hadn't invited him.
11 They mu t do the work properly.
12 Ye . Th y can't rush it.
13 They were worried about people seeing
Lhem together.
14 "Everyone wants someone to love them.


4 ' Complete the article, putting the verbs in

brackets into the passive.

Ten minutes after this picture

(take), it

had been taken


I ...... ......................................

(receive) by

newspapers around the world. With the latest

digital technology, pictures


only minutes after a press photographer has

arrived at a scene and the photographs

J .............. .

.............................................. (take). It means that

a photographer can take, choose and send a photo to
accompany a newspaper article while the article
4............................................ ..


(write) by a journalist.

0 Go for it

The passive: all tenses
5> In your notebook, rewrite the passages
in the passive.

i how it works

Today It only takes minutes to get

In the mid.nineties,
the world had very
strange weather ...

the picture of a scene onto the

front page of a newspaper.

5.................................. .

In 1995 in Britain, for

........................ (take) with a digital

example the hottest

summer since I 59

followed the wettest

camera. Up to 120 pictures

6...................................................... .

.pring on record.
Tn 1996 in New York,

(can/store) on a disk.

snow storms stopped

the traffic and made

life extremely difficult.

The pictures on the disk

7...................................................... .

(put) onto a laptop computer.

The best picture

'n Britain, for example, the wettest spring

record was followed by the hottest
summer since 1659.



.................................... (choose) and

9.............................. ...... .................. .

(transmit) from the laptop back to

the office.
The picture which


.................................. (take) just ten

minutes ago

SwL<;s scie ntists have sugg ,ted lhaL global

wa rming could force people l leave big
cities: 'We must control the amount f
carbon dioxide in [he a tmosphcr '. And
we must fin d more en ironmcnLally
ays of rod ucing energy.'

II ...... ........... ................. .

........................ (now/put) onto the

finished page.


In BriL in, people are always discus Lng the

weather. It is J subject vvhich we will talk
about more and ma r frequ ' nll T.


Go for it

9> Write a similar conversation to that in

6> Match the sentence halves.


1 Couldn't
1 How about


3 We could


4 Why
5 Let's find out

Exercise 8 arranging an evening out with a friend.

Reject the first two suggestions yOUI friend
makes. Then make a suggestion which your friend
accepts. Use a variety of expressions.

a) about he trains.
b) we go on a boat trip?
c) don't we go on a
camping holiday?
d) going riding?
e) go for a picnic.


7> Agree or disagree with the suggestions above.

1 That's a good

.}t!.t;~ ...

Friend: (theatre?) ........................................................

. I like boat trips.


2 rm not so .................... . I haven 't been on a

horse for ages.

3 Yes, we .................... , 1 suppose. But it might rain.

Friend: (cinema?) .......................................................

4 l'd .................... not. Sleeping outside isn't really

my .................... .


5 That's .................... a bad idea.

(club ?) .............................................................

8> Put the conversation in order.


lee-skating isn't really my thing. How

about going for a bike ride?


We could, 1 suppose, but l'm a bit fed up

with rollerblading.


Great! I'll phone you

a time to meet.


Friday to arrange

d) [JJ What shall we do on Saturday?






What's wrong?)
10/ Correct the mistakes.


C t)

Well, how about ice-skating?

What about explore the coastal area? '".\J~

Why don't we go rollerblading?

I've been bit by a mosq uito.

OK. Talk La you on Friday.

2 Do me favour.

Thal's not a bad idea . We could cycle

round Loch Lomond.

3 Have you seen the new hotel deveJopement?


CouJdnt we do an overnight trek?

5 Why we don't go and work in a summer camp?

6 Is the greenhouse effect cause by CO 2?


on' panic!

Stay cool
1 ) Complete the chart.

4 > Complete the Players' Code of Behaviour with

the words in the box.






.......P.~f!.Y.lfr: ........


manager game players referee rules)

team competitive opponent umpire

2 athletic


3 gymnastics

Sports Commission

motor racing

5 swimming


6 golf

2> Circle twelve more verbs to do with sport.

L 0
11 V
R 1
0 V
W 0

0 S

0 R A






Keep Lo the ...... ~.'!.~~ ...... of the game.

3:" Complete the sentences with an

appropriate preposition.
She runs really fast. I couldn't keep

Treat all players as you wo uld like


with her.

'1 feel like giving up wind urling, but I suppose

Ev n if you disagr

1 oughl to keep .................... trying:

argue with an

'If you keep .................... it, you'll do it:

J ....................... .

2 TIle spectators were asked to keep .................. ..

the pitch during the game.

3 Can I remind you Ihat the goalkeeper's job is
to ke p the ball .................... of the goa I!
4 We didn' t use all the money to buy new

equipment. We kept some .................... .

5 Keep .................... the rules during the game.

treated. Never be unfair to an


I ....................... .

with a deci ion, tlo not


Ask your

or a

4 .......................


talk to them after the ....................... .

Remember you are part of a

6....................... .

Work equally hard for y urself and for the

other .,....................... .
Sport are


but it is important

Lo keep your temper at all ti mes.



2 You were in a bad mood

Stay cool
I wish/If only + past perfect

people left early.

5;- Rewrite the sentences using I wish and If only.

3 She tripped so she lost the race.



You didn'l tum up at the trainin g sessions.

That's why you wer dropped from the tea m.



5 He did n't ask For money so I didn 't give him any.

1 didn't ask her for her phone number.


1 didn't get her a drink.

If only ...................................................................... .
2 I stepped on her toes when we danced.
1 wish ....................................................................... .

J I talked about computers all night.

If only ...................................................................... .

7 ) Write third conditional questions.

..W.~HN..~~~.~~y.~.~~~~~~ .... (she/beat) the record if
.h{~l~~p.~t! .....

(sh /jum p) a centimetre higher?

(she/compete) if ...................................................... .
.................................. (the prize money/be) higher?
2 ............................................... (he/win) the match if

4 I didn't tell her 1 liked her.

I wish ........................................................................

............................................................ (he/not serve)

so brill iantly?
3 .................................................... ... ............................ .

5 1 went away when lhat other guy ame up to

talk to her.

If only ...................................................................... .

(he/be selected) if ................................................... .

(he/not b injured)?
4 What


(they/do) if ............................................................. ..

........................... (Ronald a/tum down ) their offer?

Third conditional

5 ............. ............................ .......................................... .

(he/be sent off) if ....................................................

6) Join the pairs of sentences using if clauses.

............... (the refe ree/see) the foul?

1 didn't know your number so 1 didn't

phone you .

You didn't tell me abouL the match so I
didn't come.


Third conditional
8> Complete the third conditional sentences with
the correct form of the verb phrases in the box.


sprint arrive
find bring
cycle) win
drive) feel leave have
go to bed stay out low down come

2 I felt really tired during that game. I'm sorry I

played so badly.
If you ........................................................ all night.

l'm late.

you ............................................................. so tired.


If I ..~~~~:!.~r.~~~~ here. I :~.~~~~.~~~'!..... on time.

If you ....................................................... early, you

If 1 .:~..9l~!~~....... here. I ..~~~~~!?:~..~.'!.~~.~~~!?..... late.

............................................................. more energy.

3 Smith seemed to have problems at the end of


We're lost.

the race.

If we ........................................... the map with us.

If Smith ................................................. the last 10

we .......................................................... the village.

metres, he ................................................. the race.

If we .......................................... the map at home,

If he .................................................................... he

we ............................................................... by now.

...................................................................... second.

Com munication
Stay cool


9/ Put the conversation in order.



0 How can you be so sure?

0 But do you think she'd accept an apology?

W 1 wish 1 hadn't lost my temper with

Martina in that last game.


But she's my regular tennis partner. 1 really

ought to make it up to her somehow.


OK. I'll do it. Thanks.


l'm certain she would.


Because she's lost her temper in the past.

She knows how it feels.


Yes, perhaps you should. Why don't you

phone her and apologise?


Don't wony. It happens to all of us.

- Most nouns imply add s to make the plural:

60 for it
10> Write conversations in your notebook
for the situations below using some of the phrases
in e box.
-I wish rd/! hadn't ...
-If only rd /1 hadn't .. .
Never mind.

I know what you mean.

- There's not much you can do about it now.

- Why don't you ... ?

Maybe you could ...

- Perhaps you should ...





- Nouns which end in ch, sh,

before 1he s:



or x add an e


- To make plurals of nouns which nd in a

consonant + y, change the y to Ie and add


I f there is a vowel before the y, just add s:



>Write the plurals of these words.

Situation 1


You were very bad-tempered at home this morning.

You upset your mOlher/father. You didn 't apologise

before you left. Talk to your best friend about it.



2 party
3 journey

Situation 2

4 injury

You didn't do enough revision for a recent Science

exam and you got a bad mark. It's too late to do

anything about it, but you regret it. Talk to your

Science leacher.

5 loss
6 wish
7 distance
B player

9 fax

Ski Is develo m

t extra


.~) W.!!!!.~.~~.!! ..~.~{~!9h..~p.~.c!.i.f;l.i?').? ...........................

A Raleigh expedition brings together 120 young people,

called Vent urers. from around the world to work an
ironmental, community and adventure proJects. Ten
expeditions, each with twelve Venturers, are run every
year In Africa, South America and the Far East. Each
expedition starts with a week's training, when you wiil
learn all the necessary skills for your expedition - such
as using long-distance radio equipment, navigation,
setting up a campsite and first aid.

.............................................................................. ?

You then join a group of eleven other Venturers and

set off on your first project. Project sites are remote
and just getting to them is all part of the adventure.
On every project site there are qualified staff members
such a5 civil engineers or outdoor Instructors. However,
it's up to you and your group to decide how you want
to rUn things and to organise your project work .

............................ ................................................ ?
Most of the t ime you will be living in tents close to
your project site Everyone in the project group gets
Involved in the day-to-day running of their campsite
and every Venturer takes a turn as Group Leader for
the day, giving out tasks and organising project work.

.............................................................................. ?
Venturers come from all over the globe - a total of
seventy nationalities from a wide range of cultures


have taken part in expeditions. We recruit f rom abroad

and from the host expedition count ry. Ven t urers come
from a wide range of social backg rounds and include
graduates, gap-year st udents, employees and young
people in diffi cult socia l, f inancial or personal
Ii ................. . ....................... ................. ....................

You don't need any special qualification . You need to

be able to swim, understand English and have
enthusiasm and commitment. Close involvement with
local peop le means you might be conducting an English
lesson at a local school one day and testing you r
footba ll skills t he next. A Raleigh expedition isn't a
holiday: project work can be t ough and demanding,
requirtng teamwork and imaginative problem-solving



1> Read the text and write the correct heading

above each paragraph.

a) Who takes part?

b) What particular skills will I need?

c) What happens next?

( d) What is a Raleigh expedition? )

e) What abou t accommodation?

Go for it

2> Write questions for these answers.

.. w.~.~~.~!"~Jh~.m~m~~':~..'!1.~.~.~.~~fg~.........................

..~P.~~~~!~n. ~~.~~I!~t .................................................... .


>Write the conversation in your notebook.

You are choosing wh ich Ra leigh 1nternational

expedi tion to go on with your friend . You've made
notes on one expedition. Your friend has made
notes on another. Discuss which expedition you
will go on.
t-1on.9o/j~. M~n:::h. 'Pr oje.c::t: -huildif1,!3


Activitiee: rncu",~jl'11Yelo:kiYl91
E!><plor;".9 ' C Iimate ; cote4.

rt1edical clinic.

'Belize. Tune. 1hj~d: proteding the eqral reel:

Acbv7tie$ : tmderweder suruey;; lIdlunteer.s fral'f1 :for
'5pcrts "P;ver' qual/{;catitm. Ci;mo.t~ : subtrop;caL .

(m ake yo ur suggestion)

Friend: (reject the suggestion, giving a reason)

(m ake your suggestion)

................................................................................. ?


Friend: (give another reason for your suggestion)

2 ............................ ............................. ........................ ?

A week.
3 ................................................................................... .

............ ........................... ............................. ............. ?

There are twelve in each.

4 .................................................................................. ..

................................................................................. ?

No, they don't. You and your group decide what

you are going to do.
5 .................................................................................. ..



In your notebook. write a letter of application

to Raleigh International for one of the expeditions
in Exercise 3.
Say where you found out about Raleigh
lnternational (an arti Ie in a magazine).
Tell them about yourself.
Say why you'd like to participate in the
expeditio n.

........... ...................................................................... ?

They have to give out tasks and organise project

6 ................. ............. ..................................................... .

................................................................................. ?
Yes, they do. They come rrom many different
7 ................................................................................ ?
It can be hard work, and it can be quite


Writing (2): Checking

It is easy to make c r less mistakes so always

check your writing. heck the letter you wrote

in Exercise 4:

1 Check spell ings ill a dictionary.

2 Check the tenses of the verbs.

3 Check t he punctua tio n.

4 If several sentences b gin wilh the same word

(e.g . I) , change 0 e or two o f them.

5 Im agine that y rec ive this leller. Does it
contain all the information tha t is needed?

't believ I-t .l


Stay cool !

Go for it

4 A: Why did you leave the meeting?

B: Because it was boring and no one

1 )' Complete the conversations using the correct

form of the verbs say, tell, talk and speak.
A: Why couldn't you hear what she was saying?
B: Because .... ~~~..~~..~p.~l!.~~'!.9. .... so quietly.

A: So you didn'! hear her speech?

B: No. What ........................................................ ?

2 A: What did your teacher do when the fire

broke out in the classroom?

B: She ........................................ us to leave as

quickly as possible.
3 A: He's really funny.
B: 1 know. He's good at ....................................... .

........................................ anything new.

S A: We lived in Brazil when I was a child.

B: Did you learn to ....................................... .

6 A: You shouldn't have kept quiet about
the problem.
B: 1 did n't want to ....................................... .

anyone about it.

7 A: She's a bit upset.

B: OK. I'l l ........................................ to her.

8 A: rve been looking for you . Where have

you been?
B: 1 ................ ........................................ to Kate.

Stay cool

Verbs must have, might have, can't

have for drawing conclusions


2 Complete the conversation using the prompts

in brackets.
Director: Where's Oliver? This is an important


Assistant: (He/gel/your message)

..~~.~.rJ.t~t;J;~*!.gg.~y.f!.':'.r:..'!!.~!.'!.9.~:................. .

Director: And where are Claudia and Jeremy?

Assistant: They phoned to say lhey'd left but lhal
the traffic was heavy. (They/be held up in
a traffic jam)

Assistant: Oh, don't say that. (He/have an accident)

Director: And Catheri ne? At least I've seen heT

th is morn ing. Where is she?
Assistant: 1 don't know. She said she needed
something to wake her trp so (she/go for
a cof~ e)
Director: Gone for a coffee! (She/go for a coffee)
.................................................................. !
She know there's a rehearsal. Oh, here
she is no w. But she's not in costume!
Assistant: (She/forget that it's a dress rehear aJ)

Director: And what about Patrick? He drives like a

madman, so he ought to be here by now.

Director: Typical!

Reported speech:
statements and questions

6 'Matt went off on a walking trip; said lan .

3> Rewrite the statements and questions in

reported speech.
7 'Why hasn' t Matt phoned?' asked Adam.

Verbs of reporting: various structures

4> Complete the sentences with the past tense of
the verbs in the box.

ex plain ) invite order
persuade pologise agree
offer recom mend
'1 won't be able to make it to t he meeting

by eight:

He ... ~~{l!.~I).~!!... . that he wouldn't be able to

make it to th e meeti ng by eig ht.

'I'm sorry I was so bad- tempered.'

'We're going by oach,' said Matt.


When does it leave?' Zoe asked Matt.

..$.~~..~~~~4. .~.~~.~~~!J.!'~.~if!.: .......................... .............

Tm not very keen on climbing; said Ian .

He .............................. for being so bad-tempered .

2 'Wou ld you li ke to go bowling a t the weekend?'

She .............................. hi m to go bowling at
the weekend.
3 'Get out of the pool!'

He .............................. them to get out of

the pool.

2 'What's the matter?' Matt asked Sarah.

4 '1'11 help with th e prepara ti ons for the parly if

you like:
He .............................. to help with the
preparations for the party.

3 'They'll send out a search party; said Matt.

5 '1'11 write t o you every week:

She ............................ to write to him every week.

6 ' It wou ld be a good idea to take a taxi to

4 'How can you be so sure?' Kelly asked Malt.

the airport:
She .............................. taking a taxi to lhe

5 'We're going lo miss the rehearsal,' said Zoe.

7 'Let's stay in tonigh t. We won't know anyone

at the party: 'OK'

He .............................. her to stay in.

8 'OK I'll go with yo u:
She .............................. to go with him.

Reported speech: statements and questions

5> In your notebook. report what the people in the article below said.

Ten-year-old Ashley Burton said that the next day would be

just like any other school day for him, even thou9h ...

Whatever happened to childhood?

EvelY ummel'" over 30,000

children in England

and Wafes attend 5ummer schools to improve

tlr ir reading, writing and Maths.

What do people think of

summer schools?

'Tomorrow will be just like any other

school day for me, even though I'm

on holiday,' said ten-year-old Ashley

Burton. 'Why do I have to give up

my olidays]'

'I've had time off this term because

I've been ill but I think I'm doing OK
at schoo!. I don't want to spend
the summer doing Maths,' said
eleven-yea r-old Flora Briggs.
'How will they cope at secondary
school jf they're having problems at
primary school?' asked twenty-one
year-old William Tyler. '1 think summer
schools are a good idea:

'Children have a busy school

curriculum and they're constantly
using computers and wat hing
television,' said a parent who
disagrees with summer schools.
'It's essential that they can switch
off, relax and play outside during
the holidays.'

Verbs of reporting: various structures

6/ Report these statements and questions using

3 '1'11 be more caref ul with money: (he)

the words in brackets and a variety of verbs.

'I think you ought to go to the doctor: (she/him)


4 'Would you like to go for a mea l?' (he/her)

'Why don't we go to the Edinburgh Festival?' (they)

5 '1 feel terrible about making such a fuss. I'm

2 'Don't forget to check the battery: (she/them)


really sorry: (she)

What's wrong?

Stay cool
7 / Match the sentences to the responses.
I 1 wonder why they haven't arrived yet. [bJ
2 Why didn't she phone?

4 He might be angry because you

birthday card.

5 He might have been jealou '.

6 You should have made your mind

up arlier.

'Perhaps she didn't receive your e-mail.'


3 They probably left without us.

didn't send him

9 > Correct the mistakes.

'You -Efffi be right.'

'I can't And the cheque you gave me.'

'You mustn't have lost it already.'

2 1 said you to relax.

3 She apologi ed for to be impatient.

4 They perswaded me to stay.


5 He asked me when was I going to see him.

a) That an'[ be the reason. I never send

him one.

6 She suggested to go out this evening.

b) Perhaps they gol lost.

e) 1 don't believe ill We're nOllate,

d) 1 uppose so. It's a difAcult decision, though.

e) You could be right. He can'l stand me
talking to other boy.

She must have been



Grammar: Hot spots

Try Lo identl!y the grammar 'hot spot:> which

often cause problems. Keep lists to Illustrate

what can go wro ng, e.g, Reponed que liOllS:

They asked him when he was getting married

(not They asked him when W~ he getting marriett)
nle verb tell: The y told me to go (not The}' reid to

o for it
8/ In your notebook, write a conversation for the

following situation.

me to go.)

Your friend is fed up. Sh has been in contact by

e-mail with omeone she met on holiday. At first,

the replies came immediately. 111en they came after

three or four days. Her last e-mail

hasn't received a reply. Talk to her
about the situation.
Possible reasons for no reply:

-not checked mail?



-not keen any more?

friend: , can't undemand why I

haven't had a reply. We
seemed to be getting


so well.

Perhaps ...


Cau ht



Stay cool

60 for it

>Solve the crossword.







point to parts of the compuLer screen with

it. (5)
He runs .................... on-line support group. (2)
You open them to let fresh air in, and you
also find them on a computer. (7)
Long form of the word Net. (8)
What software .................... you use? (2)
The opposite of major. (5)
You can buy a computer at a specialist shop
or at a department ..................... (5)
I suppose ..................... (2)
Does the disk go ................... here? (2)
Connect the printer .................. the processor. (2)
1f you can't read it on the screen, use the printer
to .................... it out. (5)
]t's mostly made up ofletters and numbers
and you type on it. (8)
1t's so much easier to communicate by
.................... than by letter. (1,4)
Another word for lessons. (7)
rYe been on the omputer for ten hours. It's
now seven o'dock and 1 .................... on at
nine this morning. (6)

1 The screen is part of this piece of computer
equipment. (7)
2 Do you still .................... floppy disks to transfer
files from one computer to an other? (3)
3 The list of .................... includes computers as
well as gambling, drugs and alcohol. (10)
4 From twelve till twelve: fro m .................... till
midnigh t. (4)
5 My sister's a real fa n of Boyzone. She's even
designed her own .................... on the Net. (7)
6 Abbreviation for Information Technology. (2)
7 When she gets ho me, she .................... the Net. (5)
12 I've got so much computer equipmen t in my
room. I'm .................... out of space. (7)
14 There's nothi ng on the screen. Is the monitor
switched .................... ? (2)
18 I've just had my computer repaired, so it
shouldn't .................... any more. (5)
20 Twelve months = a .................... (4)
22 .................... -ROM. (2)


2 Complete the sentences with the prepositions

in the box.
up over away on
into (. through )

out of

I'll just ru n . ~~~~!!N~.. the instructions once mar .

My computer ran .............................. memory, so

1 installed some more.
2 He ran .............................. huge telephone bills

using the lntemet.

3 We ran .............................. some glass and the

4 We've got fi ftee n minutes to present our project,
but the teacher said we can run ............................ ..
for an extra five minut s if there are any questions.
5 rve got so much to do that 1 just want to run
.............................. and fo rget all about it!
6 I ran .............................. a friend of yours the
other day.

Future perfect

tay cool

Future continuous

4> Respond to these predictions about what will

have happened by the year 2050.

3/ Complete the description of iife in 2020.

putting the verbs into the future continuous.

By the year 2050 ...

Extraterrestrials make contact


Women become the dominant sex

~ The PI" nel ! QS(l

A computer is elected
Prime Minister

Genetic Engineers
Design a New Animal

What . :~!!!.. I .~~.~~~~..!l. (d o) at this time in 202 0?

we ll . I .. ~~.~:t~~9.~~~.9. .... (not go) out t o work.



(sit) in

my off ice at home

I .................................................

( do) everyt hlng

fro m my com puter.



a meeti ng.

(not s1 t) i h



( have)

a vide o conference with my colleagues.

r ., ...................................................


(not type)



Traffic police to be replaced



Yes I think that extraterrestrials will have

..... 1......................... ................................................... .

my comp uter . 1 ' ...................................................

made contact.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t

(talk) to it

................................................... (e - mai 1)

the fri dge to see if we've run out of mi lk .

or ..N.l!!..~.~!?r.~~..'!9.~~t;:.~~!.~~~~!.~~!tM~.~.~.r(~.~!!r.~....
made contact.
,", ... , .............. ,...............................

2 ,...................................................................................




a vi rtual shopping tour of the supermarket .

An d in the

mmer, I

.......................... . (no

spend ) hours queuing at

4 ....................................................................................

the alr por t to go on holid ay .


3 .................................................................................. ..


~ ........................................................................

(not suffe r fronl) jet1ag . I

........................ (vi sit

on the

I nternet

10............................ ..

5 .................................................................................. ..

places all over the wor ld

from the comfort of my

desk .

6 .. ........................... .......................................................

a l ife !


Short answers with verb

+ so/not
5"/ Respond to the questions using
the expressions in the box with
so or not.

Go for it
Future continuous and future perfect

6> Make predictions about your life in 2020 using some of

the verbs in the box.

be afraid (. expect)
hope suppose
not think think
A: Do you think you'll be doing
mo t of your work on a
computer when you start a job?
B: Yes, ... .!..~p.~f:!.~.l!:.....................

A: Do you think computers will take

over the world?
B: Oh no, .......................................... .

That's just science fiction.

2 A: Would you let me harrow your
laptop to take to the beach?
B: No, I'm sorry,

........................................... You
might get sand in it.
3 A: Will you become a computer
B: .......................................... !

wouldn't want to be addicted



A: In ten years' time, will most

people be using computers to
buy tickets and shop?
B: Oh, yes, ........................................ .

It's just so easy.



.. !~.~g~g!J~~~p.'1!.~!!.~!!I..~.~.~!r.~~.::....................................................
2 1 expect 1'11 ................................................................................... ..

5 A: Children at school can learn a lot

from a computer, can't they?

3 I might ....................................................... .. ................................. .

B: Well, 1 .......................................... .
But they can learn a lot more
from a good teacher.

5 I'm sure I won't .......................................................................... ..

4 1'm sure I'll .................................................................................. ..

6 I don't think I'll ................................. .......................................... ..

Say what you will and won't have achieved by 2020, using
verbs of your choice.
Think about your studies, yo ur career, the qualifications you've
gained, your achievements and your personal 1i e.

. eu.~~~~. ~.t;f.9m.~.!!..~~r.{'!.~fo.~t~.~.~~~r:......................................


Stay cool
7> Use a variety of expressions to thank people in
the following situations.

~, Go for it

9> Complete the conversation with suitable


Your friend's elder sister lend you her camera

for a project you're doing .

Your pen friend's parents have taken you to a

Chinese resta urant on the last night of your stay.

... .r.IJ.l;m~JfJx.!~~~!~.!l.m~Jl~~r..~~~.~r.'!:..I~~r~...........

... !.~~.~/Y..~.~'!.t!..'!fJl~~: ...................................................


2 You'v always wantecl a particular type of wat h,

and your boyfriend/girlfriend gives it Lo you
for your birthday.

ror taking me out.

I've had a great time here.



3 You've been staying at your friend's house for

the weekend. You're saying goodbye to
his/her parents.

1 really enjoyed this evening. Thank you

I've got a little present for you from my


Not at al l. Well, thanks for everything.

4 You've been having problems with your computer.

Your best friend has come round and spent two

hours working on it, finally getting it to work .

What's wrong?)
10> Correct the mistakes.

5 YO.Jr grandmother's neighbour have been

looking after her during a recent iIlne .

Just think, you'~1n the beach

while J'm workin g hard at school.
Don't mention it. It was pleasure.
2 Surely Lhey will arrive by now.

8> Match the responses to the sentences you

wrote in Exercise 7.



It was a pleasure to have you here.

4 Be careful not to run on a bi g bill.

I'm glad you like it.

S Thank's for everything.

That's OK. l'm sure she'd do the same

for us.

d) [II You're welcome, Just give it back wilen

you've finished with it.


3 'Will you be coming later? '

'Yes, I think.'

A final note on phrasal verbs:

Make sure you use the correct prepositions!

Don 't mention it. It was nothing.

I ran into an old friend on th e way home.

1 ran over an old friend


the way home,



Twenty-first century Britons

Today a New Hippy; tomorrow a Post-Punk Oudaw living

life on the edge; the day after, a Nomadic Networker .,.
you can be what you want in twenty-first century Britain.
According to a recent report, the ~ocial groups
which people are u ed to in Britain are going to
be replaced by a whole new range in the new
mill nnium .
Look out for Barbie Babes and Ken Clones,
who 11 be spending lars of money on physical
perfection and designer clothes, and Post-Punk
Outlaws, who won't be taking any notice of
rules. We'll also meet Nomadic Net.vorkers,
will be travelling all 0 er the world,
. carrying their 'office' (a portable computer)
with them and New Hippies or Global
Villagers, who will be committed to equality,
freedom and looking after tlle environment.
Alex McKie, the author of the report, says.
'Life IS becoming Ie predictable. In the future ,
people may become parents at sixty years old.
Adole. cence and nriddle age I113Y bee me l es~
di<;tJ.ncl. More arId more middle-aged men will
be buying themselves the mororbikes which
they could not afford in their youth. The
traditional tages which a person was expected
to go through will be Ie s relevant.'
';;ocial groups arc also becoming more fluid .
During her research, Ms McKie asked young
British people about their group
f friends .
Mo t did not think that they belonged to one
group only.
People often belong to a wide range of
group, acb with it own identity. This
means dl at they go out with contrasring


Post-Punk Outlaws

Nomadic Networkers

Barbie Babes and Ken Clones

New Hippies

Global Villagers

grou ps of friends . W hereas social groups over

the past for , years have cansi t d of people
who dres ed alike, danced alike and tho ught
alike - whether they were Mods, Punk
Rockers or Teddy Boys - people now want
the freedom to bI t a dif rent people all
at the same time .


Stay cool

3> Complete the conversation in your notebook.



1 Read the text and match the words and

phrases with their meanings.
1 networker
2 outlaw
3 predictable
4 adolescence


5 middle age
6 youth
7 contrasting


a) someone who commits crimes

b) the period of time when someone is young
c) differing, varied
d) somebody who uses personal contacts to
get work
e) happening in the way you expect
1') the period in a person's life between about
twelve and eighteen
g) the period in a person's life between about forty
and sixty

Society's falling apart, you know. And

we're run ning out of time to do anything
about it.

Alice: (disagrees strongly and supports her opinion)


.~~~!!..tJ:!.~:.r:~ .~l)..!r.'!.~~~~; ....................................

Ted: People don't ta lk to each other any more.
They just send e-mails. Computers can be
quite dangerous in my opinion.
Alice: (agrees, and gives the example of compu ter
. addiction)

Ted: 1n fact, all technology is a load of rubbish.

Alice: (disagrees strongly, and gives a reason)

Ted: Then there's the environment. People are

always tal ki ng about it, but they never do

Alice: (disagrees gently, and gives the example of the
wo rk of wildlife organ isations)

Go for it
2; Complete the sentences using information
from the text.
1n the twentieth century, we were used to
certain social groups. Now, in the twenty
first century, they ~~~.!!~!f!!U?.~~..~~P..~l!.~~~.~~.

.~. ~~?'~~..'!.~.~C!.~!J.~..C!f!.f}.~.~c!.~!I.~~~P.~..................
The author of the article calls people who:
a) are materialistic and very concerned about
how they look ..................................................:
b) brea k society's rules .........................................:
c) move From ountry to country with their

work '...............................................:
2 a) In the twenty-first century, there will be less
difference between ...........................................
b) For example,
J a) Young people in the twenty-Arst century

won't stay in one social group. They .............

Come on. Stop reading these depressing

newspaper articles I Let's go out and get
some fresh air!
Ted: Fresh air? There's no fresh air!

4> In your notebook, write a report summarising
the opinions of your friends an'd members of your
family concerning social life in the future.
I First, ask them the followillg questions and note
their answers.
- Do you thin k that in twen ty years' time we'll be
living in the same way as we are ITYing now?
- What will the effect of compu ter technology be
in the next twen ty years?
- What other changes do you think we will see in
society in the next twenty yea rs?
2 Then write your report in 300 words or fewer.
Use some of th e phrases in the box to link
your ideas.

on the whole in addition to this

not only ... but also
however although in spite of
as a result to sum up

b) By contrast, social groups in the last century


The Gram ar Builder

Wei orne to the Grammar Builder!

The Grammar Builder gives extensive and more detailed practice
of the grammar points in the Snapshot course.
The units in this section can be used alongside the units in the
Workbook section, or for extra revision at a later stage.
Each unit begins with a grammar reference section called
Grammar highlights. This gives further examples of the structures
which are presented in the Students' Book.
.. The practice exercises which follow the Grammar highlights are
dearly labelled so that you know exactly which grammar poi nt
you are practising in each exercise.


Unit 1

v ry Friday.

n't watch videos very often.

on play basketball a our school.

go [0 the merna at weekends?

play In a team?
No, he doesn't.
No, they aon'l.

routines and perma nen t sit uations, e.g.

He plays the guitar in a band. She

sometimes rides her bike to schoal.

We also use the presen t simple to ta lk

about general statements of t ruth, e.g.
Th esun rises in the east, and about
schedu les, e.g. The bus leaves at 7 p.m.
Adverbs of frequency, e.g. often,
sometimes, co me before the main verb
except if the ma in verb is to be, e.g.
I always get up late on Saturdays.
He 's often late for school.
Adverbia l ph rases of frequency come
after the verb and the object, e.g. She
washes her hair twice a week.
To form t he third person sing ular positive,
we usually add -s to t he infinit ive, e.g.
wants, makes, drops. When the infin itive
ends in ch, sh, ss or x, we add - es, e.g.
watches, wishes. Wh en the infi nitive ends
in a conson an t + y, we delete the7'and
add - ;es, e.g. worries, cries, flies. The third
person sing ul ar of do and go is does and


Grammar highlights

Present continuous

Positive statements

I'm working in the shop today.

She's wearing her new j ans.

They're writing a new song for the band.

Negative statements

I'm not studying today.

She Isn't wearing a dre

They aren't doing anything.

Am I doing this right?

Is she wea ring make-up?

Are they playing tennis?

Short answers


Y ,you are.
Yes, she is.
Yes, hey are.


No, you aren't.

No, she isn't.

No, they aren't

We use the present cont in uous to talk

abo ut activities which are happeni ng at
the t ime of speak ing or in t he current
period, e.g. He's sitting in the garden

right now. She's living in Ireland for

six months.
The fo llowin g verbs are not norma lly
used in the prese nt con t inuous: agree,

be, believe, belong, contain, cost,

depend. expect, feel, forget, hate, hear,
hope, imagine, know, Ii e, look, !ove,
matter, mean, need, not ice, own, prefi r,
realise, recognise, remember, seem,
smell, suppose, taste, understand,
want, wish.
Have, see, think ca n be us d in the
prese nt continuou s bu t the meaning is
not th e sam e as in the present simple.
Having ca n mean eating, drinking,

taking, giving, e.g. He's having lunch / a

drink / a shower! a party. Seeing means
going out with or meeting, e.g. Are you
seeing Lydia on So turday? Th inking about
means giving attention to, e.g. I'm
thinking about the holidays.
Th ere are certain ru les fo r spe ll ing th e
-ing fo rm. In many cases, we add - ing to
the infinitive, e.g. 90/99in9, work/working.
If th e infi ni tive ends in one e, we delete
t he -t'; and add -ing, e.g. make/making,
write/writing. If the in finitiv ends in a
stressed syllable of on e vo wel and one
consona nt (not y or w), we dou bl the
consonant, e.g. begin/beginning.
get/getting, stop/stopping, but
say/saying, grow/gro wing.

Present perfect simple with for and since

I' b en here sin eleven o'clock.
How long have you k own her?
H ha n't seen his parents for three years.
Ha h lived in Britain for a long tIme?
h has, I No, he hasn't.
Th y'v had that car since March.

Y 5,


We use th e present p rfect si mple with

How long?, for and since to ta lk about
events that started in the past and st ill
continue in the prese nt, e.g. How long

have you known each other? We've been

friends for three months / since July.

Pra ctice

Present simple or present continuous

Present simple or present continuous

1 / Complete the conversation, putting the verbs

into the present simple or present continuous.

2 > Write the letter, putting the verbs into the

present simple or present continuous.
I (write) this letter at the beach .
The sun (sh ine) and th e water (l ook) like blue glass.
2 We (stay) in an exce llent hotel. It (have got) three

tennis courts.
3 My parents (p lay) tennis at the moment.
4 They (get) very hea lthy with all this sport!
5 (you/remember) my cousin Ann ie? She's here, too.
6 Annie and I (not believe) in exercise!

7 We both (prefer) lying in t he sun and relaxing.

8 (you/have) fun with your sister?

Kim' Why .':':~~,'I.~.~.~!!~~~~'!!' .. (you/switch) on the N?

Tina: Because I , ......................................................................

(always/watch) lV on Thursdays at four o'clock.

"Dec.r ,,,,,,el\ie. ,

.J.'m .~r:~tjp.9. .t!1~ .I.e.tJ.e.r: .(J.t. rh~.~.e.t?~h: ............. .

........... -............ , .....................................

There's this great programme about twin

sisters called Double Trouble. Now ssh I
Kim: But you 2 ......................................................... (watch)
an advert at the moment. aren't you?
Tina' No. This is Double Trouble. Please be quiet.

.......... "' ...................................................................... " .......................... .

this is Double Trouble, is it. Everyone

................................................. (say) It's brilliant.

Tina: It is.
Kim: What time 4............................................... (it/finish)?
Tina: At fou r forty-five. Please ssh I
Kim' Why 5................................................................................
(the twins/put on) wetsuits?
Tina. Wait and see .
Kim: Where 6 ....................................................... (they/go)?
Tina: To the beach, of course!
KIm: Who's that man who 7............................. .. ... . ........... ..
(wave) at them?

............................. "

Tina: Ssh!
Kim. look, the twins 10 .........................................................

(not wave) back

Tina: Bye. See you later. I " .................................................

(go) to Carol's to watch lV. She


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

.. ................................. """" ." . .............................................................. .



.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

...... , .......................... ........ ................ .................................................. ........ ..

.. ......................................................................................................... .

................... ............................................................. .

........................... ,. ........................... .................................. . .


Kim: 9 ............................................................. (the twins/go)

to the beach in every programme?

......................................... I

..................................... r .. ..........

Tina: I 8................................................................ (not know).

It isn't im po rtant.

................................ ..................... ..... .

......................................................................... ,

.......... I




O' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. .................................................................................................. .

Lots 0(:' \aue.

"tTAI\ ea. OIl

12........................ ..

.................................. (not talk) as much as you!



Present perfect simple with for and since

Present simple or present continuous

3> Complete the sentences. putting the verbs
into the present simple or present continuous.

4> Match the activities with the time phrases.

Then write sentences in the present perfect with
for or since.


I (grow) two cent imetres


My best friend an d I (know) each other

The United States (exist)
Josh (have) a driving licence
There (be) life on earth
That N (be) on
He (be) in bed with a co ld
She says she (not see) a good fi lm



This cereal
(conta in) all the important vitamins.

u , u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

she saw Titan ic.

three days.
he was eighteen.
we we re at prima ry school.
f) millio ns of yea rs.
g) over 200 years.
h) at least three ho urs !

Jane isn't here. She ..........................................................

(see) the dentist about her bad tooth.
') His uncle .............................................................................
(own) a jewellery shop in Kenya.
3 Who ......................................................................................
(that motorbike/belong) to?

04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 ...................................................................................................

4 What ....................................................................................
(we/have) for lunch today?
5 ................................................................................................

3 .................................................................................................. .

(you/think) the swimming pool is open today?

6 What exactly .....................................................................
7 What ....................................................................................
(you/think) about a the moment?

4 .................................................................................................. .

5 ................................................................................................. ..

8 I ..............................................................................................

(not see) the difference between these two

mobil e phones.
9 She ........................................................................................
(not bel ieve) his story about missing the bus.
10 It ............................................................................................
(not matter) if we arrive early.


6 ...................................................................................................

7 .................................................................................................. .


perfect simple with for and since

Present simple, present continuous or

present perfect simple

51 Complete the second sentence so that it has a

similar meaning to the first sentence, putting the
verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple.

6> Complete the text, putting the verbs into the

present simple, present continuous or present
perfect simple.
I've known

(kno w) Ma be l Wise since I was six.

Mabel, wh o is ninety-four years old,


(live) above the shop at the end of my street The



(belong) to Mabel's

family for over 150 years.



(not work) in the shop

very often now. Her granddaugh ter, Kyli e, 4.....................

............................ (manage) the shop since she returned

from Australia in 1989. But Mabel usua lly

5.................................. ...

afternoon and

(co me) downsta irs in the


counter with Kylie. She

7 .....................................

take) the custom ers' money but she

I last wore th is hat in 1992. (wear/since)

I haven't worn this hat since

(sit) behind the


........................................................................ an hour.
2 The last time I ate there was in July. (eat/since)
I ....................................................................................... JUly.

3 They got married two years ago. (be/for)

They .................................................................... two years.

8 .............................. ..

(enj oy) tal king to th m and givin g advice.


They arrived here an hour ago. {be/for}


9 .....................................

(be) quite a few

changes since Kylie ca me to the shop. For the past

year, t he shop


(sell) cheeses

from al l over the world, as well as fruit, flowers and


11 .....................................

(g o) really well

now; Kylie told me recen tly, 'and we


.................................. (make)
4 He started to work there in 1997. (work/since)

He ................................................................................ 1997.
5 We first met them last summer. (know/since)
We ................................................................. last summer.
6 The last time she wrote was last year. (write/since)
She ................................................................................ year.

quite a lot of money at

the moment. People
13 .....................................

(come) here regu larly

beca use they

(li ke) Ma bel so much:

7 You got that jacket ages ago. (have/for)
You ............................................................................... ages.
8 I last saw her at Julie's birthday party. {see/since}
I ................................................................. _............ Julie's
birthday party.


Past simple
Positive statements

We use the past si mpl e to ta lk about com pl ete

actions or event s in the past, e.g. The Egyptians built

I went to Nepa l In July.

Negative statements
We didn't like the food very much.

1997, to ta lk about even t s which occurred at a

definite po int of ti me in the past, e.g. He bought his

Old you take lots of photos?

Short answers
Yes, r did.

the Pyramids. We often use it with past time

adverb ia Is such as ago, yesterda y, last month, in

motorbike last week. We also use t he pa st simple to

narrate past event s, e.g. She packed her bag, walked

No, J dldn' .

to the station an d got on the train.

To form t he positive past si mp le of regular verbs,
we often add - ed t o the infinitive, e.g. walk/walked.
If the verb ends in e, we add - d, e.g. love/ loved. If the
infinitive ends in a con sonant + y, we delete the -yan d
add -;ed, e.g. study/studied. If t he infi nitive ends in
a stressed syllabl e of one vowel and one consonan t
(not yor w), we double the consonant, e.g. clap/clapped.
There is a list of irreg ular verbs on page 151 .

Present perfect simple

Positive statements
I'v (have) had lunch.


(ha~J just arrived from Paris.

lost his keys (= He still doesn't know where they are.)

The presen t perfect is often used wi t h t he following
phrases, which are li nked to the present, e.g. just,

Negative statements
I haven't IIn ished my

We use the presen t perfect simp le to talk about

events whic h are li nked to the prese nt, e.g. Tim has


alreadv, yet, ever, never, so for, up till now, recently.

Sh hasn't come back from the shops.

We also use it to tal k about actions which are repeated


and with a su perla tive to talk abou t expe rience, e.g.

Have you been to China?

It's the fastes t motorbike he 's ever ridden.

up to the present, e.g. She 's seen that film five times,

Ha she

ever worked in Italy?

Short answers
Yes. I have.
Y s. sne has.


The verb go ha s tw o present perfect f orms : have/ has

gone and have/h as been. We use have/ has been when
the person has made a visit and come back, e.g. He has

No. I haven't.

been to the USA a few times. We use have/h as gone

No, she hasn't.

when the person has not returned, e.g. He has gone

to the USA (= He's in th e USA. He isn't her



Grammar highlights

The definite article

The num bers below match t he examples

in the colum n on the I ft.
We use the definite article :


have to do

a test. The

est takes an hour.

1 to refer again to somethi ng which has

already been mentioned .

2 Sh went to the Netherlands and the USA last year.

3 Ind the Alps, the Medllerran an Sea and the Loire

5 Did h Y arrive in the morning or the afternoon?

2 with plural states and countries.

3 wi t h mou ntain ranges, ocea ns, seas
an d rivers.
4 with names of theatres, inemas
and hotels.
5 with parts of the day.

6 I w s th best holiday ever.

6 with superl atives.

7 Where has the sun gone?

8 Sh plays the guitar and the piano.

7 when only one such thin g exists.

8 with musi cal inst ruments.

River on he map.

4 Ar you staying at the Srr ge Hotel?

The zero article

1 They went by train.
2 He' leavin school next year.

We use no (zero) arti cle :

1 wi th by + a form of t ransport.
2 with the words school, college,

university, hospital. home, church

whe n we do n't mean a parti cu la r one.

with mea ls.
w ith languages and su bj ects.
w ith gam es and sports.
with streets, towns and countri es.
with abstract no uns.

3 We. had a piua for lunch.

4 She's 5 udYlng French and Geography.
They play football every Saturday.
W live in Alfred Street in Dundee. Dundee is in Scotland.
7 lov is more important than fame.


S Do
take sugar in her coffee?
9 She likes animals.

8 with uncountable nouns.

9 with general plurals.


Past simple or present perfect simple

Present perfect simple with yet and so for



>Write questions in the present perfect with

2 Complete the sentences, putting the verbs

into the past simple or present perfect simple.

yet. Then write what each person has done so far

and what each person still needs to do.




write #Ie leiters


IT; tire CPlffpsites

Tim k


buy /he maps

ZotIt tJf5


clred fife fents

1 (JUf of#
He .. !!.~!!.'.~.~~~.t;~.!JJI. ....... (not take off) his cap


have his injections


,uel< 10

btn1k 1he plane fickel's

6/JUf 011

since he . J~~!1~.t (buy) it.

Don't bu y any j uice. Mark .............................................
........................... (already/buy) some.
2 She ...................................................... (not speak) since

Q: .~~~.~!:if!!'!.'-~!:.r~~.rJ.J~..~~~.~~mp~~~~'y'~? ..

A: . ~~).w.rirr~.~.~.~QJ~.r::..ff~.~~~~~..~~..lf!:'t.~..~Q ..........

.!!~J~fh.~r:fo..~!:: ..................................................................

she ............................................... (arrive) this morning.

3 I ................................... (wake up) at four th irty

t his morning.

Q: ...........................................................................................

4 When ....................................................................................
(you /l earn) to waterski?

A: .......................................................................................... .

5 ............................................................................................._.

(Dave/ever/go) on a sponsored wa lk?

2 Q: ...........................................................................................

6 We ................................... (fly) to Sydney last

September to visi t my brother.
7 She ................................... (get) a camera for her

A: .......................................................................................... .

3 Q: ...........................................................................................

birthday and she ...............................................................

Oust/take) som e am azing photos.
8 I ....................................... (take) my cousins on a boat
trip on Saturday.
9 We ................................................ (not see) her since

A: ...........................................................................................

she ................................... (get back) from Nepa l.

10 He ................................... (write) to me last week but

4 Q: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................

I ......................................................................... (not write

back) yet.
11 I .................................................... (last/speak) to Maria
about three days ago.
12 She ........................................ (fall) off her horse
qu ite a few ti mes but so far she .................................


.................................... (not break) any bones.


The definite and zero article

The definite. indefi nite and zero article

3 ;- If a line is correct, put a tick (11') in the box.

If a line has a definite article which should not be
there. underline it and put a cross (X) in the box.

4 > Circle the correct option for each gap. Then

write the words in the gaps.


A BritIsh tourist on .... ~.~'!.~~JI. .... in Auslralia

thoughl his life was over when a hark attacked him

In .................................... .

But whde lhe shark was biting hi arm~ and cbesl,

~ ................................... swam up to him and saved him.
They made 1 ......... .......................... around twenty-three
year-old Pblllip Vellemler and 'cared away
4 . .. ................................. .

heard Phillip screaming and

rc cued him by 6.................................... . He then gave

PhillIp tir 'l aid on 7........................ ............ before taking

hlln La hospital by 8.................................... .

Speaking from hi ho piLal bed. Phillip Laid

reporters .IL was 'l.... .. ..... .. ....................... r ightening
moment of my lIfe. The. hark nearly had me for
10 .................................... But the dolphins saved me.
thank goodness:


u)'nD.n ~ -to.tntr \.\laS I1t tk uru.~(stLj.

~ ~nt to fu Nei\w-\.o.nd.s an
&t halld.ruj. "~ /1 t-Lrnd. ~nt b'j
~ te.rr~ h-am Daver to a. port collM
l\u. H~~ . Then ~ h1tchlu~d. to 5~ea in tru. c.entre
oi fuR. POJ"ruliSo How. At: 2 0. rU9ht
it tunS tru. chR.a.pest plAC4 to stAtj. l.IJ'ef~ tru. tum h.u<3E r~ I.IJd:.h
f.~ moil:rthse6 an tht flour. Euer~cm,,heu!. fu'lf own s~ bru.3s.1n tk m.arrUn9.
euu~CJruI, to u,o..ue th..t ~\.a.~
b'j n.w. o'dack. M'1 to..thu and. hAs
~d. rented. thi bi.kts to 90 around.


t.h... Countr~. ~ ~ lots of hunds.


E~~d\'\Q. stud.iv.. th.t EnSlish at


the school thu~ o..nd. th.t~ all spolu it wti1.






a) th e holid ay
a) the Tasma n Sea
a) the dolphins
a) the ci rcl e
a) the shark
a) The friend
a) the boa t
a) the beach
a) the car
a) the most
a) the lunch

(b) hol iday)

cl a holiday
b) Ta sman Sea c) a Tasman Sea

circl e

c) dolphin
c) a circle
c) a shark
c) A fri end
c) a boat
c) a beach
c) a car
c) a most
c) a lunch

nit 3

Past continuous
We use th e past con ti nuous to talk about
background detail s to events, e.g. I was
looking at some old letters yesterday.
I found on e fro m my oid girlfriend, Lucy.
We also use it to ta lk about in terru pted
events in t he past, e.g. They were playing
cards when the ligh ts suddenly went out.
It is also used to talk about events which
were in progress in the past when another
event occurred, e.g. We were sitting in oLir
tent ane evening when Sheila told us
about th e ghost.

Po it,ve statements

Sh was reading a book.

They were making a nOise.

Negative statements

Shl" wasn't watching N.

They weren't tudying


Was he writing a letter?

they annoYing you?

Short answers

Yes, she was.
Yes, they wer >.


No, she wasn't.

No, they weren't.

Past perfect

Time cl auses in t he past continuous are

often in troduc d by when, while and as,
e.g. A bird flew in through the window
while I was watching TV The t ime clause
and th e ma in clause can be reversed. If
the time clause begins t he sentence, the
clause must be fol lowed by a comma, e.g.
While I was watching TV. a bird flew in
through the window.

Positive statements

He'd (had) seen the film before.

Negative statements

Th y hadn't been there before.


I ad you met them before?

Short answers

Yes, we had.


No, we hadn't.

Time clauses with when, while, as,

as soon as, before, after
1 was standing at the bus stop when Jane drove past.

W~tle we were ealing supper, the phone rang.

As I was leaving the house, Tom came round.

Th y rov here as soon as they got my message.

I ft belore/after Naomi arrived.

Af er working as a waitress for two months, she got a

Job in a !>hop.

We use the past perfect to ta lk about

events which happen ed (or didn't ha ppen)
before other even ts in the past, e.g. Jane
gave me back my bike yesterday. She had
borrowed it the week before. I ate snails at
a French res taurant last week. I had never
eaten them before.

In time clauses with ofter and before,

we can use t he geru nd (- ing form) if
the subject of both clauses is the sam e,
e.g. After talking to Jim, I decided to
buy rollerblades. He tidied his room
before going out.

Past perfect with when, us soon as, ofter
1 / Complete the second sentence so that it has
a similar meaning to the first sentence. using
the words in brackets.

Past simple or past continuous

2> Match the pairs of sentences to their meanings.

I took my exams and then I got a holiday job. (after)

....M~~.~.. ~.I:'.~.~I:'.~.~."!...~.~~~~!.. !..$..~~ .... a holiday job.

I earned so me money before I booked some driving
lessons. (after)

......................................................... some driving lessons.

2 First I passed my driving test and then I bought an

old car. (as soon as)
............................................................................. an old car.

3 I had the car for three weeks and then the lights
stopped working. (after)

............................................. the lights stopped working.

4 I fixed the lig hts and then somebody drove into

the back of my car. (as soon as)

................................................... into the back of my car.

5 I repaired t he back of my car and then I decided to

sell it (when)

...................................................................................... sell it.

6 I sold my car and then I bought a bike. (as soon as)

..................................................................................... a bike.

[II When my sister left, Jim and I had

an argument.

ii) ~ When my siste r left, Jim and I were

having an argument.

a) She left during t he argument.

b) She left before t he argument


D When Ann sa w the snake, she ran up


D When Ann saw t he snake, she was runn ing

the stairs.
up t he stairs.
a) She was on the groun d floor when she
sa w the snake.
b) She was on the stairs when she saw t he snake.

2 i)

D When Tim arrived , th ey were watching

Titanic on video.
When Tim arrived , t hey watched Titanic
on video.

a) He watched the whole Fi lm with them.

b) He did n't see t he start of the f ilm.


3 i)

I was wearing my sunglasses when my

eyes started t o hurt.
Wh en my eyes started to hurt, I wore
my sunglasses.
a) Whi le I was wearing my sunglasses, I go t
sore eyes.
b) My eyes hurt so I pu t on my sung lasses.

4 i)

When I spoke to John, he looked at his

ii) D When I spoke to John , he was looking at
his newspaper.

a) He didn't want to speak to me.

b) I interrupted his read i ng.



Past perli ct or past


3/' Use the prompts to complete the pairs of

sentences. Use the past perfect in one sentence
and the past simple in the other.
When I got to Victoria station,
a) the nine o'clock tra in (already/leave).

Past simple. past continuous or past perfect

4> Complete the texts,
putting the verbs in brackets
into the past simple,
past continuous or past perfect.

.J~.~.~!.~~.~.~~!~J~.rr.~.~~..~~.t!..~.k.~!!.~.Y..~~~ .................
b) I (wait) for the nine thirty tra in.

.J.w.~!~~J9.r..t~~.~.,~~.*~r:.tJl..~r.~!~.: ...........................
I didn't phone Libby to tell her I'd be late

because ...

a] I (cannot] remember her phone number.

When il ....... 9.~~ ....... (get) hom e yesterday, my father

b) I (forget) to bring my address book with me.


(lie) on the sofa. There

2........ ........................ .....

(be) a newspaper in his lap but


J ..................................................

the TV
2 When the train arrived at Brighton station,
a) Libby (already/drive) home.



(not read) it. A man on

(talk) about football, but

5.............................................. ........................

(not watch)

the program me. He 6..................................... (fa ll) asleep.

b) I (take) a taxi to Libby's house.

After I


(turn off) the TV,

I 8..................................... (wake) him up.

3 Luckily, I remembered the way to her house

because ...
a) I (know) it was near the hospital.

Woul d you like to come to

the park with us for a picnic?


b) I (be) there before.

4 I got out of the taxi and found Libby holding a

ladder. .
a) She (lose) her front door keys.

b) She (look) extremely annoyed .


yesterday as I

(mee t) Martha and Kate

10.. .......... .. ... ... ... .. ..... .......

(walk) home from

the sw imming pool. They had j ust come out of the

5 She climbed through her bedroom window ...

a) which luckily she (leave) open .

supermarket. They

11.... ....................................................

to the park fo r a picnic and t hey

(ask) me to go with th em. I

b) and she (open) the front door for me.

(want) to go bu t I


13............................................. ..


(arrange) to meet Vicky at th e cinema so I




(sa y) no.

Past simple. past continuous or past perfect

5 / Circle the correct option for each gap. Then

write the words in the gaps.


ra ig

Myers .....~~.':'.~~~..... his re taurant, he

g I II lor a v ry go d price becau'e it

I ......................................

empty for lw years. Nobody

w. nt d to buy the pia 'e because people said that it

had a gho t. The ghost was a lady in a long green

dr 'S~ who

1. ........................... ..........

a singer in the

restaurant years before People said that one night,

on l1"f way home from the restaurant, the singer
I ......................................


.lf1d into the ea

her car off the road, over some

II w. Nobody had ever seen

the ing r live again . I eaple said they had seen her
gh ) t, but Cra ig

He woke up in hosp ital. Two polic officers



in the room with him


'We need t ask you sam q uestions, ' hey suid .

ghosts 5 he wasn'l worried.

'who was the woman in the ar with

Three man hs ait r he ~ ...................................... the

u ? We

haven't been able to fi nd her since the .led enl. '

re L.lurilnl, Cr ig op ned it again. He called it


The Green Lady.

13 ......................................

anyone w ith ITIe in

the car,' Craig answered.


r taurant

open for six

munths when J trange thing happened. It was a

turciay night. Everybody had left and Craig

'Yes, you did,' the you nger p lic offi er sai


14 . .....................................

saw her. She

7....................... no . . . . . . . . .

behind you and we both


a green dress.'

up the restaurant

Suddenly he h ilrd a woman inging in the

dinlllg room. She


traditional !long ailed 'Gr ensleeves' . Craig

went inlo Ih dintng fOum. The voice was

louder there, bu t the ro m was mpty. Craig

fj ...................... ...............

record ~r nd th

the re lauranL tape

radio in the kitchen, but they

wer both switched off. He ouldn'l stop the

strange Singing but he didn't teel very worried.


...................... w .......... .

up the restaurant,

got Into hi car and tarted to drive hom . On

the way home, he

II ......................................

leep and cra~hed hi:. l:ar into a tree.

a) was buying
1 a) was being

2 a) was
3 a) was driving
4 a) doesn't believe
5 a) didn't buy
6 a) had been
7 a) tidied
8 a) was si nging
9 a) was checking
10 a) locked
11 a) was falling
12 a) had sat
13 a) didn't have
14 a} drove
15 a) wore


had bought ecl bought)

c) was
had been
c) had been
has been
c) has driven
had driven
didn't believe c) wasn't bel ieving
was buying
c) had bought
c) was
has been
had ti died
c) was tidying
c} had sung
had ch ecked
c) checked
c) had locked
was locking
fe ll
c) had fallen
c) were sitting
c) wasn't having
hadn't had
c) were driving
had driven
c} had worn
was wearing

Future with will/won't

Positive statemen

We use will:

I'll (will) meet you at six o'clock.

- to make predictions, e.g. Dinner will be

ready at seven o'clock,
- to make a decision or choice, e.g. I'll have
an egg sandwich, please.
- to rna ke prom ises, e,g. We'll be very quiet.
- to make threats, e.g. Yo u'll be sorry.
We also use will/ won't to give opinions
after verbs such as be sure, think, know
and hope, e.g . I know you 'll enjoy this book.

Negative statements
She won't (wil l not) be late,

Will you call me later?

Short answers


Yes, I wi ll .

No, I won't.

We do not use will to talk about

arrangements, e.g. What are you doin g
tonight? (not Viila t will YOti do teRifjW)

Future with may/might

Take your key. I might/may be out when you get back.

You can borrow my sleeping bag but It might/may not

b very clean.

We use may an d might to ta lk about

possible futu re events. Th ere is no difference
between may and might in t his case.

Future with going to

We use going to + ve rb:

Itive statements
I'm going to see Judy soon.

You're gO ing to be late.

She's going t walch the football match.

Negative statements

I'm not going 0 see Tim for some time,

You aren't going to get there by three.

She isn't going to do her homework.


Am I going Lo need a bigger suitcase?

Are you going to take her a present?

Is she going to wear her helmet?

- to make predicti ons about t he immediate

future, parti cularly when we already
have evide nce of what is going to
happen, e.g . Look at those clouds. It's
going to rain.
- to talk about fi xed plans and fu ture
intentio ns, e.g. I'm going to buy a camera
before the trip.
Going to go is not very comm on. The
present contin uous is more common, e.g.
We're going swimming in th e lake (not
We 're going to go 5wimming in the lakc.)

Short answers

Yes, you are.
Yes, I am.
Yes, she is.

No, you aren't
No, I'm not.
No, she isn't.

Future with present continuous

Dave's meeting me at the ci nema at seven thirty.
What are you doing on Friday evening?


We use the presen t conti nuous to talk

about definite fu t ure arrangements. Th is
ten se is common with t ime phrases.


Will/won't or (not) going to

1 / Circle the appropriate form t o complete

the responses.


to or present continuous

2>Put the conversation in order. Then rewrite

it, putting the verbs in brackets into the present
continuous where possible. Where it isn't possible,
use going to.

o Nothing yet. (I/get) her som ethin g in New York.

I am, too. By the way, what (you/give) her?

[II Hi, Maria. (you/walk) to the bus stop?

o Lucky you. Now let's wal k a bit faster.

(We/miss) our bus.
o N ext week.

A: What are you doing with that bucket?

/'/I ~'m going to)give the dog a bath.

Yes. It's Kate's birthd ay and (I/get) the bus

to her house.
Si lver earrings. What abou t you?
When (you/go) to New York?


2 .................................................. ........................ ...........


3 ....................... ............................................. .................


4 ................................................. ................. ...... ........... ..


5 ... ................... ...... ................. ................. .......................


6 ....... . .. ... .. ............. ........... . ... .. .. ... .................................. .


7 ............... . ......................................... .. ..................... ... ..


0 .............. ................................................................... .. ..

A: How are you feeling now?

B: I th ink I'll / I'm going to be sick.
2 A: Liz and Andy are always together these days.
B: Yes. They'll/ They're going to get married.
3 A: Let's get the seven o'clock bus.
B: OK. I'll/I'm going to meet you at the bus
station at quarter to seven.
4 A: Can you give me a lift to Lucy's party?
B: No problem. I'll/I'm going to pick you up
at eight.
5 A: I ca n't tell you the latest news about Eddie and
Rose. It's a secret.
B: Please tell me. I promise I'm not going to /
I won't tell anyone else.
6 A: Why can't you come to the match tomorrow?
B: I told you. We'll / We're going to have lunch
with my cousins in Cambridge.
7 A: Have a fantastic weekend!
B: Same to you. And /'I( / I'm going to see you
on Monday.


. Practi:ce


'ff/will/won t or present continuous

3 ,/ Complete the sentences with a verb from the

box, using 'II/ will/won't or the present continuous.
win be pass happen
do go cost have


'II/will/won't or might/might not

4> Match the statements with the responses.

Then write the responses out in full. using
'/I/wifl/won't or might/might not
Did you phone Keith?


..... ~~r.!'Y,.JiC!.r9.fJJ: ..e!!.p.h~~.~..~f.'!! ..r}!?'!:...........................

1 Have you seen my rollerblades?

2 Where are you going in the summer holidays?

3 Could you post this letter for me?

4 Do you think she'll win the 100 metres?

5 What time is the rehearsa l on Monday?

6 How about some choco late cake with cream?

You can borrow my rollerblades if you like.

I ~p..!.'.~~.!!.~!!.l9....... them for the next few days.

, He ................................. to Brighton next weekend to
visit his uncle.

2 The forecast says it .............................. cold and win dy

tomorrow with rain in the afternoon.

3 ' ................................ you ............................... anything

next weekend?'

'Yes. I ............................................. at home and

watching videos:

7 How will we get to the station tomorrow

morn ing?

4 She's worried about her driving test She's sure

she .............................................. .

5 I'm going to X-ray your foot. Don't worry,

it .............................................. .

6 This jacket needs cleaning. How much

.............................. it .............................. ?
7 Who do you th ink ...................... ........ the next
World Cup?
8 'What would you like to drink?'
'I .............................. an orange juice, please:
9 I'm sorry about being late yesterday. I promise
it ......................................................... again.

a) We haven't really decided yet. We (go) to

the US.
(bJ Sorry, I f orgot I (phone) him now.)
c) Act ually, I! t hink th e director is ill. There (be)
one on Monday.
d) Sure. I (do) it on my way to school.
e) No problem. My parents (t ake) us on their
way to work.
f) No, t hanks. I (have) a dessert. I'm fu ll.
g) No. I'm sure she (win). Sh e isn't very fit.
h) No, bu t they (be) in t he hall cupboard.


, I'm going to take my mum on a

fabulous holiday to the Seychelles
this summer.'

A eventeen-year-old London schoolgirl,

Su anna Lownde , won the Face of the
Year award in London last night.
Tomorrow, usanna



her $25.000 prize in New York and sign

a year's conlfHct with Ihe ag.ency

ited. Susanna told our

reflurtcT 'I'm missing three day. of


lots of money:

I tlli week. I I..................................

my mum. The priL.e-giving dinner

15 on Thursday. Lots of t'amous people


young and beautiful so ['\Ie Jel'idt:J that

do Wilh her prize money. 'J m going to

r IJ ................................................... sum.:

lake my mum on a fabulous holiday

of my prize money for a rainY dllY.'


the SeycheUes this summer and ['m going

t New York by Com::orde tomorrow

Yo ilh


Suoanna has aLread decided what. to

Top Models
'J m ~ll e

next year. I might not ha\'t! the right I ok

weekends. It'U be fun and hopefuUy I

Susanna's mOlher i. delighted with

to buy myself some new clothes. I'm also

her daughter's succe s. ' uccess

going to give some to charity. BUl I'm



Mrs Lowndes says. ' usanna will always


'ave most of It. J "......................

............................ any modelling work

heT chanu;ter:

be. en.1ble and hard-working:

'................................. to il On Friday.
I ..................................... clothe at the
top of the Empire tale buiiUing for

Might, will/won 'f, going to or present

/"/lIIr magazine.'

Next month, usanna

..................... the deSIgner Karl Lorrin


Pari!;. 'I 5.................................... sign a





g lOt,! It) .:ontinue with

at Kingston Pllrk School next

I ..................................................

leave school yet. I'm definitely going


takl: my

levels next year and I

I..................................... go t.o

Ihot - it' ll depend

rc.!~ulLs .

a) won't

b....... " ...........................

I'm l;ulI n w t.1I Ibis bw ioess:

her ,IU

5> Circle the correct option for each gap. Then

write the words in the gaps.

with him: she says. 'but I'm nol

ure. t agent


4..................... ..



my exam

While I'm slill at school,

I!)........................._................. ..
IIlI.dclling in the holiduys Olnd al the

1 a) 'II fly



are coming
'II model
'm not going to
'm not doing
'm earning
might not get
'm not always
won't keep
won't change

( b)

c) might
will )
c) might fly
'm flyin g
c) won 't come
wi ll come
c) 'II have modell ed
'm modelling
c) will meet
has met
c) won't
migh tn't
c) mightn't
c) won't
c) 'm going to do
won't do
c) won't earn
'II earn
c) might get
'm not getting
won' t always be c) 'II always be
c) 'm going to keep
might keep
mightn't change c) will change

Unit 6

Cl auses and linkers of contrast:

although, however, in spite of/despite
Although that shop IS a bit expensive, I like it.

I like thal shop allhough it's a bit expensive.

It's a wonderful city for shops and nigh life. However, the

pub lic transport is very expensive.

In spite of having very little money, he had a brilliant

time in dmburgk

Despite haVing very little money, he had a brilliant

time in Edinburgh.

He had a brilliant time in Edinburgh in spite of

havfn g ve.ry little money.

He had a bril liant time in Edinburgh despite having

very li ttle money.

I ilke Scotland In spite of the weath r.

I like Scotland despite the weather.


Although introduces a clause and is

follo wed by a su bject and a verb.

When t he Although cl ause comes fi rst,

it is followed by a comma .
The lin ke r However starts a new
sentence and is followed by a comma.
However is much more common in
wri tten Engl ish t ha n in spoken Eng lish.
In spoke n English, it is very forma l.

. The lin kers in spite of and despite are

foll owed by a gerund (- ing form) or by
a noun.
When the In spite of/Despite phrase
com es first in a sentence, it is fo llowed
by a co mma.
In spite of is more common tha n Despite.


linker: aft/l0ugh

>Complete the sentences using

llthough and a sentenc.e from the box.

)se capital letters and commas

",here necessary.

linkers: in spite of and despite + noun


Complete the sentences with the phrases in

the box.
her doctor's advice

her ag e (. t he noise)

the number the rubb ish th e weather

the traffic the time th eir disa greement
My parents slept well in spite of .... ~~~.~2!!.~.... we
were making dow nst airs with our elect ric guitars.
We arrived in time for th e fl ig ht desp ite
............................................... on the road to t he ai rport.
2 We decided to queue for tickets fo r t he Texas
concert despite .................................................. of
people in the queue at the ticket office.

(she'd known him a long time)

Rob had only seen Linda in a photo
(I don't have any money to spend)
I hadn't invited him to mine
I don't usually read the articles
she was very tired
he'd had a breakfast at seven
the train was about to leave
She didn't re<:ognise him in his hat and sung lasses

..~!.~~~.':!9.~.~~.t;.'~.~~~!'!~.~.~'E..~ ..~~~9..~~.~:.......................

A#.I:!f!.':!9.~.!.. ~.C!.!!1.~.~~~.~t:'1l..'!!.t?,~~..!!!..~p.~~.~~ .. I d like

to look around this CD shop.
Peter was hungry by ten o'clock ....................................

3 She woke up at four o'clock this morni ng bu t

decided to get up despite .............................................. .
4 One ra iny weekend in Novem ber. we decide d to

go camping in spi t e of .................................................... .

5 Despite ......................................................................... last
weekend, Tim and Dominic are still good frien ds.
6 It's a fascina ting and co lourful city in spite of
.................................................. and dirt in t he streets.
7 She continued to drink ten cups of coffee a day
despite ................................... .............................................. .
8 My grandmother goes everywh ere by bi cycle in
spite of ................................................................................ .

2 .................................................................................................. .

she couldn't get to sleep .

................._... _.............................................. he recogn ised

her as soon as she got off the train.

1- I always look at the photos in sports magazines

.......................... he stopped to buy a magazine for

the journey.

) Sam invited me to his party ............................................



linkers: in spite of and despite + gerund

J,/ Rewrite the sentences using the words in

brackets. Make sure the second sentence has
a similar meaning to the first sentence.
I waved and shouted but I couldn't attract the
waiter's attention. (in spite of)

.J~..~P'!~~..9f.W.~.~!.'.'.9..f!m.t!.. ~~!!'~~!~9A.!..~~~l4~.:t.@.;r.~~t ..

Jh~..w.~rr~r.:~ ~n~~~(9.~:.........................................................
Although she has a swimm ing pool in her garDen.
she doesn' t know how to swim. (despite)

linkers: although, in spite of

4> Complete the sentences in the explorer's
notebook using although or in spite of.
Moxd~ Sf'&<


We've tiedrAeA to hearJ....jrrrfhe -top of

Mor..nt A~plArna ........ ~.~~h9.H9.~....... JtfCk
~v(t foelAttj l)e..(y wetA.. at the momettt.
rrid~ 7tYt M~

ser-ious ~iffi"aA.U;iesI


reacJted. the pak aJ 2 p.wt. flnAay r ~tt( a

pit wurried about l ...................

he says he i5 jeelArtg b~fmia.Jf'

2 I went to bed early last night but I still feel tired
today. (in spite of)

~"ttda.y. q+h M~

We. are. now Ol't. tJU.f ~y ~QWYt..



3 She has an exam tomorrow morning but she's

going to a party tonight. (in spite of)

4 We know the city well but we got lost on the way

to the castle. (despite)

5 Although he plays in a band three nights a week.

he still gets good grades at school. (in spite of)

6 I wrote down the rehearsal time but I completely

forgot to go. (despite)

;6 5MU~. ~ck.
the C01t?-. ~u. tAay.


htl~ comp~iMed about

W~ne?dtw. 12th M~

In the. 1/i,(kAge, of k'amtlA(() 4...................................

my IAmited lGfI( of t{ep~leseJ r
~aA1~9u( to PlAy same JuurA' We tAte tJU('
w.mcn bi{ ~ deep rod<. pout. I dAv-ed.. i..fl.
~fteMm.rds 5.................................. ttle. ternper~tMre.

oj tJre, ~ter .................................. r ~id. my

"e~t tlJ get Ja,c.k. fa come itt) he 5~t OK..

the 51de loohYl3 rn6et'~ble.
ThMr~d(p( 13th

We are.

Ct(mpin.J tMtside the. ~~ of

'PaurM.. 7................................. the. vr,t,(a.9e.t"'s afe

vexy fr'~dly, Hte,y wiU rtot lek lAS take-.

photos of them. ::rack has e{ proplem with

hAs ~h1wt~ch nOW) 8 .................................. I.1f...

htlAle. ~rlAnk QYt1Jy Pail.M ~tM dlArlA19 0(

ti.ttte. ttM'e..
Fri~ 14#\ M~y
...... ~

7 He does a lot of sport but he doesn't look very fit.

(i n spite of)

5hou/~ft't 5Q.y trllS, ~dt..

is gettttt,9 tm my nIMYeS. 10..................................

'1- -

u r ...........

Of the. place he compit-rts t<1.A.

the -tirne.. 11.................................. we ha.c(
some 9tJUd. t\.+tt(!s to~ltrel; r wtU NeVeR

ifte, beaiAty

trave{ wittt hAM ~gatrt I


Unit 7

Verbs should{n't), ought(n't} to,

had better (not)
Positive statements
fht:y should work harder.
She ought to ~o to bed earlier.
You'd better tell them the news.

N gative statements

They shouldn't play loud music late at night.

51 oughtn't to go to bed 50 late.

You'd better not drlve in this weather.


Cars are safer than motorbikes.

love is more important than money.
Money IS less important than love.
Money n't as impor ant as love.

Jaguar is the fas st animal in the world.

Motor racing is one of th most drmgerous sports.

Ka e is th sportiest of the three sisters.

Rita is the least sporty of the three sisters.

Irregular adjectives

It tie

We don 't use had better to express general advice

or obl igat ion: I thiRk the govcfflfflent hBd better do

bet er
war e
t rther

The rules for form ing t he com parative an d superla tive

form of adjectives are as follo ws:
- We form the comparative of one-syllable adjectives by
adding -er or -r, and the su perlative by add ing -est
or -st, e.g. worm/ wormer/warmest; pale/paler/palest.

Superlative adjectives


better sit do wn:

No, they shouldn't.
No, she oughtn't to.
No, you'd better not.

Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

Comparative adjectives


We use had better to give advice in an immed iate

or particular sit uation, e.g. 'I feel very weak: 'You 'd

50fflethiRg Beout !JeHu tio R fA this eOt:J Atf):

Should they try to get holiday jobs?

Ought she to lend J,m some money?

Had I better go hom now?

Snort answers
Y they shou ld,
he ought to.
es, you'd better.

We use should and ought to when we give advice,

criticise or make a stro ng suggestion. Should and
ought to mean t he same, but should is more
common. The question forms of ought to, e.g.
Ought I to phone? are very uncomm on.


- When a short adj ective (one or two syll ables) ends

in y, we form th e com para tive an d superlative by
deleting t he -y-an d ad ding -ier/-jest, e.g.

eas y/easier/easiest.
- When an adject ive has one sylla bl e and ends in one
vowel and one consonant (not war yJ. we doub le
the fina l consona nt in t he comparative and
superlat ive and add -er/-est, e.g. big/bigger/biggest.
To form the comparative and superla t ive of long
adjectives, we put more or (the) most in front of the
adject ive, e.g. more expensive, (the) most expensive.
We can use almost, nearly or just with as ... as,
e.g. She's almost as tall as her mother.
Some forms are irreg ula r. See t he list on the left.



Grammar highlights
Comparative adverbs
Women drive more/Ie s dangerously than men.

M n drive faster than women.

Women don't tJrfve as fast as men.

I work bel er/worse in th~ morning than in the evening.

Superlative adverbs
Who works (the) hardest in your family?

Who cooks (the) most egularly in your family?

Irregular adverbs

I lie




Comparatives with much/a lot/far/a bit

Jane IS a much safer driver than Tom.
J n~ drives far better than Tom.

igation and prohibition with verbs

must, have (got) to, don't need to


You must bring a photO for your student card.

You have (got) to bring a photo for your s udenl card.

No obligation

Y u don't have to wear a cycle helmet but it's safer If you do.

You haven't got to wear a cycle helmet but it's safer if you do.

You don't need a wear a cycle helmet but it's safer if you do,

lU needn't wea r a cycle helmet but it's safer if you do.


You mustn't eat or drink in the classroom.

Most adverbs end in -Iy. To fo rm the

comparative and superlative of these
adverbs, we pu t more/less or (the)
most/(th e) least in front of t he adverb.
In the case of adverbs which do no t end
in -Iy, we make the comparati ve and
superlative forms by addi ng -er/-est, e.g.

faster/fastest, harder/ha rdest; -r/-st, e.g.

later/latest; or -ier/-iest, e.g.
For some irregular forms, see the list on
the left.
We ca n use almost, nearly or just wi th
as ... as, e.g. He drives nearly as well as

his father.

We can use the intensifiers much, a lot,

far and a bit to ma ke a comparative
adjective or adverb stro nger.

. 'n positive statements, if we are talking

about obligations which come from
other peopl e, we use have (got) to, e.g.

Ihave to I I've got to finish this

homework. We use have to to talk about
routines, e.g. He has to cook dinner once
a week (not J-Ic must cook dinf'lcr ORce
a wcck.)
. In the first person, we use must to
express strong fee lings and wi shes of
the speaker, e.g. I must buy some new

jeans soon.
In positive statem en ts, have to and must
are very close in meaning . If you aren't
su re wh ich to use, it's safest to use

have to.
We ca n't use must to talk about past
obli gations. We use had to.
We use don't/doesn't have to,

haven't/hasn't got to, needn't,

don 't/doesn't need to to express a
lack of obli gati on.
We use mustn 't to express prohibition .


Verbs shoLlld{n't}. ought(n'tj to, had

better (not)

1 / Complete the second sentence so that it has

a similar meaning to the first sentence. using
the correct form of the words in brackets.

Com pa rat ive adjectives and adverbs with

n't (...) as ... as

2,) Complete the second sentence so that it has
a similar meaning to the first sentence. using

n't (...J as ... as.

Cars are safer than motorcycles.


Naom i is more bea utiful t han Jodie.

Jodie .....................................................................................

2 The Edinburgh accent is cleare r than the Glasgow

The Glasgow accent ........................................................

3 Your car is much better than mine.

It's a bad idea to leave valuables in your car

overnight. (should)

My car ..................................................................... yours.

4 My jeans were cheape r t han Harry's.

You .... ~~.'?'!.~~'1:.~............... leave valuables in your car

overnigh t.

Harry's jeans ........................................................... mine.

the police's job to do something about crime in

this area. (should)

My grandfath er drives more da ngerously than

my grandmother.

The police ..................................... do something about

crime in this area.

My grandmot her ..~!!.~~.:~Ar.~~~.~!..!!.~~9.~r!i'.!-!~,Y. ...... .


2 It causes problems when people park on these

double ye llow lines. (ought)
People ..................................... park on these double
yellow lines.

5 Sa lly drove much fa ster t han Kevin.

Kevin ....................................................................................
6 Rachid got up earlier than Carlo.
Carlo .....................................................................................

3 It's dangerous to drive long distances without

regular breaks. (should)
People ..................................... drive long distances
without regu lar breaks.
4 Stop and have a break now. (had better)

7 Ma le drivers take risks more freque ntly than

fema le drivers.
Female drivers ...................................................................

You ................................... stop and have a break now.

S The speed limit of 120 kilometres per hour is too
fast on this small road. (ought)
They ..................................... reduce the speed limit
on this small road.
6 It's a bad idea to go clubbing tonight We've got
school tomorrow. (had better)

8 Maria was dancing more energet ical ly than the

other girls.
The other gi rls ...................................................................

9 Jake's jacket fi ts me better than Nancy's.

Nancy's j acket ..................;................................................

We ..
go clubbing tonight.

We've got school tomorrow.

TOo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Comparative and superlative adjectives

and adverbs

Comparative adje.ctives and adverbs with

mu hla bi r

as ... as
3> Use the chart and the prompts to write
com parative sentences with much or a bit.

4>Complete the letter with as + adjective/

adverb, or the comparative/superlative fo rm.

1Jear emily)
I hope /JtJU're hQuing 0 nice time In Spain. 1m on holir.hJj in
Scot/and near l.txh Fi.Jne.(Loch meons /.alre, by the wag) I
Mink lJ,is is one of .~~!:.."E~~.~~~~ifi.!.~ .. (beautiful)



Top speed
Cost of car
Car breakdowns
Prize money




places in Britain. amrse the weather isn't ....~~.~.~L ..

(hot) as in Spain but the water in the loch is much
~ ~~Xp.~r. . (warm) 'mel I ............... ............ . . .. ... ... . .. ........ .. (easy)
to get intxJ than I expected.
Don't be Jealous but 1m stoying in q castle. YES.~II' II
mal co~i. My uncle Steve} who is une of 2 ..... .... .. .. .. .............

..................................................... (lucky) pet7p~ In the wurld,

Wtm 15 miUiqn ill the lott.ery and Ixvght it tiS 0 holiday ht11Tle!.~1
MIJ f'tXJrn is ................................................ (high) one in the
castle and ii has 4 .. . .. .. .. . .... ...... ..... ... .... .... ... ........... .. ... ......... .



lo ld)
Sochmacher is a bit older than Kikkonen .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04

(spectacular) view

I've ever seen. I get up

(have accidents/freque nt)

Kikkonen .. ~.~~.~!:~~~~~.~~.p..~!:~..p..~r.~fr.~q!:'.~~~w. ..........
than Sochmacher.

5 ....................................................

(d rive/fast)

and go fur a jag euvy mqrning.

Sochmacher ..........................................................................

2 (drive/dan gerous)
Kikkonen ................................................................................

3 (have/a n expensive car)

Kikkonen ................................................................................

4 (car/perfo rm we ll)

Kikkonen's .............................................................................

5 (be/rich)

Sochma ch er ..........................................................................


(early) than everyone elst.

Haw's the summer Job going? fire you wurking

6 .. ................................................. (hard) as last fji!4r?Or have
you 11M time to go tD d'/t~t club C4iJed Whispers? Is the
beach 7 ......... .... .... ,............ .. .................. (crowded) as lost
year? Does that Californian guy called UJI(e jec-ski
II..... ...... ............ ......... ... .. .............. (dangerously) os last !JetV.'
My COUSin Tim is 9............ .................................... (boring)
i:his fjetlr thtln last year: He isn't 10.... . .. .. ........... .. ......................

(relaxed) as he WQS last summer dnd he seems to be

Wing his sWdies much

II ................................. ... ..... ............. .

(seriously) than befure.

See you Sm .

Lots ot ltwe,


Must{n't) or don't have to
5/ Complete the teacher's rules about safety in
the laboratory, using must{n't} or don't have to.

Obligation, prohibition, need or advice

6> Complete the sentences with the words in

the box.
mustn't mustn't had better shouldn't
don't have to
shou ld) have to

You .......~~~:~...... enter the laboratory

without permission.

You .................................................. eat or drink in

the lab.

2 You .................................................. bring your own

lab coat. There are some In the cupboard.

Pure Wool

3 You .................................................. wear safety

glasses during ALL experiments.

4 You .................................................. play around in


the lab.
S If you have long hair, you ........................................

tie it back.

6 You ........................................... ....... never walk

away from an experiment that you have


7 You .................................................. bring your own

ca lculators. We can provide them.
8 If you spill or break anything, you

.................................................. tell me.

9 You .................................................. clean all your

equipment after use.



10 You .................................................. write the

results of your experiments In th e lab. You can
do that in the library if you prefer.
11 You .................................................. behave safely
and sensibly at all times.
12 You .................................................. leave at three

thirty if you haven't finished. The technician

will be here until five o'clock.

For best resu Its, you .............~.~~~!!!. ................ wash
this sweater by hand.
2 You .......................................... take a handkerchief
because it will make you cry.
3 You .......................................... be at least eighteen
years old to see this horror film. You probably
.......................................... see it on your own
are the nervous type.

if you

4 You .......................................... pay before eleven.

5 You .......................................... smoke in this building.

6 You ................................. park here.


Time clauses wi h wilen, as soon as
3:;" Combine the sentences using the given
time phrases.
You'll arrive in India soon. You must send me your
address immediately.

If or when

4> Complete the sentences, circling when or if

and putting the verbs in brackets into the present
tense or the future tense with 'II/won't.

.. X~~.. ~.~~.~~~.~.p.~.y.~~!:..~~~~~~ .............. as soon as

.. JI.~'l..~r.r.~r.~. fn. ~rJ.~!!!.: ...........................................................

He's going to phone louise. He'll ask her about

the computer.
When .................................................................................... ..

2 I'm leaving school soon . Then I'm going to Australia.

As soon as .............................................................................

3 I'm going on holiday next week. Can you look

after my cat?

when .................................................................................... ?

4 Jack will arrive soon. Please call me immediately.

as soon as .............................................................................

5 We're moving to Edinburgh soon. I won't know

....................................................................................... when

6 She's goi ng to arrive in a minute. Let's all sing

Happy Birthday.

as soon as .............................................................................

7 She'll be seventeen soon. She's going to take

driving lessons.
When ......................................................................................

8 I'm nearly eighteen. Then I'll be able to vote.

when .......................................................................................


I .'~~ ...... (dream) about you (when)'if I .. fl.'!... (go)

to bed tonigh t.
I'm goi ng to Canada next wee k. Wh en/If I
................................... (be) t here, I ...................................
(visit) my frien d Sue.

2 When/If t he weather ................................... (get)

wo rse later, she probabl y ...........................................
(not take) us to the swimming pool.
3 Nei l might co me rou nd this evening. When/lfhe
............................ (come). we ...........................................
(not be able) to go to the ci nema.
4 Andy is goi ng to send me a postca rd when/If
he ................................... (arrive) in New York.
5 Wh en/If he ................................... (have) to work

late, he ................................... (miss) t he party.

6 I ................................... (make) t he tea when/If

the wa ter ................................... (boil).

7 Wh en/ If you ................................... (pay) for my

coffee today, I ..................................... (pay) for
yours tomorrow.
8 Wh en/If I ..................................... (go) to
San Francisco next t ime, I ...................................
(not stay) at t hat hote l aga in.

Unit 9

Relative clauses wIth who{m}, which,

that, where; whose

They're looking for omeone who can speak French .

The man (who/whom) I wanted to see wasn 't there

I don't like books which/that have sad endings

Th hotel Iwhich/tha ) we stayed at had a view of the sea.

The cupboard in which the videos are kept is

a ways locked.

The cupboard (which) the videos are kept in is

always locked.

The club where I met Roberro was called Dr Sound

The ,I wI ose flat I'm staying In is on holiday in Mexico.

Defini ng relative clauses gi ve essential

information. They do not have co mmas.
In defin in g re lative clauses, we use who(m),
whose or that to refer to people, which or that to
refer to t hings and where to refer to places.
Prepositions can be placed in front of the definin g
relative pronou ns whom and which or at the end
of the re la tive clause. It is more formal to put t he
preposition in front of the pron oun. The room
which I slept in had a wonderful view is less
forma l than The room in which I slept had a
wonderful view. The man whom I gave the letter to
had a strange face, is less formal th an The man
to whom { gave the letter had a stra nge face.
When that and who are used with prepositions,
the prepositio n must be placed at the end of the
defi ning re lative cl au se, e.g. Th e room that I slept
in had a wonderful view. The man that/ who I gave
the letter to had a strange face.
Whom, that or which can be omi tted if they are
the object in a defining relat ive clause.


My Sister Anlla, who lives," New York, is a photographer.

Peter, whose fa ther works for a record company, often gets

fft concert lckets.

Jim told us about hiS holiday job, which he's enjoYing

v ry much.

Th match, in which I played very badly, lasted an hour..

I'd like 0 visit Perlh, where one of my cousins lives.

Non -defi ning rela tive cla uses, which give ext ra
informatio n and which can be left out, have a
comma before the relat ive cl ause an d a comma
or fu ll stop after it.
We can not use that in non- defin ing relative
clau ses. We have to use who, whom, whose
or which.
We ca n never om it th e re lative prono un in a
non-definin g relative clause.

Whom can be used instead of who as t he

object of the verb in a relative clause. It is more
forma l tha n who.
Whose is used mostly fo r people and sometimes
fo t" an imals. It is never used fo r objects.


Grammar highlights

Present perfect simple and continuous

Present perfect simple
Positive statements
You've been to India three times.

She's hved in Paris for SIX months.

He's had a motorbike for year.

I 's the best film I've ever seen.

Negative statements
You haven't visited China yet.
~ hasn't used it much recently.

Have you had your photos developed yet?
Has he. decided to buy a car instead?

Short answers
Ye , I have.
Yes, he has,

No, I haven'L
No, he hasn't

Present perfect continuous

Positive statements
You've been drawing and painting a lot recently.
's been ta lking on lhe phone for ages now.

N yative statements
ou haven 't be n reading much recently.
He hasn't been watching the film with us.

lav you been taking many photographs?
Has he been chatting to hiS new girlfriend?

Short answers
y ~, have.
es, he has.

11 a

No, I haven'l
No, he hasn't.

We use the present perfect simple wi t h

j ust, already, yet, ever, never, so for.

We use th e present perfect simple to

ta lk about how many tim es someth ing
has happened, e.g. He's been there lots
of times.
We use the present perfect simple
with superlatives.
We use the present perfect ontinuous
with How long, fora nd since and some
other time expressi ons to talk about
events t hat started in the past and are
still going on, e.g. I've been reading this
book fo r six hours / since ten o'clock.

We can use the present perfect

con tinuous or simple with How long, for
and since and the verbs live, work and
study, e.g. I've been working in France for
three months, or I've worked in France
since August / for th ree months.

We have to use the present perfect

simple with How long, fo r and since an d
certain verbs not norm ally used in the
co ntinuous tenses such as know, like,
love, hate, have, e.g. I've known Lucy for
three years. I've had t his tennis racket
for two years.

We use the present perfect continuous

to descri be an action in the past that
has co ntributed to a situation in the
present, e.g. She's very tired. She hasn't
been sleeping well lately.

In general, we use th e present perfect

simple when we are in terested in the
result of an activity. We use the presen t
perfect continuous when we are
interested in the activity not the resu lt,
e.g. I've made three cakes this afternoon
(= present perfect), and I've been making
cakes this afternoon (= presen t perfect
co nt inuous) .

Non-defining relative clauses
1 / Match the incomplete sentences to the Extra Facts.
Check your answers. Then complete each sentence with
a relative clause. Use where, who, whose or which.


a) It starred Gwyneth Palt row.

(b) Many American fi lms are made here. )
c) He died in a car crash in 1955 aged twenty-four.
d) He received almost $20 million fo! Rambo III.
e) Her rea l name was Norma Jean Mortenson.
fl His fi lms include Jaws, IT an d Jurassic Park.
g) He was created by Wa lt Disney in 1928.
h) Many fi lm stars have thei r homes here.
i) They are prizes in t he film in dustry.


Hol lywood ..~~~r.~.~~~y..A~.f!!.~~~.~fi..~m~............

D James Dean,


... ~~.'!..'!:!~.~~....... is in California.

D Academy Awards,

.................., was th e star of Rebel Without A Cause.


.......... ............................................................................, are

some Imes called Oscars.



D Shakespeare in Love, ................................................

.......~ .............................................., won seven Oscars.

Marilyn Monroe, .......................................................

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. u u u . , ....... t ................. ,

died in 1961.

Steven Spielberg, ......................................................

0 Sylvester Sta ll one, ....................................................

.......... ..... ............................ .. .............................. .........,




is one of the world's best-paid actors.

................................................, started making films at
high s.chool.

Mickey Mouse, .......................................,...................

. ..................................... , ....................................... n.' _ ........ ,

Beverly Hills, ..............................................................

..............................................................................., is right
next to Los Angeles.

is the world's most popu lar cartoon character.

58 'PL ';)9


'41> '1 'ez 'I l :SJaMsu\f



Present perfect SImple or present perfect


2/' Combine the sentences using a relative

pronoun each time. If it is possible to omit the
relative pronoun, write it in brackets.
We stayed at a hotel in Tanzania. It had a view of

Lake Manyara.

.r.~~.~.'?f.~!..f.~I.!!f~!~!J.~J. ..W.~.~9Y.~t!..~..~IJ.T~~~.~~.~~ ......

.~.9.t!...~.~~..9fJg~~.Mg~!l~.r:~~ ...........,....... .......................

We drove down a road to get to the hotel. It was

The road .................................................................................

3/ Use the prompts to write questions and

answers with How manV? and How long?
films/she/act in? six; seven years

How many .. fi..~'E~.!!.~~.~~~..'!:~~~J']!.. ..............................

She's aded in six
How long ....~~.~.~~.~.~~~~..~~!.~9.? ....................................

..!!.~:~..~~~~ ..'!:~!~!Jfo.r..~~~!!.Jl.~.'!.r.~:...................................
books/she/write? th ree ; ten years
How many .............................................................................

2 A man owned the hotel. He was very interested In

wi ldlife.

How long ...............................................................................

The man .................................................................................

2 pizzas/he/cook? fou r; one hour
3 The hotel had a restaurant. You could eat
Tanzanian food there.
The hotel had a restaurant .... ..........................................

4 Some rooms didn't have air conditioning. They got

very hot at night.

How many .............................................................................

How long ...............................................................................

3 kilometres/they/cycle? thirty; B a.m.

How many .............................................................................

The rooms ............,.................................................................

How lon g ...............................................................................
5 We saw wild animals in the Serengeti Park. These
were elephants, zebras and giraffes.

4 games/they/play? five; four thi rty

How man y .............................................................................

The wild animals ................................................................ .

How long ...............................................................................

5 shirts/he/iron? ten ; he got up

How many .............................................................................

How long ...............................................................................

6 pictures/he/pa int ? t hree; four hours

How many .............................................................................

How long ...............................................................................


Relative pronouns

Present perfect simple and present

perfect continuous
4> Match the interview questions and the

actor's answers. Then complete the answers,

putting the verbs into the present perfect

simple or continuous.

Present perfect simple or present perfect



Complete the sentences with who, whom,

whose, where or which, and the present perfect
simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Skiing is one sport ... I (never/be) good at

III ~ou tDDk di~re(\~-roAa~. W~ is *,,,\?

0 How do ~ Ije~ on un", Ju\io. 'RDnins?

What's the name of the boy ... Oust/move in) upstai rs?

w'nen an~ ~ou 9"inq -\0 s~rl- wcr\c.. on 'Aoo,,",e.t

~ When diel ~u meet lit\e'j~
5 D ls lit ',U at ~e mcM\a\t ~
6 D "lou're lao\ci~ summer. \t"ve ~ OW'lllm'\:A,,'l O'\If?

~~H~9..!~.~.~~.~p.~.'1..~h.~f.~ ..~:r.~.r!.~.'!.'!!:..~~~I)..9.9.~.c!.~: ......

2 I (lose) t he book ... I was read ing this morning.


hoe W ............................................. (make) ~~ ~Ims

bl~e.",er 1M *~~ .................................................. (a ll/be)

3 I Oust/see) the film ... everybody (talk) about for ages.

a .

~e.f~ps irs be.c4M5e.L ~.~f:j~~.t.~~~.~~!!......... Oust/wash)

4 I went to see him at t he cafe ... he (work).

~'j ~a,r.

~. but $he's ex'MusteA.She. ................................................

(work) nanshlp fur ""e ~"st- si:x: n\01\-ths.


................................................ (take) mare a:ercis~

1'e.ce..fIt~ and 1 ........................................................................

5 The man ... telephone number I Uust/give) you

might help.

(not eat) ~5 ~

G Ten ty!IlfS ago. Wt. ..._........................................... (not be)
atwt fur mare 4han ~ week S\f'1C.4. -\he".
We. ..........................._.................................. (already/start).

I .................................................... (film) ',n \..onGkm t01"

6 I don't like t he boy ... sh e (g o out) with recently.

the ~ast month.

7 Australia is one place ... she (always/want) to go.




Causative have (hove something done)

Where are you going to have your hair cut?

Don't you need to have a passport photo taken?

I ad my eyes tested yesterday,

Why hasn't he had the bike repaired yet?

She doesn't have her ha ir cut at the hajrdresser'~. She cuts

it herself.

Second conditional: if/unless clause

+ 'd (would)/wouldn't
If I had lots of money, I'd buy a huge motorbike

I'd buy a huge motorbike if I had lots of monty.

I I were you, I wouldn't hitchhike to Edinburgh.

If he didn' t lIVe so far away, I'd see him more often.

I wouldn' t eat snails unless I was extremely hungry.

We use causative have when we arrange

fo r someone else to do something for us,
e.g. My father has his car washed once
a week.
We can replace have by ge t in more
inform al speech, e.g. My father gets his
car washed once a wee k.

We use the se cond cond itional to tal k

about unli ke ly sit uati ons in the prese nt
or the futu re. Anothe r use is to talk
about imag inary situ at ions. We also use
it to give advice, e.g. If I were YOll, I'd see
a doctor about th at cough.
. In second conditional sentences, we
always use the si mple past in the if or
unless cl ause. We use would/wou ldn't
in the main clause. We can al so use
could(n't) or might (not) in t he
main clause.
We usua lly use the phrase If I were ...
{not if{ WfJ5 ... J when we give advi ce.
Unless means if ... no t.

I wi hllf only + past tense

I wish I had longer legs.

If only I had longer legs.

I WIsh I could fly.

If only I could fly.

I wish I didn't have to revise this weekend.

If only I didn'l have to revise th is weekend.

need + gerund (-ing form)

Thes cards ne d posting.

Do tile battery need replacing?

need + passive infinitive

These cards need to be posted

Does the battery need Lo be replaced?


We use th e verb phra se I wish or the

ph rase If only, ea ch followed by a verb in
t he simple past tense, to talk about
wishes or regrets in a presen t situation .

The ve rb need + passive infin itive means

the same as need + gerund H ng form).

Causative hove (have something done)
1 / Complete the adverts with the correct form of
have and the past participle of the verbs in the box.
test deve lop cut (. print) make read

2> Use the prompts to write questions and

answers with the present simple, present
continuous, present perfect or past simple of have.
Q: (you /your bike/re pair) yet?

..IJ.~~~!1~.':'..'""~!!.!1.t?':'.r..!?~~~.!.~p..~!r.~~.y.~!.. .................

A: No, I (it/repair) t om orrow.

..ryf?~ ..~:P.~.~~!~!1.!~.r.~p.~.~r.~.~.~~!!.'.~r.!P.~: ...................

If you want ...!~..~~~~ ...

cards or invitations
...p.r!.r.!!.~!!.~.. come to

Q: (Bob/hi s eyes/t est) yet?

What does the future

hold for you?

flasy Print

A: No, he (them /test) next week.

Find out when you

.................... your palm


.................... by
Madame Zingara.


2 Q: What's that smell?

A: My parents (t he house/paint) at the momen t.

Three million people

.................... their photos
... M .....................


by us last year.

3 Q: Where (you/th is passport photo/take)?

G--- ...... ----- . .


If you need .........................

colour photocopies
......................... come to us
for the cheapest
photocopies in London.

A: I (i t/take) at Farrell Photos last week.

4 Q: How ofte n (you/ usua lly/your ha ir/cut)?

A: I (usuall y/it/cut) every t hree months.

Have you lost your keys?

We can help you.
Twenty thousand people

5 Q: Is your foot still painfu l?

............... new keys

.................... by us last year.


A: Yes. I (an X- ray/tak ) to morrow.



Everyone should .................... their eyes ...................

regularly. Phone us now for an appointment.

6 Q: Why aren't you wea ri ng yo u new trousers?

A: Because I (not/th em/shorten /yet).



I wish/If only + past simple

Second conditional
3> Complete the survey questions in the second
conditional using the verbs in brackets. Then
answer the questions with Y (Yes) or N (No).

4 > Rewrite Dave's thoughts using I wish and

If only.



I don't have time to thin k.

I feel so nervous.
I have to write an essay on European politics.
I don't know th e answer to question 3.
I can't concentrate.
This exam is so im portan t.
The questions are so difficult.
I can't remember what I revised yesterday.
They don't al low us to bring in ou r textbooks.
This room is so hot.

.. If.1I9.':~fo.!.!.'J4. .... (youlfind) 100 in the street,

.. ~~.,!;~~M~.'!;.!!.~!!.~..~~.!.'!. ..... (you/hand it in) to the police? [Y]

1 ...................................................._.........................................

(0 shop assistant/give) you 20 too much change,

................_............................................... (you/keep) quiet?

2 ..... ....................._................... (you/see) someone cheating

in an exa

................................................. (you/report) them

to the teacher?

3 ................................................. (you/crash) your motorbike into

on expensive cor and ............................................ (nobody/see)

you. _............................................. (you/telL) the poUce? D

I wish

4 ...............................................................................................
(your rich fnend/forget) she had lent you 30,
................................................................. (you/remind) her?

'had time to think.

If on ly .. L~!4.'.!:~f~~!..~~.'.!.~!!~.~~: ......................................

If only .....................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................
(the waiter/forget) to charge you for your drinks,
............................................................. (you/teU) him?

2 I wish ......................................................................................

3 I wish ......................................................................................

6 ........ ...................................... (youlfind) your sister's love

letters, .................._..................................... (you/read) them?

7 .... ........................................................................... (you/not want)

to upset someone, .................._................... (you/teU) a Ue? D

8 .........................~ .......................................... (you/hand in) a wallet

4 If only .....................................................................................

5 If only .....................................................................................

6 I wish ......................................................................................

you'd found In the street, ................................................................

(you/expect) a reward?

7 If only .....................................................................................

8 I wish ......................................................................................


Verb need + gerund (-/ ng form)! need +
passive infinitive
5:" Use the fashion designer's notes to write pairs
of sentences with need.

II ~.]: IIX.]: I li13: I[.]: I','J 44:11



"/hin5s to do

dec.ide on iJ...e orde- of the sJ...ow

set lAp the 1'~I..;ts

dress tJ...e Models

do tJ...eir Mak-e-I.'p

cJ...oose tJ...e sJ...oes

repair the

replac.e the batteries in

MI.] c.aMera

7 rec:J...ar5e

M~ Mabile

6> Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
words in brackets.
Jim needs to ask someone to mend his watch. (have)

.. 1'm.~.~t;.rJ~.~Q.h.~y.~.h!.~..~~*!J..m~m!.t;.rJ: ...........................
We're going to ask someone to bu ild a swimming

pool in our gard en. (have)

We're go ing to .....................................................................

..............................,....................................... in our garden.

2 Nina is very sad because her camera is broken.

Nina ........................................................................................

3 You're tired becau se you go to bed so late every

night. (wou ldn't)
If you did n't ..........................................................................



4 Unfortun ately, I live in a bori ng little vi ll age. (wish)

I .........................................................;......................................

" ....................... ............................................................................

, {.

5 Somebody should clean this room. (needs)

This room ...............................................................................

3 .................................................................................................. .

4 ...................................................................................................

5 ...................................................................................................

6 ...................................................................................................

6 Unfort unately we don't have a dishwasher. (wish)

I ................................................................................................

7 You don't like Tim beca use you don 't really know
him. (if)
You'd .......................................................................................

8 She's going to ask someone to take some

photos. (h ave)
She's goi ng ............................................................................

7 ...................................................................................................

9 They really ought to do somet hing about the

traffic in this to wn. (n eed s)
Something .............................................................................


Verbs should have/ought to have

Positive statements
You should have been more careful.

You ought to have been more careful.

Negative statements

They shou ldn't have riven so fast.

They oughtn't to h ve driven 50 fast


Should we have helped him'

Ought we to have helped him?

Do you think we should have helped him'

Do you lhink we ought to have helped him?

Short answers
Yes, we should have.


ough[ to have

We use should have/ought to have to

criticise people's past actio ns, e.g. You
shouldn't have driven 50 fast (= You
drove fast an d it was the wrong th in g to
do.) Yo u should have slowed do wn at the
corner(= You di dn't sl ow down atth e
corner and t ha t was a mist ake.}

Ought to have is more form al and less

freq uently used th an should have. In
question forms it is very uncommon.
We often use the verb think to ask a
questi on with should have/ought to have.

No, we shouldn't have.
No, we oughtn't to have.

Verbs make, let and be aI/owed to

Our coach made us practise every day.

He dic1n't let me play in the first half of the match.

00 your parents let you have parties whi le lhey're away?

W ar n'l allowed to w ar make-lip at my school.

Th e verbs make and let are followe d by

an object and an infinitive without to.
But when make is used in th e passive,
we use the infinitive with to, e.g. She

was made to work very hard.

We cannot use let in the passive form.
Instea d, we must use allowed to.



Verb should have

.X~~..~.~~.'!.!~..~~.~~fi!.~~.~.!.f!..~.fC!.~p. ..~~..~!:~~p.~~~~.......
1 '/ The manager of the campsite asked Bob to
leave because he disobeyed the rules. Read the
rules and complete the manager's words,
using should(n 't) have each time.

when you arrived.

2 ............................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................... .

4 ............................................................................................

Pine Hill Campsite

5 ............................................................................................




Fill in a form at reception when you arrive.

Use the barbecue provided.
Do not light fires.
Put all your litter in the bins.

Do not play loud music.

Do not damage the trees.

Leave the showers clean and tidy.

Do not bring any animals to this campsite.
Do not break the speed limit of 10 kph.
Do not waste water.

6 ............................................................................................

7 ............................................................................................

8 ............................................................................................

......................................... your cat to this campsite.

9 ............................................................................................

10 ............................................................................................

~ ................... ....... ...... ..... .

...... u


J-....... u

....... u

......... u




ought to have

Complete the sentences with


ought{n'tj to have

and the past participle of the verbs in the box.

go ~ get give pack
stop train visit miss


make, let and be allowed


>Complete the second sentence so that it has a

similar meaning to the first sentence. using the

correct form of the words in brackets.
The rules say that students must not chew gum
anywhere in the schoo l. (allow)
Students .....~r.~':'.~~.!!!.~f!.~~~..~~ .~~~~.9.':!.'!.! .... anywhere
in the school.
She has to get home before midn ight. (allow)
She ..........................................................................................
stay out after midnigh t.

2 My parents' rule is that I have to do the washing

up every night. (make)
My parents ............................................................................
every night.

3 In the army we had t o get up at f ive o'clock every

I'm not surprised you're feeling sick.
You ..~~9.~.~.~~.~~.~.~~~.~~.~~,}... so much cake

moming. (ma ke)

In t he army they .................................................................
at five o'clock every morn ing.

We had a brill iant time last night. You .......................

..... .................................................................... home early.

2 Tha

raffic light was red. You ........................................

4 My parents won't allow me to borrow the car

tonight. (let)
My parents ...........................................,................................

3 The director was angry that you didn' t come. You

....................................................................... the rehearsal.

4 They lost the match. They ................................................

.................................................................................... harder.

5 Why didn't she pass after all her work? She ..............

6 Come on! We're leaving in fifteen minutes. You

You ..........................................................................................
in this park.
6 At my last schoo l t hey let us wear make-up and
jewellery. (allow)
At my last school we ......................................:..................
make- up an d jewellery.

really ..................................................................... your bag

by now.

7 Th e ru le was that we ha d to eat everythi ng on our

plates. (m ake)

7 I'm not surprised t hey're getting divorced. They .......

They .........................................................................................

................................................................................... married
at seventeen.
8 It's raining now. Do you think we ................................ ..
............................................................ a lift to that poor
hitchhiker tha t we saw at the petrol station?
9 Those tourists missed the best bit of the tour.
They .........................................................................................
the old city.


5 Do not play football in thi s park. (al low)

everything on our plates.

8 You won't be all owed t o leave early. (let)
They ............................................................................. early.


Verbs make, ler and be aJ/owed to

Sunnybank Camp

4> Read Rebecca's notes below. Then complete

by Rebecca Wa re

her essay on the right with made us/let us or

weren't' allowed.

[ went to Sunnybank, a summer camp on the coa'it of D

~f ,

t . summer. llwas a great experience and [ made lots of new

[nends. There were quite a few rules although [ thought that
most of them were quite reasonable.

They ....................
made us td
I ) our rooms every day. But I! did n't
take Chloe and me very long because we're both quite ti y. The
best thmg was that they .)~.I!.~... leave the camp in the

evellIngs and go into the nearest town, Lyme RegiS. Of cou~.

we had to ask permission first and we weren't allowed .

......... _............

stay out after eleven o'clock.

We 1.......................................... . to have pani . in our
rooms generally, but they 2........................ _ ............... have

parties for special occasions if we asked pennission first. or

example, Chloe had her binhday while we were at summer

We~t# ...

camp and they



I..J.p witt tk. ~ cma ~ ~


.IJ:.w .in.:tJ..... ~f'IAT1l1..d

~ 4.I.fJ d ~

3.......................................... .

litlle party for her. But it ended quite early because we


........................................... to play any music after

eleven o'clock.
In some summer camps you can't choose who you
want to share you r room \\~ th but at Sunnybank they

(if ~ WDAti:.U

have a

choose our roommates.

That was great because Chloe and [ already knew each other and
wanted to share. We did lots of things together.

'C I)'one had to

h lp on the camp and there was a list of names and things we had

Wt~lt ...

~ tnd


to do each day. For example, they 6................................ ........

~ ()'~


and I always did that together. Once a week the)'

7 ........................................... help with the cooking and we

.wu J:k JnmI;s ~ ~

usually asked to do that together, too.

Every day they 8........................................... choose
for ourselves the sports and activities we wanted to do. One day
we made a raft 1 But we 9................................... ........ to go

couU. ...



~ wIt..o we ~ k
a. t't1'I:m\.-wiiA

out on the raft or boats without asking permission first.

One thing that I didn't like at Sunnybank was
10................... ....... .................

thaI they

lay the table and wash the

dishes twice a week. [ have to do that at home e cry da~ and I

;l;orJ".,, ~ ~

organise games for the younger kids in the afternoons and Chloe

'I ~


don't like doing it on my holid3)'. Probably the worst rule was that
they " ........................................... get up at eight 111 the
morning [or breakfast. We complained a lot and in the end they
changed the rule and they

1/. ......................................


in bed until ten if we didn't want breakfast.


Uni 13

Verbs must/can't for drawing

YOU\i been playing football all day. You must be

tired and hungry.

It can't be an Ir1sect. It's ot eighr legs. I must be
spid r.

Adjective word order

Mana IS the one with short spiky hair.
She's weanng a long black leather coa .

I'v got a beautiful 010 Chinese jewellery box.

We can use must / can't + the verb be, or another

verb, to make logical deduct ions about th present,
e.g. She's on ly j ust moved to our area. She must be
lonely. She can't have many new friends yet.

Adjectives used together usua lly occu r in the

following order:


POSlbv statements
ms{Jooks/sounds cl vcr.
He ems/looks/sounds like an Interesting person.
It s ems/looks/sounds as if she's working very hard.
Negative statements

Th y on't eem/look/sound friendly.

S doesn't seem/look/sound like a student.

H doesn't seem/look! ound a5 if he IS enjoying himself.

Gu ions
Do I 100 good in this jar et?
Does sh,. sound like a nice person?
Did h 5 em happy?
Old th Ylook as i they were haVing fun?




Colour Origin









sh ort


Verbs seem, look, 50und + adjective

or I'ke/as if


Ch inese



The verbs seem, look and soun d ca n be followed by:

- an adjective, e.g. She sounds American.
- like + a noun phrase, e.g. He looks like an Australian
- as if + a clause, e.g. They look as if they've just had
a fight.

Some people use like + a clause after the verbs

seem, look and sound, e.g. They look like they've just
had a fight. However, it is best to avoid t his form in
written English. Use as if instead.

Verbs must!can't for drawing conclusions


1 Complete the second sentence so that it has

a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use must be
or can't be.

Verbs must/can't for drawing conclusions

2> Match the responses to the statements.

Then complete the responses with must or can't.

I'm sure you aren't hungry after eating all that cake.

......y.~!!..~.~!?:.t~.~...... hungry after eating all that cake.

Their car is here so I'm sure they're at home.

Their car is here so they ................................. at home.

2 It hasn 't got eight legs so I'm sure it isn't a spider.

It hasn't got eight legs so It .................................
a spider.
3 I'm sure there are some biscuits in the packet I
bought yesterday.

There ................................. some biscuits in the packet

I bought yesterday.

4 I'm sure she isn't Australian. She doesn't have an

Australian accent
She ................................. Australian. She doesn't have
an Australian accent.
5 I'm sure you're j oking. I haven't got ',000 to lend
you .

You ................................. joking. I haven't got ',000

to lend you.

6 The lig hts are on in his bedroom so I'm sure he

I didn't go to bed until fou r o'clock

this morn ing.

1 I haven't had anythi ng to eat all day.

2 He says he's got your key.

4 I'm afraid I can't see a way through this forest.


5 Mr Lavender is in Aust ralia.

6 She says she lives in Chestnut Avenue.

3 Are John and Tessa the same age?

isn't asleep.

7 That restaura nt is nearly always empty.

The lights are on in his bedroom so he

8 The plane is about t o land.

................................. asleep.
7 I'm sure she's tired after driving all night.

She ................................. tired after driving all night.

8 I'm sure she doesn't have room in her flat for all
six of us.

There ................................. room in her flat for all six

of us.

9 I'm sure she's wearing make-up. Her skin looks

smoother than usual.

She ................................. wearing make-up. Her skin

looks smoother than usual.



a) It ......................... be very good.


Yo u ........~.~~........ be exhausted.)
It ......................... be mine. Mine is in
my pocket.

d) You ......................... be hu ng ry.

e) There ......................... be a path somewhere.


Then she ......................... be a neighbour of

mine. That's where I live.

g) That ......................... be right. I saw him at the

bus stop this morn ing.
h) It ......................... be. We've only just taken off.

Th ey ......................... be. They've always been in

the same class at sc:hool.
13 1

Adjective word order

3> Write sentences by putting the words in the

correct order and adding punctuation.

6 a / We lsh I bri efcase I cheap I middle-aged

I He's I plasti c I with a

I ma n

He's .........................................................................................

7 blue / bowls / chicken

I delicio us I gave I in /Iarge

I She I soup I us
She ..........................................................................................

Verbs seem, look, sound + adjective or

like/os if
4 > Complete the sentences
with like or as if
where necessary.

Australian / denim / man / in / jacket / tall/the

/ the / Who's

Who's ..~~~..~~~!..~.~~~~!f!.~ ..~f!.'.'..!.'.'..~~~.~~.'.'.~~j~.~~~!' ..

and / big
I Lucy's

I blond I blue /

eyes / got long / hair

Lu( ;) ......................................................................................

2 and a / Irish accent / the man / hair / is / Jim / red

/ strong / with short
Jim ...........................................................................................

3 an / blue / expensive / Italian / She's / suit

/ wearing
She's ........................................................................................

My feet feel .. F~~

... blocks of ice.

That si nger sounds ........................ a dying cat.

2 She looks ........................ about eighteen.

3 You look ........................ tired. Didn't you sl eep
last ni ght?
4 It looks ........................ summer has arrived.
5 She seemed ........................ totally miserabl e.
6 They look ........................ they have just ha d a fi gh t.

4 antique / beautifu l /bought / earrings

/ for her birthd ay /1/ silver / some
I ................................................................................................

7 Those tourists sounded ........................ Scan dinavi an

to me.

8 This cheese tastes ........................ soap.

9 You loo k .. ...................... you have just seen a ghost.

5 brown I Do I in I know / leath er I Span ish

/ student I t he / the / trousers / you / young
Do ............................................................................................

10 I spoke to her on the phone and she so unded

........................ she had a bad cold.
11 He ph oned up and started shouting. He seemed
........................ very an gry.
12 You loo k ........................ a doctor in that whi t e coat.



Verb used to
Positive statements

I used to walk to school but now I take the bus.

Negative statements
My sister didn't use to like jazz but she does now

didn 't use to wear glasses.

No, he didn't.

Positive statements
I'm used to wearing a uniform.

She's used to living in a big city.

They're used to looking after younger children.

Negative statements
I'm flOt used to dOing homework every night.
She Isn't used to living on h r own.
ey aren't used to studying at weekends.

Are you used to weartng a uniform to school?

Is she used to ge mg up early?

Are h y used to worKing hard?

Short answers

POSit v
(es, I m
Yes, she IS.
Yes, they are.


No, I'm not.

No, she isn't.

No, they aren't

Clauses of purpose with to, in order



I shut th window to stop the flIes coming In.

In ord r to shu Ihe Window, I had to stand on a chair.

I had to stand on a chair in order to shut the window.

look my ho 0 f in order no to dirty the chair,

I hu the wmdow 0 that the flies couldn't/wouldn't

come m,

I stood on a chair so that I could reach the Window.

10k my sho

future form.

In the question and negative forms, we delete

the fi; e.g. Did you use to live in Australia? He

Verb be used to

(not) to,

Used to refers to the past There is no present or

Used to is followed by an infinitive.

Did he us to W ar glasses?
Short answers
Pos ttve
Yes, he did.

With used to we refer to habits or situations

wh ich were true in the past but are not true now.

off so that the chair wouldn't get dirty.

With be used to we refer to an activity or

situation which is (or was) someth ing familiar
to us.

Be used to can refer to the present or the past,

e.g. I'm used to driving on the left now. I wasn't
used to driving on the left when I first came
to Britain.
Be used to is followed by a noun or a gerund
(-ing form).
We use get used to when we want to talk about
the process of becom ing used to something, e.g.

When I went to Arizona, I couldn't get used to

the heat.
We genera lly use get used to (not ae used ta)
when we refer to the future, e.g. You'll soon
get used to the Scottish accent.
Get used to is fo ll owed by a noun or a gerund

(-ing form).
We can use to and in order {not} to + the
infinitive on ly when the subject of the main
clause and the clause of purpose are the same.

In order to is more formal th an to.

We ca n use so that when the subject of the
main clause an d t he clause of purpose are the
same and when t hey are different, e.g. I took my

biology book so that I could revise on the train.

She wore her sunglasses so that nobody would
recognise her.



Verb be used to


1 Complete Miranda's letter to a teacher

at Kingswood School. where she used to be a

student. Use I'm (not) used to and the prompts.


wear a uniform V
work at night X
going to bed at strange imes X
live on my own X
eat canteen food II'
work hard II'
study a lot V
look after old people V
be with sick people all the time X
make beds with people still in them X

r>ea~ Mrs


I'm. t!Aljotf"'1 YNJ fW,(5~ ~ at 5t

M~'S in.l.muinL but I"" Mt tMd To
a1.L tIu. ~ in. mlJ lifo Ifd
I t.Itm t m.i"rd. tJu. ~. A!fu' aiJ,


..................................................... a..nd, ~...............................

wearin9 .~ ..':'.!!!f.~!.~ ... fum- fYUj ~

d ~:;;;;;"'5~ but ...... .!.:~..~~!..I!.~~~.~f?..........

used to

.. ~.C?!~!~9..~..".';!g.~~... tUVi

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. u

~ ~

I ... ....................................... ... .

................................................ L

is thai


.J ..............................................


.~.~..~.;;;;;;.; ..;;;;.~:..~;;.;;:.~ lets

4. pupk new aNi Itut ~ I


........................................................................ . Bcd I'm.

~ 1UU'S~ a. t,t ~ i:Juur. ~.
I'm. ~ ~ ~ 1;, ItUJ fUKt
wet.i<utd 41l

. . . . . . . . ..:::.:~::.:..::.~I~J:J;:;.~.


~ in,



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

cWJ,~ wr1Jt Stm1L at mAl ~ ~

Iht fuud. /6 oK. J ................................................... .

tJtat 8........................................................................................

......_.........._...................................................... /rrnn. mIJ


~ ~ Tht. Iud ~

a.boui t1; i5 tJud I

krit ~ fA hRLp ~ wi1A tJu. ~~ up!


1WI ~ ali, the. time 1AroT~ ar ~"'1

~. As ~ /U!OW, 4 .............................................. ..

........................................................ . Oltt

p.r-trhl..enz U

Clauses of purpose with to or so that

2:" Correct the statements 1 to 8 by rewriting
them with used to/didn't use to.

3> The Graysons made a lot of changes to their

home. Combine the pairs of sentences using to
where possible. Where it isn't possible, use
so that ... could(n 't)/would(n't).
They bu ilt a cup boa rd. They wanted to store t hei r

sports equ ipment.

.. !~!!Y..~!!!.1!.!!..~HI?~~.~r.~.~~.:rr.~r.~..t1!~~!'..~p.~~.................

..~qy'i.P.!!:!~!~.~: ............................................................................

They got a secon d lV set. They wanted the children

to watch lV in their own room .

.. "!]r;~.g~~.~..~!~~!!.~..!.Y..~~.~~..~~.'!!..~~.'f.E~!!~~.'f!:'. ............

could watch TV in their own room.

Wome n don't have the vote.

They knocked down a wal l. They wanted to make

t he sitting room bi gger.


Salt is very expensive .

...~~.~.y.~.~!!..tCJ..~.~...~.r:JJ..~P~~.~!.~: ........................................

The fastest way to travel is by horse.

2 The poorest chi ldren do not go to school.

2 They put bars on t he wi ndow. They didn't want

t hieves to get in.

3 Ligh ts were installed in the 'garden. They wanted to

eat outside in th e eve ning.

3 Chi ldren work in factories.

4 They pu t a bi g w indow in th e dining room. They
4 There isn 't much pollution In our rivers.

wan ted to make it lig hter.

5 There aren't many cars.

5 They cut down some trees. They didn't want t he
garden to be so shady.
6 Not many people have televisions.

7 Men have all the top jobs.

6 They installed sol ar panels. They wanted to save

money on electrici ty.

8 Medicine isn't very reliable.



The passive
Present simple
Ho 0 en are the rooms cI aned?
They're cleaned once a w k.

Pent continuous
Her bik IS being repair d at the moment
We r n't being taught by Mr Morris thiS year.

Past simple
Printing was invented In China.

Wh n w re you told about he acdden ?

Pa t continuous

Wh I h r bike was being r paired, she walked everywhere.

Present perfect simple


Have you ever been bitten

a snake?

We haven't been inVited 0 Jack's party.

Past p rfeet simple

Our ouse lad bee brok n Into when we got back



Had anythin been stOlen?

Luc Ily, my CD call ('tion hadn't been touched.

We use the passive:

- when we are more interested in t he
event tha n t he person who did the
action, e.g. I'm afraid the room hasn't
been clean ed.
- to ta lk about events in history, e.g. The
electric light bu lb was invented in 1878.
- to describe tech nica l or scientific
processes, e.g. When the tea leaves have
been picked, they are left in special rooms
to dry.
- to be obj ective, especially in news
reports or scie ntific experiments, e.g.
Two swimmers were attacked by sharks
at Bango Bay yesterda y.
To form t he passive, we use t he verb
to be in the appropria te ten se + the
past participle of t he main verb.
When we use t he passive with modal
ve rbs, we use a moda l ve rb + the
passive in finitive.

Mod Is

T e door can't/couldr!' b opened.

The passive gerund is formed with the

gerund being + the past participle.

om thing shOUld/must be done about the. traffic in hiS town.

Wh n will we be paid?
We mlgh Imay be m t at lh airport.

The passive infiniti ve is formed wi t h the

in fi ni tive to be + the past participle.


I ha
Ing bitten by mosquitoes.

How ofte do the plants have to be watered?

When we want to say who or what was

responsible for the action , we use the
preposition by + a noun, e.g. These
flowers were delivered by a man on
a motorbike.
We often use t he verb get instead of be,
as an informa l passive form, when we
refer to something unpleasant or SUdden,
e.g. She got bitten by a dog. This is more
common in spoken than in written English.


The pas ive: present simple and past simple
1 '/ Complete the article. putting the verbs in
brackets into the present simple passive or past
simple passive.

dangerous than freshies. Swimmers who


(catch) by a saltie,

6.... _ ....._ ........................"

(roll) around in the water

until their necks

7 ........................................

the swimmer's body


(break). Then


under some wood by the croc until it is soft enough

for him to chew. Freshies are much smaller and
swimming with them



to be safe but a little Kary.

Last year, by a river in the Australian outback,


(tell) that there were no 5alties

in the water, but just a few freshies.

' I I ...................................... ............ ...............................................

(people/ever/eat) by freshies?' I asked a croc

expert nervously. It 1<................................................. .
(explain) to me that freshies are vegetarian
didn't need to worry. J



(encourage) by this so I put one foot in the water. .

Crocodiles or croes ..... ~t~.J~.~~~~..... (talk)
about a lot in Australia. Usually they
I. _ ...................................

(separate) into two types:

At the lost minute, I



by the croc expert who said, smiling, 'Actually I'm

not sure if they're vegetarian or if they only eat

saltwater crocs and freshwater crocs. Saltwater

vegetarians! You aren't a vegetarian, are you?'

croo <................................. (know) as 'salties' and

In the end I was

freshwater croes J................................. (call) 'fresh ies'.

nice, J dived in. I'm pleased to soy that I enjoyed

Salties, which can be five metres long,

1........................................... _.

(consider) much more


hot and the water looked so

my sw{m and my toes



bite) off!

The passive: present continuous


2> Match the noun phrases to the verbs. Then

write sentences in the present continuous passive.

. ~iJJ.~t:!!!.~.~~,!I.~: ........................................................ ~ ..............

The whole of Newtown


a) build

The old theatre

b) improve in many
different ways

2 ...................................................................................................

2 Cars


3 Public transport

3 .................................................................................................. .

4 More trees


c) redecorate
d) make cheaper and
more efficient
e) not allow into the
f) plant in all the

5 A new sports centre

4 .................................................................................................. .

5 ...................................................................................................


The passive: present perfect simple

Th passive: past continuous

3) Complete the letter, putting the verbs in
brackets into the past continuous tense, active
or passive.
Dear Sir/Mailam.

4> Rewrite the vet's comments in the passive.


Our Easy World huliduy on tbe island of Batto

was a Ii aster.

Somebody has trea te d this horse bad ly for years.

People haven't fed him prope rly.
People have ridd en hi m too much.
They have forced him to wo rk t oo hard.
They have left hi m outsid e in col d weat her.
Nobody has brushed him fo r years.

Throughout ur lWo-we 'k stay, the lift .~~L~~Jn9..


,.t;.~p..!!!r.~d.. (repair) As we .~~r.~.g9Jl!~!l. ( lay) on the

,c\cnth noor we gOl vay tired.

He ............................................................................................

For the Ii rsl len day:-. lht: po I I .....

................................... (clean)

2 .................................................................................................. .

3 ...................................................................................................

4 ...................................................................................................

'or nne week of Our holiday, a pop group


(u 'e) the hotel for concert

5 ...................................................................................................

rehear. Is. Can yo u imagine lht: nOIse?


mati (Jut,ide Lhe

h( t'l

............................... (repair)



the hOlel was fuU of du

t all

The passive: past perfect

the time,
for our fir t Iw J ays. the dimng room
~ ........................................................................ (redecorate.)

5> Complete the text, putting the verbs in

brackets into the past perfect passive.
When we got back from our su mm er holidays last


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M


ur dinner in the garden \ hen the manager came Lo

year, we got a horrible shock. Our house .....~~~.~.~~~ ...

peak to us . We tolil him thal we

..~~~~~':!.!.':!~<!. ... (break into) and qu ite a few t hings

b ...................................

...... ............................... (nut look after) properly and we

7....... ~ ........................................................... ...


holiday. He laughcd and said everylhing possible

II. .... ""...................................................




(steal) . The N and video

2...... .. .............................................

(take) and my mother's

(not enjoy)

(do) to improve

favourite vase

3...... ........... ................. ............................ .

(knock over) . In my parents' room, all the drawers

4 .................. . .........................................

their clothes

(open) and all


(throw) on

the floor. Luckily, my moth er's jewel lery

6....................................... ............ .

and it

(hide) unde r the bed


My room

(not fou nd).


(not touch) but in my sister's room th e poste rs

9........ .. ...........................................

her mirror


(tea r) off the walls and

10.................. .. ......................................


The passive with modals: should, must,

The passive: gerunds and infinitives

will, can
6 ) Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
box. Then rewrite them in the passive.

7 ) Complete the text with the verbs in brackets

in the passive gerund or infinitive form.

check contact leave

len d park pick up



f~ttksrfor" ~

4teK ~e CtV witt&. we're a;u!{l~

yOt{ c~n ".. J!.~~........ i.e ~ yQtt ICmttt.

yot( 5~'t .................... "tlte r~JJo Ut ~ ca.t:

YOl( tt(/A~t

.............. ......

fltt. ~r fA

of .!jQt{r


Ycu s~(d .................... hod alta -flte ~res r~uIa"tJ .

yOt( ~tJ.. mJ~ .................... .(~J.. -free. pei:rd!.

goml'.Ol1e wJ1.
l1eJtt week.

yet( m~t .................... tIte Ut~(MCL (dIt1~~

~tt(ed(a~ if ~tn( f.uw.e. ~t\

You CtlI1





#Ie. CArrfor ~vicitt8

-#At. car in. -Ik ~r ~rk ir\.

After .... !!.~.~~9.P.!.C!.!!~~~..... (plan t) in a sunny warm

place at the end of su mmer, stra wberry plants have

.. !~..~~.~~~~r.~(.

(water) regulprly, especially in dry

weath er. In the sp ring, when t he fruit starts to grow,

straw nee ds

I . ....................................................

(p lace)

under and around each plant. The reason for this is

2 ...................................................................................................

that t he fruit needs 2................................................... ..

(keep) dry when the pl ants are bei ng watered.

3 ...................................................................................................

When the fruit starts gettin g ripe, the

pl ants have

4 .................................................................................................. .


with nets. This prevents the stra wberries from

4 ......... .................. ......... ..... . ...........

5 ...... ......................................... ....................................................


(eat) by birds. For

the best possi ble taste, strawberries need

s ..................................................... (grow) orga nical ly

6 ...................................................................................................

without chemical fe rti lisers and pesticides. If you

wa nt to make strawberry j am, the berries need
G.................................................. .. .

7 .................................................................................................. .

(pi ck) when they are still

qu ite hard. Before 7 .......................................... ........... (u se)

for ja m, or eaten raw, th e f ruit ought


.......................... (wash).


I wish/If only + past perfect

I w' 11 I'd bought a magazin to read on the train.

If only I'd bought a rna azine to read on the train.

I Nt h I hadn' left my mob Ie phone at home.

If only I hadn't left my mobile phone at home.

Third conditional: if clause +

'd (wQuJd}/might/cQuld have
If h 'd worked a bit harder, he'd have passed his exam.

If I'd known he was in hospital. I'd have visited her.

Sh mlgh have passed h r driving tes it she hadn't

dnv n so fast

If you'o had your camera, you could have taken some

amazing photos.

If I'd tak n the later train, I wouldn't have met Peter.

We use I wish an d Ifon ly+ the past

perfect to express regrets abou t a past
situation, e.g. I wish I'd studied languages
instead ofscience at university.

We use the th ird cond itional:

- to tal k about unrea l situations in the
past, e.g. If I'd had his phone number, I
could have called him (= But I didn't
have it so I coul dn't call hi m.)
- to express regret about past situations,
e.g. If we'd trained harder, we would have
won the ma tch.
In third cond itional sen te nces, the verb
in the if clau se is in th e past perfect
tense. In the main cla use, we use
'd (WOU ld) have, might have or
could have + the past parti\:iple.


I wish/If only + past perfect

I wish + past perfect


1 Read the examiner's report after Rachel failed

her motorcycle test. Then write her wishes.

Motorcycle Test


t Of

Dlt tfA.e.


2 Read Craig's reasons for his team losing a

football match. Write sentences with I wish or If only.


fy'A-N ie






w~ dow~

" o~-wo.~ Sfrt-t.t

d,d1\ 't


ill f ~


..~ .~!~~..t.~~!!'!!Jfo.r!l!?y.!!n.t(J.. !!?~~..~!!..~~.~.'!!.~r:!.!?.r:. ..........

.!?if..~r.~.~!.r.~~~!!9..~.ff: ............................. ..................................

...If..9.n.Iy..~~..~9!!~:t.!g.~.~.~r..!~~Y.m9!~g~i~.~ ...........


2 ..................................................................................................

3 ...................................................................................................

4 ...................................................................................................

5 ...................................................................................................

If onl y ..................................................................................

2 I wish ...................................................................................

3 If only ...................................................................................

4 I wish ...................................................................................

5 If only ...................................................................................

6 ...................................................................................................

6 I wish ...................................................................................

7 .................................................................................................. .

7 If only ...................................................................................

8 If only ...................................................................................



Third conditional

3> Combine the pairs of sentences to make third

conditional sentences with If

Thi,.d conditional


Match the sentence halves. Then write

sentences in the third conditional.
If I (not go) to t he party


If she (n ot say) th at about his mot her

6 How much (they pay) yo u at the hote l


7 How long (i t t ake) to get t o America

2 I (not camp) t here

3 If (you t ell) us that you were in t ro uble
4 She (die)

5 If I (not spend) all my money

a) he (n ot get) so angry
We didn't have a good map. That's why we got lost

..If.w.~:4..h.f:I.~..f:I..9.9.g~.m.t;lp.I.. W.~.W.9.H!~fJ:~.h!!''~.99J.!.9.g:.
We didn't check the oil. That's why the car broke

(b) I (not meet) Joseph )

c) if she (not have) the opera t ion
d) if we (go) by Conco rde?
e) I (b uy) you some flowers

f) if I (kn ow) abo ut the snakes in that forest

g) if yo u (t ake) the cleani ng job?

h) we (h el p) you

~e didn't listen to the weather forecast That's

why we were caught in the fog.

.. If..~..~~.t!~.'.~.9.l?,~.~..~~..~h~p.f!.r:!lI!..L~l?,~.~~!J.:!..~~.':.~............

..~~~J.l?,~~p.~:.................... .........

l .. ........

2 ...................................................................................................

3 Nina broke her ankle. That's why we had to wait

for help.
3 ...................................................................................................

4 .................................................................................................. .

4 We didn't have our mobile phone. That's why we

couldn 't phone for help.

5 ...................................................................................................

6 .......................................................................... ".......................

5 We were rescued the next day. That's why we

didn't die of cold.

7 .................................................................................................. .


Conditionals: first. second and third

5:" Use the prompts to complete the sentences

using the correct conditionals.

6 > Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
words in brackets.
I didn' t catch the thief so they didn't give me a
reward. (would)
If I .. ~.~(~~~9~~.~~~.~~!if,.. ~~!w...l!~~.~~..~~~!:.9~~~':!.......
me a reward.
She regrets missi ng the concert. (wishes)

She ..........................................................................................

the concert.

2 I'm so sorry th at I ate five pieces of chocolate

cake. (only)

Where wo uId you Iive ....if..J!.~!!..~~~.~~..~~.~~!~ ...............

..~~Y.~~.~E~.!.'.!.!~!: ..~'?r.~~.? ............... (if you/ca n choose

anywhere in the world?)
If sh e goes to bed now, .....................................................

If ...............................................................................................
fr ve pieces of chocolate cake.
3 We were so t ired that we didn 't go to the party.

If we ........................................................................................

.......................................................................... to the party.

(she/probably feel better in the morning)

2 If I were yo u, ........................................................................
(I/tell them th e truth)

4 I stopped reading the bo ok because th e plot was

so com plicated. (been)

If the plot ..............................................................................

...................................................... ............................................

3 If everybody gives me a pound, ......................................

(I/buy a present for Judy from a11 of us)

4 If you won a mi llion pounds, ..........................................

(what/you spend it on?)

5 What shal l we do ................................................................

(if it/rai n tomorrow?)
6 You would have met Caroline .........................................

reading the book.

5 I'm sorry I didn't remember her birthday. (wish)

I ................................................................................................
her birthday.

6 What a pity there wasn 't any good mu sic at the

party! (o nly)
If ...............................................................................................
some good music at the party!
7 They did n't have brea kfast so they were hu ngry by

ten thirty. (WOUldn't)

If they .....................................................................................

(if you/come to the party on Saturday)

7 If you'd got lost in that wood, .......................................

.................................................................... (what/you do?)

8 If my headache doesn ~way, ......;...........................

.......................................................... hungry by ten th irty.

8 The chair broke beca use you stood on it. (if)

The chair ................................................................................
....................................................................................... on it.

(I/not come with you t o the beach)

14 3

Verbs must have, might have, can't have

for dra wing conclusions
She must have forgotten about the rehearsal.

Sh c n' have gone to the library. It's closed today.

She might have gone or a bike ide.

We use must/might/can't have + the past

particip le to make logica l deductions
abo ut the past.

Reported speech: statements

Direct speech
pr nt simple
I know lucy.

Reported speech

past simple

She said (that) she knew lucy.

present continuous
I'm aying wIth her.

past continuous

She said she wa staying with her.

past simple
We met in Italy.

past perfect

She aid lh y had met in Italy.

present perfect
past perfect

I haven't m t her bra er, She said she hadn't m t her brother.



I'll flte 500n.

I ca
tay long.
I may I plane later.

She said she. would write soon.

She said she couldn't stay long.

She said she might telephone later.

says she can give us a lift to the station.

It is possible to keep the past simple
instea d of chang ing it to the past perfect
in reported speech , e.g. She said they met
in Ital y or She said they had met in Italy. .
The verb used to remains t he same in
reported sp eech, e.g. I used to live in New
York becomes She said she used to live in
New York. Mod al verbs should, could, would,
might and ought to also remai n the same.
Some time an d plac phrases change in
reported speech.

must!hav to

had to

Direct speech

Reported speech

I must go.
I hav to catch a train.

She said she had to go.

She said she had to catch a train.

this morning
yesterda y
last week
next week
th is place

that da y/that night

that morning
the next day
the day before
the week before
the following week
that place

Reported speech: questions

Oir ct questions
I h angry?
Wh t does h want?

Reported questions
I asked if he was angry.
I wondered what he wanted.

Verbs of reporting: various structures

V rb (+ that) + clause

He saldfexplain d/whlspered hat he was very tired

V r + direct object + infinitive

S e sked/ordered/told/p rsuaded/invited him to come in.


If th e reporti ng verb is in the present

tense, t here are no tense changes, e.g.
'I can give you a lift to the station.' She

Tense ch anges in reported questions are

the same as for reported statements.
. In re ported Wh- question s, we use the
Wh- word + the subject + the verb. We do
not use the interrogative form of the verb.

V rb + gerund (-ing form)

H u9 sted buying h d eaper tickets.

In reported Yes/No questions, we use

if + the subject + the verb. We do not
use th e interrogative form of the verb.

Verb + infinitive

Sh a re d/oflered/promised

We ca n use whether instead of ifin

reported Yes/No questions.

pay him back


Verbs must flove, might hove, can't have

for drawing conclusions
1 / Match the arch~logist's conclusions
with the evidence. Check your answers.
Then complete the conclusions with must have,
might have or can 't have and the correct form
of the verb in brackets.

a) A volcano ended all life on their i land
around 3,000 years ago.
b) We have found a lot of gold jewellery
in their dty.

c) There are two picture of a giant fi h

with a woman's bead in a temple.
d) The door' into their hou es are only
1.4 metres hi h .
e) We'v found large bird

[l] The. ~po.ra'Ki ... !!!!!.~..~~.Y.~.~.~.~.r:! ... (be)



o The1J .....................................,...............


ve.Y]' t/}..U.

D ~e.(j ...."............ ~ ................................. (study)


s"lJ j;\+


Me.1'\ ..................................................... (be)

i~t"-xt "'oS

0 The-lj


i1'l ttA.e-rr c.1AH1Ar-e .

passibilJ ..........................................................

................ (believe In) j;\




D \ c.rvil,Sj;\tio'K ....................................................

cages in s )me

Raparoni houses.
t) There L no Raparoni writing ot any
kind on any object&.

g) Their drawings how the correCl

pOSition of the earth and moun.
h) We have found many ex clIent Raparoni
boats in the sand near the coast.
i) We haven't found many human bones
in their dt}'.

j) There are only pi tw-e ' of queens,

none of kings.

(end) j;\ro1A'Kd (POD Be..


O;:J;;t;;;~: .. m..... . .


The.1J ..................................................... (keep)

(-rrots (;\.S pe. t.s .

1ke.lJ ....................,................................ (have)

16 18






6(; Pl

S~3MSN \f

t\1'l &\ip~t.

~t;~. t~~~.:;;::t~:~:~.


Reported speech: statements

Verbs must have, might hove, can't hove

for drawing conclusions


Complete the second sentence so it has a

similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
words in brackets.

3 > Mr Rush and Ms Drift had a car crash. Read

their statements. Then write the police report.
I stopped at t he lights.
She was drivi ng on t he wrong si de of the road .
2 She's a very areless driver.
3 I won't make her pay if she apologises.

I'm sure he didn't break it beca use' was with him

all t he time. (can't)
He can't have broken;r
all the t ime.

He we nt through a red light.

1 He wa s tal king on his mobi le phone.
2 He is going to kill someo ne one day.
3 I won't say anyth ing until I've seen my lawyer.

because I was with him

04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I'm sure she was miserable when they broke up.

She ..........................................................................................
miserable when they broke up.



2 I'm su re she went rollerblading . Her rollerblades

aren't he re. (must)

Form 244c

Mr Rush said h~.~~.. ~.~P.~.. ~~..~.~..~~:.

Ms Drift sa id .~~.~~~3~.~.~~~~~ ..~ ..:.~.~ ..~~

She ........................................................................... Her

rollerblades aren't here.

He said ...........................................................................

3 Maybe it was the dog wh ich ate our sandwiches.

(m ight)

Sh e said .........................................................................

The dog ..................................................................................

our sand wi ches.
4 I don't believe you took three hours to write th is
essay - it's very short. (can' )

You .......................................................................... three

hours to write this essay - it's very short.
S Perhaps I threw away your letter from Mike by
accident. (might)
I .......................................................................... you r letter
from Mike by accident.


He said ...........................................................................

She said ................................................................_.......

He said ................_.........................................................

She said .........................................................................


Reported speech: statements and questions

4 / Report the interview with the TV zoologist,
Alistair Batten.

Verbs of reporting: various structures

5> Complete the sentences in reported speech
using the verbs in the box.
agreed apol ogised for explained
invi ted offered
orde red) prom ised
rem inded suggested

Q: Why ~;d )"tJ'U lHam~ a ~o/,?!;sl-.'

II: I~ ",,,r~ ,,,fv45f-ed I;' ttnilfltAls
--In..." p~/~.
'I Q: Ar~ /here. ~"Y 4n;Mifk ydN "/~/"'ke ?

1/: / ",,/f't eAj"Y S'Mnitl my h,,;t

wi-Ht raHle~'fAker.

Z Q: Wlt~.f's Y(1Ut" fov(J'7;tf"if~ pllfACl!.'


flo(/I! Ma"A.1ltst:~

J C/: H6W '"It/{r Ii,"~f Alttlt. )"tPf ~~" -#tefe?

A: t:alt'./- r~,"~M~
4- Q: wit ...,. will yIJU do wilelt ym..'f'l! fDo
61d +0 -fr"ave1.'

A: 1'wI .1"'".1 to +ravel UI1I7'1 I


I asked Alistair .. ~hy..h.~.~~.t!..~~~!?'E.~.~.~~!.I!.9!':.......

He said .~~ ..~.t...'E.l?r.~.!~~~r.~f!.t!.}~.. ~.'.';!P.~!.~ ..................

'Take th e gum out of your mouth at once, Jim.'

The teacher ...~r.~~r.~~.I!P..r.l?.r.~~~..~h.~.!l~.'!!..~~tif.. .....

his mouth at once.

'Don't fo rget t o pack you r toot hbrush , Daisy.'
Daisy's mother .....................................................................

2 'I'll drive you to the airport.'

My mot her ............................................................................

3 'I'm sorry about breaki ng th e picture.'

I ................................................................................................

.Jh.~~.p~~p'~~: .........................................................................
I asked him ...........................................................................

4 'I'll never lie again:

He ............................................................................................

He said ...................................................................................

5 'OK. I'll lend you the car.'

Her fa ther ..............................................................................

2 I asked him ...........................................................................

He said ...................................................................................

6 'Why don't you ta ke t he trai n instead of th e bus?'

Mrs Martin ............................................................................

3 I asked him ...........................................................................

He said ...................................................................................

4 I asked him ...........................................................................

7 'Would you like to com e and stay for a few

days, Alice?'

Sue ..........................................................................................
8 'Lawn Avenue is the t hi rd tu rn ing on th e rig ht.'

He said ...................................................................................

The police offi cer ................................................................



Future continuous
Positive statements
You'll be Iymg on the beach


two weeks' time.

N gativ statements

They won't be revismg for their exams a week

from now.

We use th e fu tu re continuo us to ta lk
about events whi ch wi ll be in progress
at a particular time in the futur
We use will/won't be + the present
partici ple of the verb to form the
future continuous.


Wilt she til l be studying English in a year's time?

Short answers

Y ,sh w (I.


No, she won't.

Future perfect

Positive statements

We'll have had supper by nine o'clock



't have gone to bed yet.


We use t he future perfect to ta lk about

events which will be completed at a
pa rticula r t ime in the future.
We use will/won't + have + the past
particip le of the verb to form the
futu re perfect.

Will you have written your essay by omorrow?

Short answers

Y s, I wll!.


No, I won't

Short answers with verb + so/not

1st gOing to be hot tomorrow?



I hln so.
I pcct so

I don't hlnk so.

I don't expect so.!1 e pect not.

I hope no

I'm afraid not.

I don't uppose so./1 suppose not.

'hop so.
J'm a raid so
I tJr po,>e o.


After t he verbs think, expect, hope, be

afraid and suppose, we can use so when
respon ding affi rmatively to a comment
or question.
For th e nega t ive responses using these
verbs, see t he list on the left.

Future cont inuous

1 :, Look at the programme. Then complete the

sentences in the future continuous.

2> Use the notes below to write predictions using

the future perfect.

IYI 100 ye4YS' tiMe-_

cV'ea1'e lot.s o.f reW trtAih /Mel

wild /I city

v~tAiJIe..s l'(5)

~e W1DOVo


I .54IVe the hl/lck. ~iV'O trOWl eXtlVIG+iOVl tNO)

'2. eliMi~te MIlIav-ia l YES)
:!, di.scoveV' II CI.\'I'e fo'l' oArrtce'l' t YES)

4 ilo'IVel'lt av-tificilll eyes tNO)

S 9ive lAp lASiV19 petrol


Cleves School'l'oy


ot ~

.fIAe1 lNO)
Y' t YES)


In 100 years' time:

..w.~:(~.~.~~~.~r.~~~~.~~.~~.. ~1.~.~fr.~.~~.~!.'.~...................


. w.~.~~.~:~.~~~~. ~~Ht.~..~!~.!?1) ..~~!:..~~~~:...................


Meet outside the school

Walk to the underground
Travel by train to Gross Harbour Station
Walk through the tunne1 under
the river GreenWich
10.00-18.00: VIsit Gr eenWich Observatory
12.00-1.30: Have lunch In the park
2.0D-3.00: Go to WestminSter Pier by boat
3..00-4.00: Return to Hammersmith by underground

2 ................................................................................................

3 ..............................................................................................

4 ................................................................................................

5 ................................................................................................

At 8.30, they ~~~.~.~.. ~~.~~!!!!1 ..~~J~!:..'!:~.~~r9.r.~!!.1)~~ .......

At 9.00, they ........................................................................

2 At 9.40, they ........................................................................

3 At 11 .00, they ............................... ........................................

4 At 1.00, they ........................................................................

5 At 2.30. they ........................................................................

6 At 3.15, they ........................................................................

6 ................................................................................................

Future continuous or future perfect

3> Read about Bob. Then write pairs of sentences
in the future perfect and the future continuous.

Short answers with verb + so/not

4> Use the prompts to write B's answers.

Every day of Bob's life is the same and he likes it that

way. He has his breakfast every morning at seven
thirty. It takes him exactly ten minutes to eat it. Then
he sunbathes on the steps of his house for two hours.
At nine forty, he stops sunbathing and lies down on
Claudia's bed. Claudia is Bob's owner and in Bob's
opinion, her bed is the most comfortable one in the
house. At twelve o'clock, he jumps off the bed and
plays in the garden with Marmalade, the neighbours'
cat. At three o'clock, he comes in from the garden
and sits down in front of the fridge to wait for his
tea. Claudia gets home from school at four fifteen
and immediately gives Bob his food . It takes him five
minutes to eat it. After his meal, Bob goes to sleep
again and dreams about his breakfast.
At eight o'clock tomorrow, Bob ...


will have eaten his breakfast.

b) .. ~~!!..~~.~~.':'.~.c!'!~!~!1. ... on the steps of his house.

At nine fifty tomorrow, Bob ...

a) ................................................................... sunbathing.



on Claudia's bed.

no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 At twelve fifteen tomorrow, Bob ...

a) ................................................................... off the bed.
b) .............................................................................. in the
garden with Marmalade.
3 At three thirty tomorrow, Bob '"
a) .................................................... in from the garden.

b) ................................................. in front of the fridge.

4 At four sixteen tomorrow, Claudia ...
a) ....................................................... home from school.
b) .................................................................. Bob his food.
S At six o'dock tomorrow, Bob ..
a) ......................................................................... his food.

b) .................................................... about his breakfast.

A: Is it go ing to ra in?
B: (hope) .... L~~p.~.~.t?,~....... I want to play tennis.

A: Do you ha ve to leave now?

B: (afrai d) ................................................ I have to get

up ea rly t om orro w.
2 A: Will Jane be com ing home for supper?
B: (expect) .................................... She likes her food!
3 A: Is it goi ng to be sunny tom orrow?
B: (hope) .................................................... I'm meet ing

Ellen at t he beach.
4 A: Does t he fi lm st art at eight? ,
B: (suppose) .......................................................... That's

when th ey usually start.

S A: Is Martha going to be at t he party?
B: (h ope) ...................................... I ca n't stand her.
6 A: Have we got to walk to th e ci nema?
B: (thi nk) ................................... Dave's taken th e car.
7 A: Have you got a room for tonight?
B: (afraid) ......................................................... We have

no rooms availabl e until Su nday.

8 A: Do you th ink Engla nd will wi n?
B: (think) .......................................................... Scotland

are a mu ch stronger t eam.

9 A: Do you thi nk you'll get a big part in the play?
B: (expect) ......................................................... . I'm not

a very good actor.

10 A: Do your black jea ns still fit you ?
B: (suppose) ....................................................... I've put
on th ree kilos th is year!


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