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These assessment pointers are for judging standards of student performance in Year 5 History.

are examples of what students may demonstrate rather than a checklist of everything they should do.
For reporting, they are used to make on-balance judgments about achievement based on what has
been taught and assessed during the reporting period. They can also be used to guide the pitch of
assessment tasks, develop marking keys and inform assessment feedback.

Reporting against the Achievement Standard

By the end of Year 5, students identify the causes and effects of change on particular communities, and describe aspects of the past that remained the same. They describe the
different experiences of people in the past. They describe the significance of people and events in bringing about change.
Students sequence events and people (their lifetime) in chronological order, using timelines. When researching, students develop questions to frame an historical inquiry. They
identify a range of sources and locate and record information related to this inquiry. They examine sources to identify points of view. Students develop, organise and present
their texts, particularly narratives and descriptions, using historical terms and concepts.

Chronology and change

over time

Historical terminology
and use of sources

Excellent achievement

High achievement

Satisfactory achievement

Limited achievement

Very low achievement

Sequences and explains

important events and/or people
in chronological order, with
effective detail.

Sequences key dates, facts and

information of events and/or
people in chronological order.

Sequences relevant facts of

events and/or people in
chronological order by using a

Partially records the

chronological order of events
and/or people.

Identifies and elaborates key

dates and significant changes
over time in an organised and
logical progression.

Identifies and explains key dates

and significant changes over
time in an organised and logical

Describes key dates and

significant changes over time in
an organised progression.

Uses few key dates, showing

some logical progression and
changes over time.

Consistently uses accurate and

relevant terms and concepts to
elaborate the historical context.

Uses relevant terms and

concepts to explain the
historical context.

Uses relevant terms and

concepts to describe the
historical context.

Uses some terms and concepts

to state the historical context.

Uses little evidence of using

terms and concepts in any
historical context.

Locates, uses and interprets a

range of relevant sources to
record accurate details to
support inquiry questions and

Uses relevant information from

a range of sources to record
accurate details to support
inquiry questions and research.

Identifies a range of sources

related to inquiry questions and

Identifies and uses few sources

to locate information related to
inquiry questions and research.

Uses a provided source, but

shows few links to inquiry
questions and research.

2013/37196v4 [PDF 2013/37554] Published: 21 July, 2014

Sequence some events;

however, shows an inconsistent
chronological order.

Significance and evidence

Perspectives and
(Cause and effect/

Explanation and

Excellent achievement

High achievement

Satisfactory achievement

Limited achievement

Very low achievement

Explains, in detail, the

significance of a series of
historical events and/or
experiences of an individual or
group of people from the past.

Describes the significance of a

series of historical events and/or
experiences of an individual or
group of people from the past.

Lists some key ideas to identify

the significance of a series of
historical events and/or
experiences of an individual or
group of people from the past.

Lists simple ideas about the

significance of a series of
historical events and/or
experiences of an individual or
group of people from the past.

Justifies reasons, and provides

appropriate historical evidence
to support a narrative or

Uses appropriate and relevant

evidence to support a narrative
or description.

Uses relevant evidence to

support a narrative or

Uses some evidence to support


Uses key, relevant examples to

demonstrate historical
perspectives and empathy with
a significant individual or group.

Describes key ideas from the

perspective of a significant
individual or group, including
some empathy for people in the

Identifies some key ideas from

the perspective of a significant
individual or group.

Provides an inconsistent
perspective of a significant
individual or group.

Discusses and explains the cause

and effect and impact of
significant events.

Formulates thoughtful
statements, demonstrating
cause and effect of significant

Provides simple statements,

describing some cause and
effect of significant events.

Attempts to identify cause and

effect by providing brief
reasoning of daily life.

Provides simple statements;

however, shows no cause
and/or effect.

Poses a range of detailed

questions to frame an historical

Poses a range of relevant inquiry

questions about the past.

Poses a range of inquiry

questions about the past.

Poses simple inquiry questions;

however, information is very

Poses very simple inquiry


Structures a well-sequenced
text, providing evidence of
research and reasoning and/or
specifically addresses the inquiry
questions posed.

Develops a detailed, organised

text providing evidence of
research and reasoning and/or
addresses the inquiry questions

Develops an organised text

providing some evidence of
research and/or addresses the
inquiry questions posed.

Provides little evidence of

research when developing a text
and/or addresses the inquiry
questions posed.

Uses detailed and relevant

illustrations to explain and
complement the written text of
an historical event.

Uses relevant illustrations to

explain and complement the
written text of an historical

Uses illustrations to
complement the written text of
an historical event.

Uses random illustrations with

little or no relevance to the
accompanying text.

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