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The Bombardment of Fort Sumter

Dylan Patel
Junior Division

As a student, I was interested in many topics that involved South Carolina history and
World Geography. But there was one topic that always caught my attention, and that was the
American Civil War. This was Americas deadliest and bloodiest was. The Civil War started with
the bombing of Fort Sumter. I was amazed at how a battle that took nearly 2 days would
eventually cause thousands of American casualties. As I learned more about Fort Sumter and the
NHD Project, I became determined to make this the topic of my project for it had certainly
become a major turning point for America.
To find the sources needed to make my project, I used many sources on the Internet. I got
some videos on YouTube. I used as a main source for my secondary sources.
Many other sources contained information about the generals, casualties, and other research
topics for Fort Sumter. For my primary sources, I was unable to interview due to the fact that it
occurred nearly 150 years ago. I used a few newspapers from the Library of Congress website. I
also used the Discus website for diaries, and paintings made from soldiers and witnesses, that
were at Fort Sumter.
I chose to present the research that I have found by making a website. I decided to make a
website because I enjoy using technology for school work and other uses. In my website, I have
some pictures in a presentation with captions under to show what they represent. On the second
page, I have added topics and facts about the Bombing of Fort Sumter. This is where most of the
information is located.
My topic for the NHD theme shows leadership and legacy. Fort Sumters legacy was
being the birthplace of the Civil War. The leadership of Fort Sumter was from Major Robert
Anderson, and PGT Beauregard. Both their military leadership helped them lead their soldiers,

and confront the opposing force. When the Confederates fired on the fort, soldiers fired back
nonstop, dawn till dusk, for nearly 2 days. This was the start of Americas worst war that it had

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