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Transitional Readers

Title: Miss Rumphius

Group: Level 34
Strategy Focus: Fluency and Decoding

Day 1

Introduction of New Book:

This book is about: A woman wants to travel around the world then settle down by
the sea and make the world beautiful. She travels until she can no longer. To make
the world more beautiful she plants flowers all over her town.
New Vocabulary: Lupine, wharves, prow, figureheads, faraway?, porridge,
conservatory, isle, cockatoo, lotus, catalogues, bushel, sowing, hollow (as in a
place in nature)
During Reading: Prompt and Observe
Decoding PromptsObservations**Reread and sound first part.
** What makes sense?
**Check the end (or middle)
**Find a part you know.
**Break that word apart.

Comprehension PromptsWhat has happened so far?

What is most important?
What have you learned?
What did you notice?
What confused you?

Prompts and Teaching Points to Use During Reading: Choose 1 or 2 each day (decoding,
vocabulary, fluency, comprehension)

Decoding Strategies
**Reread & Think what would make sense

Cover (or attend to) the ending

Use analogies
****Chunk big words

Vocabulary Strategies
Reread the sentence and look for clues
Check the picture
Use a known part

Discussion question: Who do you think Miss Rumphius is and what will
she do? (for pages 1-6)

Continue Reading

Transitional Readers
Title: Miss Rumphius

Group: Level 34
Strategy Focus: Fluency and Decoding

Prompts and Teaching Points to Use During Reading: Choose 1 or 2 each day (decoding,
vocabulary, fluency, comprehension)

Day 2

Fluency & Phrasing

Attend to bold words
**Dialogue, intonation, & expression
**Monitor using punctuation

Vocabulary Strategies
* S-W-B-S
Five-finger retell
Describe a characters feelings

Discussion question: Why did Miss Rumphius travel to tropical places?

What was like a tropical place in her town? (for pages 7-14)

Continue Reading

Day 3

Prompts and Teaching Points to Use During Reading: Choose 1 or 2 each day (decoding,
vocabulary, fluency, comprehension)

Fluency & Phrasing

Attend to bold words
**Dialogue, intonation, & expression
**Monitor using punctuation

Vocabulary Strategies
Five-finger retell
**Describe a characters feelings

Discussion question: Why didnt Miss Rumphius plant lupines when she
wanted to? (for pages 15-20)

Continue Reading

Transitional Readers
Title: Miss Rumphius

Group: Level 34
Strategy Focus: Fluency and Decoding

Prompts and Teaching Points to Use During Reading: Choose 1 or 2 each day (decoding,
vocabulary, fluency, comprehension)

Day 4

Fluency & Phrasing

Attend to bold words
**Dialogue, intonation, & expression
**Monitor using punctuation

Vocabulary Strategies
Five-finger retell
**Describe a characters feelings

Discussion question: Why was Miss Rumphius called a Crazy Old Lady?
(for pages 20-24)

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