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Annotated Bibliography

WordPress. "Civil War Enthusiast." Civil War Enthusiast. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
<>. "One section of our country
believes slavery is right, and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is wrong
and ought to be extended." March 4, 1861 Lincolns first inaugular adress.

Civil War Enthusiast. WorldPress, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>. The union desperately needed men "If all do not join
now to save the good old ship of the union this voyage, nobody will have a chance to
pilot her on another voyage." Febuary 15, 1861 speech at Clevland, Ohio.

Albert Martin. Commander in Chief Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. Vol. 1. NHew York:
Duttons Children's books,, n.d. Print. His fair mindness and sense of humor were
disarming.As commander in cheif it was lincoln who had to bring armies,look for
general,take responsibility for victory or defeat.Lincoln could constructionally free slaves
as commander in cheif.Lincoln out of his own beleif in democracy had to keep thinking
for both north and south, for both soldier and civilian, the issues that were happening.

The Washington Post. N.p., 10 July 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

the-civil-war/>. President Lincoln and the union army general George B McClellan at Anteitam,

- - -. "Abraham Lincoln Research site." Abraham Lincoln Research site. N.p., 29 Dec. 1996.
Web. 2 Feb. 2015. <>. They had a strategy plan. If
one force is weakened and the other strengthened seize the weakened one, attack the
stronger force, planned to attack at different points with superior forces.


Moreton, J.D., Catherine L. "10 Qualities that made a Abraham Lincoln a good leader." 10
Qualities that made a Abraham Lincoln a good leader. N.p., 25 June 2008. Web. 29 Jan.
2015. <>. Capacity to Listen to Different Points of
ViewAbility to Learn on the JobReady Willingness to Share Credit for SuccessReady
Willingness to Share Blame for FailureAwareness of Own WeaknessesAbility to Control
EmotionsKnow How to Relax and ReplenishGo Out into the Field and Manage
DirectlyStrength to Adhere to Fundamental GoalsAbility to Communicate Goals and
Norton, Roger. "Abraham Lincoln Research site." Abraham Lincoln Research site. N.p., 29 Dec.
1996. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>. leadership was
steady throughout civil warhe was a charismatic, moral leader who had a broad strategic
vision of his goal (reunite nation, free slaves)leadership style was shrewd and
disarming.had a great method of telling stories in an effort to manipulate people into
seeing things in his's "story telling technique" was his most distinct and
creative leadership method in comparison to other presidents.

- - -. "Abraham Lincoln Research site." Abraham Lincoln Research site. Roger Norton, 29 Dec.
1996. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>. Abraham Lincoln is
remembered for his important role in perserving the union during the civil war and the
start of the process (Emancipation Proclamation) that led to slavery ending in the
U.S.Also remembered for his personality and leadership his speeches and letters and as a
man of humble origins whose determination and perserverance, led him to becoming

Crowley, Mark C. "The Leadership Genius Of Abraham Lincoln." The Leadership Genius Of
Abraham Lincoln. N.p., 9 Nov. 2012. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
<>. lincoln
fundamentally cared about people and made every effort to show them.through
kind/encouraging words, authentic gestures of exceptional thoughts, he assured people of
their own individual significance.identical with the challenges people faced and the
sacrifices they made. his tremendous influence was to do this."in order to win a men to
your cause, you must first reach his heart, the great high road to his reason."

"Leadership in War." Abraham Lincoln president of theUnited States. Britannica, Inc, 7 July
2014. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
<>. How Abraham Lincoln lead the civil

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