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Sherry L&S15

LETTER: LEssons on Teaching and the TeachER


Portray a former teacher who shaped you

Draw on techniques and perspectives youve learned about throughout the course
to create a compelling narrative
Big Questions: Who are important teachers in your own life? What do their
examples suggest to you about what it means to teach?


(note: these steps are guidelines for process, not product: your final version should revise what
youve done in Part 1 to include course readings and address an audience)
1. Return to your list of important teachers from our first assignment. Choose one to whom you will
address what you create for this project (NOTE: you need not send your assignment to the person if you
prefer; you may also choose someone to whom you cannot send your assignment, e.g., a celebrity or
someone no longer living).
a. Why did you select this teacher from among the others?
b. What did this teacher teach you about yourself? About what it means to teach? Describe and
explain with reference to specific scenes from your experience, if possible.
Develop these scenes by using specific, concrete, compelling details.
Make sure your reader will understand what these scenes meant to you.
2. Choose a medium/genre in which you will present your project; you might create
a. A conventional letter
b. A video
c. A narrative poem
d. A comic
NOTE: Your choice of medium/genre should be appropriate to the story you tell; length will also
depend on the medium/genre, and equal work will be expected of all possibilities
3. In a brief introduction to your project, explain why you chose this teacher, what you want him/her to
know about what you learned, and why you chose the medium/genre as platform for your work.

4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
Process All parts completed fully and on-time in professional manner
Purpose uses details/evidence thoroughly and specifically to make point(s)
Audience clearly arranges relevant details/evidence for audience
Genre selects an appropriate medium and suits conventions to the task
Engagement demonstrates self-awareness and willingness to take risks

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