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Guidelines for Citing Evidence

1. Use quotation marks to show where the authors words begin and end:
There is no argument about what happens next. Something or someone
distracts Phineas (Fleischman 5).
2. Identify the authors last name and page number in parentheses: Ten weeks
after the accident Dr. Harlow declares Phineas fully revered from his wounds
(Fleischman 19). If you are only using one source, you only have to cite the
page number, not the name of the author.
3. Make sure the punctuation of your sentence comes after the parentheses.
a. If the quote ends with a period, eave it out: In the end, Fleischman felt
Phineas Gage was lucky (Fleischman 75).
b. If the quote ends with a question mark or exclamation point, include it
inside the quotation marks. Is it our ability to walk on two feet? To
hold tools in our hands? (Fleischman 70).
4. If your quote includes dialogue or other text inside quotation marks, use
single quotation marks around that text: Dr. Harlow notes her description of
how Phineas would entertain them with the most fabulous recitals of his
wonderful feat sand hairbreadth escapes, without any foundation except in
his fancy (Fleischman 5).
5. If you skip text, use an ellipsis () to indicate that there is text missing from
your quote: Finally, Dr. Harlow makes an unusual requestWould Mrs. Gage
allow her sons body to be exhumeddug upfrom his grave? (Fleischman
6. If you are paraphrasing, you also need to cite your source with the author and
page number: The Damsions developed a gambling game where the brain
patients played with a risk-all strategyeven though the patients were able
to explain mathematically how one strategy was a better risk than another
(Fleischman 67).

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