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Tragedy of the Commons Web tutorial

Activating Prior Knowledge:

What does the phrase Tragedy of the Commons mean to you at this moment? If youve
never heard of this phrase, think about it and come to some sort of conclusion.

Partner Share:

Ask one other person sitting near you what they think Tragedy of the Commons
means. Come to a conclusion on which you
both agree.

Web Tutorial:
Begin by opening this link Dedication to Garrett
Hardin. (
Read through the entire module and answer your
questions below utilizing complete sentences.
1. Who was Garrett Hardin?

2. Describe the examples of tragedy of the commons; include what was introduced to the

commons and by whom.


What are some consequences to various situations of tragedies?


The tutorial provides insight into the fishing industry. What are some of the causes for
the overfishing seen today?


Hardin stated, [The] commons, if justifiable at all, is justifiable only under conditions
of low-population density. As the human population has increased, the commons has
had to be abandoned in one aspect after another. What does he mean with this

6. What points were discussed for littering and dumping?

7. Hardin stated, The rational man finds that his share of the cost of the wastes he

discharges into the commons is less than the cost of purifying his wastes before
releasing them. Since this is true for everyone, we are locked into a system of fouling
our own nest. How would you respond to this statement?


What is meant by the term common in this context? Provide some 2 other examples
and non-examples (different from the tutorials examples).

9. The tutorial goes through a portrait of a tragedy; try to summarize these ideas.

10. Watch both tragedy in action animations. What is the strategy of the people

(individual and crowd) for both videos? Which video portrays typical human behavior?

11. Why bad things happen to good people. Part seven clarifies some of the key points

from part six. Discuss each of the four key points, especially the last bullet.

12. What does the phrase Tragedy of the Commons mean to you currently? Create a kid-

friendly definition.

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