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Speaking in a target language is considered to be difficult by adult learners because they are
lacking of exposure. Paralinguistic element such as pitch, stress and intonation, plus
nonlinguistic elements such as gestures and body language are signifant requirements of
language learning. Beside, most of the time the skills are basically taught by giving a topic
discussion, it does not provide a contextual learning for EFL students. This study aims at
developing adult EFL Students speaking ability by analyzing the factors being considered
and solution given to improve the progress of speaking skill. Age or maturational constraints,
aural medium, sociocultural factors and affective factors were found to be the major factors
influencing adult learners learning in oral communication. The factors reflects the necessity
components underlying speaking effectiveness such as grammatical competence, discourse
competence, sociolinguistic competence, and strategic competence. After the linguistic
components, interaction is deliberately considered to be the key to improving EFL learners
speaking ability. The elaboration of the interaction was defined in this study into two points,
small talk and interactive activities.

Ni Kadek Heny Sayukti/ 1112021012/ 5B

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