2 Mark

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1) What is forging and type of forging?

2) Draw the process flow chart for forging?
3) What are the types of forging process?
4) What is drop forging?
5) What are the types of die forging with simple explanation?
6) What are the advantages and disadvantages of forging?
7) Explain the extrusion process?
8) What are the types of extrusion process with simple explanation?
9) What is Warm extrusion?
10) What are thje advantages and disadvantages for extrusion?
11) Explain the Extrusion defects?
12) Explain the list of materials used in Extrusion process?
13) What is Hydro forming?
14) Explain tube and metal sheet Hydro forming?
15) What is stretch forming?
16) Explain the types of stretch forming?


What is sand casting?

Explain the ir set method?
Explain vacuum sand casting?
Explain types of sand casting methods?
What are the types of Types of base sands?
What is roto casting?
7) What are the Features of centrifugal casting?
8) What are the Benefits of centrifugal casting?
9) What are the applications of centrifugal casting?
10) Explain the pressure die casting?
11) What are the types of pressure die casting simple explanation?
12) What are the advantages and disadvantages of die casting?
13) What is machining and types of machining process?
14) What are the differences between gear milling and shaping?
15) What are the gear finishing inspections?


1) Draw the process flow chart for powder metallurgy?

2) What is a metal power?
3) Explain the types of metal powers?
4) What is Structural meta-power?
5) What is agential meta power?
6) Explain the power injection moulding with simple diagram?
7) Explain plasma spray coating?
8) What are the types of thermal spray coating?
9) What are the application of plasma coating?
10) What are the variations of plasma coating?
11) What are the materials used in auto body panel?
12) What is composite?
13) Explain the aluminium composite?
14) What are the raw materials of power metals?

1) What are the classifications of welding processes?
2) What is arc welding and principle of arc welding?
3) What is CAW welding working?
4) Explain the applications of CAW welding?
5) What is SMAW welding and simple sketch?
6) What is TIG welding and applications?
7) What is MIG welding and applications?
8) What are the difference between TIG and MIG welding?
9) Explain the SAW and ESW welding?
10) What is resistance welding and applications?
11) Explain the projection welding and applications?
12) What is gas welding and simple sketch?
13) Explain the the oxy acetylene and oxy hydrogen welding?
14) Explain the thermit and fusion welding?
15) What are the welding defects list out and any two simple explain?
16) What is brazing and soldering?


1) What is jet machining?

2) Explain types of jet machining and simple explain its?
3) What is abrasive jet machining and simple sketch?
4) What is water jet machining and simple sketch?
5) Explain about EDM?
6) What are the types of EDM machining?
7) What is wire cut EDM?
8) Explain chemical machining/
9) What are the difference between CHM and ECM?
10) What is LBM and simple sketch?
11) Draw the PAM machining?
12) What is EBM machining?
13) What is MRR and applications?
14) What are the application of EDM?
15) What are the equipment used in unconventional machining?

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