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A Study of ZTBL Control System

Banking has been the business that contributes to national development stream. Zarai
Taraqiati Bank Limited is playing its one of the most important role in the development of the
Agriculture Sector of the Pakistan. On 14 th December 2002, under the ordinance of the
Agricultural Development of the Pakistan 1961, ZTBL was incorporated as Public Limited
Company. This Bank separates its customers in the form of different customized products. It is
providing both type of several financial and non-financial products mostly to its clients of the
rural areas of the Pakistan, which comprises of 68% of the Pakistans total population. The Bank
has country-wide network in the form of 349 branches and is serving round about half of the
million clients annually. The banks total manpower is 7665 having 4515 officers and 3150 staff.
It has 49 regional offices and Mr. Yawar Zia is CEO.
ADBP was converted into Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd (ZTBL) by the Federal Government
and restructuring process required ADBs Rural Finance Sector Development Program (RFSDP)
with the objective to transform ZTBL into a sustainable Rural Finance Institution. It showed
profound development in the beginning but was latter trenched in the losses due to lack of
information system which led the back to several unidentifiable problems.
Information system is considered to be the helping hand in maintaining profits and
successful growth of the organizations since its inception in 20th century all over the world. It
helped a lot to its users in the beginning, latter on it became the necessity of all organizations.
ZTBL was one of those organizations which could not develop information and control system
like many other organizations
Control system was not possible without the real transformation of banking operations
and activities to online branch system and to convert the conservative system of communication
to as the ztbl could not maintain the quick report system. There were losses in almost all
individual branches of ZTBL because there were no reporting ethics followed by its employees,
reports and summaries took time of weeks, months or even sometime years to submit until 2005.
It led the ZTBL to more poor system of recovery, salary system, employee evaluation hence all
the activities of the bank were paralyzed. Resultantly the loss was the fate of ZTBL.

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