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Many people like the atheist dont be live the existence of God, some people also have their
different believes that are contrary to what Christians believe. In my thought, I believe God is
there. The Scripture says God is spirit we cannot see him with our eyes but he is in us. The
scripture also said I am the lord Im with you, which means God is there and closer to us more
than we can imagine of.
In my own view, I can say that we human being represent God. The scripture said that he created
human being(Adam and Eve) as his own image, what this is telling us is whatever you are tall or
short fat, slim, you are the image of God. Jesus before, he left he said peace be upon you, I give
you powers that my father has entrusted in me to you, go to many nations and proclaim the word.
Nobody can dispute the fact that God is no there, its takes faith to believe.

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