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View Available Emoticons

off=turn off
console=show some game info
fps=show game fps
gate=show gate numbers in the map
player=show all players in your camera
allplayer=shows all player in the map
event=shows the current started event (command events)
display all items sold in market map
(useful when you want to trace a bug item sold in private market)
records chat into text file found in my documents
/weather snow (set global weather to snow)
you can also override weather to specific map only
/weather snow 8 0 60
8 0 map mid sid
60 minutes duration
(some maps cannot override weather)
control server time
(example you want control pk time)
control server month
control item drop hold
on =normal setting item drop will follow owner/party drop rule
off =no item drop /owner/party rule , everyone can pickup all item drop
(also includes money drop)
-----------------------------------------------------/m2g or /move2gate
move to specific gate number
type /dsp gate to view gate numbers in map
Example /m2g 1

-----------------------------------------------------/m2p or / Move2pos
Move to map or location
/m2p [MapMid, mapSid, posX, posY]
Example: /m2p 22 0 30 17
22 map mid
0 map sid
30 coordinates x
17 coordinates y
-----------------------------------------------------/m2c or /move2char
Move to Character
[Character name]
Example:/m2c testname
testname=character name
-----------------------------------------------------/msgview or /spy
Read all messages in character
/msgview testname
testname=character name
/msgview off (turn off)
-----------------------------------------------------/genchar or /callchar
call or summon character to your position
/genchar testname
testname=character name
Off =Everyone Except you cannot see your character
On =Everyone can see your character
None =Everyone Including you Cannot see your chracter
dissconnect a player ingame using its charname
/kick_cn testname
testname=character name
dissconnect a player ingame using its charID
/kick 214
214=character ID (CharID
add exp rate to game
/event_exp_begin 20
20=added exp rate
turn off exp event
add itemdrop rate to game
/event_item_begin 20
20=added exp rate
turn off itemdrop event
add money drop rate to game

/event_money_begin 20
20=added moneydrop rate
turn off money drop event
add character movement speed
/event_speed_begin 100
100=added movement speed percentage
turn off movement speed event
add character attack speed event
/event_aspeed_begin 100
100=added attack speed percentage
turn off attack speed event
add character attack damage event
/event_attack_begin 100
100 =added attack damage percentage
turn off attack damage event
Enable Bonus Time Event
/limit_event_begin 1 300 10 20 2 1 3
1 minimum level to join event
300 maximum level to join event
10 waiting time to activate event
20 time on which exp bonus will last
2 multiplier for overall exp rate
1 multiplier for overall item drop rate
3 multiplier for attack please dont set any number of you dont want attack event
you can also set event duration ( how long the bonus time event lasts)
/limit_event_begin 1 300 10 20 2 1 60
60 =event duration
turn off bonus time event
override global pk settings
on =pk is on
off =pk is off
show npc/mob location (coordinates x,y)
/crow_pos 42 10
42 = Mob MID
10 = Mob SID

show the mob/npc name ,mid,sid ,type and mob count on your location map
mob = show mob information
npc =show npc information
/crow_list mob
summon single mob
Example: /mob_gen 42 10 30 17
42 mob mid
10 mob sid
30 coordinates in map x
17 coordinates in map y
delete single mob
you can also delete specific mob
/mob_del 42 10
42=mob MID
10=mob SID
summon multiple mobs
Example: /mob_gen_ex 42 10 23 0 20 30 1 10 0
42 mob mid
10 mob sid
23 map mid
0 map sid
20 map coordinates x
30 map coordinates y
1 range
10 number of mobs (ilang mobs)
0 channel
delete multi mobs
Example: /mob_del_ex 42 10 23 0 0
42 mob mid
10 mob sid
23 map mid
0 map sid
0 channel
bighead for all characters
on =turn on bighead
off =turn off bighead
bighand for all characters
on =turn on bighand
off=turn off bighand
load a level file for location map
/lev_new w_total_suryun_01.lev
w_total_suryun_01.lev =name of level file to load

unload level file loaded to location map

chatblock character using user account
/chatblock_ua username 600
username =user account name
600 =minutes to chatblock
chatblock using character name
/chatblock_cn testname 600
testname =character name
600 =minutes to chatblock
chatblock using charid
/chatblock_ci 1021 600
1021 =char id
600 =minutes to chatblock
read character information using character name
/charinfo_cn testname
testname=character name
read character information using char id
/charinfo_ci 1021
free pk towards all school (all red)
/freepk_on 600
600=seconds duration for freepk
turn off freepk
show warning message on screen
on=show warning message
off=no warning message

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