Bak Resume

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A. Kowalski


Master of Education Student

University of Arizona College of Education
Peace Corps Paul D. Coverdell Fellow
TEFL Teacher Trainer
United States Peace Corps

May 2014 Present

Tucson, Arizona

January 2012 April 2014

Caar, Ecuador

Implemented co-teaching / co-planning model to train Ecuadorian English teachers at a public middle/high school
Conducted an afterschool Teacher Training Course for teachers from all area middle/high schools. Course focused
on EFL methods and preparation for the government-required TOEFL exam
Bilingual Education taught EFL at bilingual (Kichwa/Spanish) elementary school
Cultural Ambassador participated in community events in a small Andean town, promoting the Peace Corps goals
of sharing U.S. culture with other countries and bringing understanding of other cultures home to the U.S.
Participated in Province-wide workshops in coordination with the Ministry of Education to provide professional
development for public school teachers and prepare them as EFL instructors

Burlington School District

August 2011 January 2012

Burlington, VT

Provided one-on-one support for a seventh grade special needs student at Hunt Middle School
Assisted primary subject teachers as necessary
Managed afterschool homework club

K-2 EFL Instructor / Resource Teacher

San Jeronimo Bilingual School

March 2011 August 2011 Cofradia, Honduras

Taught EFL to classes of 25 students in grades K-2

Worked one-on-one and in small groups with K-7 students experiencing difficulties in Language Arts and Math at
bilingual school (following U.S. curriculum)
Developed the adaptability necessary to confront challenges presented by working in a developing country such as
frequent power outages, high absentee rate in schools, etc.

Client Services Manager

International Personnel Resources April 2006 March 2008

West Chester, PA

Human Resources: Acted as liaison between U.S. employers and non-English speaking workers providing
translation and other services. Attended and facilitated U.S. Embassy appointments in Mexico and Guatemala for
over 3,500 H-2B Visa candidates


Bachelor of Arts Linguistics

Certificate Latin American Studies
University of Pittsburgh

May 2003

February 2004

Pittsburgh, PA

Madrid, Spain

TESOL Certification
ITC International


Spanish Advanced High, Language Proficiency Interview administered by Peace Corps Ecuador

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