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If you choose at random an answer for this question, whats the

probability of having it right?

a) 25%

b) 50%

c) 60%


If we assume that this is a multiple choice question, in which our options

to select between are A, B, C, and D, then the odds of picking each
answer are as follows:

50% chance of picking A or D (25%)

25% chance of picking B (50%)

25% chance of picking C (60%)

So, as we can see, none of the answers are correct. If we choose 25% as
the right answer, we arrive at a contradiction, since there's a 50% of
probobality of picking it. In the same way, 50% is incorrect, since there's
a 25% of probability of picking it. And 60% isn't even superficially
In conclution, I think that the probability to choose the right answers for
this question iss 0%. Maybe its not listed as an option to answer the
question and for this reason I think that this is a paradox, like the Liar
Paradox. ("This sentence is false.").

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