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Activo: Cap. Os nmeros do 31-100. O alfabeto.
Repaso: Hello, book, guitar, football, kite, lamp, camera, skateboard, car, watch, lamp, fish,
jacket, dress, computer, rubber, ruler, doll, apple, mouth, cat, nose, monkey, rabbit, bird, dog,
song, sing. As cores. Os nmeros do 1 ao 20.
Pasivo: again, prize(s), plus, minus, funny, Great. Thank you, Wait, Help. Goodbye, Well
done!, next, number, alphabet, fun, more, winner.
Funcins e expoentes lingsticos
Saber presentarse.
Contar en ingls.
Deletrear palabras e preguntar como se deletrea (spelling).

Activas: How do you spell (rubber)?
Repaso: Im, Whats your name?, What colours the (kite)?, Its (blue). Whos (the winner)?
Its a (dog). Clap your hands. Turn around and touch your head.
Pasivas: What number is it? Whats this?, Whos this?, Look (at picture)
Is that correct?, Point to (20), We love (bingo), Lets (play a game)!
Its me!, Whats the missing number?, Whats number(1)?, Whats (twenty plus thirty)?, Use
the (magic torch)!, Thats (my cap),
Heres (your prize), Im (going home), Who is the winner?, Im the winner!, Is he happy?,
What is (his prize)?, Has he got (his prize)?,
What has he got?, Do it again!, with me, with you.

Activo: Playing basketball, reading comics, rollerblading, doing karate, playing computer
games, listening to music, making models, taking photos.
In the morning/afternoon/evening.
Repaso: Eating ice cream, playing football, swimming, playing tennis, drawing, singing,
playing the guitar/drums/piano, skiing, running, skateboarding, riding a horse, riding a bike,
reading, Saturday, favourite, sport, Mum, Dad, Granny, Grandad, tree, school, park, in,
house, pencils.

Pasivo: hobbies, playing Frisbee, playing with friends, pool, dark, sexa, Look out! Look!,
after, camera, me, my, friend, lots of, famous, building, sport, lessons, answer, at night, of
Funcins e expoentes lingsticos
Nomear actividades e hobbies
Expresar gustos sobre as actividades que lles gusta realizar
Preguntar e responder sobre gustos en materia de actividades.

Activas: I (dont) like (playing basketball), Do you like (making models)?
Yes, I do. No, I dont.
Repaso: Whats her/his name?
Pasivas: What do you/they like doing?, Whos this?, Who is it?, Whats this?, What are
(Matts) hobbies?, Is that correct?, Where are they?, Come in!, Thats fantastic!, Does (Mark)
like (rollerblading)?, Who likes (swimming)?, Who doesnt like (taking photos)?, What does
(the girl)like doing?, What (hobbies) can you see?, What am I doing?, Is he playing...?,
Whats his name?, Whats the name of Chriss friend?, This is Buckingham Palace in London,
Theyre fun!, Whats (Tobys) favourite hobby?, Show me, Cut (out)(the cards), Whats
(Bs? question Point to.

Activo: music shop, supermarket, clothes shop, stationers bakery, newsagents, sports shop,
computer shop, cake, bread, chocolate bar, CD, , pound(s), p, pence, please.
Repaso: Next to, opposite, pen, ruler, comic(s), rubber(s), ruler(s), pencil(s), pencil case,
skateboard, football, computer game, pet shop, pet, basketball, watch, camera, book, cap,
rabbit, bird, torch, hat, bike, kite, car, skirt, T-shirt, dress, computer, bread, honey, cereal,
bacon, apple, ice cream, orange, juice, salad, yoghurt, pizza, cheese, Thank you!, Goodbye!,
school, table, bed. As cores. Os nmeros do 1 ao 100.
Pasivo: lemon cake, sweets, rock and roll, only, bus ticket, buy, lots of, come, here,
newspapers, favourite, DVD, friends, Well done!, prices, something very nice, shopping list.
Funcins e expoentes lingsticos
Falar sobre tendas e os obxectos que nelas se compran.
Preguntar onde se poden comprar determinados artigos.
Preguntar e contestar polo prezo das cousas.

Activas: At the (clothes shop), How much is (the rabbit), please?
Its (10), Here you are.
Repaso: Is it a (sports shop)?, Wheres (blue)?, Have you got a pet?

Ive got (5), It cant fly, You can (buy pencils), Its a (T-shirt).
Pasivas: Look (at his shop), Its a (bakery), Whats this (shop)?, Is that correct?, Where can I
buy (a pencil)?, What can I/you buy at the (music shop)?, I can buy (the rabbit), I want to
buy., What do you want to buy?, Where are they?, Whos this?, Whats this?, Oh non!,
Dont worry!, Heres (5), heres (the pet shop), Ill take one, What is her/his name?, Does
Kelly like shopping?, I love Whats the shop?, Has it got computer games?, What is (As)


Repaso: playing basketball, doing karate, making models, reading comics, playing computer
games, taking photos, rollerblading, listening to music, swimming, sports shop, bakery,
bananas, please, T-shirt, camera, honey, bike, rubber, CD, elephant. Os nmeros, as cores.
Pasivo: stop, free, pig.
Repaso: Do you like (swimming)?, Yes, I do. No, I dont.
How much is the (basketball)?, Its (free), It isnt (free), Ive got (one),
What are you doing?, Here you are.
Pasivas: Look (at the first picture), Lets (listen to the story). Dont worry, Its great!, Ive got
an idea!, Whats this/that?, Ill take one, please,
Close your books.

Activo: straight hair, curly hair, fair hair, dark hair, a ponytail, a beard, a moustache,
glasses. Pop star, farmer, dancer, baker, clown, teacher.
Repaso: skirt, trousers, shoes, socks, T-shirt, hat, jacket, dress, shirt, Big, long, new, teacher,
sorry, short, eyes, August, music, friend, skateboard, swim. As cores.
Pasivo: Ow!, school play, costume(s), straw hat, boy, girl, food, fantastic, friend, Halloween,
party, witch, choose, cut, draw, star scar, skip, very far, Good luck!, lots of, people, play the
Funcins e expoentes lingsticos
Describir o aspecto externo das persoas.
Preguntar e responder en relacin co aspecto das persoas.
Falar de profesins.

Activas: He has got (a beard)?, Yes, he has. No, He hasnt.
Hes/Shes got (straight hair)?, He/She hasnt got (glasses).

Repaso: Ive got (a black hat), Its a (red skirt), How old is he/she?
Whats his /her name?, Im (Matt) (blue) eyes, Ive got (a beard).
Toms/Shes wearing (a T-shirt).
Pasivas: Whos got (a pony tail)?, What colours (the skirt)?, Whats this?
Where are the clothes?, Whats in the box, Whos this?, Where are they?
I cant see (Matt), Hes wearing (his costume), Im not (Matt).
What are you doing?, Who is (Mr Brown)?, Can you see (Matt)?
Whats his/her favourite colour?, Point to, Is that correct?
What numbers (Ben), Hats off to (the baker), everybody who works,
Its a (boy), Can you see me?, I love (the carnival), We are wearing (costumes), He can (skip),
He cant (swim) very far.


Activo: Get up, have a shower, have breakfast, go to school, go home, have dinner, watch
television, go to bed.
Oclock, half past, quarter to, quarter past.
Repaso: Bingo!, hospital!, Goodbye, cereal, milk, toast, jam, sandwich, granny, mum, have
lunch, play tennis, play the guitar, play the piano, skateboard, read a book, eat, drink, work,
play. As cores. Os nmeros do 1 ao 12.
Pasivo: tick tock, have tea, go to work, cut, write, guess, aunt, evening, morning, night, doctor,
Oh non!, Good night!, me, my friend, answer, art class, starts.
Funcins e expoentes lingsticos
Falar sobre as actividades e rutinas diarias.
Dicir a hora. Preguntar e responder sobre horarios.
Preguntar e responder sobre o que estn facendo unha ou varias persoas.

Activas: Its (seven) ouclock, Its half past (one), Its quarter to/past (five)
Its the (red) clock, What time do you (have breakfast), I (have a shower) at six ouclock, Im
right, Im wrong.
Repaso: What colours the (clock)?, Whats (he/she) doing)?
Shes (having breakfast), I like (cereal), Wheres (my bag).
Pasivas: Look (at this), Whos this?, Whats this?, Whats number (1)?
Where are they?, Whats his/her name?, Who am I?, Whats the time?
This is a clock, Time to (get up), Time for (school), I work at the hospital, I do these things
every day, Im late (again)!, What time does Gemma get up?, What does she have for
breakfast?, She (goes to bed) at (ten ouclock), Whats (As) (question)?, Is that correct?.


Repaso: Straight hair, curly hair, fair hair, dark hair, a ponytail, a beard, a moustache,
glasses, get up, go to school, have a shower, go home, go to bed, have dinner, watch TV, have
breakfast, breakfast, granny, in, elephant, kitchen, bedroom, banana, run, T-shirt, hat, shoes,
white, black, ouclock, quarter past, quarter to.
Pasivo: gorilla, pig, ants, anteater, Quick!, hide, hundreds.
Repaso: Has he/she got (straight hair)?, Yes, he/she has. No, he/she hasnt
What time do you (go to work)?, At half past eight. Its quarter to nine.
Pasivas: Is it a boy or a girl?, Lets (listen to the story),
Whats in the box?, Im hungry, Its for my granny, Ive got an idea
Follow me!, Im late!, Lets go in the bedroom, Heres (Monty)!
What is it?, Its your favourite.

Activo: bus, train, plane, boat, taxi, helicopter, moped, lorry.
Wheels, engine, wings, windows, doors.
Repaso: car, bike, climb, school, hospital, bridge, train station, shops, house, cinema, hotel,
toy shop, library, park, traffic lights, on Saturdays, town, mum, dad, sister, small, big,
running, opposite, 4. As cores. Os nmeros.
Pasivo: too, Look!, Come on!, river, trees, flowers, holiday, going, sailing, USA, Italy, on, the
sexa, travel, with us, helmets, bus stop, ticket.

Funcins e expoentes lingsticos

Falar e describir sobre diferentes medios de transportes
Preguntar e responder por partes de vehculos.
Describir imaxes.

Activas: Has it got (wings)?, Yes, it has. No, it hasnt,
I go to school by (bus).
Repaso: Its (a bus)?, Its got (six windows), Can it fly? Yes, it can
Im, This is my (new bike), Its number (one hundred and one).
Pasivas: Whats this?, What is it?, What can you see?, Whos this?,
Is that correct?, Point to (a door), Can you see it?, Where, oh where?
On the ground, in the air, How do you go (home)?, Thats our house.
I dont understand, Its easy, See you later!, Thats amazing!
I walk to school, On my way to school, I see, I go to school on foot,

We go, Im on (a plane), Im visiting friends, What colours (Chriss bike)?, Wheres the (bus
stop)?, How much is the ticket?,
I love it!, Weve both got (yellow helmets), I always use (the zebra crossing), I cross the road,
One point for me, Come with us!,
Were running for the bus.


Activo: blue whale, shark, giant tortoise, parrot, polar bear, gorilla, python, giant squid.
Centimetre(s), metre(s), months, tall.
Repaso: Crocodile, dog, giraffe, elephant, zebra, lion, cat, rabbit, bird, fish, tiger, monkey,
dolphin, mouse, legs, tail, teeth, wings, mouth, eyes, head, walk, run, swim, fly, talk, jump, big,
small, short, goodbye, house, park, animals, long, old, years. As cores. Os nmeros.
Pasivo: river, sexa, world, mountain, Well done!, Quick!, use, magic, torch, very well, lots of,
jungle, incredible, beautiful, fast, slow, quick, strong, so, weeks, about, only, plants, insects,
giant pandas, dragon, play volleyball, cut, prepare, game, favourite.
Funcins e expoentes lingsticos
Describir e falar sobre animais.
Expresar medidas; long, tall, etc.
Preguntar e responder sobre medidas e caractersticas de animais.

Activas: How tall is (the gorilla)?, Its (100 centimetres) tall,
How old is (the whale) Its (15 years old), How long is (a giant tortoise)?
Its (1 metre long).
Repaso: What colours the crocodile?, Do you like (crocodiles)?,
Im (10) years old, Wheres (the whale)?, Whats your favourite animal? Has it got (four
legs)?, Yes, it has/No, it hasnt, Its got (wings),
Can (a whale) swim?, Yes, It can/No, it cant, It can (fly), It cant (walk).
Pasivas: Look (at this)?, Is it a (parrot)?, What colours the (gorilla)?, Whats this?, Whos
this?, Whats number (one), It isnt very tall.
It likes (fish), Whats my favourite animal? Thats a problem,
Is that correct?, It lives in (the sexa), Its white like snow,
They live in (the jungle), Where do (tigers) live?, What do (mountain gorillas) eat?, Dont be


Repaso: elephant, gorilla, snake, engine, bananas, helicopter, wheels, wings, windows, doors,
short, curly, glasses, hat, moustache, T-shirt, shoes. As cores. Os nmeros.

Pasivo: Anteater, ground, two hundred, about, more, Quick!, Run!, Thanks, Great!, Oh non!,
Well done!
Repaso: How long/old/tall is it?, Itslong/old/tall.
Has it got (an engine)?, Yes, it has No, It hasnt. It hasnt got (wings), Its got (six wheels),
Charlies got (short hair), Whos this?,
Do you like bananas.
Pasivas: Who am I?, I can go home, What animals are in the story?,
What are the names of the monkeys?, Whats this/that?, Whos that?,
What animals can you see?, Do (they) like bananas?, I love bananas.
I dont know, Ive got an idea, Give me the bananas,
Whats the problem?, Its the engine, Wait a minute

Activo: Fireworks, bonfire, sparkler, rocket, guy, penny
Repaso: November.
Pasivo: Bonfire Night, the 5th of November, Guy Fawkes, Houses of Parliament, people,
displays, celebrate, defeat, sky, light up (the sky), everywhere, fly, through, air, card, scissors,
glue, string, pens, stick.
Funcins e expoentes lingsticos
Expresar felicitacins.
Describir a Noite das fogueiras.
Pasivas: There are (big firework displays), They cook potatoes.
Stand up!, Whats this?, Remember the 5th of November,
Never throw fireworks!


Activo: New Years Eve.
Repaso: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,
November, December, big, family, friends, fireworks.
Pasivo: The 31st of December, parties, midnight, kiss, hold hands, people, sing a song, capital,
Scotland, watch, walk, streets, torches, celebrate, listen to music, Happy New Year!.
Funcins e expoentes lingsticos
Expresar felicitacins.
Describir o da de Noite Vella.
Pasivas: Whats this?, Wheres this?, Who is (January)?,
How do you spell (February)?, (the year) to start, (the year) about to end.

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