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Native trees and shrubs of the Guyra area by Dan Davies, Julie Lind and David Curtis * Greening Australia PO Box 1467 Armidale NSW 2360-1 NATIVE SPECIES OF THE GUYRA AREA Deciding what species to plant can be very difficult. Indigenous species have many advantages: © They retain landscape character; © They provide important habita © They provide many useful products. Neglect of our indigenous species will lead to their gradual decline. This list has been compiled for people who wish to revegetate with indigenous trees and shrubs. It was compiled by examining roadsides and properties around Guyra. Over much of the area most of the native trees and shrubs have disappeared, except for small remnants, The list may not be complete and as we learn more of the natural distribution of the species it will be extended. ‘arpa oop Danses Sedimentary (trap) Besait SPS sosoeann * oxm go 4 6 1) ‘Karoola’ - Guyra Plateau Basalt (blue) - upper slope ‘Trees Acacia dealbata.. . silver watttle Eucalyptus laevopinea silvertop stringbark Eucalyptus novaranglica iealyptus paueifiora Eucalyptus stellulata. Shrubs Cassinia quinguefaria.. Hibbertia Lineacis . Lissanthe strigosa. Melichrus urceolatus “New England peppermint "snow gum black salle . dead finish “guinea flower peach heath ‘urn heath 2) ‘Tenterden’ - Guyra Plateau Basalt - upper slope Trees ACC fliHfOH ono ‘acacia implexa Eucalyptus Iaevopinea Fucaiyptus blakelyi realyptus melTiodora Eucalyptus noveeanglica vo fern Jeaf wattle hickory wattle “2 silvertop stringybark « Blakely’s red guim “ yellowbox New England peppermint (lower slope) wwe native cherey Bxocarpos cupressiformis, Shrubs Hardenbergia violacea Lissanthe strigosa Rubus parvifotius Daviesia genistifolia false sarsparilla peach heath native raspberry “ sorse bitter pea 3) ‘Rosebank’ (top paddock) - Guyra Plateau Granite - upper slope Trees Acacia faleiformis.. ‘acacta fiicifolia. ‘Allocasuarina litorals Fucalyptus blakelyi Eucalyptus caliginosa mountain hickory “fern leaf wattle "Black sheoak Blakely’s red gum New England stringybark Eucalyptus conica wm Suzzy box Eucalyptus metliodora. ‘yellow box Eucalyptus viminalis. manna gum Nocarpos cupressiformis hrubs ‘Acacia rubida ‘Acacia ulicifolia Cassinia sp. Hibbertia obtusifolia.u. Kunzea aff. opposite Leptospermum minutifolium Leptospermum polygalifolium ‘subsp. montanum (ex. flavescens) native cherry .red stemmed wattle prickly moses guinea flower . creek tea tree (low/mid slope) Lissanthe strigosa. ve peach heath Melichris urceolatus ‘urn heath Olearia viscidula. Pimelea linifolia.. Pultenaea sp. wallaby weed rice flower 4) Box Point Road - Guyra Plateau Basalt - upper Trees Acacia deatbata, sve form leaf wattle Eucalyptus laevopinea rane silvertop stringybark (hybrid with E caliginosa) snow gum black sallee manna guri " native cherry ‘ucalyptus paucifiora Eucalyptus stellulata. Eucalyptus viminalis. Bxocarpos cupressiformis Shrubs Bursaria spinosa . blackthorn 5) Ilandebos Road - Travelling Stock Route Basalt - lower slope Trees Eucalyptus dalrympleana Fucalyptus novavanglica Fucaly ptus paucifiors Eucalyptus stelfulata hrubs Discarist pubescens 7 gland peppermint “snow gum. "black salle Australian anchor plant 6) 10km West of Guyra along Inverell Road Basalt - mid slope Trees Acacia deadbeat Eucalyptus dairympleana Eucalypnus novaanglica » calyptus pauciflora, Eucalyptus stellulata vo Silver wattle “white gum New England peppermint snow gut black sallee Exocarpos cupressiformis smn native cherry Shrubs Dillwynia juniperiaum egg and bacon pea Discaria pubescens. Hibbertia obtusifolia Melichrus urceolatus - Pultenstcs microphylla. ‘Australian anchor plant "guinea flower urn heath Fice flower 7) Old Armidale Road - 2km from Inverell Road Basalt - mid slope Trees Silver wattle “mountain hickory Blakely’s red gum apple box New England stringybark “mountain white gum yellow box native cherry Facalyptus.blakelyiossnn Fucaly ptus bridgesfaana Bucaly plus caliginosa . Bucstlyptus daleympleana Eucalyptus meliiodora Shrubs rubidla. ulicifolia Bursaria spinosa Cassini quinquefari Dillwynie juniperinum Hardenbergia violacea . Hibbortia obtusifolia Indigofera australis. Mefichrus urceolatus . Pultensicxt microphylla | red stemmed wattle “prickly moses “blackthors dead finish “egg and bacon pea “false sarsparilla ‘guinea flower ‘Australian indigo urn heath 8) Corner of Baldersleigh and Old Armidale Road Basalt - mid slope Trees Acacia dealbata. Eucalyptus blakely Hucalyptus dalrympieaia « Eucalyptus melliosora Fucalyplus novaranglica on Exocarpos cupressiformis wn rubs ‘assinist quinquefaria. enistifolia . sliver wattle Blakely’s red gum mountain white gum. yeliow box New England peppermint native cherry ¢ Davies Daviesia latifolia... Dillwynia juniperinum Hardenbergia violacea Hibbertia obtusifolia, dead finish “gorse bitter pea hop bitter pea “ogg and bacon pea false sarsparilia guinea flower “wallaby weed Olearia viscidula. Pultenaca microphyiia Pultenaca sp. 9) Baldersleigh Road - Guyra, Guyra Plateau Basalt - mid slopes Trees Acacia deatbata fucalyptus dalrympledna Eucalyptus novananglica Eucalyptus pauciflora iucalyptus stellul Exocarpos cupressiformis shrubs Pimelea linifolia.. Pultenaea microphylla 3km West of silver wattle mountain white gum New England peppermint snow gum "black sallee native cherry so ice flower 10) Towards “Elderberry” off Baldersleigh Road, Guyra Plateau Basalt - lower slopes Trees Acacia dealbata Fucalyptus dairympleana Eucalyptus novaranglica ra Eucalyptus pauciflor Eucalyptus stellata Eucalyptus virinalis. ovarpos cupressiformis rub Leptospermum gregarium (ex. myrtifollum) silver wattle “mountain white gum “New England peppermint (snow gum, "black sallee manna gum native cherry 11) Guyra Plateau - New England Highway, 4 km north of roadhouse (opposite Urandangie Rd) Basalt - mid slope Trees Acacia dealbata Pucalyptus dalrympleana Eucalyptus paucifiora. Fucalyptus stellulat Eucalyptus viminals oun Exocarpos cupressiformis Shrubs Dillwynia juniperinum .. Pultenaea microphylla Rubus parvifolius.. 12) Whan’s Road, Basalt sume Silver wattle “mountain white gum snow gum black sallee manna gum native cherry egg and bacon pea native raspberry Llangotholin Yards ‘hescla deatbata . alyptus dalrympleana vor rucalyptus pauciflors Eucalyptus stellulata. Bucalyptus viminalis Shrubs Rubus parvifolius . 13) Tom's Gully Road Basalt - mid slope ‘Trees Acacia deatbata . Eucalyptus paucifior’ Eucalyptus stellulata Eucalyptus viminalis. Shrubs Rubus parvifolivs: silver wattle mountain white gum, snow gum black sallee smanna gum, native raspberry silver wattle snow gum black salle ‘manna gum sn native raspberry 14) Crystall brook Road - Guyra Plateau Basalt - mid slope Trees Acacia deatbata. Bucalyptus dalrympieana Eucalyptus paueifiora Eucalyptus stellulata. Fucalyptus Viminalls Exocarpos cupressiformis Shrubs Rubus parvifolius.. . silver wattle miountain white gum snow gum black sallee manna gum. “ native cherry _ native raspberry 15) Chandler Peak Basalt - upper slope Trees Acacia dealbat silver wattle Acacia melanoxylon. blackwood wattle Eucalyptus paueifiora Eucalyptus stellulata.. Bucalvptus vimsnalisvcn Bxovarpos cupressiformis . Shrubs and Climbers Billardiora scandens sum ‘snow gum black sallee manna gum fative cherry _appleberry, snotberry 16) Mother of Ducks Lagoon - Guyra Plateau Basalt - lower and mid slope Trees Acacia deslbata. Tucalyptus acaciiformis Lucalsptus nova-anglica Eucalyptus paueitions Facalypins stellalata.. acalypius vininalis. Bxowsirpos cupressiforiis Shrubs Hymenanthera dentate silver wattle rh waitle-leaved peppermint "New England peppermint "snow gum: black salle gum, recherry tree violet 17) Malpas Dam - Guyra Plateau Sedimentary - mid and lower slope ‘Trees Fucalyptus novevanglica Eucalyptus stellulata, shrubs ‘Acacia rubida ‘acacia siculiformis “dagger wattle ursria spinosa “ blackthorn Leptospermum polygalifoliam subsp. montanum (ex I avescens) ro CF ea t3ee New England peppermint black sallee red stemmed wattle 17b) Malpas Dam - Guyra Plateau Basalt - upper slope Trees Acacia dealbate. ‘Acacia melanoxyon wo. Eucalyptus laevopinea.. silvertop stringybark uealvptus paucifiora snow gum Eucalyptus stelfulata.. black salle Eucalyptus viminalis. manna gum Shrubs Bursaria spinosa. Disearia: pubesceitSw. 1 silver wattle blackwood .. Blackthorn Australian anchor plant 18) Guyra - Ebor Road (Guyra garbage dump to Bald Blair) Basalt ~ upper slope ioe dealt Fucalyptus dalrympleana Eucalyptus novaeanglics Eucalyptus pauciflora. Eucalyptus stellulat Eucalyptus viminalis ‘vocurpos cupressiformis, Shrubs Cryptandea amara Glemattis aristata Clematis microphylla Paviesia genistifolla Dillwynia juniperinum Hardenbergia violacea. Hakea microcarpa Indigofera adesmiifotia sliver wattle mountain white gum New England peppermint ‘snow gum “black sallee manna gum native cherry common erypandra gorse bitter pea ‘egg and bacon pea ‘false sarsparilla australis subsp. signata) indigo. Lomatia frazeri COMPOSITE, LIST Granite Upper. to. mid slope Trees Acacia faiciformis... ‘Acacia filicifolia. ‘Allocasuarina littoralis Eucalyptus blakely! Eucalyptus caliginosa Eucaly tus Conte... Eucalyptus meliiodora Eucalyptus viminalis. Exocarpos cupressiformis Shrubs ‘Acacia rubida . ‘Acacia ulicifolia« Cassinia sp. Hibbertia obtusifolia . Kunzea aff, opposita Leptospermum minutifolivm Teptospermum polygalifolium subsp. montanum (ex. L flavescens) Lissanthe strigosa Melichrus urceolatus Olearia viscidula. Pimelea linifolla.. Pultenaea sp. mountain hickory fern leaf wattle black sheoak Blakely’s red gum New England stringybark eon fuzzy DOX “yellow box anna gum native cherry red stemmed wattle prickly moses guinea flower tea tree . creek tea tree peach heath turn heath wallaby weed. rice flower Trap - (Sedimentary) Mid to lower. slope Trees Fucalyptus novaranglica Eucalyptus stellulata Shrubs ‘Acacia rubida.. ‘acacia sieuliformis. ursaria spinosa. Leptospermum polvgalifoiium Subsp. montanum (ex I Hlavescens) New England peppermint black sallee .- ted stemmed wattle dagger wattle “blackthorn creek tea tree Basalt Upper. to mid slope res Acacia deatbata.. silver wattle ‘Acacia melanoxyion Eucalyptus dalrympieana « Fucalyptus laevopinea Eucalyptus novacanglica blackwood mountin white gum « silvertop stringybark "New England peppermint Eucalyptus pauciflora.. snow gum Eucalyptus stellulata black sallee Eucalyptus viminalis. manna gum Exocarpos cupressiformis native cherry Shrubs and Climbers Bursaria SpIn0sa oo Cassinia quinguefaria. Clematis cristata Clematis microphylla Cryptandra amara Daviesia genistifolia Dillwynia juniperinum Discaria pubescens Hakea microcarpa .. Hibbertia obtusifolia Hibbertia linearis... Indigofera adesmiifolia (= 1 australis ssp. signata) . blackthorn dead finish . gorse bitter pea fegg and bacon pea "Australian anchor plant small fruived hakea “guinea flower "guinea flower ndigo Lomatia fraser! wn ion silky lomatia Lissanthe strigosa.. “ peach heath ‘Molichrus urceolatus turn heath Olearia viscidula.. "wallaby weed Pimetes linifolia “Flee flow Poltenaea microphyiia Rubus parvifolias native raspberry Lower. slope and. gullies Trees Acacia deatbate. . Eucalyptus elalrympteana Eucalyptus pauicitfora.. Eucalyptus novaeanglica Fucaluptus stellulata ras Exocarpos cupressiformis Shrubs Diseuriat pubescens Jeptospermum gregaium (ex. myrtifolium) Hymenanthera dentate Basalt - mid to upper slope Lower. altitude: ‘Frees Aca dead ‘Acacia Tiicifolia ‘Acai aleitormis ‘Acacis implexa. Eucalyptus blakeiys Fucalyptus bridgesiana Bucalvptus caliginosa Eucalyptus dalrympleana Buca ptus Iaevopinea Eucalyptus melliodora Eucalyptus novananglica Pxoranpos eupressiformis Shrubs and Climbers ‘Aeawiat rubida ‘Acai ulicifolia urssria spinose « Rillardieva scandens Cassinia quinguefar Baviesia genistifolia Paviesia latifolia. Dilwnia juniperinum Hardenbergia violaces Hibertia linearis a Hibberta obtusifot Indigotora australis. Loptospermum sp. Hissanthe steigosa Melichrus urceolaius Clears viseidala Paltenaest microphylla Paltenaes sp. Rubus parvifolius silver wattle mountain white gum snow gum New England peppermint black sallee “native cherry v- Australian anchor plant vn eee violet silver wattle “Hern leaf wattle “ mountain hickory nS hickory wattle 1 Blakely’s red gum. apple box “. New England stringybark, mountain white gum New England stringybark yellow box New England peppermint native cherry red stemmed wattle prickly moses “blackthorn appleberry, snot berry "dead finish gorse bitter pea “hop bitter pea eggs and bacon pea false sarsparilla guinea flower guinea flower Australian indigo tea tree peach heath torn heath wallaby weed so Native raspberry Eucalyptus paucifolora (snow gum) Acknowledgments: ‘Thanks to Kim Harris, Richard Morsiey, David Carr and Jobn Wiltuns for checking species and sites and Joy Kirby for layout und typing. Produced with assistance from the Commonwealth Government through the One Billian Trees Program and under vontract to Environment Australia. Printed by P.G. Print of Armidale,

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