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This year each child in Prep B will get the chance

to be our Star Student! This means that with help,
they can create a poster which shares information
about themselves and their life.
The poster may contain:

Information about their family
Favourites colour, movie, sport
My friends
My Pets
and basically anything fun and interesting
that they would like to share!

Below is our Star Student roster.

Term 1 - Week Sienna and Callum
3: 9/2
Week 4: 16/2
Olivia and Henry. M
Week 5: 23/2
Hugo. D and Benjamin
Week 6: 2/3
Fletcher and Cleo
Week 7: 9/3
Aiden and Mikaela
Week 8: 16/3
Henry. P and Lucas
Week 9: 23/3
Sarah and Lily
Week 10: 30/3 Lucy and Finn
Term 2 Week Gabriella and Hugo. S
2: 27/4
Week 3: 4/5
Matilda and Thomas
Please be prepared to bring your poster to school
to share with the class on the Monday of your

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