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‘LECTED DOLGLE TRACKING PROECT HOMPADANGBESAR Drpanicoqnapnins sen 16 Weegee eta es ‘SECTION 16- WATERPROOFING AND DAMP PROOFING FOR STRUCTURES 16.0 Waterproofing 16.1. Waterproofing shal be 2p, Material shal be as flows := Primer ASTM, Det Asphalt ASTM, paso ‘Asphalt: Type A (above ground, temperature less than 52 degrees C) or B {below ground) or C (above ground, exposed fo sun or temperature above 52 é ogress C), Fabric ASTM, p73 Coabarpich = AS.TM, 450) (Coaltr pitch: Type A (above ground) 0B (below ground) Tor AASHO M52 Grade RTCE-S 162 Preparation of Surface ‘All concrete surfaces which are to be water-proted shal be reasonably smooth ree from projections or holes which might cause puncture of the membrane. The surfaces of any gully and other features with which the waterproofing wil be in ‘contact shal be cleaned of dust and loose materials, The eurface shall be dy, so 6s to prevent the formation of sieam when the hot asphalt or tar is applied, and Immediately before the applicstion of the waterproofing, the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of dus and loose materiale on No waterproofing shallbe done in wat weather. Damp surfaces may be atfcialy cried if approved by the S.E, Oo ELECTRIFIED DOUBLE TRACKNOPROJECTOMYADANGHESAR ye soucomgpnii 8.016 Waseem Peg Se 163 Application of Waterproofing Membrane ‘Asphalt shall be heated to a temperature between 149 and 177°C, and tar for hot ‘application shall be heated to @ temperature between 94 and 121 degrees C, with ‘frequent stiring 1 avoid local overheating. The heating ketle shal be equipped with thermometers. Rebeating ofthe material after setng wil not be peritid, Beginning at the low point of the surface to be waterprocfeé, concrete surfaes shat ’be sealed by a coating of primer ard allowed to ty before the fet coat of asphalt is applied ‘The completed waterproofing shall be a flinly bonded membrane composed of two layers of fabric and three mopping of asphalt or ar, together with a coating of primer. Under no circumstances shal one layer of fabric touch another layer al ary point of touch the surface, os there must be at loast tres complete mopping of asphat or far, On horizontal surfaces not less than 55 lites of asphalt or tar shall be used for ‘each 9 sq. metre offnished work, and on vertical surfaces not less thar 69 it ‘The work shall be so regulated that, at the close of @ day's works, all coating lal ‘shal have received the final mopping of asphalt or tar. Spocal eave shall be taken at allaps to See hat they ae thoroughly sealed down, Joints which are essentially open jolnis but which are not designed to provide for ‘expansion shall frst be caulked with oakum ard fead woo! and then ile with hot Joint fier. Expansion jin, both horizonial and vertical, shall be provided with sheet cooper V form in accordance withthe details and, after the membrane hae been placed, shall be filed with hot Joint iter. The membrane shal be casted continuously across the ‘expansion joints. Al the ends ofthe structure, the membrane shall be carded well {done om the abutments and suitable provision shall be made for ell movement No vehicle of any type shall be permitted to travel on bituminous sheating or any cther membrane for which a protsctve layer is specified unless engaged in laying oO co LECTFED BOUBLE TRACK PROIECTOM-PADANG EA praca 8.06 ean op Psy are the protective layer ard then only wth the permission ofthe S.E, 164 Protection Course (ver waterproofing membrane, constucted as specified above, a protection course ‘consisting two (2) layers shall be construc and shall be a S0 mm course of mortar ‘miked in the proportion of 1 (one) Part Potland cament and 3{tnee) parts sand, ‘This mortar shail be reinforced midway betwesn its top and bottom surfaces with wire neting of 153mm mesh andlor its equivalent. The top layer shal be troweled to 1 smaoth, hard fish, and where required, true to grado ‘The constuction of the protection course shall follow the waterpracfing s0 closely thatthe waterproofing wil not be exposed without protecon for more than 24 hours ‘The protective layer shal be lad without damage to the waterproofing membrane. 16.5. Proprietary Waterproofing Materials Where proprietary waterproofing materials are spectied, they shall be laid fully in accordance withthe manufacture’ insiuctons 16.6 Damp Proofing Damprproofing shall be applied to concrete surfaces which wil be in contact with arth at abutments end wing walls of bridges, walle of vehicular and pedestran box culverts and reining walls. It shall conset of two coats of asphalt (prime coat) and ‘one coat of asphalt seal (seal cost) Containers of asphaltic damp proofing material shal be kept closed when not in use. Damp proofing shall not be applied until ell provisions for curing of concrete and repating of defective conereto surfaces have been complied with. All concrete surfaces shall be reasonably smosth and fee from projections and holes, ‘The concrete surfaces shall be dled completly before the asphaltle applied. Rr or [LACTAMED DOLOLE TRACKING PROIEETOH.EADANG RESAR resouconig ns saan 6 Weep sap Par rane Immediately before the application of damp proofing the surfaces shall be thoroughly ‘leaned of dust and loose materials ‘When necessary, the S.E. wil requir the surfaces fo be scrubbed with water and a stif brush, ater which all surfaces shall be allowed to become thoroughly dry before the application of damp proofing materi Care shal be taken to confine all asphalt fo the areas to bs covered, and special care shall be taken to prevent disfigurement of any other parts of the stucture by dropping or spreacing ofthe materials. The cured, clesned and dry surfaces shall be painted as flows: 1 Prime Coats Paint with two coats of asphalt. Tho materials may be elther brushed or sprayed on. The amount of each onat shall be nat lass than one ire per 2m of surface. Successive coats shal not be applled untl the preceding coat has thoroughy die. 4 Sealcoats [Aer the second prime coat has thoroughly died, one coat of seal shall be applied by brush only. This coating shall consist of atleast 1 ite per 2m? of ‘surface. When necessary, his material may be heated, but notin excess of 65 dog Celsius,

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