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HERE on Diu , the Gujerati island of Sea &

Known for its warm attractive sandy
Beaches & Beauty
A wintry morning Moon , blows a rising Sun , a
A pilgrim stumbles on a
peaceful oasis with ecstatic bliss

Soon the flaming warmth spreads all around

The brightening gold colours
the cool ground
Nearby a shrine`s drums echo in the
morning stillness
Transforming the atmosperic chill in
vibrating Wellness

Such seldom oasis this vast country usually


With its boundless Ocean & its concealing

Where Time seemingly frozen in its
contemplation bides
Alone a Sharp eagle , high up in the air ,

This islands bygone eras & Portugese

Reveal humankinds perpertual psychlogical
Security want , for instance , always ,
the Nature enmeshes
The two-legged beings, despairs & hopes ,

Tomorrow may bring comforting

The fact is , insecurity and the unknown , depicts

Nature`s Reality

And any craving protection is mere fantasy

& is transitory
Shakespeare quite elucidated this with clarity

When he wrote " Security is mankind`s

chief enemy . "

The pale Moon smiling in yonder blue sky

Watching over this open secret , over &
beyond this secluded isle
Casting a net of illusory dream
Perhaps the fishermen , today , may catch a

O ! how the days nod forward toward

The renowned annual Valentine`s day truly without
reward !

Even the invisble Cupids cannot resist

Twirling over the white froths
of incoming waves in the morning mist

This evening will once more bring out the

night-clad jewels
Sparkling against the pitch blackness camouflaging
the devils

That lurk in every nook & corner of the terrain

Evil they maybe NOT , though
possessing many an ignorant brain

The Compassionate heart flutters ceaselessly

In Harmony`s rhythm beating timelessly
Come ! thither to this Other shore
Where rejuventing waves dance in
abundance galore !

Seeming sleepy eyes peeping with intense

Seeing ,all at once , with Choiceless

Knowing only the known can be known

For losing sleep is NOT its nature ;
thus abiding in the Unknown --all appears Beknown !!!

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