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As per section 4.3 of API 2000,

Emptying (pump-out) and ambient cooling will lead to normal inbreathing. General equation to
determine inbreathing flow :
Vin,air = Vpe + CVtk0.7 Ri
Vin,air = Total inbreathing in Nm/h (Air)]
Vpe = Pump-out or emptying in m/h
Vtk = Tank capacity in m
Ri =Insulation reduction factor
C = Factor subject to vapor pressure, average temperature and latitude (see Table 1 in Section 4.3
of API 2000)

In breathing (vacuum) due to liquid movement out of tank = 1042 Nm/h

Filling (pump-out) and ambient heating will lead to normal outbreathing. General equation to
determine outbreathing flow :
Vout,air = Vpf + YVtk0.9 Ri

Vout,air = Total Outbreathing in Nm/h (Air)

Vpf = Pump-out or filling in m/h

Vtk = Tank capacity in m
Ri = Insulation reduction factor
Y = Factor subject to latitude (see Table 2 in Section 4.3 in API 2000)

Out breathing (pressure) due to liquid movement in tank = 367Nm3/h

Minimum Cross-sectional Area of vent
The minimum cross sectional area of roof vent is calculated from the equation below:
A min=

K 2. g . H

Q= Max air flow required, Nm/s
K= Discharge coefficient
g = Acceleration due to gravity, m/s
H= Head as measure pressure differential, m

The calculated value for the minimum cross sectional area of vents is given as:
A min =

0.62 2 x 9.81 x 21

A min =0.02298 m

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