What Do You Not Like?

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What do you not like?

The cuts are a little too long maybe making the cuts shorter it would give the
video more energy
^ Same as this person. Also the footage in the top left corner at 1:18 is a little
The use of a phone, it makes the video more restricted and reduces the quality, it
also doesnt fill the frame. I also agree with the too long cuts.
The part from at 1:00 with collage type effect, there is a blanc space, I think it
would give the video more energy if you put another shot there.
What do you like?
I like the footage youve taken inside the club, it fits the genre well.
I like the typography and the lyrics appearing on screen at the same time they
are sung
Text is good
The song
I like the footage inside the club (this fits with my expectation of the genre),
maybe you could go to more (possibly gigs too) with a proper camera so it fills
the frame and get different people moshing/dancing this could add more interest
the video and the type of people could oppose, therefore heightening interest. I
really like the typography.
I like the typography and the pen effect, as well as the bit where youre walking
on the tables.
Do you have any ideas that I could use?
Just use shorter cuts, get more footage to give it a better variation.
Use shorter cuts and adjust the levels to make the club scene colouring less dull
Make the colours more vibrant, make the viewer want to feel like theyre in the
club with them.
More footage that adds to the beats and the fast pace.

Whats the worst bit?

Just the repetition
The pen
Repetition and distorted clips
The repetition and classroom.

Club footage.
Whats the best bit?
The club footage
The lyrics appearing on screen
The idea of being in a club
Too much repeated footage
The pen
Better font

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