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YSEALI Academic Fellowships Application

Personal Statement Indri Claudia Magdalena Marpaung GadjahMada University

My name is Indri Claudia Magdalena Marpaung. It is my 4 th year at Industrial
Engineering Gadjah Mada University. I have through many experiences on academic stuffs
both theoretical and practical regarding Industrial Engineering. In Industrial Engineering, I
learned not only the engineering aspects, but also about economics, business, and
entrepreneurship. I have practiced an entrepreneurship experiment where my lecturer
assigned us, who taken the course, to directly did a kind of business and entrepreneurship
activity. My team and I choose to do a crafting and food business. We made some handicraft
of woman accessories and gave it a brand called Nymphaea means lotus that will always be
beautiful even placed in the rough area. We hope that our business could suffer both in good
and bad condition.
In the middle of the semester we launched another project called Zorro. It was a
deep fried Oreo, a food product. We sold in on campus and Sunday market that daily held on
the center of the town. I have experienced and practiced the business activity directly to the
market. We designed the business overview and market target. We did an update periodically
(every week) and made a report to our lecturer. In the end of semester, our lecturer held a
kind of exhibition to promote the product and business from the students.
I can contribute to the group based on my experienced on business and
entrepreneurship activity I have did. I will give all of my knowledge and skill through
business and entrepreneurship on the related project.
I envision myself as a representative of my country, Indonesia, for the other country
or even a world organization. I imagine myself working in a diverse environment and
collaborate with many great people around the world. I believe joining the Young South East
Asian Leadership Initiative Program will be useful for the first step toward my career
journey. I am very interested to learn about leadership especially on the institute I am
applying for from the leading country, USA. This program will also affect me personally
since I have a dream to go to USA since I was a kid. This program will really motivate me to
always believe in myself because I can finally live my dream.

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