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Emotional Intelligence

What is EI?
Salovey and Mayer (1990) reintroduced the term Emo;onal Intelligence to the
world, describing it as:

a form of social intelligence that involves

the ability to monitor ones own and others
feelings and emo;ons, to discriminate
among them, and to use this informa;on to
guide ones thinking and ac;on.

What is EI?
Both Mayer and Salovey viewed EI as a set of mental abili;es that promote
Intellectual and Emo;onal growth, believing that emo;ons have capacity to
make thinking process more intelligent and therefore that it is also possible to
think intelligently about emo;ons (Salovey and Mayer, 1997)

While recognizing the limita;ons
of the tradi;onal theories of
intelligence regarding the ability
to perceive, process and
eec;vely manage emo;ons,
Salovey and Mayer decided to
develop a valid measures of EI
which led unto crea;on of

What is the Value of EI?

Healthier Society
(Mental and Physical)


Society (Less conict)

(School, Work, Social


EI leads

What is the Value of EI?

Increase your ability
to pay aSen;on ( it is hard
to focus when you are anxious,
bullied etc.)

Enable you to make

beSer decisions

(emo;ons can alter your thinking


BeSer your
mental health


(people generally lack

strategies to manage their
emo;onal resources)

Lead unto beSer

rela;onships (anger control,
mood improvement, self control,
increased empathy etc.)

What is the Value of EI?

Managers/Leaders with higher EI

Have greater sensi;vity and empathy, and are more

Are rated as more eec;ve leaders by direct reports and
Receive greater merit increases
Receive higher performance ra;ngs

Teams with higher EI
Have faster cohesion
Perform more eec;vely in a shorter ;me
Are more sa;sed with team communica;on
Receive more social support from team members

Emo7onal Intelligence

the causes and
of emo;ons

emo;ons in
self and others





Emo7onal Intelligence


How do you want to feel?

/ Dyad / Family / Team / Corpora;on

How do you feel?

Iden;fying emo;ons in
one self and others by
interpre;ng facial
expressions, body
language, vocal tones,
and physiology.

Iden7fy your emo7ons Mood Meter

emo;ons in one
self and others by
interpre;ng facial
expressions, body
language, vocal
tones, and

Self-Awareness /Emo7onal Literacy / Regula7on

U7liza7on of Feelings and Moods

Self-Awareness /Emo7onal Literacy / Regula7on

Where are you on the mood meter?

What caused you to feel this way?

What word best describes your current feeling?

How are you expressing this feeling?

Given how you feel, what strategy will you

use to get where you want to be?

GeNng into RED or Blue?
stop - see your best self - strategize - success

1. Something Has Happened - Trigger
2. Sense the Brain (and body) releases chemicals causing you to sense
3. Stop do not let the nega7ve sensa7on to take over
4. See your best self imagine the best self, reac7on in the moment
5. Strategize u7lize premeditated strategy to be your best self
6. Success enjoy the self-mastery

Building Empathy and Problem Solving

U7liza7on of Feelings and Moods - GOAL


Prepare for Dicult Emo7onal Moments

Do you have a toxic boss? Do you ocen meet people

who make you feel angry, anxious, nervous or sad? Do

you regularly face environments within which you easily
experience nega;ve emo;ons? If your answer to some
of these ques;ons is yes than you are in need of
emo;onal regula;on that will enable you to prepare for
those dicult emo;onal moments strategies that will
enable to you to manage your emo;onal state.

U7liza7on of Feelings and Moods - GOAL

Reduce Ac7ng Instead of Reac7ng

When you encounter a dicult, unexpected,

situa;on that immediately makes you feel angry,

anxious (or ini;ate any other high level energy
nega;ve feeling) - it is ;me to down regulate.

U7liza7on of Feelings and Moods - GOAL

Inni7ate - U7lize the Feelings and Moods Intelligently

are moments in life when one emo;onal state is

prefered over another one. As the modern science
shows, each emo;onal zone has its streghts and
weaknesses, sugges;ng that dierent feelings and
moods can be u;lized intelligently in order to enhance
learning, cogni;ve func;oning, and social interac;ons.

U7liza7on of Feelings and Moods


Learn to Keep the Good Feelings you Have

Ocen, we nd ourselves in a posi;ve emo;onal state

that we desire to perpetuate but nd it dicult to do
so. The emo;onal intelligence can provide you with
tools (strategies) that can enable to you to maintain
the feelings that you cherish.

U7liza7on of Feelings and Moods - GOAL

Enhance - Bringing the level of Energy Up

Besides having a clear need to down regulate from ;me

to ;me, there are also moments in our lives when we
need to enable for upward regula;on. For example,
when we are going to play compe;;ve sports, have a
social interac;on or give a presenta;on all of these
encounters might require us to upward regulate.

U7liza7on of Feelings and Moods - GOAL

What strategies do you have to regulate?

Immediate Strategies: Cogni;ve one Posi%ve Self Talk , Reframing

Long Run Strategies: Behavioral/Cogni;ve could be ac%vity based
such as Yoga, Gym, Pain%ng, Drawing, Sports, Media%on

What works for you?

Dierent strategy should be applied for dierent people,

For example, extraverts and introverts might need a
dierent tools:

Extravert - might want to meet people
Introvert - might need a quiet moment

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