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Annotated Bibliography

Nick Lasky, Ty Costello, and Damon Lukaszewski

Primary Sources
Adolf Hitler - Battle of Britain. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.
We used this video to gain information on Hitlers attack strategy on Britain and the
R.A.F. The German Luftwaffe was to fly in and destroy everything in sight. This source is
primary because the video was taken at that time.
Blaichman, Frank. Ask a Partisan: Escape. Interview. Jewish Partisan
Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
We used this information to gain a better understanding about how the partisans escaped
through the forest. Frank also told us about his family and how they lived through the holocaust.
This source is primary because it is and actual personal account.
Blaichman, Frank. Ask a Partisan: Living and Surviving. Interview. Jewish
Partisan Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov.
We used this information to use their point of view of what Frank went through and how
he survived. It helped us understand what life was like through his eyes. It is a primary source
because Frank was there and he is telling the story about his life. This source is primary because
it is a interview.
Blaichman, Frank. Ask a Partisan: Other. Interview. Jewish Partisan Educational
Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
We used the website to gain several answers from the survivors in the Bielski Partisan
group. Frank talked about how to survive when their group was in the woods. This source is a
primary source because it is a personal account.
Blaichman, Frank. Ask a Partisan: Reflection. Interview. Jewish Partisan
Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
We used this website to gain information about what the holocaust was like from the eyes
of a Jew. It helped us understand how and where they survived in the little camps they made by
hand. It is a primary source because he was the one who was there and not the people who are
writing stories about this event. This source is primary because it was a interview of Frank

Blaichman, Frank. Ask a Partisan: Warfare. Interview. Jewish Partisan

Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
We used this information to gain a better understanding of how the partisan group fought
and how they received their weapons. It told us a way that the group received hidden weapons at
a farm nearby. This source is primary because it is a personal account.
Herz, Y.S. Description of the Riot in Dinslaken. Description of the Riot in
Dinslaken. The Holocaust. Web. 14 Dec. 2014.
We used this website to gain diary entries from Holocaust survivors and how they
survived and got away from the Nazis. Y.S. Herz talked about the riots that were taking place and
how the Nazis destroyed all their property. The is a primary source because it was during that
time period.
Hudson, Edward. "Tuvia Bielsky, Who Fought Nazi in Byelorussia, Is Dead." New
York Times 13 June 1987: Print.
We used this source on our Tuvia Bielski page. This is a very important page because it
told Tuvias life story. This is a primary source because it is a newspaper which was from the
same time period of World War II.
Idas, Leon. Ask a Partisan: Living and Surviving. Interview. Jewish Partisan
Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
We used this source to get a good look at how they lived through these horrible times. It
helped us understand how they survived the holocaust the way they did. It is primary because
Leon was there and telling about his life in the camps. This source is primary because it told how
they liked during the holocaust.
Kaplan, C.A. Escape of Jews From Poland to the Soviet Union at the Beginning of
the War. Escape of Jews From Poland to the Soviet Union at the Beginning of the War. The
Holocaust. Web. 14 Dec. 2014.
We used this source to see how the Jews got out of Germany and how they got into
hiding. C.A. Kaplan talked about all the ghettos and secret places where the Jews could hide to
get away from the violent Nazis. This source is a primary because it was from the same time

Life of Jewish Partisans and Jewish Family Camps in the Forest, From a Diary by
a Jewish Partisan, 1942-1943. Life of Jewish Partisans and Jewish Family Camps in the
Forest, From a Diary by a Jewish Partisan, 1942-1943. The Holocaust. Web. 14 Dec. 2014.

We used this source to learn what life was like in the Jewish camps in the forests. A
jewish partisan talked about how the Jews needed to work together to overcome the Nazis. This
source is a primary because it is a diary from a partisan in the forest.
Marx, Walter. Ask a Partisan: Escape. Interview. Jewish Partisan Educational
Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
We used this information from this site to better our understanding of how people in the
partisans escaped through the woods and live through all of their hardships. This source is a
primary because it is a interview from someone from that time period.
Marx, Walter. Ask a Partisan: Living and Surviving Interview. Jewish Partisan
Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
We used this source to understand how they found food, shelter, etc. It helped understand
how they lived and survived. It is primary because Walter was there struggling to survive. This
source is a primary because it is a personal account.
Marx, Walter. Ask a Partisan: Other. Interview. Jewish Partisan Educational
Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
We used this source to gain knowledge on what the Jewish partisan group did in certain
situations. Walter Marx talked about how they didnt have much weapons at the start of the
partisan group, but later on got weapons from ambushing Nazis. This source is a primary because
it is a interview from that time.
Marx, Walter. Ask a Partisan: Reflection. Interview. Jewish Partisan Educational
Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
We used this source to get more information about how they felt after they were safe
from the holocaust. It helped us understand they ambushed trains, sabotage the Nazis, and how
they did things to survive. It is primary because he is an actual partisan who was there when it
happened. This source is a primary because it is a personal reflection.
Marx, Walter. Ask a Partisan: Warfare. Interview. Jewish Partisan Educational
Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This source gave us a general idea of how they fought and what their tactics were when
they started fighting. Walter told us about how people in the partisan group lived through all of
the struggles they went through. This is a primary because it is a personal account.

Mini Bio: Frank Blaichman. Mini Bio: Frank Blaichman. Jewish Partisan
Educational Foundation. Web. 26 Nov. 2014.
We used this mini biography to explain how Frank lived in the woods along with other
Jews and how they worked together. Frank put us in his shoes of the struggles that he faced
during his life. This is a primary source because it had a quote.
Mini Bio: Mira Shelub. Mini Bio: Mira Shelub. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.
This short biography gave us a multitude of information of how Mira lived through the
holocaust and gave us an on-hand experience of how it impacted her life. This source is a
primary source because there was a quote that Mira Shelub said.
Mini Bio: Sonia Orbuch. Mini Bio: Sonia Orbuch. Web. 26 Nov. 2014.
This mini-biography gave us information about Sonia Orbuch and what she thought about
being in the Bielski Partisan group. This helps our readers understand what Sonia went through
during the Holocaust. This is a primary source because it gave a personal account of her life.
Musmond, Bernard. Ask a Partisan: Living and Surviving." Interview. Jewish
Partisan Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov.
This source gave us an understanding about how different camps were different from the
other camps in terms of surviving. It helped us understand how they survived in their unique
ways. It is a primary resource because it was in the eyes of an actual partisan.
Musmond, Bernard. Ask a Partisan: Reflection. Interview. Jewish Partisan
Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This source gave an idea of how they were reflecting on the painful times of their lives. It
helped us understand how they felt after this catastrophe. It is primary because this person was
there when this all happened.

Orbuch, Sonia. Ask a Partisan: Living and Surviving. Interview. Jewish Partisan
Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This source tells us about one of the only women in the camps and how she survived. It
helped us understand what the women in the camps did. This is primary because she was there
when it happened.
Orbuch, Sonia. Ask a Partisan: Other. Interview. Jewish Partisan Educational
Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.

We used this source to figure out how the camps operated and the roles throughout the
camp. Sonia talked about what a normal day looked like inside the camp. This is a primary
because it is an interview.
Orbuch, Sonia. Ask a Partisan: Warfare. Interview. Jewish Partisan Educational
Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
Sonia Orbuch told us about women in the fighting force. She said that it wasn't just men
who were fighting for their freedom. This source is primary because it is a personal account
about Sonias
Pearl Harbor Speech: FDR. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Discovery Channel Web. 30
Jan. 2015.
We used this video to remind us about what the USA's reaction to the bombing of Pearl
Harbor. It is primary because it is a speech given during the time of the event.
Shelub, Mira. Ask a Partisan: Escape. Interview. Jewish Partisan Educational
Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This source told us about how Mira and her family escaped through the woods to get out
of the ghettos. This is when they met up with the other members in the partisan group. This is a
primary source because it is a interview with Mira Shelub.
Shelub, Mira. Ask a Partisan: Living and Surviving. Interview. Jewish Partisan
Educational Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This source helped us understand what the women did in the camps where everyone hid
from the Nazis. It helped us understand how the women fought with the men. It is primary
because she was there when this happened.

Shelub, Mira. Ask a Partisan: Other. Interview. Jewish Partisan Educational

Foundation. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This source talked about how the partisan group was successful by ambushing Nazi
groups. Mira also talked about how it was sometimes hard to listen to the orders and do their
jobs, but they eventually learned that to succeed, they needed to listen to their leaders. This is a
primary source because it is a personal account about Mira Shelubs life.
Thomas, Robert McG., Jr. Alexander Z. Bielski, 83, Guerrilla Fighter Who
Harried Nazis and Saved Jews, Is Dead. Editorial. 23 Aug. 1995: Print.

This source gave us information on Alexanders life during the war and after the war. It
talked about Guerrilla Warfare tactics and what his job was after the war. This is a primary
because it is a newspaper from this time period.
Unger, Michal. From the Diary of Yarden (Member of the Ha-shomer HaTsair in
Lodz) on the German Occupation of Poland." From the Diary of Yarden (Member of the
Ha-shomer Ha- Tsair in Lodz) on the German Occupation of Poland. Yad Vashem. Web. 6
Jan. 2015.
This site gave us a diary entry from Michal Unger from the Holocaust. He talked about
his partisan group and what they did to survive. This is a primary source because it is a diary
entry from Michal Unger.
We Shall Fight on the Beaches. Winston Churchill. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.
We used this video on our Homepage under the Connection to Theme paragraph. It is
primary because the speech was told during WWII.

Secondary Sources
Adolf Hitler Biography. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.
This source gave us information on Adolf Hitler who was the dictator of Germany. It
talked about his early life and how he was involved in World War I. It is secondary because it is
written by someone who was not there and it was after it happened.
Anne Carrie. Tuvia Bielski. 17 Mar. 2007. Web, 12 Nov. 2014.
This source told us about Tuvia and how he was able to be drafted into the polish army. It
told us about how after just six months he was already training soldiers. This source is secondary
because she was not there when this happened.

Attack on Pearl Harbor. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

United States Holocaust Memorial Council. Web. 14 Dec. 2014.
This source talked about Pearl Harbor and how the Japanese planned their attack. The
U.S. was taken completely by surprise and the Japanese destroyed most of the ships at the harbor
along with planes and barracks. This source is secondary because it was written after the
Bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Bielski Brothers were Heroes, says survivor. Web. 7 Nov. 2014.
This site helped us understand how people felt after Aron Bielski kidnapped a lady and
took her to Poland. This is secondary because it was written after it happened.
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A&E Television Networks.
Web. 14 Dec. 2014.
We used this source to talk about the uranium atomic bomb Little Boy and the
plutonium atomic bomb Fat Man. These bombs killed hundreds of thousands of people and the
radiation after the impact killed many more. After the bombs were dropped, the Japanese was
forced to surrender. It is secondary because it was written after it happened.
Concentration Camps, 19331939. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 20 June 2014. Web. 13 Dec. 2014.
We used this source to talk about what concentration camps were and how they were used
in WWII. We also got a little information on Hitler and how he hated the jewish population. It is
secondary because it was written after it happened.
Harrington, Michael. Alexander Ziesel Zus Bielski. 15 June
2009. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.
We used this source to get a biography of Zus Bielskis life and how he lived during the
Holocaust with his 3 other brothers. Zus talked about the struggles he faced, the hard times in his
life, and the celebrations that took place. It is secondary because it is a biography written after he
Harrington, Michael. Asael Bielski. 15 June 2009. Web. 12 Nov.
This source gave information on Asael Bielski who was the leader of the Bielski Partisan
Group. It talked about how he grew up with his family but later had to leave because the Nazis
killed his mother and father. He fought to get revenge and so he created the Bielski Partisans
which helped people escape the grip of the Nazis. It is secondary because it was written after he

Holocaust Resistance: The Bielski Brothers and the Otraid Web. 30 Oct. 2014.
We used this source to explain who the Bielski Brothers were and who was in the group.
The partisan group saved thousands of Jews from the threat which was the Nazis. This source is
secondary because it was written after the Holocaust happened.
Invasion of Poland, Fall 1939. United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 20 June 2014. Web. 14 Dec. 2014.
We used this source to talk about the Invasion of Poland in 1939. Nazi Germany was
eager to gain as much land as they could in little time as possible. This source is secondary
because it was made after WWII was over.
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation-Resources: The Bielski Partisans and
Defiance. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
This site helped us find more information about most of the partisans that were in the
camps in Europe during WWII. It helped us understand how many partisans there actually were
during WWII. It is secondary because because it was written after this happened.
Jewish Partisans of Belarus during WWII. balariusguide. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
This source gave us information about how the Bielski Brothers saved lots of people and
how they were referred to as The Forest Jews. This source is secondary because it was made
after this event happened.

Mini Bio: Tuvia Bielski. Mini Bio: Tuvia Bielski. Web. 26 Nov. 2014.
This source helped us know what Tuvias life was like. We used this information on our
Tuvia Bielski page under The Brothers page. This source is secondary because it is a biography
written after he died.
Nazi Camps. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust
Memorial Council, 20 June 2014. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
This source gave us information on what Nazi Germany did to the Jewish population and
how they killed them. It also gave us statistics on how many Jews were killed everyday. This
source is secondary because this was made after the camps were destroyed.
Reiniger Franziska. Solidarity in the Forest - The Bielski Brothers. Web. 3 Nov. 2014.

This source talked about the different partisan groups throughout the forests and how they
worked together to escape the Nazis. It is secondary because it was written after the Bielskis
camp was disbanded.
Reiniger Franziska. The International School for Holocaust Studies. Web. 3 Nov. 2014.
This source gave us information on what the Holocaust was and how it affected the
population everywhere around the world. This source is secondary because it was made after the
Holocaust happened.
Rise of the Nazis and Beginning of Persecution. Web. 6 Jan. 2015.
This source gave us a brief idea of what Nazi Germany did to rise to power. The
information that we obtained from this source we used on our Historical Context page. This is a
secondary source because the author of this website was not at the time of this happening.
Rescue. Web. 6 Jan. 2015.
This source said how Jews rescued other Jews by giving them a home and food to stay
alive. The website said how others Jews stood up for what they believed in. This is a secondary
source because the author was not at this account personally.

The Holocaust and World War II: Timeline. United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 20 June 2014. Web. 3 Dec.
We used this timeline to show all of the events that occurred from the start to the end of
the Holocaust. The timeline also talked about events preceding the Holocaust. This is secondary
because this timeline was made after WWII happened.
The Holocaust. Web. 7 Nov. 2014.
We used this information to better our understanding of what the Bielski Brothers were
planning to do when they got in their camp. This source is secondary because it was made after
the Holocaust happened.
The Story behind the Viral BBC Video of Auschwitz That Was Shot with a Drone.
Washington Post. The Washington Post. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.
We used this video to show people what Auschwitz looked like. This source is secondary
because it was made 70 after the liberation of Auschwitz.
Tuvia Bielski: Rescue is Resistance. Jewish partisans. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.

This information card gave us information about the Bielski family. It told what the
brothers did when they were kids. This is secondary because it was made after Tuvia died.
Wexler, Martha. Jewish Brothers. Web. 3 Nov. 2014.
This source gave us information about how they survived in the woods and how they kept
hidden from Nazi Germany. It told how they got found food, water, and shelter. This source is
secondary because it was made after the Holocaust happened.

1500 Dead in Hawaii, Congress Votes War. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
We used this source on our historical significance page. It helped us know what happened
during the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Abba Kovner Partisans. Donning the Yellow Star. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.
This source gave us a photograph that we used on our Historical Significance Page. This
helps our readers better understand what the times were like during the holocaust.
All Three Brothers. Photobucket. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
We used the picture of the Bielski Brothers on our The Brothers page. This picture
helps our readers better understand what the three brothers looked like around the same time.
Asael Bielski. United States Holocaust Museum. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.
This source gave us a picture that we used on our Asael Bielski Page that is under our
The Brothers Page. This photo lets our readers know what Asael looks like so they can better
understand their knowledge of the Bielski Brothers.
Auschwitz-Birkenau. World Jewish Congress. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.

We used this picture on our Historical Context page on our timeline. This
Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial. Get Your Guide. Web. 3 Feb. 2015.
This source gave us a picture of the entrance to Auschwitz. This is under our dead page
titled Auschwitz. This help our readers understand what the prisoners of Auschwitz saw as they
were walking into this labor camp.
Auschwitz Gas Chamber. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This picture was used on a slideshow on our Home page. It shows the gas chamber at
Auschwitz. This helps our reader understand what the conditions were like when in Auschwitz.
Battle of Britain: R.A.F. on Offensive. Daily Sketch. Web. 23 Jan. 2015.
This source gave us a picture of the Battle of Britain newspaper. This shows what the
Battle of Britain was.
Battle of Britain. Royal Air Force. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
This picture is posted on our Battle of Britain dead page. This picture helps our reader
know that there wasn't only ground battles there were air battles as well.
Bielski Brothers. Holocaust Resistance: The Bielski Brothers and the Otriad. Web.
12 Jan. 2015.
This source gave us a photograph showing the Bielski Partisan group. This picture lets
our reader better understand how the partisan group operated.
Bielski Camp. The Bielski Otriad. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
This source gave us a picture of the Bielski Partisan map. This map lets our reader
understand what was in the partisan camp. The map of the camp lets our readers know what was
in the camp and how it operated.
Frank Blaichman. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 15 Jan. 2015.
The source the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation gave us a picture of Frank
Blaichman one of our interviewees on our website. This photo helps you picture how Frank
Blaichman lived through the Holocaust.
Germany Surrenders. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
We used this source on our Historical Significance Page. It is a picture of a newspaper
that they published the day after Germany finally surrendered.

Hitler Dead. 17 Newspaper Front Pages That Depict the Most Iconic Days in 20th
Century History. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
This picture showed us the date that Hitler committed suicide and the reactions of the
United States.
Jews Working. Holocaust Research Project. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
We used this picture on our Home page in a slideshow. This helped us know what the
Jews went through
Mira Shelub. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 15 Jan. 2015.
This picture went on the Mira Shelub Interview page. This picture helped us know what
she looked like.
Messerschmitt Me 262. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.
This picture went on our Battle of Britain page. This picture helped us to get to know
what the German Aircraft looked like.
Partisans in a Bunker. Partisan Resistance During WWII. Web. 15 Jan. 2015.
This picture went on the Interviews page. This picture helped us get a visual on what a
bunker looked liked on the inside.
Partisans Using a Machine Gun. Nazism and the Holocaust. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
This picture went on our Paperwork page. It helped us understand what they went through.
R.A.F. Battle of Britain. The Telegraph. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.
This picture went on our Battle of Britain page. This helped our readers to see what the
attack actually looked like.
Sonia Orbuch. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 12 Jan. 2015.
We used this photograph on our Sonia Orbuch page under the interviews tab. This help us
know what she looked like.
The Bielski Group. The Bielski Partisans. Web. 12 Jan. 2015.
We used this photograph on our The Brothers page. This helped our readers to understand
who the brothers were and what they looked like.
Tuvia Bielski. Web. 13 Jan. 2015

We used this picture on our The Brothers page on the link to his page, and the Tuvia
Bielski page. This helps our readers understand what they went through. When you look at the
picture you can definitely tell what he was thinking by the look on his page
Two Russian Sisters Find out about the Holocaust. Web. 30 Jan.
This picture was used on the slideshow on our Home page. It shows the gates of the work
camp Auschwitz.
USS Arizona. Pearl Harbor Raid, 7 December 1941 -- USS Arizona Burning on 7
December 1941. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
We used this picture on our Pearl Harbor page. This is a picture that helps our readers
know what some of the battleships looked like when the Japanese came through with their Kates
that blew battleship row to shreds.
Walter Marx. Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Web. 15 Jan. 2015
We used this photograph on our Interviews page on our Walter Marx page. This picture
helps our reader know what Walter Marx looked liked.
War Is On. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.
We used this photograph on our Historical Context page. This helped our readers
understand what was happening when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Zesial Bielski. Holocaust Resistance. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.
We used this picture on our Alexander Zesial Bielski page. This picture helps our reader
know what Zus looked like. This picture helps our readers visualize what the times were like.

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