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Questions Related to Overall Course Organization
1) The quality of course contents
2) The length and duration of course
3) Class room facilities
4) Availability of course related materials (books, slides etc.)
5) The instructor's overall teaching
Questions Related to Course Instructor
1) How well the course was planned (lecture break down)
2) How would you rate the instructor's knowledge and competency about the course material
3) The instructor was clear enough in explaining all the course concepts to the students
4) The instructor's communication skills
5) The instructor presented the course materials at a good pace(speed) keeping in mind the time limitations
6) How would you rate the quality of lecture notes prepared by the instructor
Questions related to Instructor's interaction with the students
1) How would you rate the instructor's overall behavior with the students in the class
2) The instructor was able to develope interest and motivate the students about the subject materials
3) The instructor was able to answer the questions of students
4) The instructor demonstrated concern about whether students were learning or not.
5) The instructor was available outside the class for student consultation
6) The grading of assignments/quizes was fair enough
7) The assignments and quizes were well designed?

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Feed Back


Very Poor

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