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You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this task.

You are a writer for an education bulletin. You have been asked to write a short article on tuition-culture
among students in schools. Your article should integrate all the information given below. You should write 150
200 words.

No. of Students: 1000

Our children need tuition!

We are both working parents. When our children come back from school, it
is best that they go for tuition classes. At least we know that they are safe
there and doing something beneficial. Besides that, their grades have
improved ever since they enrolled for tuition classes.
Concerned, Ipoh
Teachers and tuitions: Stop this practice!
Teachers should not be allowed to give private tuition at all. I have heard of tuition
teachers who just rush through everything on the blackboard and sit down to mark the
homework in the classrooms. Once school hours are over, they will go home and
become the most sought after dedicated tuition teachers. Besides, those who go for
tuition expect to be spoon-fed with notes all the time. Enrolling a child for tuition classes
costs a lot of money too.
Unhappy, Kuala Lumpur

You are advised to spend 40 minutes on this section.
You are a junior reporter for a consumer magazine. You have been asked to write a short article on the online
shopping trend among Malaysian. Your article should integrate all the information given below. You should
write between 150 200 words.
Malaysian spent RM 1.8 billion shopping via the internet in 2010, and this figure is expected to almost triple
in 3 years.

Figure1: Online shoppers according toage

(Millions in Ringgit Malaysia)
51 and above
46 - 50
41 -45
36 - 40
31 - 35
26 - 30
21 and below
21 - 25

Local websites
: RM 852
Overseas websites: RM 527
2: Locality of shopping
: RM 371

websites for 2010

RM 435 m
RM 329 m
RM 255 m
RM 218 m
RM 205 m
RM 181 m
RM 68 m

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