Mathematics Y7 Brief and Assessment Sheet

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ICT Across the Curriculum

Student Brief and Assessment Sheet

Mathematics Y7

The Brief –
What I am going to attempt to do:

Use real data to carry out an investigation

and present it to an audience.

I will:
1. Make an hypothesis about the link between body
height and shoe size.
2. Measure, record and collate the heights and shoe
sizes of my classmates.
3. I will analyse the data using ICT and use the
results to test the hypothesis.
4. Decide upon the most appropriate types of
graphs to present the data.
5. Explain my choice of presentation and present a
report describing my planning and work.
6. Consider and explain what I would do to improve
my work next time around.
ICT Across the Curriculum
Student Brief and Assessment Sheet

The Assessment –
How my work will be graded.

ICT Level What was achieved.

3 • I collected the heights and shoe sizes of at

least 12 of my class mates and recorded it
on paper.
• I inputted the results into a spreadsheet
using Microsoft Excel
• I created at least one graph with this data in
Microsoft Excel
4 • I thought up an hypothesis to investigate.
• I used Microsoft Excel to create a frequency
• I drew a simple line graph using Microsoft
5 • I presented the frequency diagram with an
explanation of what it shows.
• I wrote a report about my work explaining
each process and what I did.
• I explained why I used each particular ICT
application and technique.
6 • I combined my data, graphs, analysis and
report into a presentation or document.
• I wrote about the things I would do
differently next time to improve the project.

How Enterprising was I?

ICT Across the Curriculum
Student Brief and Assessment Sheet

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