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Reported speech “I never eat meat”, he explained. “Idon't eat meat” he explained. + Present continuous: “1'm waiting for Ann” he said. “fm not waiting for Carol”, he said. © Future: “will/shall be in Paris on Monday", she said. “Lwon't be in Paris en Sunday", she said. + Future with BE going to: “I'm going to go to the cinema”, he told me. “i'm not going to go to the park", he told me. + Modals verb CAN / MUST They said, "We can do it” They said, “We can't visit you later”. “I rmust study every day’, she explained. “You mustn't park here” she sai = Past Simple: He explained that he never ate meat. He explained that he didn’t eat meat = Past continuous; He said (that) he was waiting for Ann. He said (that) he wasn’t waiting for Carol = Conditional: She said she would be in Paris on Monday. She said she wouldn't be in Paris in Sunday. = Future with WAS/WERE going to: He told me he was going to go to the cinema. He told me he wasn't going to go to the park. = couLp/ Hap: They said they could do They said they couldn’t visit us later. She explained that she had to study every day. She said that | didn’t have to park there, b) TIME EXPRESSIONS AND PLACE EXPRESSIONS Direct speech [Reported speech Now Then Today That doy Tonight That night Tomorrow ‘The next/ following day Next week, month ‘The next/ folowing week, month This That These Those Here There REMEMBER ® Say + (that) + clause Tell + someone + (that) + clause bees eee 2.Fillin the gaps with said or told. 1.She that she was tired. 2He me that he was bored, 3 her that it was important. Jack me you were il ~ He said that his parents were working. - He told me that his parents were working. atau S.She she didn't like Peter. 6.Lucy she would be late, 7.He he was a reporter. 8She them she didn't know their names. L.Turn these statements into reported speech. wane 1."'We like your attitude this year”, the teachers told me. The teachers tald me that, 2.""We don’t want to watch TV in our bedroom”, the children told me, The children told me that, 3."I'm getting bored of reading this book”, he He said that 4."We are taking an exam tomorrow”, they explained, They explained that 5."This place is absolutely gorgeous’, Samantha said. Samantha said that 6."The weather will be better next week", the weatherman explained. The weatherman explained that, 7."Mdy dad can't take me to school today Charles told me that |, Charles told me. 8."You must tidy your bedroom before going out with your friends”, my mother told me. My mother told me that. 9."I'm studying French now", she explained She explained that 10. “We are going to the disco with our friends tonight”, the girls said The girls said that 14, “This is my favourite film”, Susan told me, Susan told me, 12. “Idon't know your address", Peter tald Carol. Peter told Carol that 13. “You mustn't eat so much sugar”, the doctor told Ann, ‘The docter told Ann 14. “Iwon’t phone you tonight”, Betty explained Carl. Betty told Carl 15. “We aren't going to go to the beach this summer”, they s They said REPORTED SPEECH: “are youa student”, he asked. He asked if/whether I was a student. “De youlive with your parents?" he asked me. | He asked me if/whether | lived with my parents “Are youstudying in Moral?" she asked. She wanted to know #fwhether Iwas ving ie Morat “will you study abroad?", she asked. She asked if/whether | would study abroad, ‘are you going to stay out late today?”, he asked. | He wondered i/whether! was going to stay out late that night. "Can you drive?”, she asted. She wanted to know if/whether | could drive REPORTED SPEECH: “When s your birthday?”, she asked me, She asked me whem my birthday was, “How often do you bruth your teeth”, he ached, | He acked how oftem | brushed my teeth “Wihat time are you seeing the doctor”, she asked. | She wantedto know what time Iwas seeing the octor. “What will you donextweekend?”.heasked. _| She wondered what | would do the next weekend, “Where are you going to go today?", she asked, _| She asked wherel was going to go that day “Wiho can play the guitar in this class2, he asted us, | He asked us who could play the guitar in that clas. 2, Turn these questions into reported speech. 1. “Are you usually at home in the afternoon?” / She asked me .. 2. “Where are you going to spend your holiday this summer, Sue?" Mary asked Sue .... 3. “How long ist from London to Cambridge?” Tam asked me 4, “Is Sue coming to the library with you, Paul?" / Tina asked Paul. 5. “Do the children play football in the park every day?” Grandma wanted to know. 6. “How much does the ticket for the concert cost?” Le eerie 7. “Can you help me with the housework tomorrow, Linda?” He asked Linda . 8. “What time does the new TV series begin tonight?” Terry asked 9. “Are you going to buy a new computer next manth, Lewis?” | wanted to know ...... 10. “When is Tim celebrating his birthday? / Sarah asked me 11. "Will you phone me as soon as you arrive in Oxford, Carol?” Cindy asked Carol 12. "How often do you play chess with your brother, alice?” Sam wanted to know .. 13. “Are you revising for tomorrow's exam?"/ The teacher asked the students... DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH Eat your food Rachel's mother ordared her TO EATher food. Don't speak with your partner. | The teacher told us NOT TO SPEAK with our partners. Turn these requests and commands into reported speech. [The doctor told M€..emm 2.“Dan’tfish inthis river”. / The farmer told the children. 3. “Take this parcel to my office”. / The boss ordered SUSAN «ono 4. “Stay away from me" J Peter told his sister. enemies 5.“Call_ me inthe morning” —_/ Bob asked Sue. 6. “Don't shout at me” #She told him.. 7. “Be careful crossing the road. / He told his daughter... 8. “Dan’'t run in the corridors". / The teacher told the students. 9. "Dance with me” / Philip told Rose...... 10. “Show me your driving licence” _/ The policeman asked the driver. ...nn 11. "Come to my party tomorrow". —_/ My friend asked me. 12. "Make your beds and have breakfast quickly”. Anne asked her children, 13. “Don't speak to your mother like this” Tom's father ordered him... 14, “Bring your literature books tomorrow”. ‘The teacher asked the students. 15. “Don't bathe when the red flags flying”. ‘The lifeguard ordered us. Exercise on Reported Speech Questions - Exercise 1 o: 09 ‘Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses. 1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked. = She asked 2. "How are you?" Martin asked us. = Martin asked us ‘3. He asked, "Do! nave to do it?" He asked 4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. = The mother asked her daughter 5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend = She asked her boyfriend 6. "What are they doing?" she asked = She wanted to know 7. "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me. — He wanted to know 8. The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?” = The teacher wanted to know 9. "How co you know that?" she asked me. = She asked me 40. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me. — My rien askeo me Questions - Exercise 2 ‘Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses. 00 4. "What's the time?" he asked He wanted to know 2. "When will we meet again?" she asked me. = She asked me 3. "Are you crazy?" she asked him. = She asked him 4. "Where did they live?" he asked. He wanted to know 5. "Mill you be at the party?" he asked her. He asked her 6. "Can you meet me at the station?" she asked me. = sne asked me 7. "Who knows the answer?" the teacher asked. = The teacher wanted to know 8. "Why don't you help me?" she asked him. = She wantes to know 9. "Did you see that car?" he asked me. He asked me 410. "Have you tidied up your room?" the mother asked the twins. — The mother asked the twins Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences. 1. "Stop talking, Joe.” the teacher said — The teacher told Joe 2. "Be patient,” she said to him. = She told him 3. "Go to your room," her father said to her. Her father told her 4. "Hurry up," she said to us. — She told us. 5. "Give me the key," he told her. He asked her " she said 6. "Play it again, Sar = She asked Sam 7. "Sit down, Caron” ne said. He asked Caron 8. "Fil in the form, Sir." the receptionist said = The receptionist asked the guest 9. "Take off your shoes." she told us. = She told us 10. "Mind your own business,” she told nim. = She told him 10. 10. ‘Don't touch it,” she said to him. = She told nim "Don't do that again,” ne sald to me. = He told me "Don't talk to me like that," he said = He told her "Don't repair the computer yourself," she wamed him. = She warned him "Don't let him in," she said — She told me "Don't go out without me," he begged her. — He begged her "Don't forget your bag," she told me. = She told me "Don't eat in the lab,” the chemistry teacher said = The chemistry teacher told his students "Don't give yourself up,” he advised her. = He advised her "Don't hurt yourselves. boys." she said = She told the boys ‘She said, "Go upstairs.” = She told me "Close the door behind you He told me "he told me. "Don't be late." he advised us. He advised us "Stop staring at me," she said = She told him "Don't be angry with me," he said — He asked her = She told me "Don't drink and drive,” = She warned us ‘John, stop smoking,” she said. — She told John "Don't worry about us." they said. = They told her ‘Meet me at the cinema." he said He asked me 10. He said, "I lke this song.” He said “Where Is your sister?” she asked me. = She asked me "I don't speak ttalian,” she said = She said "Say hello to Jim,” they said = They asked me “The film began at seven o'clock," ne said He said "Don't play on the grass, boys,” she said. = She told the boys "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him, = She asked him "| never make mistakes," he said — He said "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know. He wanted to know "Don't iry this at home," the stuntman told the audience. = The stuntman advised the audience

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