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* COLE6IO NOSSA SENHORA DA ASSUNGAO ENGLISH WRITTEN EVALUATION - 10th Form wt I Read the following text very carefully: ROBOTICS Tf you think robots are mainly the stuff of space movies, ‘think again. Right now, all over the world, robots are on the move. They are painting cars at Ford plants, assembling Milano cookies for Pepperidge Farms, walking into live volcanoes, driving trains in Paris, and defusing bombs in Northern Ireland. As they grow tougher, nimbler, and smarter, today's robots are doing more and more things human's can't - or don't want to - do. Robots have been around for less than 50 years, but the idea of inanimate creations that obey us is much older. The ancient Greek poet Homer described maidens of gold, mechanical helpers built by Hephaistos, the Greek god of metalsmiths. In 1495, Leonardo da Vinci drew plans for a mechanical man. But real robots wouldn't become possible until the 1960s, with the invention of transistors and integrated circuits. Compact, reliable electronics and a growing computer industry added brains to the strength of already existing machines. In 1959, researchers demonstrated the possibility of robotic manufacturing when they unveiled a computer-controlled milling machine that made ashtrays. What is a robot? - There's no precise definition, but by general agreement a robot is a programmable machine that imitates the actions or appearance of an intelligent creature. The word robot comes from the Czech word robota, meaning drudgery or slave-like labour, It was first used to describe fabricated workers in a fictional 1920s play by Czech author Karel Capek called Rossum'’s Universal Robots. In the story, a scientist invents robots to help people by performing simple, repetitive tasks. However, once the robots are used to fight wars, they turn on their human owners and take over the world. hup:// htm Reading Comprehension Aj Find evidence in the text for the following: X. Today, robots are used for various purposes. Z People thought of programmable machines many year's ago. /. The idea of creating mechanical helpers dates back to the Greeks. 4/ Robots were first built in the 20th century. B. Give complete answers to the following questions: ee Why are today’s robots doing more and more things humans used to do? (7(People thought of inventing inanimate creations many years ago. Why were robots first builtin ‘the 20th century? SX How important is 1959 to the history of robotics? of You have seen Spielberg's Artificial Intelligence. In your opinion what are the advantages and ‘the disadvantages of having a robot such as David? A Vocabulary ‘Match the words on the left with their equivalents on the right: Q 1) on the move; aYputting together: b 2) assembling; [pi people who make metal utensils, ornaments. 4 3) maidens: pskmoving: : )metalsmiths; A designed: 5) drew plans: _gairls or unmarried women; 6) reliable; Princreasing: fi growing; gYrrachine for processing materials of a certain kind: 4/8) miling machine; J consistently good in quality or performance, and so deserving trust: Joe questions for the following answers: ie Cerf was the father of the net. fie first robots were created in the 1960s. oe word robot comes from the Czech word robota. II. Grammar A. Complete the text filling the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (The Internet technology, sat (create) in 1973 by Vinton Cerf, (be) ~ Sart of a project (head) by Robert Kahn and (conduct) by the + Advanced Research Projects Agency. , Z Current projections (indicate) that more than 100 million computers will be connected by the years 2005 Xx How much money lid yu Wi>n (you/win) in the 1960s? y Recently scientists ke abe fess A (find) that robots can be improved in new ways. 1. Vinton Cerf should be (be) on the wall of fame. - Tf you had bought a computer two months ago, it wld banc wt (cost) less than now. ft In recent years the pace of change (bring about) new technologies which (have) a significant effect on the way people live. B. Rephrase the following sentences starting with the given element: vif» a She doesn’t make friends. She is shy. If A. somebody locked the schoo! gates at 7 o'clock yesterday. The school gates . T have no free time. I don't go out with my friends. 0 J Careless driving causes many accidents ‘Many Ba New robonauts are improving communication. Communication HAVE A NICE WORKIN YOUR ENGLISH TEACHER Clinda Moreira

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