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Rotaract District 7030 Newsletter

February 2015 Edition


District Rotaract Representative Message
Rotary International Focus
Get To KnowYour District Club Presidents
Get To KnowYour District Team
Club Stories
I. Rotaract Club of Arima
II. Rotaract Club of Barbados West
III. Rotaract Club of F.R.E.S.H.
IV. Rotaract Club of Genesis
V. Rotaract Club of Lamentin
VI. Rotaract Club of Point--Pitre
VII. Rotaract Club of Piarco (U.W.I.)
VIII. Rotaract Club of South Barbados
IX. Rotaract Club of St. Lucia
X. Rotaract Club of University of Guyana

International Focus
I. RYLA North America Conference 2015
II. 2015 Rotary International Convention

Rotaract District Conference 2015

Charter Anniversaries


Its February and we are one month closer to meeting at our Annual
Rotaract District 7030 Conference. Most of you would have attempted
to meet the January 31st payment deadline to ensure you do not incur
any late fees; however not everyone was so fortunate. This should not
deter Rotaractors from participating in this important event. The
Rotaract Clubs of Barbados are hard at work preparing an
unforgettable experience for us in the beautiful island paradise.
Last month I was fortunate to visit the island of Montserrat for the first
time and meet with the Rotaractors there. Not only was I able to meet
and fellowship with them, but also be taken on an informative tour of
the island. Included in the tour was the area affected by the eruption of
the Soufrire Volcano in 1997. Over that weekend I also met with the
Rotaract Club of Antigua and was again given a tour of the island in
addition to meeting and fellowshipping with the club.

Visits were later held with the Rotaract Clubs of Mt. Hope and Arima and it was great to hear all the
excellent work these clubs have been doing. After the Carnival here in Trinidad and Tobago, I will
resume my visits with hopefully three more clubs this month. As always, I look forward to meeting
with these clubs.

During this time we are also receiving numerous notices of Rotaract Trips around the world. These
trips are an excellent opportunity to meet Rotaractors from around the world and participate in the
work being done by Rotary and Rotaract in host countries. Rotaract Trips are also an excellent
opportunity to learn about the culture and customs of the countries of other Rotaractors participating
in the trips. I therefore wish to encourage all Rotaractors to keep abreast of all the trips that are being
advertised through the Districts Facebook page. All new notifications of trips are posted on the
page, as well as other pertinent local, regional and international Rotary and Rotaract related
information, as well as other matters that affect us as young people and as an organisation.
As we continue our mandate during this short month, let us be reminded to Share the Experiences
we have enjoyed and Live Rotaract in everything we do. Have a wonderful February!
Yours in Rotaract,
Vanessa Boyce
District Rotaract Representative 2014-2015
Rotaract District 7030


World Understanding Month
Happy Rotary World Understanding Month Rotary leaders! The
Rotary Peace Centres are excited to celebrate all that Rotary does to
promote peace in the world.
We want your club or District to celebrate with Rotary Peace
Centres. Check out the list below for ways you can help promote
peace through Rotary:
1) Start recruiting candidates for the Rotary Peace Fellowship! What
better way to promote peace in the world than by finding the worlds
next peace leader. The application is now available on line. If your
district has never submitted a Rotary Peace Fellowship application,
let us remind you that the fellowship is completely funded by Rotary
and requires no District Designated Funds. Also districts are allowed to submit as many applications
as they deem qualified. See the tip box below for recruitment ideas.
2) Participate in a joint Rotary Peace Centres and Rotaract Twitter Chaton21 February. A Rotary
Peace Fellow Alum will be moderating a Twitter discussion about how to apply for the Rotary Peace
Fellowship and how Rotary and Rotaractors can get more involved. Learn more about the event here.
3) Submit Your Rotary Peace Moment to the Rotary Peace Centres Facebook Page. We want to know
what peace looks like for your Rotary club and district. Submit a picture, story or quote on the Rotary
Peace Centres Facebook page with your Rotary club and district identified. We will collect all the
pictures and stories in a photo album on Facebook and highlight one Rotary Peace Moment a week
for the month of February. One random entry will win a Rotary peace tie signed by President Tanaka!

If you have any questions please feel free to email at Thank you for all you
do in helping Rotary promote a more peaceful world.
The Rotary Peace Centres Department


Name:Shanda Alisa Carbon (President, Rotaract

Club of Roseau)
Age: 24 years old
Birthday:15th August
Hobbies/Interests:Volunteerism, Reading, Outdoor
Activities, Gaming
Degree programme/Occupation:Teacher

I joined Rotaract because

It offered an appealing avenue through which I could contribute to making changes in my country.

My fondest moment thus far in Rotaract

Was being pinned as my clubs President in 2014.

I believe that Rotaract is important because

It allows its members opportunities for individual growth especially in the areas of public speaking and
interpersonal skills. It also offers benefits for non-members in one way or another through the clubs
community service activities.

Name: Ajay R. Sinanan(President, Rotaract Club of Sangre

Grande Central)
Age:25 years old
Birthday:26th March
Hobbies/Interests:Travelling, Learning about different
cultures, Humanitarian work.
Degree programme/Occupation:Student- Bachelor of
Education (Primary)

I joined Rotaract because

Of my passion for giving back to society. I believe that I can make a difference and improve the overall
growth and development of youths. I also joined Rotaract to suffice my interests and enjoyment i.e.
travelling, forming networks, and learning about different cultures.

My fondest moment thus far in Rotaract was

When my club (The Rotaract Club of Sangre Grande Central) was accepted to host the first District 7030
Leadership Training.

I believe that Rotaract is important because

It helps persons in becoming well-rounded individuals. Rotaract fosters new imagery on all aspects life,
and produces young professionals ready to take on any task with pride.


Name:Gil Reynaud (District Translation Officer)

Age:30 years old
Nationality:French (Guadeloupe)
Hobbies/Interests:Surfing, music
Degree programme/Occupation:Business owner (Caribbean
bakery fast-food, IT)

I joined Rotaract because...

It was important to me to engage in favour of the community, when I went back from my business school
in Paris, I wanted to meet new friends who share similar interest.

My fondest moment thus far in Rotaract was

District conference in Tobago. A lot of fun with old friends, new friendship, but also at this conference we
significantly improved the District.

I believe that Rotaract is important because

With the collective skills and network of its members, it brings a better life to a various range of people
(youths, entrepreneurs, diseased people...)

Name:Rae-Ella Roberts (ADRR, Maraval and Piarco (U.W.I.))

Birthday:17th September
Hobbies/interest:Road trips, watching comedy movies and short
series, volleyball
Degree programme/Occupation: Business Development
Officer at UTT and a Part-time Business Consultant

I joined Rotaract because

I was invited to a meeting by a friend and enjoyed the vibes from the POS West Club. I have always
wanted to give of myself through community service and was so happy to meet a group of passionate
young professionals with qualities like myself be so dedicated to executing projects. I knew without a
doubt then that Rotaract was for me.

My fondest moment thus far in Rotaract was

A community service project held during a Tobago camp where we were put into teams and did a
treasure hunt type of activity, solving riddles to earn points and money to put together a hamper for a
family in need. It was a fun and innovative way of performing a community service project whilst
encouraging clean rivalry and team work!

I believe that Rotaract is important because

It works in an active way to improve the well-being of persons truly in need within communities and it
makes young professionals give meaning to the term service above self. It also develops people
professionally and builds lasting friendships throughout the district.



Rotaract Club of Arima lends support to Rotary Club of Arima in hosting its
36thAnnual Senior Citizens Christmas Luncheon!
In the interest of bringing some Yuletide cheer to the Senior
Citizens of Arima and environs, the Rotary Club of Arima hosts its
Annual Senior Citizens Christmas Luncheon at the Auditorium of
the Arima North Secondary School in early December. With this in
mind, the Rotaract Club of Arima provides able-bodied support
and assistance to its Sponsor Rotary Club on the day of the event.
Those in attendance would be served food and drinks and be
treated to live entertainment throughout the day. The guests also
partake in the distribution hampers and are treated to gift
This events 36th edition took place on Sunday 14th December 2014,
during which the sizeable contingent of Rotaractors helped in
terms of ushering, serving food and drinks, and distributing
hampers among the invited guests via a Mini Talent Show. The
Rotaract Club of Arima was able to provide eleven (11) hampers as
they were donated by Corporate Sponsors and Friends of the Club.

People have come to anticipate the involvement of the Rotaract Club of Arima in this annual event
especially through its Mini Talent Show and Hamper Distribution whereby Patrons came prepared to
compete for the Hampers!
Indeed, this event continues to benefit the Senior Citizens, the community at large, and strengthen the
bond between the Rotaract and Rotary Clubs of Arima.

District Rotaract Representative visits the Rotaract Club of Arima!

As part of her duties as District Rotaract Representative of RI Rotaract District 7030, Ms. Vanessa
Boyce paid a visit to some Clubs in Trinidad and Tobago on Saturday 24 th January 2015, one of them
being the Rotaract Club of Arima.
The DRR was able to meet with a number of the Clubs long-serving Members and was also
introduced to some its Prospective Members.
The following meeting was highly productive, whereby discussions were held concerning aspects of
the Clubs own operational structure, practices, culture, strengths and shortcomings; its relationships
with its various counterparts within the Rotary International family; and strategic planning for the
Club, the District and Rotaract, by extension. DRR Vanessa also provided updates with regard to the
RI District 7030 Manual of Procedure and the upcoming 29 th Annual RI Rotaract District 7030
Subsequently, everyone was able to fellowship in a relaxed atmosphere, while partaking in pizza and
other refreshments.
The Rotaract Club of Arima extends its gratitude towards DRR Vanessa for being able to fulfill her
commitment to its Membership and fellow Clubs in RI Rotaract District 7030!


Christmas Dinner and Pinning Ceremony
Tis the season to be jolly fa la lalala .. (you know the rest)! On December 6 th we held our very first
Christmas Dinner, which was the perfect setting for our Pinning Ceremony. Our President Rtr.
Shalisha Samuel welcomed and proudly pinned our new members. This was a momentous time for the
Rotaract Club of Barbados West. Our newly chartered club had reached a new milestone in its history
with this new membership induction. The team was steadily growing with more committed, dedicated
and hardworking young men and women who shared a common initiative. We also had the pleasure
of hosting the DRR Vanessa Boyce from Tobago who later spoke words of encouragement to our
members and guests. The evening was bittersweet as we bade farewell to our brother, Rotarian
MacNeal Lashley. Rtr Lashley has been a beacon to our club from its inception. This, however, did not
mar our celebrations. There was mingling, dining and laughter; at the end of it everyone had a
wonderful time.

Rotaract Club Of Barbados West And Carlton A1 Supermarkets

Promote Healthy Eating In Recognition Of World Diabetes Day
In recognition of World Diabetes Day, on Friday November 14 th, the Rotaract Club of Barbados West
donated vegetable hampers to the Charleston Senior Citizen Home in St. Stephens Hill, compliments
of Carlton A1 Supermarkets in Black Rock, St. Michael.
The Club sought to address the serious concerns of non-communicable diseases amongst the
Barbadian public by promoting awareness of diabetes and its harmful impact on the lives of
Barbadians. Throughout the week, the Club has promoted exercise and healthy eating habits in the
fight against diabetes on social media. The social media campaign encouraged individuals to donate
vegetables to those in need, whether living with diabetes or not, as limited finances hamper access to
vegetables which has been noted as a contributing factor to the onset of diabetes.
Director of Community Services Ms. Asha Pitt noted her decision to become a vegan, It is cheaper to
maintain an unhealthy diet than it is for a healthy diet. I had to look for inexpensive ways to maintain
this new lifestyle. Ms. Pitt emphasised that eating healthy pays off and reminded those present that
life is sweeter with less sugar, act today to change tomorrow.
The Rotaract Club of Barbados West is pleased to partner with Carlton A1 Supermarkets in this
community service initiative and will continue its relationship with the Charleston Senior Citizen


Rotaract club F.R.E.S.H. and the Regional Hospital Nickerie
organize Diabetes awareness project
Within the scope of World Diabetes Day on November 14, the Rotaract Club of F.R.E.S.H. together
with the the Regional Hospital Nickerie (Lachmipersad Mungra Streekziekenhuis) organized several
activities on Saturday November 15, 2014 in District Nickerie. The main reason why this event was
held in Nickerie, is the fact that the number of diabetes cases is increasing drastically in this district.
Early Saturday morning people could measure their blood sugar, blood pressure and BMI for free. An
important focus was to provide information about healthy lifestyle for diabetes care and prevention.
With this in mind there was also a mini-fair where various companies promoted their diabetic friendly

To encourage people to exercise more, a 5 km walk was also part of the project. Approximately 500
people participated and there were even people from Paramaribo (capital of Suriname) that took
part. Before the walk, there was a very fun warming up session. The participants were all wearing a
special t-shirt with the project theme written on it: Feti Diabetes Tide Gi Wan Gesontu Tamara
(meaning: fight diabetes today for a healthy tomorrow). Rotaract club of F.R.E.S.H. also donated blood
glucose meters to the hospital to support the hospitals diabetes care.


Genesis Jolly Holiday Party
On December 20th 2014 the Rotaract Club Genesis organized their annual Genesis Jolly Holiday Party.
The goals of this project were to have a nice dinner together while being thankful for everything we
have received this year. This was our last informal meeting so we celebrated Christmas together.
After a delicious dinner we had our Secret Santa exchange gifts to all the fellows.

Everyone was very happy with the gifts they received. We also told the story of the meaning of
Christmas in a very creative way. Everyone had to tell a piece of the story so the tale would be
complete. The president gave a speech where she indicated how we need each other to succeed in
everything we want to accomplish. Last but not least we had a karaoke where we sang Christmas
songs to get the Christmassy spirit. This was a successful project we closed the 2014 chapter lovely
with each other.

Secret Santa Project

Christmas time is the most wonderful time of the year so we choose the children of Frijdes Orphanage
to give them that warm feeling. On the 12th of December we had an early Christmas dinner together
with the kids from 5.00 pm - 21.00pm.
The children of the Orphanage had a wish list and the Secret Santa made sure that they received the
presents that they asked for. During the early Christmas dinner we watched a movie and had some
children games together.
The goals of this project were:

To have some quality time with the kids

To give them the feeling that every child would like to have with their family on Christmas

To try to fulfil their Christmas wishes as much as possible

We are pleased to say that all of these goals were achieved the project was a success.

Rotaract Club Genesis OwruJari (End of the year) Sale

On December 31st Rotaract Club of Genesis organized their last project of the year 2014.
Our end of the year sale is the clubs biggest project. It was held in front of Caribu, a downtown shop
in Paramaribo from 7.00a.m till 7.00p.m. We sold alcoholic and non- alcoholic drinks. The first hour
was reserved for organizing and set up of the sale including unpacking all our items and putting up a
tent. December is the most wonderful time of the year, so every year thousands of people come to
party in the City of Smiles. And to enjoy the pagaraestafette. For efficiency and pleasantness, the
participating members, honorary members, prospective members and guests at the sale were
divided into 3 working shifts. Our main goal was to raise money for our club fund.

Although the participation from the club was low, we managed to succeed in our goal.
This end of the year sale was a success.
We had a great time with each other. We also celebrated owrujari with each other.


A December rich in projects and selflessness
Operation 1000 gifts in collaboration
with the broadcasting group "Martinique
On the 5th, 6th & 7th December 2014, the
members of the Rotaract Club of Lamentin
organized a collection of gifts within the
partnership with the broadcasting group
Martinique 1re.
Rotaractors were mobilized for 3 days
without interruption, from the opening
until the closing of the supermarkets to collect the gifts.
This drive was designed to contribute to the Christmas trees of many associations and social
institutions of the island working for underprivileged children. A sustainable project for our club, an
adventure that has lasted 5 years and won a great hit with the public. Inhabitants from Martinique
demonstrate a real generosity and the Christmas magic in every heart.

Operation "1000 gifts" this year was again a success, and we collected more than 1,700 gifts to
Both Christmas Trees of Community Centres of the town of Ducos and the city of Fort-de-France, on
13 and 20 December 2014.
By the fruit of our labour for Operation "1000 gifts", the Rotaract Club of Lamentin could have realize
the Christmas Trees in the Community Centres of the town of Ducos and the city of Fort-de-France.
We have distributed 225 gifts to underprivileged children in the two municipalities, and placed
aspirations in their hearts.
These intense and emotional moments, reminds us that the cause defended by the Rotary family is a
great one, and that the projects of Rotary and Rotaract is needed in an increasingly difficult socioeconomic context.


JnsAn Sant - Conference on obesity
As part of its 3-year program Jns an Sant (Healthy Youth), aimed at supporting and counseiling
young people to fight against obesity, the Rotaract Club of Pointe--Pitre organized on January 12 th a
conference on obesity in Charles Coeffin high school (Baie-Mahault, Guadeloupe), partner institution
of our program.
The purpose of the conference was to continue our commitment to raise awareness among the youth
about the risks related to this disease.

Thus, Rotaractor Savana LAURENT dietetician- nutritionist, gave many tips to maintain a healthy and
balanced diet on a daily basis and prevent risks associated with obesity. At the end of the conference,
students were invited to exchange with professionals, taste dishes and local juices but also to take
part to the "Health Quiz", in relation to the topics of they were taught.

In addition, this project was also intended to communicate the next step of our project: the casting
that would take place the next saturday. This casting would enable us to recruit a youth who will
continue the Jnsan sant program...

Casting JnsAn Sant

Following the conference on obesity, which took place in
the Charles Coeffin High School in Baie-Mahault
Guadeloupe, the COACHING is the next step of Jns
an Sant project. It consist in a fitness and dietary
monitoring period of 6 months for selected youth. Thus
the Rotaract Club of Pointe--Pitre invited all young
students who wanted to take part to the program on
Saturday January 17th for the casting!
The Club gathered all participants from 9 am on in the office of Rotaractor Savana LAURENT who is
dietician nutritionist. The youth were accompanied by their relatives for support during this
morning.One by one, they went to the jury in order to present and convince each member of their

The jury was composed of: President Sabine KANCHAM, IPP Gil REYNAUD, CSD Bettina MARIAN, Rot
Savana LAURENT, the nurse and the social worker of the high school, a sports coach and Brother
Jimmy, a well-known and engaged TV presenter who sponsor for the program. In addition to them, as
the program is to be broadcast on local TV networks in the form of a real TV program; a cameraman
was present to capture all the interviews.
After the passage of all candidates, the jury has been so moved by their stories, presentations and
motivations, they decided to reward them by not recruiting young only ONE but TWO youth for the
rest of the program! The Rotaract Club of Pointe--Pitre is proud to announce that the coaching two
young people, to help them fight against their obesity, is now open.
To be continued...


Roles and Responsibilities 2.0 (Beyond the Rotaract Handbook)
If youve been in Rotaract long enough, you would have had the pleasure (or displeasure) of sitting
through at least one session on roles and responsibilities. Seeking to reenergize and to enrich the
approach to this important topic, the Rotaract Club of Piarco (U.W.I.) held its club training entitled
Roles and Responsibilities 2.0 (Beyond the Rotaract Handbook). The goal of this project was to
orientate new members and re-familiarize older members to the roles and responsibilities of
Rotaractors. The training did not only focus on elected positions at the club and District level, but
emphasized that each person should full-ticipate in Rotaract. Head ADDR Todd Denoon facilitated the
session and the Rota-Jeopardy helped us self-evaluate our knowledge and understanding of the roles
and responsibilities in our organization. The game was followed by a short presentation and
discussion, which helped to tie everything together.

At the end of the session, we were all left in a reflective mode as we prepare for club elections and
consider applying for the District Team 2015-2016. Special thanks to all those who attended the
session, including representatives of the Rotaract Clubs of Piarco (BATCE) and St. Augustine West.
We are grateful for the session which was used as a catalyst to stimulate us to be better servants to at
the club and District.


Students treated to Career Showcase
With an audience of over 150 students of the Queens College Secondary School, the Rotaract Club of
South Barbados (RCSB) recently hosted a Career Showcase aimed at exposing the schools third-form
students to non-traditional career paths.
The exercise, led by RCSB Professional Development Director, Ms. Kimberley Brathwaite, saw
students interacting with more than 10 small business owners and professionals from fields such as
aviation, broadcasting, culinary arts, mortuary, physical wellness and finance.
Opening presenter and Mistress of Ceremonies, Ms. Alex Jordan, encouraged students to peruse
careers they were passionate about rather than believing that the traditional professions of Law and
Medicine were the only avenues towards success.
She also encouraged the 13 14 year olds to think
beyond Barbados and to perfect skills and attributes
which came naturally to them.
One of the presenters, Vice-President of the
Barbados Veterinary Association, Dr. Michelle Bell
thought that the showcase provided a much
needed opportunity for students to have that oneon-one discussion with those in the various sectors.
This event is the clubs third professional
development activity lead by Ms. Brathwaite who
was very pleased with the level of involvement and
participation by the students. We (the club) believe
that the information provided will help to guide the
students in choosing the most appropriate subjects
in the future.

Feeding the Needy

On Sunday January 25, 2015, members of the Rotaract Club of South Barbados once again joined with
another organisation to service some of the less fortunate within the city of Bridgetown.
This weekly effort, which sees the preparation and serving of more than 100 vegetarian meals each
Sunday, began more than 25 years ago with the provision of meals for 30 - 35 homeless and vagrant
persons within the environs of the main city of Bridgetown.
This feeding exercise was the fifth Community Service activity carried out by the club and precedes
the clubs Annual Kite Flying Competition which is also led by the clubs Community Service
Committee and being held on April 6th, 2015.


Tree Planting
This project was a joint collaboration between the Rotary Club of St. Lucia and the Atlantic Rally for
Cruisers(ARC), with a goal of planting one thousand trees (1,000) of three varieties namely breadnut,
cinnamon and incense, in an effort to aid in reforestation.

Interactors and Rotaractors were present to assist Rotary and ARC members in digging holes and
planting trees. Everyone worked extremely hard to accomplish the task. Although not all the trees
were planted, we came close to the target by planting over 900 trees.


RCUG Christmas Dinner
It has become a customary after a year of hard work; Rotaractors, invited Rotarians, Prospective
Members, Guests and well-wishers have dinner before the Christmas holidays.
This was aimed at bringing together the persons highlighted above; and it affords the opportunity for
reflection on the year past and work accomplished, extend greetings for the Christmas Season and
New Year, and to have fellowship and fun with their Rotaract family before the Old Year comes to a

This years dinner saw fifteen (15) Rotaractors, one (1) Rotarian and nine (9) guests taking part in the
project. The venue was the famous Gravity Lounge Restaurant - known for its Classy milieu. This
project impacted the 25 participants positively by creating atmosphere of togetherness and family,
which RCUG prides itself as, thus, participants expressed love, joy and happiness in sharing each
others company. Buddies took the opportunity to interact and share special moments with each

RCUG Q2 Birthday Celebration

On Saturday, 24th January, RCUG used its first fellowship meeting of the New Year to celebrate the
birthdays of the members and guests that would have occurred in the last quarter. After some brief
reports from directors, Rotaractors and all prospective members and guests present gave their
attention to the birthday boys and girls. Some singing of the birthday song was involved as candles
were blown out and birthday cake was cut and cards, signed with the sentiments of the RCUG
Rotaractors, were given to the guests of honour for the night.

After a round of eating and drinking, we held a small fundraiser concert, host by Club Service.
Rotaractors offered small sums of cash in friendly challenges to other members. The challengee
could then choose to complete the challenge or offer a greater amount to avoid the task. This simple
system resulted in hilarity and a group of possibly embarrassing videos of RCUG members
performing to the best of their abilities and their dear friends unashamedly expressed their
amusement. Dancing singing and even cleaning the hall were a few of the tasks given.



Early Bird Registration ended on December 20 for the 2015 RYLA
www.rylanad7620.comThe RYLA North America Conference 2015
Board invites all Rotaractors and RYLArians from North America
and around the world to the 7th annual RYLA North America
Conference in Washington, DC, USA hosted by District
7620.Registration officially opened last month! Be the first to
register! We now have delegates registered from Colombia, Egypt,
France, Guinea, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey and United
States. RYLA North America Conference 2014 featured almost 300
delegates from over 51 different nations from around the world.
Will you join us for 2015?
RYLA North America Conference 2014 (hosted by District 7620)
July 21-26, 2015
George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
Conference packages starting at USD 400.00
Age of delegates
18 to 30 years old
Washington Reagan National Airport (DCA), Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) & Washington
Dulles International (IAD)
Registration Package
Conference package starting at USD 400.00 which includes five night stay, all conference meals
except Friday lunch & dinner, conference materials, admission to embassy receptions held every
night, special events, and entertainment.
Follow us on twitter at @ryla_na and on Facebook at RYLA North America Conference for all
conference updates. Join our newsletter. We hope to see you in the capital city of the United States of
America in July 2015!


RI President Gary C.K. Huang invites you to join him at the 2015 Rotary International Convention.
Read the presidents welcome.
The So Paulo convention is the perfect venue to experience Rotarys global impact and strengthen
your commitment to creating positive change.
Need more reasons to attend? You will:

Discover new ideas for service and find project partners at the booths in the House of
Hear from some of the worlds leading experts on topics such as water, polio, and social
Develop leadership skills and connect with others who share your hobbies, your profession,
or your humanitarian interests. Attend a special breakout session for incoming club
presidents and the President-elects Leadership Luncheon, where you can exchange ideas
with fellow leaders.
Enjoy the host events, designed to show you the best of So Paulo. Begin planning your Brazil
vacation now with our city guides, maps, and itineraries.
Learn about the 2016 convention in Seoul, Korea, and be able to register on-site.
Did your club sponsor a Youth Exchange student, scholar, or Group Study Exchange in Brazil?
Take this opportunity to reconnect.

Important Deadlines

15 December 2014: Early-registration discount ends

2 February 2015: Official housing deadline
31 March 2015: Preregistration discount ends
30 April 2015: Registration/ticket cancellation deadline
9 June 2015: Online registration ends; deadline for cancellations due to visa denial

For more information, visit


Building Integrating Motivating through Service

Meet Our Current Chairperson
Effective January 1,
2015, Alicia Simmons
accepted the post of
Chairperson. Alicia
is the Vice President
of the Rotaract Club of Barbados West.

Meet Our Current Co-Chairperson

Effective January 1, 2015, Tara
Collymore-Kirton accepted the post
of Conference Co-Chairperson. Tara
is the Immediate Past President of the
Rotaract Club of South Barbados.

Other changes in the committee

Jade Sandiford Director of Logistics

Accommodation & Extended Stay

The registration fee is inclusive of quad
occupancy and is based on single sex rooms.
As this may not be ideal for everyone, a
limited number of single and double rooms
are available at an extra cost and will be
given on a first come, first serve basis.
This first come, first serve basis means that to
secure your single or double rooms you will
need pay the following costs in FULL.
Double Occupancy - USD$ 100 or BD$ 200 per person
Single Occupancy - USD$375 or BD$750 per person

In addition, DiviSouthwinds has gracious offered us the reduced per night per person rates for pre
and post stay inclusive of breakfast only. The rates are as follows:
Quad Occupancy - USD$60 or BD$120 per person
Double Occupancy - USD$ 85 or BD$170 per person
Single Occupancy - USD$155 or BD$310 per person

Please note that the rates quoted above are in addition to and not included in the conference fees.
We will provide delegates with a list of places where they can seek alternative accommodation for
those Rotaractors who wish to not extend their stay at the hotel.

Car Rentals

Communication with Committee Members

Dwayne Pollard 231-8163

We would like to remind delegates that all

queries should be emailed to respective
Conference Committee Directors to ensure
that we can keep track of all your specific
ct-us/ . We will try to respond to your queries
in 72 hours. Delegates can also visit our
website for the most recent updates. (246) 253-7368

Theme Party
Many of you have requested information on the 2015
District Conference Theme Party. However, we have
decided to keep you in suspense a little longer. Heres
a clue, say tune for the next District Newsletter for more
clues and see if you can figure out this years theme party.

19th- Rotaract Club of Linden


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A Product of Rotaract District 7030

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