South Africa Apartheid Nyu

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= | a Universi! aaa eg seve ‘Student Senators Coigneit 5 University Committee on Student Life 4 Washington Place, Room 307-308 New York, N.Y. 10003 April Ll, 1935 RESOLUTION OF THE STUDENT SENATORS COUNCIL: Im recognition of the abhorr-it discriminatory practices of «pe government of South Africa, ind in cucognition of the nead ta New York University to afficnitively demonstrace its commitment go the principles of freedom and equality of opportunity in all aspects of our soctal, edonemic, culzital, political and acy lives, and in recognition a* he ancal inadequacies of the Sullivan Principles RESOLVED THAT: The Student Senators Council, on behalf of the students of wew York University, calls upon ‘he Presilent to express to the heacd of Trustees our deep concern regarding this University’s continued investments in organizations doing business with the country of South Africa and wr belieé that such investnents ace antithetical to the principl»s of freedom and equality of opportunity ugon which this tniversizy is founded: FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Student Senators Council, on behalé of the students of tow York University, calls upon the'Soacd of Trustees to Cause tie divestment of this University's investments in organizations doing business with the countcy of South Africa within a cies period which will protect th» financial integrity of the University and to affirmatively state its intention-to nove the University toward this goal. Adopted unaninously by the Student Senators Council at its April 11, 1985 meeting. STUDENTS AGAINST APARTHEID * U.S. Corporations prop up the racist regimes, comply with apartheid practices, and enrich themselves from the natural and’ human resources of the area. . * General Moters maintains separate facilities for its Black and white employees; Chrysler pays wages (8ldollers per month) which’are below. the official poverty line. * “In all, 360 U.S. Corporations have 1.5 billion dollers invested -in South Africa and enjay their highest returns of anywhere in the world. Blacks. in South Africa continue to live-in hunger and ‘poverty. IN SUPPORT OF OUR AFRICAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS WS DEMAND: NO U.S, AID TG VORSTER_AND SMITH! NO U.S; CORPORATE, MILITARY, OR COVERNNENT SUPPORT TO SOUTH AFRICA! END CAMPUS COMPLICITY WITH APARTHEID! FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS IN SOUTH AFRICA, ZIMBABWE, AND NAMIBIA! STOP THE MURDERS OF BLACKS! NO TO RACIS?!--BLACK MAJORITY RULE NOW! Thursday, Feb.3 4:30 Rm.811 Loeb JOIN THE -ANTI-APARTHEID - COALITION !

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