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Knitted Neck Scarves*

Flo Meit

*1 skein Freia Sport will make 2 scarves

Needle US #5, straight or circular and a couple of DPN
1 skein of Freia Sport

Always slip last stitch purlwise with yarn in front

Scarf #1

Cast on 3 stitches with the outside end of the yarn.

Row 1: K2, Slip last stitch purlwise with yarn in front
Row 2: K1, YO, K1, Sl1
Row 3: K1, YO, knit to last stitch, Sl1
Repeat row 3 until you have 24 stitches
Continue to knit across every row, still slipping last stitch until piece is 4 inches
Divide stitches in half on 2 DPN, slipping the 1st stitch on needle #1 and the second on
needle # 2, then again the 3rd stitch on #1 and 4th on #2 and so on. You should end up
with 12 stitches on needle #1 and 12 on #2.
Using only the needle where the yarn is attached start ribbing only those 12 stitches.
Start with 1K, 1P and repeat to the end except that the last stitch will be slipped.
Continue ribbing till piece measures 1 inches. Break yarn and place on hold. Reattach
yarn to second set of stitches and rib in the same manner for 1 inches.
Transfer all stitches onto 1 needle alternating between the ones that were on hold and
the ones just worked. You are essentially putting back the stitches in order on one
Continue on those 24 stitches, knitting every row and still slipping last stitch purlwise with
yarn in front until piece measures about 12 inches long. Place half of scarf on hold.
Make a second half exactly in the same manner but casting on with the inside of the
Join 2 halves with a 3 needle bind off.

Scarf #2

Proceed as for scarf #1 but do not stop at 12 inches keep knitting till piece measures
about 20 inches long. Proceed with the dividing of the stitches one more time and rib
both pieces separately. Replace all 24 stitches back onto one needle and continue
knitting for about 1 inches.
Start decreasing by doing the following:

K1, YO, K2tog, knit to 4 stitches before end, K2tog, K1, Sl1 with yarn in front.
Repeat this row till there are only 6 stitches left.
K1, YO, K3tog, K1, Sl1
K1, YO, K3tog, Sl1
K2tog, K2tog, Bind off.

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