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Classic Operating, Installation & Maintenance Manual Oil Fired Boilers G Boulter Document Ref PLSIO00 Issue 44. Leave this Manual with the User March 2003 HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION FOR THE INSTALLER AND SERVICE ENGINEER. Under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and the Health and Sataly at Work Act 1974, it is @ requirement to provide information cn substances hazardous to health (COSHH Regulations 1988). ‘The Company takes every reasonable care to ensure that these products are designed and constructed to meet these general safety reavrirementts, when properly used and instatied. To (ullil this requirement products are comprehensively tested and examined before despatch. ‘When working on the appliance itis tha Users/Engineers responsibility to ensure that any necessary personal protective clothing of equipment is worn appropriate to parts that could be considered as being hazardous to health and safety. This appliance may contain some of the materials below. INSULATION & SEALS Giass Rope, Mineral Woo}, Insulation Pads, Ceramic Fibre, Fibre Glass Insulation. May be harmful if inhaled. May be imitating to the skin, eyes, nose or Taroat, When handling avoig inhalation and contact with the skin or eyes. Use (disposable) gloves, face masks and eye protection, Atter handling wash hands and other exposed parts, When disposing, reduce dust wilh water spray, ensure parts are securely wrapped. GLUES, SEALANTS & PAINT Glues, Sealants and Paint are used in the product and present nto known hazards when used in the manner for which they are intended KEROSENE FUELS (MINERAL OILS) 1. The effect of mineral oils on the skin vary according to the duration of exposure. 2. The lighter tractions also remove the protective grease normally present on the surface of the skin rendering the skin dry, liable to crack and more prone to damage caused by culs and abrasions. 3. Skin rashes (olf Acne). Seek immediate medical attention for any rash, wart or sore developing on any part of the body, particularly the seroturn. 4, Avoid as far as possible any skin contact with mineral oil or with clothing contaminated with mineral ofl. 5. Never breathe any mineral oil vapours. Do not fire the Burner in the open i.e. out of the Boer as a miss fire will cause unburnt oll vapours. 6, Barrier cream containing lanolin such as Rosalex Antisoly, is highly recommended together with a strict routine of personal cleansing. 7. Under no citcumstances should mineral ofls be taken internally. CONTENTS . INTRODUCTION » . USER INSTRUCTIONS . TECHNICAL DATA + INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS . OIL SUPPLY - ELECTRICAL, |. COMMISSIONING . SPARE PARTS , SERVICING . FAULT FINDING: Slel/Pinialaiain ). BAFFLE ARRANGEMENT 1, INTRODUCTION Bouter Classic Boilers are designed to operate with high efficiency and clean combustion en open vent gravity or fully pumped systems, or sealed systems. ‘The boiler can be used in the following modes: Low level rear and side balanced flue outlet and conventional chimney outiet. All modals are supplied as standard to use kerosene 28 second class C2 fuel only for connection to a conventionat chimney, they are sultable for new installations and for repiacing existing bailers, The balanced flue is supplied in a carton which includes ALL parts to convert to balanced flue installation, IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTES: Read these instructions before Installing your boller The heating system must comply with the iatest editions of British Standard 5410 and The Building Regulations, and Electrical Wiring Regulations BS 7671. Please note: It is essentlal in the interest of the Boiler efficlency and reliable performance that once the Boller has been Installed it Is first commissioned by preferably an O.F.T.E.C.’ registered engineer. It Is the responsibility of the Installer to ensure that the Boller Is commissioned. . Boulter Boilers will be pleased to provide detalls of a commissioning and servicing engineer trom their register. *The Oil Firing Technical Association for the Petroteum industry — Bar ‘373311. We recommend that you keep these instructions in a place near your appliance for easy reference. id, Surrey 01737 Air Supply to Boiler — Conventionat Flue (only) Where your Boiler is used on an open conventional flue system, a permanent air supply is required for combustion. Clearances provided at the top and rear of the appliance for air entry must be kept tree of obstruction. (@ ALWAYS SWITCH OFF THE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY before removing any of the covers for cleaning. © ifany part of the Boiler or its fiue is modified, then the quarantee/warranty will be invalidated. 2, UDEND ISI BULTIUND ‘The Boiler Control Thermostat is located behind the Front Casing Pane! Door ‘REAR VIEW FRONT view Boiler Control! Thermostat The Boiler Control Thermostat is the ON/OFF switch for the Boiler. To switch the Boiler off completely, turn ihe Thermostat to the ‘OFF’ position. The Boiler Control Thermostat also controls the waler temperature within the Boiler. The recommended Control Thermostat settings are as follows'- WINTER HEATING & HOT WATER 4 SUMMER HOT WATER ONLY 2 The Boitor Control Thermostat automatically switches the Boiler ON and OFF to mainiain the selected temperature. The Burner is lit by an automatic ignition system and therefore there is 0 pitot flame. The Boiler should not be operated below approximately 60°C as this will cause corrosion which wil reduce the life of the boiler (Control Thermostat setting No. 2) Boller Limit / Overheat Thermostat The Boiler Is fitted with a satety overheatfimit thermostat, This will interupt the power supply to the Boiler and shut it down completely in the unlikely event of overheating. Should this occur, wait for the Boiler to cool, and then reset the thermostat by pressing the limit thermostat reset button located al the rear of the Control Panel. If this problem stil persists, turn off the Boller and consult your installer. Faliure to Start ‘the Burner fails to start, adopt the following procedure:- 1. Check that there is oil in the tank and that the supply valve is open. Check any external controls are caling for heat via programmer/oomstal etc, Check that the Boiler Controt Thermostat is set high enough to be “ON" or calling for heat. Check whether the RED LOCKOUT button on the Burner Control box is glowing. This indicates that the Burner has attempted to start but has not fired successttilly. Press the resel button on the Burner Control box, when released, the light will go out and the Burner will again attempt fo start tthe burner does not run and again goes to lockout with red indicator glowing:- Ren Wait three minutes. Repeat the procedure by pressing the bution. Failure to start on the second attempt indicates a fault requiring attention, wees ‘Switch off the mains supply and call your service engineer. Diagram of Fed Burner Box showing Lockout Reset Button position Fig. 2 Lockout Button ‘SHUTTING OFF FOR THE SUMMER. If the Boiler Is to be shut off it is advisable to have It thoroughly serviced when first shut down. Thorough cleaning will minimize corrosion during the idle period. Remember to ensure that the oll Supply valve is open before switching on. Frost Protection If there is any danger that your Boiler may freeze up during severe weather conditions, it is recommended that yeu consult your installer who will be able to advise you on an appropriate course of action, either by installing a frost thermostat or the addition of system anti-freeze. ta frost thermostat is fitted, leave the Boiler with the Boiler Control Thermostat turned low but not off, and turn any time contro! switch to OFF Oil Delivery” Where possible, itis advisable to temporarily switch the Boiler off when your oil supply is baing repisnished. This is to allow any sediment to settle and not be drawn into the Boiler. If not this ould restitt in an inconvenient breakdown. We advise that you keep your Boiler off for one hour after the oil is delivered to your tank, Please ask your supplier, or the driver to notify you belore the oif is discharged. Maintenance For normal cleaning of the outside casing, simply wipe with a dry cloth. To remove stubborn marks and siains, wipe with a damp cloth and finish off with a dry cloth. DO NOT use abrasive cleaning materials, The Boiler must be serviced at regular 12 month intervals by a qualified service engineer, Failure {0 have the Boiler serviced al the recommended intervals will invalidate the guarantee/warranty, 3. TECHNICAL DATA AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. Boiler Detai Max Boller working pressure 3 bar Minimum recommended return water temperature 60°C. Minimum Conventional flue draught at boiler flue outlet 0.036'w.g. (8.75 Nim. Maximum Conventional flue draught at boiler tue outlet 0.15". (37.5 Nim?) Water Resistance 0.3m w.g. with 11°C temperature rise across the boiler. DIMENSIONS Flow 8 | Weight | Wiatee Die. | Gen. | Die f/f |S eyPe an |") Roun | sey | cone Mata si Fan | an wm fmm fom |S] | ae fas 8 4 | resp | soe fiza ae olson | zoe — 7am | B60 | 606 | 470 4 | tase | 120 faoe 44 ato | 6s vse [sr 58 Honsva {3544 2anso | aoa} 705 | 508 5 [exes] is fos 72 “Conventional Flue oniy INSTALLATION Standards & Regulations The installation of the Boller must comply with the latest edition of;- BS 5410 Oil Installation PLT under 44kw: 888449 Forced circulation hot water central heating systems for domestic premises. BS4543 Pt. 4 & 3 Factory made insulated chimneys. 897598 Code of practice for treatment of water in domestic hot water central heating systems, BS7671 Electrical Wiring Regulations. BUILDING REGULATIONS Pant J&G England and Wales Part F Section Ill Scotland Part Northern Ireland ‘The Control of Pollution (Oil) Regulations. Oil boilers should be installed in accordance with good practice as recommended by OFTEC. Preferably by an OFTEC registered engineer. The Heating System This showid be installed in accordance with current good practice as advised by HVCA. Its not the furpose of the manual, nor is it possible, to adequately deal with the subject in this manual When designing and instalting the controls of the heating system, it must be remembered that if the control system is such that the water circulation from the boiler can be tolally or substantially reduced whitst the boiler can still fire, the water in tha boiler will reach very high or boiling temperature before the boiler thermostat can sense It and switch off the Burner. On existing heating systems where a Boiler is replaced, ensure that the system is chemically cleaned, with a reputable manufacturer's product The system should contain clean water and be free fram leaks. Suitable inhibitors against limescale and corrosion should be added to the system. kKetting and system noises can be avoided by suitable pre-treatment at the onset. Siting And Positioning The Noise Level from Boulter Classic boilers is minimal, however consideration must be given to the following points. 1. Noise may be accentuated by the installation in small rooms or recesses with hard or hollow stud wall surfaces, 2. Some individuals may be particuarly sensitive to even low noise levels and this should be taken into consideration 3. The lype of chimney, pasition relative to the boiler and whether a draught stabilizer is to be fitted will affect sound levet in the room Servicing Access and Clearances Boulter Classic models require 450mm in front of and above the boller for servicing access and therefore any kitchen work surlace above the boiler must be removable. For conventional flue installations a minimum gap of {Smm should be left clear at the rear and top of the casing and must not be obstructed The Hearth The Boiler requires a levei hearth to sland on and if the floor is made of combustible material then protection between the Boiler and the floor should be provided by means of non combustible material. Consideration shauld be given to the weight of the Boiler and the Building Regulations regarding floor loading INSTALLAIIUNS WITH BALANCED FLUES 1T4S IMPORTANT THAT CARE IS EXERCISED IN CHOOSING A SUITABLE LOCATION Nis a mandatory requirement that:~ (2) Low level balanced flues are not used for boilers operating with gas oll (Cass D fuel). (b) Positions should be avoided where combustion products could cause nuisance, RECOMMENDED FLUE TERMINAL POSITION Tarminals should be positioned as lo avoid — products of combustion entering openings y ino buildings, neighbouring dwalhings, adjoining properies, or other tues 0° vents Table to above Flue Terminal Positions -. MINIMUM dimensions DESCRIPTION | DISTANCE IN MM | Directly below an Opening, Air Brick o1 600 B | Below a Gutter, Sanitary Pipework or Eaves 7 75 (600") 300 (900) — | 300 (600) D E_| Froma surface facing the Terminat “600 F_ | Froma Terminal facing a Terminal T3007 G H Vertically between Two Terminals on the same wall 15 Horizontally bety 750 (1200) From any External Comer 300 (600) Horizontally trom any Opening, Air Brick, Window or Door Vertical Flue fram Wall (Flat or Pitched Roof) “Where the terminal is within im of any plastic material, such material should be shioldad from the eflects of the combustion products of the flues NOTE: Whilst the dimensions in 8S 6410 are shown in the tablo, its stressed that possible variances in Jocal site conditions may not always be obvious and that if in any doubl the dimensions in brackets should be observed. mix BOULTER BOILERS wouid be pleased to advise on any difficult positioning Fig. 5.4a Balanced Flue Terminal Positions BALANCED FLUE KITS ~ INSTALLATION DETAILS LOW LEVEL HORIZONTAL TYPE REAR AND SIDE (REAR SHOWN} MODELS | 50/70A 70/90A - 75mm 95/130 12071508 - 100mm Biante \ SAMPLE POINT Dimension in men Mover [als fo [507708 790 | 175 | 142 {70/900 p30 | 998 | 200 | 180 201500 ~ K TAPE FLUE AND AB GASKET uct JOINT 3 95/130 & . 120/150 INSERT ROPE: ‘SEAL {NOT SUPPLIED) ‘AND GAUL. WITH FIRE CEMENT CENTRALISING RING SEAL FLUE INTO BORER, BALANCED FLUE DIMENSIONS wae sama $ Pa] smatate meson sav «| -ile Pao me | ars ial | Bade | ee a INSTALLATION WITH CONVENTIONAL FLUE IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE © The Boiler requires @ minimum stable draught of 0.1 mbar (0.04W.9.) © {the chimney exceeds 6m in length, it may produce @ draught exceeding 0.37 mbar (0.15°%g) and a draught stabilizer should be fitted @ The chimney should comply with the latest esiiion of the Building Regulations and BS 5410, Part + © Factory built chimneys must comply withthe latest ecition of the Building Regulations and BS4543 Parts 1 and 3 © Compliance with the Building Regulations does not indicate that the chimney is satisfactory In respect of draught conditions, or is positioned so that ‘down draughts’ will not occur. © Special pots and cowls which might restrict the flow of gases must inust aot be filled and shouly be removed. © Abrick chimney must be filled with a sutable stainless steel liner. Insulation between the liner and an exposed chimney may be necessary to avoid condensation. @ A tlexibie ner should be the same diameter as the Flue Otflake size of boiler - 4” and S* © The Five Pipe, connecting the boiler to the chimney should be the same diameter as the Boiler Flue Oftake and should not be more than 1.81n (60°) long. Flue Pipes when fitted should satisly or be'deemed (a satisty’ the Building Regulations, © Flue Pipe bends - 90° bends should be avoided - use 135” bends. Bends with soot doors should be ‘used where necessary, ‘AIR SUPPLY Conventional Chimney Installation Only © A permanent adequate supply of ait is required for combustion and correct operation of a draught stabilizer, fitted. © At feast 15inmn clearance is required at the top and back of the appliance, © When the boiler is situated in a confined space or chamber @ parmanent supply of air is requived for ventilation to prevent over heating. Opening Sizes © The air opening required for combustion omly is 850m /KW above SK. © When a draught stabilizer is fitted tothe flue pipe oF chimngy in the 1com in which the boiler is situated the clear air intako should be 1 100mm. © When the boiler is situated in a contined space with Combustion or Ventiation air trom outside « Altow S50nwm/KW at low level and in addition SSOmm/kW at high level @ When Combustion and Ventilation air 's taken from a heated adjoining space the allowance should be +100mmm/KW at low fevel and in addition F1OO7KW at high level. Ensure that the heated adjoining space isell has an adequate supply of ait © When the Boiler is installed in a basement or low level boiler house where air can enter ony from high level, the incoming ai supply for Combustion and Ventilation should be ducted t0 low level. A high leve! outlet should be provided for ventiation. 4, OL SUPPLY if Storage/Oil Tanks When positioning the tank, allow access for fuel defivery lorries. In the interest of the most eco- nomical defiveries, the oil tank should be of 3,000 litres capacity. Steet tanks should be mounted on suitable supports. If these are of brick or blocks, a damp proof inembrane should be inserted between the tank and its supports. Tanks should slope 20mm per tm of length downwards from the ail outlet to the sludge cock sittsated at the opposite end Plastic tanks are now available which are UV stabllised for protection against suntight. These do not need to stand on piers, but should be supported across the entire base area, ideally on 50mm thick concrete slabs or a conerete base. As there is only one tapped outlet they are more suited to sin- gle pipe feed as gravity supply or with a Boulter 3K oil loop deaerator (Part No. BS 03060) where suichon {if is required. Oil Supply to the Burner The oil entry holes on the boiler casing are shown in the diagram. Flexible hoses must not pass through these holes. All joints in the oil ines must be oil ight and the oil line should be flushed clean before connecting to the burner. Note that no soldered joints are permissible in the oil ine, Itis essential for reliable operation and a condition of the guarantee that an OIL FILTER with a maximum mesh of 70 jim is fitted in the olf pipe from the tank to the burner, as close to the boiler as possible but NOT inside the boiler casing. A FIRE VALVE must also be fitted in the olf supply line, external to the boiler and prefer- ably at the point where it enters the building. The sensor should be located above the burner in the clip provided in the contral box. The entry point for the sensor should be one of the two 20mm knockouts lacated at the bottom of each side casing. To ensure the casing seal is maintained on balanced (lue models, akvays pass the sensor through a cup blind grommet — it will be necessary to cut across the diaphragm. GROMMET - RP 00610 -. Cal rats wn sharp ke Single Pipe System Ht the bottom of the oil tank is above the burner, install a 10mm copper supply pipe to the burner, remembering to incorporate an oil filter, shut off valve and fire check valve. The burner pump is supplied set for single pipe operation with the return port plugged, and the bypass screw aot fitted. Check that it is correctly set ‘Two Pipe System When the bottom of the oil tank is below the burner, a 10mm return pipe is needed. The oil filter, shut off valve and fire check valve should always be in the line supplying oil from the tank to the burner, A non-return valve shoutd be fitted in the oit supply line from the tank to the burner so that the oil flows in the correct direction. Non felum valves must not be fitted in the return fine which must remain unobstructed at all times. Ensure that the burner oil pump is set correctly for ‘twa pipe’ operation, by ensuring thal the pump is filted with the bypass screw attached to the burner. Deaerator Oil Pipe System An alternative two pipe arrangement can be achieved using the 3K oil loop deaerator (Part No BS03060, available from Builders Merchants) which removes the air from the oll feed on a single pipe lift. The burner pump is piped to the deaerator, which should be positioned outside the building. A non-return valve must not be fitted. The advantage of using the 3K ail lop is where a two pipe run from the ofl tank is fong oF difficult to achieve, Water Separator Oil Filter FOR ALLEN KEY (2 5M) DONGT USE SLOTTED SCREW TYPE. ALLEN KEY, avBASs SCREW ‘Burner Pump for Twin Fine Operation For Boiler changeover applications, the use of a Water Separator Gil Filter, available trom BOULTER BOILERS is recommended {BS 03052). " SINGLE PIPE OIL SYSTEM - TANK OUTLET ABOVE BUANER DO NOT FIT PUMP BYPASS SCREW TO URNER mn \ FIRE CHECK valve SENSOR IsLuoge : ‘cock: . 7 2] ITER 4 Metres MAXIMUM, poston: PSO8a st ‘OK. CONNECTIONS SEE BELOW ALTERNATIVE FILTER POSITION umernes| o5 | 10] 151 20 _. S.— FINE CHECK VALVE KeRosiNe BURNER G5) 114 | 247 | 377 | S10 rom O0 TONAL PIPE LENGTH pire BURNER G7, 178 | 378 | S78] - | Singlo Poe Cit System. SINGLE PIPE OiL SYSTEM - OIL CONNECTIONS - OPTIONAL PARTS AVAILABLE (Not supplied with Boiler) cose Bs 60297 ws esos BS ca101 “STEN 2 GMONMETS SUPPLIED FOR CL ENTRY, EINE VALVE 8 CABLE ENT n RIELLO BURNER PUMP 4) ‘NO BYPASS SCREW * FITTED 10MM CIAMETER SUPPLY TURE, BOILER CASE |LM.&. BH FUEL ENTRY AVAILABLE (LH SHOWN) [SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FIT HOSE AS SHOWN TWO PIPE Ol. SYSTEM - TANK OUTLET BELOW BURNER rr PUMP @yPASS SCREW TO BURNER SAW CUT OR SAsALL 2 HOLE IN RETURN PIPE Z| eine INSIDE TANK TO iieox = PREVENT SYPHON vent Valve SENSOR ~ FATER, PP P| PZ] FIRE CHEGK VALE Zi NON RETUBN VALVE ALTEANATIVE FILTER POSITION RETURN PIE: SUGHION PIPE MAX. — TABLE GIVING MAXIMUM PIPE LENGTH 'U METRES: KEROSINEIBURNER G5| 176 | 151 | 129 | 103 on 0 Pp PPE [BURNER G7| 176 | 181 | 129 | 103 Two Pipe Oii System. TWO PIPE OIL SYSTEM - OIL CONNECTIONS - OPTIONAL PARTS AVAILABLE 9 0 Hem 8 Supple wit Hoar (Not supplied with Boiler) {ett surnen pump WITH BYPASS SCREW FITTED. 10MM DIAMETER 3) SUPPLY TUBE @ BOILER CASE LH & BH FUEL ENTRY AVAILABLE (LH SHOWN) [SCHEMATIC DIGRAM FIT BOTH HOSE AS SHOWN Scheinatic Oil Pipe Connections. 13 K OUTLET BELOW BURNER: FIT PUMP BYPASS SCREW TO BURNER FIRE CHECK VALVE SENSOR 3k Ol ew Moon FIRE CHECK Se aOera se POS 3K OIL DEAERATOH MUST BE INSTALLED UPRIGHT OUTSIDE BUILDING DO NOT FIT NON-RETURN VALVE TOTAL PIPE LENGTH ee [or re at Lo Ms £5 {hii oh shown el Pp engh Cras om | Sip ae [ios [20 she IL 2040 nape aed urges og 8 id ne] os Deaerator Ot System. ea] 8? DEAERATOR PIPE OIL SYSTEM - OlL CONNECTIONS - OPTIONAL PARTS AVAILABLE Soften 8 Supa win Boer (Not supplied with Boiler) LH & BIC FUEL ENTRY AVAILABLE (LH SHOWN) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FT BOTH HOSE AS SHOWN 8 | a orto 7 | Se ASP x tom Couptng 4 5 EMS 7,8, 6.4 ANE AVAILABLE AS A KINO BS C058. Lenght vor bane asao0 3 | FS 00151 _[ 1 nm Coupon RELLO BURNERPUMP WITH :YPASS. SCREW FITTED towed DIAMETER \ a a oe ' < ~ = * BOILER CASE S a) Schematic Ot Pipe Connestions 5. ELECTRICAL Controt Panel installation ELECTRICITY SUPPLY 230V. Single Phase 50Hz A mains terminal strip and clamp is provided in the boiler control box. The supply should be through a double pole isolating switch with a minimum all pole separation of 3mm, fused 5 amp. All wiring to supply and all system components external to the boiler must comply with the latest edition BS 7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations current). ‘Connect the mains supply to the terminal strip and clamp with the strain relief bush SCHEMATIC WIRING DIAGRAM IMPORTANT — ENSURE GOOD EARTHING CLASSIC CONTROL PANEL SCHEMATIC WIRING DIAGRAM 3 IMPORTANT — ENSURE GOOD ENTE ony ISSUE 1 DECEMBER 1998 PLSTOIT Poly 5 AMP | EXTERNAL SUPPLY cowecreo| VA DOUBIE POLE ISOLATOR. t surety | 6. COMMISSIONING: Oil REPORTING itis recommended thal you use a report sheet and check list. Make comments on the report where necessary, and give a copy to the installer and householder, and retain and file your own copy. A suggested layout is shown below: Ol. TANK Yes No Is there sufficient oil, and of the correct grade for the appliance? ts the tank adequately supported? |s a damp-proof membrane inserted between the tank and support? Does the tank slope at least 20mm per metre of iength downwards towards the sludge cock? Is the lank painted or suitably protected externally (metal tanks only)? Is it ited with the following? Contents gauge Indepentant screw till and independent vent Outiet valve Finer Sluclge cock (non plastic tanks) ceoooce ocoooe HEIGHT OF TANK is the bottom of the tank above the oil pump if a single pipe system is installed? aa OIL SUPPLY LINE Ensure that galvanised iron has not been used if black iron has been used, is it protected against corrosion? Ensure that soldered connections on copper pipes have not been used. {s the size ut pipe adequate for the boiler rating? Are ail joints teak prot? Is a remote acting tire valve fitted? {s the oil supply adequately filtered? Is the oil fine conriected to the correct inlet connection of the pump? Is the oii supply clean and free of water or other contamination? Disconnect ail supply as clase to the burner as possible and drain approx. a gallon of oil into a very clean container. Inspect the oil for impurities and repeat the process if necessary. Qo not re-connect the oil fine until water and all impurities have been removed fram the oil supply. IF NOT THIS MAY DAMAGE THE PUMP. Clean oif filters and de-sludye oil tank if necessary, c o ecoeco cCoocoo TWO PIPE SYSTEMS ts a spring-foaded non-return cil valve fitted in the suction line (or a 3K oil loop)? Goes the return oil jine terminate in the tank at the same level as the suction outlet? Has an anti-syphon cut been made in the return oil line {inside the tank)? ua oo oo 16 BOILER Yes No Is the boiler standing on level incombustible hearth? au Is the thermostat phial inserted in its pocket? ou Are the baffles and heat exchanger bottom insulation correctly located? oa \s the boiler set for the fuel being supplied (Kerosene Class C 28 Sec)? ao Has the system and boiler been filled with water and inhibitor as required? ao Is the boiler fueway inspection cover screwed down sufficiently firmly to form a seal? Qu CASING PANELS (Particularly relevant to Balanced Flue Boilers) Do all casing panels seal with mating panels? au Have all holes been bunged and have grommets been fitted? au Has the alr entry point used in conventional flue applications been seated with the plate provided? This plate is supplied with the balanced flue kit. (Silicone sealant Is provided to seal) BURNER Is the oil pump by-pass screw fitted, if applicable? uu Remove the burner. Is the correct nozzle fitted? uu Burner operating instructions can conflict because they are intended for general guidance. Since the burner has been specifically matched to the particular boiler, the information in the boiler manual takes precedence. FLUE AND CHIMNEY {s the flue adequately sized for the appliance rating? au {s the tue tree of any obstruction? . ao Has the chimney been adequately lined? aout VENTILATION (Conventional Flued Bollers) Is the ventilation opening from the outside of the boiler room adequate? ao Will any ventilation fans prevent adequate supply of combustion air? ua ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY {s the electrical supply to the appliance appropriate? goo Are the electrical input connections to the control panel correct? ou Are the electrical connections from the boiler control panet to the burner correct? au {s the supply fuse correct? oa GENERAL Has the boiler been installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions? Qa. Have the manufacturer's on-site assembly Instructions been followed? aa CUMMISSIUNING TESTS BEFORE ATTEMPUING TO START THE BOILER PLEASE THOROUGHLY CHECK ALL ITEMS ON THE COMMISSIONING CHECK LIST. THIS WILL HELP TO AVOID UNNECESSARY CALL- BACKS, ENSURE THAT THE BOWLER IS MATCHED MOST CLOSELY TO THE HEATING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS BY FITTING THE CORRECTLY SIZED NOZZLE AND/OR CHOOSING THE CORRECT OIL PRESSURE, Fil combined air bleed manifold and 0-300 psi (0-20 bar) pressure gauge to the appropriate oil pump connection, and replace burner. Set the boiler thermostat between 3 and 4 (nol less than 2) Switch on the electrical supply to the boiler, checking that programmers are switched to the ‘ON’ position, and that room) thermostats ave calling for heal, When the burner mator starts, on one pipe systems it may be necessary to temporarily open the air bleed screw on the test manifold 4 the burner locks out during the ignition attempt, wait 45 seconds before pressing the reset button ‘on the control box. Several allempts on first firing may be necessary. ‘Once the burner is firing check and if necessary adjust the oil pressure. AIR SHUTTER ADJUSTMENT ‘The Burner has a fixed Air Shuttor with manual adjustment. The Air Shutter is set by BOULTER BOILERS helore despatch but may require line adjustment on site. To adjust the Air Shutter use a sparmer as shown, To increase the selling turn the airshutter anticlockwise and to decrease (urn clockwise, NOTE: Fer accurate reading of the setting it is necessary to remove the Burner to see the Scale. CARRY QUT COMBUSTION CHECKS BY INSERTING PROBES INTO SAMPLING POINTS PROVIDED: Low level balanced flue, rear — hole provided in ‘outlet end of terminal. or Conventional tiie ~ above the boiler oultel. 1 necessary drill a small hole In the flue pipe just lacge enough to take the sainpling probe, but afler measurement, plug the hole. Check the Smoke No,, if clean wait 10 minutes and measure CO. Adjust the au shulter il necessary, open to reduce CO., close to increase COs, (replace the burner cover and casing panels alter adjustments). I the air shutter is adjusted, re-check the Smoke No, Check the flue gas temperature. The figures should agree with data in boiler literature. Check lockout function, either cover the photocell, or remove solencid coil, to simulate flame failure, Reinstate components and press lockout button. Complete commissioning report and enter the details on to the guarantee form which should be seturned to Boule Boilers in the envelope provided Instruct the user on the operation of the appliance and leave the operating instructions with the customer, COMMISSIONING DATA Class C2, Kerosene Oil Baier Medal Pump brascwe | ‘nv te] Fn Ba Classic Satan ar a ‘Armen a a a @ v a “ | tarea | vaca | véiao | ainsoa Lime 11°01 zl a 92 at Fo Gas Flow Kye 10 * ms [as a 3 Ba igh | 99 ne P34 ‘iawn Easiona Lit Nat 280 mafiwh 5 125 mghiih | eat trp (Ful Load) KW fbased on Net wee | a3 “ws [sar et ) [ieee Guin Eu taaayin SSCS wa 7. SPARE PARTS - ITEM DESCRIPTION SO70A 700A 95/130 12071504, 1 HEAT EXCHANGER (SHORT BOILER) SBCLSO70 SBCL7090 SBCLSE130 SBCI.1201504, 2 1ST BAFFLE (TOP) HES7021C HESIO31C | HES7O41C—-HESLOSIC. 3 2ND BAFFLE HES(022G HES1032C HES7O41G —-HEST059C. 43RD BAFFLE (BOTTOM) HES1023G HES1033C-HES70430.—- HES1057C. 5 ATHBAFFLE NA NA NA HES10536 6 STHBAFFLE NA NA NA HES1053C 7 GTHBAFFLE NA NA WA HES51057C 8 COMBUSTION CHAMBER BASE INSULATION [Ni4203. (14303 IN14403 WB L403 9 INSPECTION COVER COMPLETE HES7218C HES7818G HE14418C— HE14418C. 40 INSPECTION COVER INSULATION INs7201—INS7301.—IT4ag2—INT4402. 1 BASE TRAY PNSIZOIC PNSI901C— PNS1301C_—- PN313010 12 HEAT EXCHANGER INSULATION SET IN37200C_IN373000.—IN37400C_—_IN37400C 13 DOOR PANEL PNS1205C PNS1305C — PN51405C PNS1405C. 14 REAR CASING PANEL PN51202_-PN51902_—- PN4oggz = PNaD02 15. LEFT SIDE CASING PANEL PNS1203C. -PN512030PNS149aC | PNS1403C. 16 RIGHT SIDE CASING PANEL PN5I2064G —PNS1204C PNS1404C— PNS1404C. 17 TOP CASING; PANEL FRONT PN5I206C PNS1306C — PN2B306C— PN26306C 18 TOP CASING PANEL REAR PN37207C PNS7307C— PN26307C— PNP8307C 19 CONTROL PANEL COMPLETE PNS1150C PNS11S0C PNS1150C—PNS1 1500 20 CONTROL THERMOSTAT ELoo2so 1.00240, ELooz30EL00230 21 LIMIT STAT ELoozis — ELoozts_—Lon215—ELon215, 22 CONTROL KNOB €Low09 = EL00209» ELoozn9§=——ELonz09 23 BURNER COMPLETE (LESSNOZZLE) TYPE 443157443758 = 459155 459155, RIELLO 40 Type 443 T 57 and 4437 58 PART No 3008473 3007077 3007811 3007028 3007202 3007162 3005719 3006925 3007203 3007029 3007156 3001156 3002278 3000439 3008553, 3002279 3008872 DESCRIPTION ITEM Burner Cover 18 Seal 19 Pump 20 ORing 2 Regulator ata © Ring 24 Fitter 25 Noedle Valve 26 Plate 27 ORing 28 © Ring 29 Control Box 530SE 30 ‘Control Box Base a Pump Seal 32 Shell 33 Coit Tube The following items are supplied bul not shown PART No 3000443 3006556 3002280 3005775 3006001 3005786 3007708 3006552 3005724 3007796 3007204 3008448 2005708 3005798 3007971 RPO3001 Flange Gasket 3005720 Economy Hose 3003602 Hose adaptor 3/6 DESCRIPTION Joint Cover Photoresistance Biast lube assembly Blast tube assembly (443158) Flange Electrode assembly Etectrode bracket Nozzle holder Collar Air damper Screw Fan Capacitor 4p Motor RIELLO 40 Type 459755 ITEM PART No 3008450 3007077 3007811 3007028 3007202 3007162 3005719 3006925 3007203 3007029 3007156 3001156 3002278 3000439 3006553 3002279 3005789 e@vausen- GSasanrse? DESCRIPTION Body Seal Pump O-Ring Regutator O-Ring Filter Valve Assombly Plate O-Ring O-Ring Control Box 5305E Control Box Base Pump Seal Shot! end Knob Coll Tube The following items ate supplied birt not shown Flange Gasket Economy Hose Hose adaptor 278 P03002 3005720 3003602 ITEM 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 at a2 a3 a4 PART No 3000443, 3006557 go02280 3007714 3005795 3005796 3008714 3005719 3007713 2006552 3005709 3005791 3007907 3008448 3005788 3005798 3007971 DESCRIPTION Coupting Cover Photoresistance Blast Tube Assembly Gasket Flange End Ring Ditfuser Dise Electrode Assembly Electrode Bracket Nozzle Holder Cobian Ait Damper Screw Fan Sapacitor 4p Motor 8. SERVICING OIL TANK. © De-sludge oll tank, and draw off any accumulated water. © Check the correct grade of oil is being used. FILTERS / ANCILLARY ITEMS, '® Inspoct and clean all oil filters. Change paper elements for new. BURNER © ‘Turn off the oil cock and disconnect the flexible hose from the oil cock. * Remove burner and clean thoroughly, the burner draught tube, the electrodes and generally the head assembly. CHANGE the nozzle for one with the specified make, cil rate, spray pattern and angle. © Inspect the ignition electrodes for crazing in the porcelain. Replace if thete are signs af delerioration. © A dirty fan impetter can impatr the pertormance of the burner, inspect and clean it necessary. © Inspect photocell, if badly discoloured, change it * Inspect the flexible oil hose for leaks or discolouration. Use only replacement flexible oil hoses thal are detailed in the spare parts section of this manual or Boulter approved long life hoses BOILER ‘© Remove tlueway inspection cover/s, and baffles, and clean all heat transfer susfaces and baffles, Replace any damaged or unserviceable parts with manufacturers proprietary parts, © Inspect tue and air ducts for deterioration of seals, and repair if necessary © Refit parts and inspect casing seals particularly on balanced fue appliances COMBUSTION TESTS * Fil combined air bleed manifold and 0-300 psi (0-20 bar) pressure gauge to the appropriate oil pump connection, and replace burner. © Switch on the electricity supply to the boiler. © When the burner motor starts, on one pipe systems it may be necessary to temporarily open the air bleed screw on the tast manifold. © Once the burner is firing check and if necessary adjust the oil pressure * Carry out combustion checks by inserting probes into sampling points provided or at the flue outlet, See illustrations of balanced flue kit. f necessary drill a small hole in the flue pipe, but after measurement, plug the hole. © Check the Smoke No., if clean wait 10 minutes and measure CO» © Adjust the air shutter if necessary, open to reduce CO», close to increase COs © Ifthe air shutter is adjusted, re-check the Smoke No. © Check the flue gas temperature, © The figures should agree with data in boiter literature FINAL CHECKS © Check lockout function, either remove photocell and cover il, or remove solenoid coil, to simulate flame failure, Reinstate components and press lockout reset button. © Check that the control thermostat is operating when the set temperature is reached. '® By temporarily removing the control thermostat phial, check the operation of the fimit thermostat * Complete a maintenance report and give the customer a copy, retaining a copy for yatir records 9. FAULT FINDING: Hf the Loifer fails to start make the following checks before calling a Service Engineer: OREN o Is there sufficient tuel in the storage tank? Ate all fucl supply valves open (tumed fully counter clockwise)? Js the mains electricity supply switched on? Is the Programmer (or boiler operating switch) set to call for heat? Is the boiler thermostal set to the desired setting? Js the lock ous reset bullon en the burner control box illuminated ~ if so, press to reset burner Check the fuse which should have been fitted to the mains electricity supply to the prograrmer/boiter oparating switch. If the fuse has blown, replace it. Hit blows again, call service engineer IMPORTANT - Electrical Safety (1 1S ESSENTIAL THAT BEFORE ANY PANELS OR COMPONENTS ARE REMOVED FROM THE BOILER, THE MAINS ISOLATOR IS SWITCHED OFF. FAULT FINDING CHART 4 2 3 iroubie or Complaint Possible Cause Action Suspect ot supply No oil in tank Check and arrange tor tank to be filled il necossary. Supply vatwos closed Open all supply valves. Blockage in oil supply Shut off the burner isolating valve. Disconnect the oil (Gravity head teed) supply at the pump entry. Place receptacle under the pipe. Slowly open the valve, note if the flow is ntestricted, restricted or blacked. Wrong grade of ot Check for corract grade of fuel (see technical data) Water coniamination pen tank, drain valve and check. Tank vent blocked ‘Cheok Fier blocked Check for water or blockage. Ar locks in supply pipe Check for high points in main oil supply. Airlock in pump Bleed pump, chock flexible oil line. Burner will not start Interruption of absence of Check mains switch on. Check fuse in switched spur cloctricat supply at burner. or plug. Check thal time switch or programmer (Check this al control box contacts are closed. Check boiler stat, eylinder stat, inains terminal with test room stat are calling for heat famp) Gonitrol box ig locked out, Press reset button on the controt box. refer to symptom 4 Photo-reststo: receiving — Ghack thal {ha photo-resistor is fully home in its false light housing. Burner will not start with illuminated celt. Fauity control box Replace. Burner fights up Lut No oil supply Check oil in tank. locks outater 8 photo tzctic col nal Chick thal photo-ectrc cal is eloan and fly howe receiving light from flame in housing, Photo-electii¢ cell Check and tighten it necessary. connections loose Control box photo-electric Replace control box. el cirouit faulty Flasne instabity Check combustion setting out and reset if necessary. 4 Burner starts but will of light up Burner lights up, runs continuously and ‘omits visible smoke ‘oF shows excess smoke on combustion check ‘Burner lights up, runs normally but flame Cols off slowly on shut down (possibly wilh smoke or pulsation) Bumer putsates a) continuously b) al initial firing This can be due either to absence of oil or ignition Gil pump air locked, (repeat air locking may be due to poor pipe joints or defective gland packings) Motor nol driving pump shaft Blocked atomizer nozzle Oilpressure abnormally low Solenoid valve faulty Pump rotation incorrect Ignition faiture: Electrodes dirty Electrodes mis-set Cracked electrode insulator Air shutter closed Wrong nozzle Worn atomizer nozzle Oversize nozzle fitted in error Nozzle incorrectly stamped Bumer air supply inadequate Burner oif pressure excessive Airin nozzle Magnetic valve not operating correctly Shut off piston in pump sticking Ar shutter setting incorrect or fan inlet blocked Grossly oversized nozzle Air supply inadequate Worn nozzle with excess throughout or uneven spray pattern Air in supply fine Blocked tue ways. Pump should be selt-venting with twa pipe system only Ita one pipe gravity feed is employed it must be urged through the vent port Check that flexible chive is functioning cottectly and not slipping Remove and replace nnzzte Check oil pressure on gauge and set to the correct pressure (see technical data) Break union at oullet to check presence of cil. Check that seat is clear. Check coil for continuity. Inspect coil feed wiring 10 cantrot box Check, Inspect and clean if necessary. Inspect and reset gap 3 10 4inin between t front of nozzle face. Check and replace it cracked or crazed | 2h in Reset to correct position Check make, type and spray angle Replace it necessary Check size and replace with correct size Il necessary Replace with correct nozzle. Inspect air intake and fan tor fouling of impeller with dit. Check pressure and reset to correct pressure (see Technical Data) ‘Should selt-corvect: i air repeatedly present; check for Jeaks on off fine and flexible. Inspect and replace if necessary. Replace pump. Inspect and reset or verove blockage. ‘Check and replace with correct size and type (ses Technical Data). Check fan operation and cleanliness. Replace with nozzle of costect type and size (see Technica! Data). Purge at pump to remove, Clean boiter and fue, 16 13. 1a, 15. 26 muraing slarts thert runs pertectly for rest of day Burner fails due lo blown tuse Burner ins normally bul will nol teach deswed temperature Poor coinbustion readings Oil odours High operating temperature & tnd slat operating Fumes ini Boller Room Unstable flame, some palling, ignition cuts in itermittent’y ocanauts ue vonage supply is eadly mroming Air present ip ol supply Bottom of oii tank below ievel of oll pueep Non return valve faulty oF aly lok is bo pie ol supply system Short circuit in wiring Motor seed Greakdown of insulation af motor windings Oil throughput insufficient Buller has become undersized due to eating system extension {ow elliciency and CO. Lay elficiency dive to high tue gas temperature, Faully boilerstat Partially blocked titer Lew CO. High CO. High Sinoke: High flue gas. tamperaline Leaking joints Gomtrol stat failed and reaching fimit stat init Inadequate draught due to unsalistactory chimney 9 blockage of boiler fue ways or flue pipe Air damper on burner improperly adjusted or faulty nozzle or unsatisfactory draught conditions ar fault in oil supply aid of the Board. ny ouaras Restart burner Several times ~ press lockout reset button, sepeat 7b above) aise tank or install a two pipe oil supply from tank. Renew non return valve, Reality ait leak. Inspect wiring, sheathing and inter-component Connections for broken or damaged leads. Replace it necessary, Ghuck by hand and replace i necessary. Replace motor Check nozzle size and pressure agains! rating Check with heating installer. Check combustion readings, reset air. Clean heat exchanger surtaces. Replace, chack and clean. Check: air shutter, oll pressure, nozzle size (see Technical Data}. ‘Check: air shutter, oil pressure, nozzle size, fan impeller blades for cleanliness. Check: ait shutter, oil pressure, nozzle size (800 ‘Technical Data) and burner head geometry Check: air shutter, nozzle size (see technical data) clean heal exchangar surlaces, Breuk all leaking joints and r@-make. Replace control stat. Take necessary corrective action. Sel up burner as for commissioning using oil pressure gauge. smoke pump, CO: indicator and draught gauge, adjust settings as necessary, replace nozzle if necessary. See commissioning check list and Servicing Notes. 10. BAFFLE ARRANGEMENT Baffle Arrangement for 50/70A Baffle Arrangement for 70/90A, Appliance details to be completed by the installer. About the Boiler Boiler Model | Serial Number Burner Type | cuetve | System Set Pressure | Oil Tank Capacity | Ol Supplier 1 | Oil Supplier 2 { tue toa potcy of continual development Bouitler Boilers resorvas te fight Indicates changes from Installer | | | | Installation Date | - | Service Engineer previous issue GBoulter Boulter Builers Limited, Magnet House, 30 White Howse Rocd, Ipusick LPL SJA, Telephone: (01873) 241555 Bax: (01473) 241921 About the Installation waltar or amend the design ofits products without prior ay 19372339

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